Parents From Hell: Andrew Walters and Stephanie Lopez, along with her brother Steven, raped and killed 5-month-old Brianna Lopez murder; All sentenced to prison, but not for long enough


Brianna Lopez was a 5 month old little girl who endured such pain and tragedy that no child should ever endure. I cannot read her story without tears welling in my eyes. This photo of Brianna is not a photo of a beautiful sleeping child. During her short 5 months, her family never took a single photograph of her. This photo is one of her autopsy photos. To get the story of little Brianna, please read the first link, “My Name is Brianna Lopez”. I could not say it better myself.

My name is Brianna Lopez
Find-A-Grave: Briana Lopez
Stephanie Lopez: No Justice for Baby Brianna Lopez; Mother will be paroled in 2016.
Hellbeasts: Stephanie Lopez, Andrew White and Steven Lopez
Panel Passes Death-Penalty Bills for Child Murder
Brianna Lopez
Baby Brianna
Moment of silence
Court documents show parents, uncle had role in death
Beating Death Trial Starts For Las Cruces Family
Jurors In The Baby Brianna Case Learn More About Her Abuse
Guilty Verdicts In Brianna Case
Baby Brianna Bill Signed Into Law
Baby Brianna Appeal Heard
Convictions In Baby Brianna Case Overturned
Brianna Conviction
Petition to have metal cage removed from around her grave
Facebook group for Brianna
The Unbelievable Truth
Baby Brianna’s mom paroled to Plainview area
Stephanie Lopez Released From Prison

Stephanie Rene Lopez (egg donor) – convicted, sentenced to 27 years in prison, released 10/2016
Andrew Walters (sperm donor) – 63 years in prison (poss. parole date 10/19/2025)
Steven Lopez (egg donor’s brother) – convicted, sentenced to 57 years in prison

Stephanie Rene Lopez (egg donor) – 27 years in prison – inmate #59941




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435 Responses

  1. i went to school with all three of the defendants since pre k. I want to know since they overturned the conviction does that mean they are free untill there trial i dont want them back in the area


    • Please God give me superhuman strength find and cut the arms off every child abuser out there so they never hurt another child again. I wish I could have saved brianna.


    • Were they normal In school did they have signs of being abusive


    • I think about this baby girl all the time. For some reason this case of abuse and this poor child has stayed with me and always will. I know she is in heaven now and happy. As a mother, I can’t imagine allowing someone to do this to my child, and to be part of it is disgusting and shameful! Poor baby Brianna, you’re always in my thoughts.


  2. Brianna, I cried as I saw your pictures….black and blue because of you…I will shortly have my degree and become strong and have the ability to save other children frm this horror. I was there once baby girl but I didnt die. God saved me for a reason….to save little angels like you….Your in a safe place now, where no one will ever hurt you again..I love you.


    • Bless you, Rebekah


    • Because of you Brianna I also changed my degree to child protective advocacy. A degree in Human Service and Criminal Justice all in two years for both. I will fight for you Brianna. You are the angel that sent me on a mission to protect others.


  3. This is a tragedy and what makes it the worst is the very people who are supposed to love nurture and care for her committed the crime.They should have given her up to a couple who could not have babies and who would have given this angel all the love she deserved! May you rest in peace knowing you are loved and the world will not forget you.


    • Your post was dead on! The very people who were supposed to love and protect her, killed her! I have said so many things about this horrific story and I have said my peace already!I will never forget the pain and suffering that this little baby must have felt. I don’t understand the mentality of these so called sub humans because that is what they are: SUB-HUMANS!!! These despicable idiots need to be dropped into an alligator swamp! NUFF SAID!


  4. Dearest Brianna,
    I’m sorry for everything you had to endure. Your story has touched me deeply, and I will pray for you. Such a sweet, sweet baby. God bless you.




  6. i have two little girls and never in my mind have i thought about hurting them, im and so sorry that you had the parents you had they will pay and they will endure more suffering, we know your in a better place .


  7. It appears that the mother’s conviction stands. The below press release is dated June 21,2007.

    Supreme Court Reinstates “Baby Brianna” Conviction

    (SANTA FE, NM)— Attorney General Gary King today announced a New Mexico Supreme Court decision that overturns a New Mexico Court of Appeals ruling on one of the state’s most notorious cases of child abuse. The Court says Stephanie Lopez’ conviction and sentence will stand in connection with the death of her 5-month old daughter, Brianna Lopez, also known as Baby Brianna.

    In 2006, the Court of Appeals overturned Lopez’ and other defendants convictions based on a perceived violation of their constitutional rights. The Attorney General’s Office appealed the decision to the Supreme Court and today’s announcement is based on that appeal.

    Stephanie Lopez was originally sentenced to 27 years in prison for her part in the infant’s death. Her boyfriend Andy Walters received a 57-year sentence and her twin brother Steven Lopez was given 51 years in prison for their roles in the 2002 death of the Las Cruces girl.


  8. My life of crime,

    Do you have any information on the other defendent’s sentence status? I tried to look up the information on the New Mexico Court site, but the search page is down. I wasn’t able to find any information about whether the uncle or the father are going to have a new trial and when it is.


    All 3 are still in a New Mexico correctional facility.


  9. That is all I have found also. So far no mention of any retrials, etc. As soon as I can find anything, I will post it.


  10. Sick World…. People Like that should endure wat she had to but that would not even be enough… she was a gift from God… but the Devil Stepped in and her Parents Are going to HAve to Pay for this… Brianna you have made a impression on me and i want to tell you that i will help keep other babies Stay Away from Evil people like that.. i know you are in heaven with Our Lord God… watching and seeing the pain they are going through and seeing how many hearts you have touched… God Bless you Princess… your in all of our hearts and your in mine to Stay…..

    This happened to Close From home and People Like them Need to Be taken Down… i am will Find a way… SChooling is in my Future and i will Find you SICK SICK people..
    God Bless you Princess…


  11. […] Brianna Lopez murder Child Abuse Convictions Reinstated */28/07* Posted in crime, high profile, murder, murder in the 21st Century. Tags: 2002, Andrew Walters, Brianna Lopez, child abuse murder, child murder, convictions, crimes against children, Family murder, fathers who kill, homicide, mothers who kill, New Mexico, parents who kill their children, sex crimes, Stephanie Lopez, Steven Lopez. […]


  12. My prayers and thoughts are with this beautiful baby. Your parents never had it in them to charish you and see the beauty that only a baby can give. You are safe now and being loved. You have people here who wish you were still here but understand that your parents didn’t deserve you. It is one thing to have someone hurt your babies, but for the mother to do it and the family, your all sick fucks that need help and I’m guessing that with the help they could get wouldn’t matter anyways. They are evil people who never deserved you.


  13. I don’t think I’ve ever cried so much or ever been as heartbroken over any murder as I am over Brianna’s tragic story, she look’s so much like my youngest baby, Her so called family in and out of prison will all rot in hell for what they did to this beautiful angel, we all love her like her family should have. god bless you and love you and look after you Brianna.


  14. what in God’s name would make any ‘human’ being do anything to hurt an innocent child, and their own at that?? they should be thrown around and against walls and beat within an inch of their lives on a regular basis–and i’m willing to bet they still wouldn’t have any remorse for this heinous act. they have no souls.


  15. Can anyone please tell me if this beautiful child Brianna has a headstone on her grave yet (the last thing I read was that her so called family put a cage over the grave to stop well wishers placing toys and flowers etc ) or if the memorial that was meant to be done in her home town that was mentioned a few years back has been built, It is really bothering me that her so called family seem to be trying to stop her being loved and remember even now, I cannot forget her.


  16. Tanya,

    That is the last I heard also. That just disturbs me that this family is so cold and uncaring. It appears that even in death, Brianna is unloved by her “family”.


  17. I just wanted to say that I also went to school with all 3 of these people. Andy was in a couple of my classes and he was a punk, even back then. He is a small guy who would never have the balls to try and stand up to someone his own size. My family was so touched by the story when it happened, it was just too close to home. My brother named his daughter after Brianna so that we would always remember what a precious gift this baby was. May those 3 rot in hell for the torture and murder of an angel.


    • Hi Lindsay,
      When I read this story on U-Tube about Brianna Lopez I was angry, appalled and outraged at the “parents” the uncle and the grandmother who did nothing Unfortunately, you know all three of them. They all look like punks to me! They complained about their lot in life, not having any money, living in a trailer park, etc! That cuts nothing with me. Being a black woman, I am tired of blacks and latino’s playing the race and poverty card! Being poor is no excuse to do drugs and beat your kid up because you are angry, and hurting. Any one of them could have went on to college like I did, and made their life better! They all were just to lazy to do so! I hate every one of them and I hope they all rot in hell and get here butts kicked in prison daily!! Thse people are sick, demented and despicable! My oldest daughter who is 24 just completed her Masters degree and she and her husband are having a baby! They are having a girl, and they are also naming her after Brianna! They want to honor her in some way since her family hated her and continue to disrespect her to this day!


    • what i don’t get is… why did anyone of her other remaining family claimed Brianna’s body back then, when she was declared dead? it is so … not right… i have no words for this.. may these people burn in hell forever… Brianna, hope your life is filled with the love and joy, you never knew on this earth… i pray for you and the other childeren every day, and i can’t stop myself from crying now.. cuz it makes me aware of all the other ones that still have to suffer, right now as i write this down.. and it makes me aware of those monsters humans (they are not wearthy to call them parents?who live in our days …… it makes me unbelievable sad….


  18. Lindsey,
    I think that is lovely that your brother named his baby girl after her. That is a beautiful thing. God bless.


  19. i have a 3mth baby girl..and i cant stop thinking of you Brianna.. i want to know if you were fed when you cried at night like my baby does every 2 hrs, were you changed, did you ever have a happy moment..i’ve lost count of my baby’s precious little smiles and happy moments..she brings us so much joy. I wish i could of taken you away from those ugly monsters mijita. If only i’de known those monsters who did this to you so i could of reported them. If only i could of seen through a window one night and witnessed something. I wish so much for you little angel. I am so happy you are now in his hands with all the other little angels. I think of you everyday mijita… I love you so much.


    • Lucy, I have a 5 month old little girl and when she smiles I wonder if baby Brianna ever smiled.?. I can’t stop thinking about her little time on earth and how miserable it was. I can only hope that all three of her abusers get what they gave! Tears out for baby Brianna tonight in our household~


  20. I hope these sub-human animals are punished harshly in hell since we can’t get our hands on them and torture them daily as the woman mentioned before, against a wall. And may beautiful innocent baby Brianna be bouncing on clouds without a care in the world, smiling and giggling as she should have been here on earth, in heaven. She was one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen and those people should have loved and valued her so much more. They should be stoned over and over. May every other child be more loved than our poor baby Brianna was from these animals. I hope these incompetents one day realize their incredible loss and have tremendous turmoil, nightmares and regret. I will try to find their jail addy’s so I can torment them while in prison, so they don’t forget why they were put in and hopefully won’t be able to enjoy the food we pay for, and any comforts.


  21. Is there any news yet about the retrial?, I can’t seem to find any new info on this case.


  22. FYI to those who wanted to know about Brianna’s headstone and “cage”. It is still up and has NOT been removed. My daughter is burried a few plots down and is the only baby who has a headstone (SIDS death). We inquired to the grounds keeper if the cage was to be removed any time soon and he advised us there are no plans to have it removed. Even though there is a case around her grave, you can still leave flowers in front and around it (we usually do when we visit our daughter). I think it’s so selfish of that family to have the cage. They are so “proud” thinking that the public has pity for THEM…well they are too blind and selfish to realize that no one cares for THEM. BTW, she would have turned 6 on Valentine’s Day.


    • Hi Alyssa’s Mom,
      Let me say that I am so sorry about the passing of your little one! God bless you for being so brave and displaying such courage. I know you grieve and think of her every day. Unfortunately the sub-human Lopez family would like to forget their child was even born! That is the only thing that I can think of. They hated their baby because she was premature, had many expenses and were to poor to pay for them. They also were drug addicts and as a nurse who works in that field, drug addicts will do anything when they are high. If you read my comment to Lindsay, you will understand why i am so angry at these peoople and their complaining about their lot in life! I do not want to hear any sob stories about being poor, black, latino, etc,! No one is remotely thinking about Stephanie Lopez or her evil twin brother and or Briann’s “dad!
      They are all inbred animals who do not deserve any chance of parole! They are animals who deserve to be put to death for what they did to this baby!


    • hi deborah-garnermore, got a question for .you My name is Laura. I have been googling this for a few days ”cause my husband’s cousin Larry’s daughter Samantha is the same age as Brianna and was also a premie and looks a lot like Brianna when she was her age!! If I like your point about “her parents ” hating their baby ’cause she was a premie. But, if they were on drugs and high and drinking 10 beers teh night threw this poor creature to the ceiling , the why didn’t they treat their son Andy Jr the same way ..Why was everyone in the house against this poor baby as soon as she came home?? Why was’nt the son ever tortured? Maybe you can help me w/this.. Something’s not right . I think this was murder.murder in the 1st.. ..L.. . ..


  23. Brianna, it is a year later that I wrote a note for you and I continue to think about you and the awful short life you had. Everyone is correct your parents didn’t deserve to have such a beautiful little angel like you. I wish you would have been mine, I would have taken care of you and given you everything you deserved. I will always remember you, Brianna


  24. I been to the Prison those guys are in and they are locked down 23 hours which is not good enough they need to open the doors and let some real killas get ahold of them. I am sure they are all in PC and every meal they eat has something special in it thanks to our friends at Aramark. lmao


  25. I just can not believe that there is such evil in this world. This is a case that is difficult to process but once it sinks in, I am so shaken up by it. Please tell me these people got the death penalty, please tell me that this little girl who no one protected is not another story without consequences.


  26. Can anyone please tell me if there is any news on the retrial of those 3 pieces of scum that killed Our angel Brianna?. I call her ‘Our’ angel because all of us who are devestated by this story without a doubt loved her more than her own so-called family.


  27. May all your days in jail be hell. May they beat you and rape you daily. You were not helpless. You sick subhumans. Why do they give them such a light sentence. I pray they are not kept in segregration. I want them to experience the pain they caused that beautiful baby. Millons of people would have taken that baby and raised her with love.


  28. I will never understand how people can hurt little babies or old people. Pure evil and they should kill them and get rid of the evilness.
    I hope for the same Reta… She would have been love by someone else. I hope they all are raped so bad they can’t walk for a year.
    Baby Brianna RIP


  29. I can’t understand why someone would do that to a baby. I can’t believe how evil the parent are i hope they burn in Hell for what they did to Brianna. I also believe the grandmother if you can call her that she should spend the rest of her life in prison with her demon family. I am sorry Brianna you should have never been put through that by the one’s who were suposed to love and care for you i am glad you in a better place with god, and I hope he punishes all of them for what they did to you. No cage can stop us from loving you i hope you can see how we love you little angel.


  30. I have been crying since I saw this on the 10 o’clock news and googled it for more info. It’s the first I’ve heard of it, and all I can do is keep looking at my 8 month old little girl, peacefully asleep, and cry and promise her I’ll do what Mommys are supposed to do and protect the precious children God blessed us with. Those monsters will get theirs. That baby is in a better place than all of us 🙂 I can’t believe that cage thing. Sick people. Stories like this make me hug my baby tighter and fear trusting anybody.


    • I agree with all these messages. I am ashamed of being a human knowing what we do to eachother and basically everything in this world. It is a sad world we live in, and I think these sorts of people need to be put out of their miserable existences so the rest of us can live.


  31. Lastnight is the first time i heard about Baby Brianna..I was soo upset and still am. I cried and cried and ask God why? She was so innocent and didn’t deserve this. I wonder if she was even fed,changed? I have two boys of my own and they are my life. I can’t even imagine how anyone could do this to her? Baby Brianna will always be in my heart forever and i will never forget her. I wish that someone in Las Cruces would make them take that cage down its just sick!!!!And i know what will happen to the parents and uncle, they might get away with it here on earth but u have it coming when u die…


    • God allows Satin to do stupid things so that God can use the tragedies for a bigger purpose. I know it sounds horrible of God, but he chose Brianna because she was strong enough to do his will in this way. Just look at all of the laws that have been passed and all of the other people that will be put away for the rest of their lives for their idiotic actions. Look at all of the lives Brianna’s short life touched. God has a plan for us all though we don’t see it or understand it. He did not allow her to feel the pain that we think she endured. God numbed her from it. If she cried it was for normal reasons babies cried, not because she felt the pain they tried to inflect on her.Think about, these three were so hateful and UN-remorseful for what they did that they had no problem admitting what they did, so Stephanie, when asked why she didn’t hear Brianna cry from the pain, it is because she didn’t cry because she wasn’t feeling pain. God was protecting her. God never allows Satin to win. He would have won if Brianna suffered. It appears to the world she did because God needed to make a point. Violence is not okay and will be punished. These three got off easy here, but it won’t be easy when they die and they get cast into the lake of fire.


      • @ISarahmomof4girls I tend to disagree a just bit.. To Valerie I cried and cried when I first saw and read this story ..When I saw the autopsy pic of her ..I almost lost it!! W./all do respect Sarah how could one not look at her head ..that tiny head and body full off blood and bruises..and not think pain?? It was by far the worst I’ve ever seen and I’m 39+ ..To Valerie I think they were feeding her..she had old and new bruises which means she was healing..I learned on ID that if the body does’nt get the right food, vitamins even water ..the body “breaks down ” and can’t heal…’Maybe at least it was the one thing they did for this poor helpless human being…that was some what positive..
        Too bad nobody outside that” house of horrors ” could hear her cries . .maybe she’d still be here today…nice commenting w/you all L.


  32. I was the first officer on scene. To this day, I will never forget the look on the baby’s face when the paramedics were loading her into the ambulance. Such a beautiful little baby with half closed eyelids. The horrors I learned about what that helpless little child endured, still haunts me to this day as I think about what challenges I that I am currently enduring; nothing comes close or compares to what this little baby must have gone through. What you have read in the papers is only a fraction of what can’t be put on paper or revealed to the public, what this little baby girl went through!! In 15 years in law enforcement, never have I ever, ever heard of such horror and autrocity done to such a small innocent child!


    • it scares me to know what else could have happened. I hope you kissed her or hugged her. I wish she knew love just for one moment of her life.


    • Can u tell me who else was there? Did anyone cry? What about her uncle who never reported it? He recently died and there is a lot of debate. Was this girl ever held? Where are the grandparents? There was only one picture of her after birth… I have been tormented by this case…..


      • Hi Marie Anne my name’s Laura..L for short . and this case tormented me too …. .I don’t think anyone else was there and I don’t think this poor baby ever got any “positive attention ” in her very short life.. They are all a bunch of murderers who truely deserve to be locked up w/out any parole whatsoever..Still gives me chills whenever I think about!!!! .L


        • As a child, I too endured abuse, a lot of it, and made it. The worst is not the pain, I believe God protects you from the pain, I don’t remember feeling any pain……but the hurt, the confusion, the tears, I don’t believe people can blame their lives on it, I have learned from the mistakes of others and I have made sure to be the best mom that I can be. I don’t believe in forgiveness, I believe that your hell will be that which you committed to others on earth, the perpetrators in my life can repent all they want, I will never forgive, today they are old, and I have always said should I cross their paths, I’ll kill them. God has spared me that though. My heart aches for this baby, and for so many others, and this little girl was one of the worst I ever came across, she did not survive, these people should be shot. I cried over her, I could not sleep, the events of the last night of her life played in my mind over and over again, where she was left on the floor, when exactly did she die, and how all the people in her life could allow this. Her uncle which passed away, people praise him says he was a good man, and his only fault was not reporting the matter, his only fault, he is just as guilty as them, and I think even in death, the way he died, he got off easy. My husband says he can see how things consume me, especially when I just found out about it, but hey, I am glad that I am not the only one,and that there are millions who would agree that people who abuse children in these horrific ways, should be brought to justice in the worst possible ways. I hope your heart heals in time as well, I am healing after a year of following this story, looking for the perpetrators, but I will never forget this beautiful child, and her horrific story. All the way here for SA, I solute all those parents who take care of the little blessings that God gave them…..


          • Thanks hope your heart heals too, esp. since that what you states about your childhood.. u have come a long way .. I don’t know about enduring a lot of abuse like u , but I can relate .. You see, I was bullied and tormented psychologocally as a child and this behavior cont’ on into adulthood as well,,..I agree, I don’t think people should blame their lives on it, because there’s help out there and I sought it.
            In fact, it was the best thing I ever did.. I went to therapy for about 4-5 yrs and it was what I can honestly say that saved me.. .I’ve thought about it also that poor baby “on the floor” how do you do that ? .I hope theses people are put away forever… U sound like a good mom..Nice commenting/wyou.. L


  33. I just heard this story on the news last night. Ever since I have had a tear in my eye, my first child is only 4 months older than Brianna and it kills me to think that people are actually capable of these kinds of acts. What on earth could a 5 month old baby have ever done to deserve this type of treatment from the people who are supposed to love her most. I just wish that these sick people could get the punishment that they truly deserve. In my opinion justice will only be served when they are placed in the yard at the state prison among the general population and all the other inmates are allowed to be judge, jury, and executioner and this includes the grandmother and uncle who knew and did nothing to help this poor baby. These people are sick and not worthy of life and it really burns me up to know that my tax dollars are giving them a nice bed, warm dry place to live, protection from predators who would love to get their hands on them, and 3 meals a day. They never gave those luxuries to that poor baby.


  34. I can’t believe that such evil things can be done to an innocent, beautiful baby. I just heard of this today from a friend. It’s been on my mind ever since haunting me. I googled it and found this. I have twin girls almost a year old and I hug them, wishing something like this never happened. It hurts to know or wonder what this beautiful baby had to go through her short life. Her so called family are sick animals that are going to burn in hell!!


  35. please go to http://WWW.YOU TUBE.COM and type in “Brianna Lopez news story” and watch the film. It has broken my heart into a thousand pieces all over again, I’d only ever seen that beautiful photo of her which is airbrushed that looks like she’s sleeping, this film has all her autopsy photos so we can see what she really looked like, so Beautiful, so innocent. I swear this story will stay with me forever and I’ve never wanted justice so badly for anyone. God Bless that poor defenceless child and all the other ones like her.


  36. My heart breaks for Baby Brianna, I feel so bad for her for what she went through, I would trade places with her so she wouldnt have had to go through that tourture her whole life. She never had a chance to grow up or know what it was to be loved. These monsters make me sick to my stomach! Vigilante justice is whats needed here. The court system sucks! They all should have gotten life without parole!! And Death would be too good of a thing for them, they need to feel remorse and remember each and every single day the pain they infilicted on Brianna, But knowing what kind of ppl they are they probably dont even care. I hate them!!!!!


  37. When this story came out on the news a couple of nights ago, I couldn’t believe was I was watching; I was in shock. That night I did not sleep all I could do was watch my baby in his bed and wonder how could anyone do that to an innocent, defenseless child? The sentences that these animals have to serve is certainly not enough. People who are in charge of generating new laws need to see this story and realize that a change needs to be made immediately here in New Mexico. They need to put themselves in Brianna’s place, what if this happened to a child in their family? How would they feel? I truly believe that God see’s everything he will certainly keep them in mind and administer the appropriate punishment they deserve. As a nation we need to take action if we know or even suspect that a child if being abused we need to report it immediately. There is no excuse to keep quiet do not be affraid if you call the National Child Abuse Hotline
    (1-800-24-A-CHILD) you can remain anonymous. No one has the right to end a child’s life. I wondered that night if she ever had a moment of happiness. I want everyone to know her story what she went through, for that reason I have placed a picture of her at my desk at work. When people come by and ask who she is I tell them the story and tell them that it is important that they report to the authorities if they know of a child who is being abused.
    I want to let Brianna know that she will always be in my heart and prayers; we love her..I love her.. we will never forget you precious Brianna.


  38. I too have just heard about Baby Briana and have been crying for the last three days.I’ve heard some terrible stuff but this story is just……What a beautiful baby.I have 3 children and treasure them so much….beyond any words.I wish I could turn back the clock and rescue her.Show her how much love a mother….and father can give to a child.I swear I would never ever put her down.I cannot believe that ‘human beings’ could do that…and to such an innocent one.The last 3 mornings I have woken thinking it was something I only dreamt about but then the horror of it all sets in.I will never forget you Briana and when I hug and kiss my three beautiful diamonds,I am sure you feel it in heaven too.
    All my love forever little one.


  39. sweet baby girl im so sorry you had the parents you had.i know your in heaven getting all the love you desreve.i cant see how a human being can do something so evil to a child.i have a 7 month old daughter and a 4 yr old son i love them with all my heart and after reading this i cried i held both my kids for a long time i could never imagine any one or myself hurting my kids in that way.everytime i hug my daughter now i hug her because i love her and i hug her for a lil longer for you wishing i could hug you and wishing i could took the pain you went through in piece lil angel


  40. From the second this story first aired on the news, I was shocked! I had a job interview with the grandmother the day before Baby Brianna was killed. Since that time, I REFUSE to eat at ANY Blake’s Lotaburger!! Brianna, I just wanted to tell you that you are loved by many, many people! I hope, and pray, that EVERYONE, who is thinking about having a baby, BETTER THINK TWICE, BEFORE HARMING THEIR OWN CHILD!! Babies are precious, and should be treated with love. We love you, Brianna! May you rest in peace!


  41. this is such a sad story…. this poor lil angel didn’t have a chance with her family… it saddens me to know that there are people out there that would do such things to their children or to anyone for that matter… I am a parent myself and I don’t even punish .. I smacked my oldest when he was 5 yrs old on his butt and i cried for days..
    now if my children are bad i send them for time out.. as i was watching the utube video on this case my lil one who is 5 yrs old was sitting on my lap and hugging me and telling me that everything is okay.. when i explained what i was watching he said he was sad for the baby and that her mommy and daddy are bad people.. i told him he was right and that her parents are away for along time.. He then smiled at me and said that he loves me and that he would be a good boy… i told him that him and his brother are my heart and sole and that i would NEVER EVER HARM THEM IN ANY WAY!! he thanked me and said i was the bestest mommy ever… I cried and hugged him soo tight!!
    just knowing that there are people out there who would even harm a helpless lil baby alarms me bringing my children up in the world!!


  42. I saw the video on my space and have never been so disturbed and sickend by anything! I have cried all day.That beautifull little face is one of the prettiest babies I have ever seen in my life even with the bruises. I pray to God and ask him to hold her a little closer and kiss her on the forehead for me .I am so sorry Baby Girl.I wish you could have been mine .
    I look at my 6 month old son and promise him I will do my best by him> Things like this is why I dont even date anymore.
    Everytime I turn on the news or open a paper this stuff is happening to babies .The laws need to be more harsh…What do they mean by violated theese people civil rights…what about hers . And the grandma should have gotten alot more than she did her family shouldnt even be allowed to visit her grave..There should be a blanket party waitin for them. I have printed out her picture and and am gonna hang it on the wall just seeing her pretty face makes me smile…..Sleep well baby girl your safe now


  43. I am sick about this story, but what I understand even less than the senseless killing of this beautiful child, is the reasoning behind not wanting a headstone placed. My granddaughter Zariah died in January of this year and we have been doing everything possible to get her a headstone so we can have that special place to visit her. What the hell are these people thinking???? How can these sick people live on this earth, yet we lose our perfect baby to cancer at 3 months old, I just don’t get it.


  44. Hi wonderful baby girl Brianna, our Sweet and most beautiful Angel! We will always remember you 4 the rest of our lives! I barely heard about the Story and I am Terrible heart broken, My baby girl is the same age as Brianna was when she died, and everytime I see my daughter I remember Brianna, and when I kiss and hug my daughter I send a kiss and a hug and mother’s Love to Brianna through her to where she’s at now. Sweet angel you are safe now and you have all of us down here who love you and remember you all the time.
    This is 4 all 3 of you Bastards, and 4 you 2 know that the damage u caused that angel is been converted to Love from all of us who love Brianna and will always keep her in our hearts! Till the day we die!
    Brianna came to my life and will never leave my heart, as I Love and hug and kiss and take good care of my Daughter I will always be sending you too!!
    Nenita hermosa, eres como un jazmin blanco que endulsa nuestras vidas! Por Siempre Te recordare!


  45. Like all of you, I’m very affected by this story. There was someone that was going to try to publish the prison address where these monsters are being held…please post either the name or addy for me…I feel like I just need to put in words my horror at what they’ve done to such a sweet, innocent little cutie pie.

    We love you, Brianna…and wish we could’ve been there to save you from all your pain *tear*.


  46. brianna you will always be remembered in this world. you have entered our hearts for the wrong reason. I am sorry that you had to endure this pain. I guess pain in an understatement. i just hope that your body went into shock and you didnt feel anything.

    To those FUCK”S who tortured that baby… your day is coming. when you get out of lockdown those prisoners will have their ways with you, if not, when you get released you will probably be tortured and killed… i pray that happens. what the Hell were you thinking. how the HELL do you rape a 5 month old. did you ever want this baby. there are safe drop offs. so did the 18 month old boy get beaten too? i am at lost for words. i can only say that baby is beautiful and parents are suppost to protect against the outsiders. you are not supposed to be the outsiders. grandma should be to blame just as much. u so emotion when u get sentenced, where was that emotion when brianna died?
    why did you son make it to 18 months and not brianna?
    i have millions of questions cause i just dont understand….
    but dont worry you FUCKS… people who dont know brianna love her more than you ever could or would.
    may you rot in HELL!!!!!

    BRIANNA I LUV U !!!!!
    i will name my next baby brianna in your memory


  47. Those three monsters should be the ones dead!!! no child deserves such a treatment especially from her parents. its a shame to think beople are capable of doing those things to such a wonderful gift from God. I have a 7 month old neace and nobody ever lay a finger on her….not even my own sister. she is my life and i hope to have a gorgeous child just like her in the future. Briana, i kno you are in the hands of God and you’r better off there. i whish i could have been there to protect you. thanks to you I’ll always guard my neace, nephews, and future children with my life… I can honestly say that i love you and i whish this would have never happened to you .i promise I’ll remember you when i have a child and will protect her/him.


  48. dear brianna
    well i just heard about ur story and i gotta say it got to my heart i will never forget your horrible sorry babygurl that u suffered all that being so little and inocent. i just cant understand how do u raped a lil angle like brianna..i hope u FUCKERS ROT IN HELL..BECUZ U DONT DO THAT 2 A BABY!!! U HAVE 2 BE FUCKING OUT OF UR MIND!!!ASSHOLES… lil brianna if one day god gives me the miracle to have a lil girl i will name her just like u brianna i will never 4get ur name babygurl i hope u rest in peace becuz now u dont have anybody that will hurt u…u will always be in my heart BABYGURL..


  49. dear brianna i dont understand why those people did that to you the world should never forget you i never met you but i bet you were a beautiful baby you never got the love you deserved your family willnot get away with what they did i wish i could beat them from time and time again if someone could saved you your mother should of protected you i should be your mommy because i would not let something like that happen to you


  50. wow! This story is so sad and gross at the same time.These are times i wish i was a low life like these three heartless animals so i could’v been in jail with the mother of this lil baby girl,i swear i would’v whooped her ass time and time again..I dont think i’v ever known anyone else that desevers an ass beating like them!May these three people burn in HELL!!!What kinda mother sits there and lets her own brother and father of the baby rape the hopeless lil life…I hope she’s getn her ass kicked every day in prison.. “What goes around comes around twice as bad”


  51. just think these monsters are in solitary confindment for their protection. well who the hell protected brianna. why are these murderers being protected. THROW THEM TO THE WOLVES!!!! DEATH IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH.. THEY NEED TO BE TOURCHED FOR 5 MONTHS JUST LIKE HER. THEIR PENIS’S NEED TO BE CUT OFF AND STUCK UP THEIR ASS AND THAT WOMAN THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A MOM SHE NEEDS TO BE TO BE BITTEN AND HER EARS PULLED AND THROWIN IN THE AIR TO FALL AN THE GROUND… I cant wait til they get released in the prison population. prisoners DO NOT LIKE CHILD RAPIST AND PEDIFILES… they will get theirs just not soon enough. Oh and when that baby murdering mom gets released from prison. she will be murdered i know that. the population will hunt her down and do what is right. there is no peace until those people are wipped clean from this earth.. i look at my 6mth old little girl and give her extra kisses each day and those extra ones are for brianna…. she smiles a lot so i look as brianna is smiling too…. i tear up every time i think of this and i just want to do something about it. i want something done. this can not just end like this. i can not believe the system. put them to death all 3 of them. why keep them alive. my hard earned money is letting them live. my money should have been there to protect that baby. i am so angry now… i am typing this out of anger. i promise if those people come to northern california. its over for them.. i gotta go. i have to wipe away my tears….:-(


  52. I’ve spoken a few times on here in the last year about how Brianna’s murder has broke my heart and from the moment I heard about this story it has never left me, I cry every time I think about her, Her murder has affected more than any other for 3 reasons, the fact that she endured such evil agonising torture for her 6 months of life and never felt love from anyone, the fact that no-one bothered to take her photo while she was alive, and for the fact her vile “family” buried her without quickly and put a cage around her to stop her recieving flowers and gifts from well wishers who wanted to show her love, like I’ve said before, her whole family should have been locked up for this crime, her grandmother and uncle too, I hope everyone who knows where they live make there lives hell for the rest of there pathetic lives, and I hope those 3 scumbags are being tortured in prison for what they did, even then I don’t think they are getting what they deserve, I don’t think justice was served at all in this case, I’m doing my best for you Brianna like I promised.


  53. Andrew Walters #59926 Lvel VI
    Steven Lopez #59927 Level VI
    Penitentiary of New Mexico
    P.O. Box 1059
    Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-1059

    Stephanie Lopez #59941
    Western New Mexico Correctional Facility
    P.O. Drawer 250
    Grants, New Mexico 87020


  54. I read all the comments, and I identified with many of them. Because I too, couldn’t sleep last night, I was so horrified, I am still… I keep thinking about the life she had, her last day.. her mother’s total indifference, going to sleep drunk, without knowing if her daughter is ok, the grandmother also “shutting her eyes” to all of this, what kind of person is she? that is, if we can call them “people”. I am haunted by this story, it’s the worst I’ve ever heard of. I am curious of her reaction, the mom’s.. did she cry at all? how did she sound on the 911 tape? do any of them show remorse? I read on some sites of people who went to school with them.. did they act “normal” at all?!?!
    I saw that they lived in a “trailer park” style of home.. were they a very poor family? was there a grandfather present at all? I think even the neighbors are to blame! I’m sorry, but there’s NO WAY nobody heard this child screaming, no one SAW the bruises and marks.. All these people should have nightmares because of what they did , and the ones that should have contacted authorities, but were heartless cowards!
    I want to believe so bad that she’s in a better place, perhaps already living a new life? in a wonderful family, full of love and security.
    Oh, and I have a baby girl too.. I am more than ever, afraid of the actions of others.. I trust no one.


    • Hi Danielle, my name’s L and I like you indentify w/ everything on here..since I’ve come across this about this poor little defensless baby’s story ..I couldnt’ sleep many nights and I dont’ even have any chlidren . Cats and dogs; and now I have 2 cats a boy and a girl and I wouldnt even do this to them.!!! But I believe that the whole “family” in that ” house of horros” acted all together they were all in on this and particpated in this brutal abuse….Yes, I read on another site that they were poor.. and it is a trailer and it was filthy.. No excuses .. But I think it’s very possible that the neighbors did not hear only because I just read on another site this past week that her abusers would just laugh and stuff cloths in her mouth so noone would hear the screams..and I don’t think that this poor baby was ever “outside ” of that trailer since the day she came of course , no outsider would get a chance to see or hear much of anything at all. I think this was an “isolated case of brutality” I mean , I could be wrong., but unfortunatly it sounds a lot like that..nice commenting w/you all L


  55. I’d love to see stephanie on the street, I know tons of people including myself who’d love for her to come to canada and give her the same treatment she gave brianna. I hope she rots in jail and i hope to god stephanie that those inmates find out why your in there and the system does not protect you by putting you in protective custody.
    The brother and the husbacnd, I hope they get excactly what they did to brianna done to them also and the justice system does not hide you from other inmates. The 3 of you make me so sick. I cryed when i read brianna’s story, poor little angel never stood a chance since she was born. I will think of brianna on valentines day and hug my daughter and tell her how much i love her and if anyone ever hurt her id kill them, she is worth it




  57. They should give them ALL the death penalty!!!!! this kind of people do not deserve to be alive!!!!!!!


  58. Please go to “youtube” and type in “Brianna lopez news story”, We really need justice for our Brianna.


  59. Brianna, words cannot express how I feel at this moment. I just want to go back in time and save you and have you all to myself and give you all the love you deserve. I could not stop crying when I read your story, and I just can’t to help but to think if there was a moment in your short life you smiled, laughed or played? I would give anything to have known you or know someone who knew you. I would have been there from the beginning . Brianna, I love you with all my heart I will never forget you sweet angel.. Never!!

    To those animals.. I would love to get my hands on that bitch..I truely wish I was in jail with her..I would beat the living shit outta her and will never stop..I hate you!!!!!!!!!

    To those bastards..Oh your day is comming..I hate you forever and ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  60. Does anyone know if the grandmother and other members of this family and their friends are being shunned by the community? I just wonder how can they possibly show their faces in public? There must be other sisters and brothers and cousins and aunts and other uncles, great uncles and aunts, etc. I would think that they would be (or they should be) afraid to leave their houses. At a minimum, if I saw any of them, I would spit on them and cross to the other side of the street and point them out to anyone who was on the street, or the store, or the gas station, etc . I guess what I’m trying to say is they should never be allowed to live any sort of normal life, they should never, never be allowed to forget the horror that they allowed to go on in that house of hell where stephanie and steven lopez and andrew walters were torturing this helpless little baby to death. As to the stephanie and steven and walter, they should be thinking about Jeffrey Dahmer, and he wasn’t even a baby killer, the guards looked the other way and he was brutally murdered by an inmate. Most of the people who are in prison for whatever reason, have families and babies and children of their own that they love and miss. I wouldn’t want them to get the death penalty because that would be too good for them. They should have to live in fear and terror every minute of every miserable day, until finally, one day they get what they deserve. My daughter is apparently unable to have children, and she and I would have given anything, anything to have had Brianna to cherish and love. One thing that gives me some small comfort is that these monsters do not have the capacity to know love and joy, they don’t love themselves and they don’t give it and that’s the only way you can get it. They do actually live horrible, empty, miserable lives.


  61. Eden, I too have often wondered how the so called “family” that somehow didn’t get sent to prison (the grandmother,uncle etc) are treated by the community, I personally would make their pathetic lives hell. I just cannot get it out of my head how they could sit by and carry on with day to day life while that tiny baby was tortured and raped and abused and just treated like she was worthless, the answer is they are just pure evil.


    • I agree. I think that both the mother and uncle were most likely abused by their mother (the grandmother) and hence thought this treatment was normal. Not only did the grandmother aid and abeit, she mostly like was a perpetrator herself.


  62. Can anyone please tell me if a memorial was ever put up for Brianna in her home town because I remember reading a lot of people wanted one for her?.


  63. Sweet Brianna. Since I heard about your short and sad life just hours ago I keep going in to check on my little 6 month old girl. She woke up awhile ago and all I could do was kiss her all over and cuddle her. I never want her to experience the pain and fear that you had in your short time here on earth. I cannot imagine such cruelty in this world. I hope you are enjoying a happy childhood in heaven. I am so sorry you endured so much suffering. I don’t think that justice could ever be fully served in your name for all that you have been through. I will never forget your story and I will give my girl all the love and affection you never had.


  64. Dear litte angel Brianna,

    My name is Kelly and i’m from Holland. I’m a mother of 2. My son Dean is 21 months old and my daughter Joy is 4 months old.

    I wish i could have been your mommy too. I know i’m not but i want you to know you’ve got a special place in my heart to keep.

    What your so called parents put you through is horrifying.
    But trust me, they will get what is comming to them, because thank God there are more people that love you dearly then there are people like your parents.

    Rest in peace dear angel, my thoughts and prayers are with you every day.

    We love you forever,

    Kelly, Dean and Joy


  65. As I sit and read all of these stories and hear all the heartfelt cry’s, tears run down my face. There are no words I can say, because I don’t understand..I will not question why for who am I..I just want to say, that my heart goes out to that wonderful, sweet and precious baby girl, whom we know as baby Brianna… Today and forever will you be in my thoughts and in my prays. Happy Thanksgiving little one, The World Loves and Misses you with all our hearts.

    The the ones that have loved her for so long this is for you guys.
    Please do not stand at her Grave and forever weep,
    She is not there, She does not sleep.
    She is a thousand winds that blow,
    She is the diamond glints on snow
    She is the sunlight on ripened grain
    She will be the gentle autumns rain
    WHen we awake in the mornings hush
    Baby Brianna will be the swift uplifing rush
    of quiet birds in circled flight
    She will be the soft stars that shine at night
    So please do not stand at her Grave and forever cry
    She is not there
    She did not die


  66. It’s been more than a week now since i first read baby Briana’s story and I still can’t get her out of my mind. I’m a mother of two kids and I feel like Briana’s my own daughter. I felt love for this angel the first time I saw her. And as I’m writing this, tears are falling down my cheeks. HOW I WISH SHE WAS MINE AND NEVER HAD TO SUFFER FROM HER ANIMAL FAMILY! HER MOTHER BETTER NOT CROSS PATH WITH ME BECAUSE I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL PEEL OFF HER SKIN, CHOP HER HANDS AND LEGS AND TORTURE HER AND KILL HER SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY.



  67. Hey baby girl .. it’s me again. I am still thinking of you and have been lighting a candle each day for you just like I promised. I never had the honour of meeting you but I feel like I know you so well. I only heard about your story a couple of weeks ago but you have touched my heart in a way I never thought possible. I have been giving my kids extra kisses … those extra kisses are for you sweet heart!! My 8 month old baby girl looks like you and when I kiss and cuddle her I imagine what it would have been like to kiss and cuddle you and show you the love you deserve. I know you are having a good time in heaven and are watching over us. I talk to you all the time … you’re probably getting sick of hearing me!! Thank you for the sign I asked you for the other day. I believe you are my guardian angel watching over me and my family. I can’t wait to meet you in heaven; to give you big hugs and kisses!! Until that day, take care honey and enjoy your time in heaven. I LOVE YOU BABY GIRL!!! xx


  68. RIP you sweet little angel. I just read her story today and it breaks my heart that this baby girl had to go through all that pain and suffering. I will never undestand why people keep the children they don’t want give them to a family that will love and care for them.My heart goes out to you and even though I don’t know you your story will stick with me forever and you will have a place in my heart. what a preciouse baby girl Your are in peace now baby play in the heavens and enjoy the serenity that is now around you!


  69. I know that this tragedy happened some time ago. However, I just read about it yesterday, and could not sleep last night because of what I read. I still can’t comprehend why someone would harm a precious little baby like that. It’s even more heartbreaking that it was her own family members – the people who should have been protecting her.
    Even from her autopsy photos, you can tell that she was a beautiful little baby girl. There will never be enough just punishment for those who brought on such cruelty to this child.
    May she rest in peace.


  70. i just seen this story last night and i cried for that beautiful baby, were they on drugs? wtf? is their family being shunned by the community, i hope the stupid grandma and uncle are afraid to leave their homes!!


  71. briana i was there once too baby girl.. stay strong you’re in a better place now with people surrounding you that care about you. You will not be forgotten. I was abused by my mom every day, and after hearing your story about how three caregivers in your life – who are supposed to PROTECT you from evil and danger – could do you so wrong.. i’m heartbroken. Baby, i was pregnant at 15 and had my baby girl at 16. I have never abused her, and i will never let anything happen to her. Her dad and i are here to protect her. I’m only 17 now, her dad (my boyfriend of 6 years) is also 17 and my daughter is now almost 15 months.. but if i ever have more kids (later on, naturally, ) I will make sure to name her after you. Your name and your story will live on. Whenever someone asks me why i named my next daughter “Briana” I will tell them your story. You did not deserve the cards you were dealt. I’m so sorry for you. It sickens me that anyone could do this to a child so little.. let alone her own close family. All i can say to you, is that i will pray for you and i will go on to see what i can do to protect this from happening to more children. Your scumbag of the earth of beings that are ONLY referred to as biologically your “parents” will be dealt with their own wretched fate, whatever it may be. One can only hope that karma is so victorious. I love you baby.


  72. Megan, that is so sweet! I am sorry that no one was there to protect you from your mom. Sounds like you are doing a good job raising your child.


  73. In my mind, Brianna, you were born in a family full of life, love, compassion, joy, happiness, and warm protection. There will be a light around you for all time, sweet baby girl. God will protect you now for all time.
    If I could have chosen a life for you, it would go something like this:

    Brianna Lopez was born February 14, 2002. Valentine’s Day, the perfect day for a beautiful baby girl to be brought into this world. Her mother and father looked on her with pride and joy in their eyes. Tears streaming down her mother’s face. This family has been blessed with a beautiful and courageous little girl. They take her home, and she never ceases to delight and amaze them. Day after day, Brianna learns of her surroundings and is content in the warmth of her family’s love and admiration. Her smiles are eternally captured by endless photos from her mother’s digital camera. Baby girl laughs ring through the house and light it up with all the wonderment that can only come from a new baby and her excitement at her world around her.
    Baby Brianna grows into a lovely young woman, going to school and makes high grades. Nothing can stop her now! She is ahead in her class, excelling at all that she does with the guidance and encouragement from her mother and father always in her mind.
    She eventually marries an amazing man that sweeps her off her feet. She starts her own family and this cycle continues.

    Baby Brianna, this is what I would have chosen for you. However, I am not God precious Angel. I am but a mother that has been touched by your plight. For the past few hours, I have thought of little but you. I will hold you in my heart and will have to be satisfied knowing you’re in God’s hands now. You’re suffering is over. You are in no more pain. You are happy and free from the evil that permeated your home.
    I am sorry little one, that you did not know the gentle touch of a mother’s love or being cradled and soothed to sleep if you had a nightmare. Held and felt butterfly kisses on your eyelids while your daddy fed you your last bottle for the night, holding you safely in his strong arms. Never to let anything or anyone harm you.
    My husband would have cherished you and loved you with every ounce of his being.
    You are loved, Brianna. In this house, you are loved greatly and will have a place in my heart forever.


  74. I heard about little Brianna’s story from a friend when we decided to do a play on the subject of child abuse. The first time I heard Brianna’s story I cryed the tears just kept on flowing, its so horrible. How someone could do that to a child is beyond me! If anyone has any more information on Brianna I would be very greatful if you could contact me.
    Rest in peace baby girl!!


  75. Baby Brianna, I thought about you and had to come here to post my thoughts.
    I keep replaying this fantasy out in my head, it’s the only way I can sleep at night.

    The cops storm your house and whisk you away from that awful place. They place you oh so gently in my arms. I take you home to a place that’s filled with love and laughter and warmth. I hold you close, but not to tight, I know how bruised and hurt you are. I heal all your hurts, inside and out. And your poor little body heals and your little heart heals. You crawl and smile and laugh, and my three older sons protect you, and you bask in true unconditional love.

    I am so sorry baby girl, that you didn’t know a mother’s love or a father’s protection while you’re alive.

    I think about you everynight before I go to bed, and every morning when I wake up. I pray as hard as I can that you’re being watched over and loved.
    It’s no fair that you didn’t get even an ounce of love and protection while you were alive. It’s not fair that you did NOTHING WRONG, you were an innocent little soul….

    I will continue to hold you in my heart, little angel. and love you like a mother should. It’s all I can do from where I sit.


  76. i hope somebody kill those losing bastards. That baby did not deserve to be punished in no way like that. That dumb bitch mother should of done something instead of letting them rape her and beath her to death


  77. This is ridiculous. These people should go through everything she had to go through. they should not be able to have anymore children. they deserve to rot in prison. just think if that was you who went through that and never went to school. never made friends, never went on a date, never got married or had kids. Brianna deserved to live a perfect life with the best mom. I feel so sorry for her and i wish someone had been there to help her.


  78. Words cannot express the heartache I feel after hearing of Brianna’s short and tragic life. It is beyond sickening what these animals did to her.

    And what is more sickening is that someone had to of been able to stop this there is always somebody who turned a blind eye to save themselves the trouble, if there is a lesson to be learned please let it be this.

    There are children being abused every minute of every hour all over the world, why? Who knows but those of us who can must be aware and we must report neglect and abuse, be outspoken on these issues regardless of the consequence, stand up for these childrens rights. Please and tell everyone you know the same until the world communtity as a whole says no, nothing will change. Lobby you pollititions for more funding for child protection agencies. Abuse and Neglect are not OK.

    I hope Brianna, that you are in a place far better then what you had on earth, few deserve it more then you.
    As for her entire immediate and extended family and friends karma is a bitch and you will pay one way or another, just thank yourselves lucky you never met me in a dark ally.


  79. I too just found out about this horrible story and have felt like throwing up for the last day and a half. I hope someone is able to torment her parents daily and harshly. I hope they beg for death every waking minute. I hope they all never see a tolerable moment in their lives ever again.

    Someday I hope we will all see Brianna again, smiling and giggling and all of her pain TOTALLY ERASED!!!! Maybe that is exactly what Jesus has done for her. Rest in peace sweet precious baby. xxoo


  80. I just found out about this horrible case today at work. I cried as I watched the video. I can’t understand why the grandmother never said anything to anyone about the abuse.. She’s just as guilty. What makes anyone do this to a child.


  81. it has been awhile since i read this story, but i cannot stop thinking about you baby girl. You are in my mind day and night. I cannot imagine what you went through. Until this day i cannot stop crying. I cannot comprehend what these animals were thinking!!! The justice system sucks. why were this animals not put the death. I do not understand. We parents are suppose to protect our children. Not hurt them. I do not have enough words to express myself. I would like to meet these animals face to face and just asked them why?


  82. I just heard about this story. And, like so many of you, I am so shocked and apalled! I have a 7 month old son, and am expecting my second in September. I sobbed when I read the horrific details of her tragic little life. I look at my son, and cannot imagine how anyone could ever do this to another living being! EXPECIALLY a child! AND by the very people who are supposed to protect, cherish and love. The fact that the grandmother did nothing shows what a horrible person she is as well…. After all, she is the one who raised the animals who did this to an innocent, helpless child. Brianna will remain in my heart forever, and I will never forget her. I also pray for her older brother. I cannot help but wonder if he endured any abuse as well, and if he witnessed any of these horrific events. I hope he is not with any one from that “family”. I hope he is with a family that will show him love and protection.


  83. Just because the grandmother “raised the animals who did this to an innocent, helpless child” does not make it her fault.


  84. The grandmother’s fault lies in that she knew the abuse was going on and did NOTHING!


  85. happy birthday my beloved! i have not stop thinking about you ever since i heard your story when my little girl was 5 months old, just three months ago. i pray that you are with those who love you truly, unconditionally and endlessy, in heaven. i love you little girl!



  86. Baby Brianna you are never far from my thoughts and always in my heart. I cannot begin to describe the effect hearing of your short life and tragic death has had on my life. I literally had to do a doubletake because you are the spitting image of my daughter who is only a few months older than you were when you left this world. I had to awake her and take her from her crib and hold her close to me as I kissed all over her sweet little face. I realize how blessed I am and I am so sorry your own mother never did realize how much God blessed her by giving you to her. Every night as I lay my daughter down to sleep I pray for you and kiss her an extra time for you.

    Because of you I have found myself headed in an entirely different career path, one that I know is where I was destined to be all along. I have read so many tales of abuse, neglect, torture, rape, death, you name it I have read it, but there has never been a single one to make me cry as I have since I first heard of your story a little over a month ago. I have become haunted by your sweet little face and have just now found myself able to fall asleep at night without the fear of being traumatized with nightmares of the terror, pain and agony you endured in your short life. I wished I could turn back the hands of time and saved you from the torment you went through. But, I cannot. I can only find solace in knowing you are in God’s arms now and he has wiped away all your tears and taken away all your pain. Never again will you feel unloved for you are loved by so many and we never had the privilege of ever meeting you. Regardless of the cages your so called family builds around your grave in the hopes people forget you I can guarantee you that you will never be forgotten. Forever will you be in my heart. Sleep sweet angel. You are safe now. We love you!


  87. Dear Little Baby Brianna, I just learned of your awful story today and I am crying for you. Why would some one do that to a little baby? You were too good for this world and are propably an angel now, I will remember you always and I like so many of these strangers love you. If I could I’d give my life just so you wouldn’t have to have experienced all that terror.
    Rest in Peace little one, and happy belated birthday dear heart.


  88. I recently heard of Baby Brianna from Youtube and found this article and I can’t stop thinking about her or crying. Just imagining the horror that beautiful little girl went through makes my heart so sad. I have 2 children of my own and I just hug and kiss them more when I read of things like this. The little girl was so beautiful and did nothing to deserve this, she didn’t ask to be brought into this world. The things that were done to her are just horrific and I know there are cruel people in this world, but this is unimaginable.

    Those animal that brought her into the world (do not deserve to be called parents) really should have been put to death along with the uncle. I can’t believe that they can take a precious little baby’s life and get 57 years, that is not right. I don’t know if New Mexico has the death penalty, but I do not think their sentence was strong enough.

    Either way, nothing will bring this child back. Heaven has an angel named Brianna with lots of loving angels around her. Jesus, please cradle and hug this little girl and show her the love she never got to experience in her short life on earth.

    Something is really wrong with society when things like this can happen.

    Brianna, I never knew you but wish I did. I wish I could have saved you from the monsters you lived with. The people who were supposed to protect you and love you only hurt you. I would have taken lots of pictures of you and hung them all around the house. You would have had a toy room full of fun toys to play with. You would have been showered with hugs and kisses. I hope you are having fun in Heaven, I hope I get to meet you one day. You will never have to see those monsters that you lived with because they will be going straight to hell. I love you and want you to know there are lots of people here on Earth that think of you everyday and love you very much!


  89. What kind of mother would allow anyone to harm her child! I wish I was a judge and had the three of them in my courtroom! I would sentence them to solitary confinemnt with no contact with the outside and maybe then they just might think about the horrible and senseless crime they committed to little baby Brianna. I hope she is sleeping with the angels up above.


  90. u cannot call this bitch a woman or a mother.she dosent deserve the title.i have 6 wonderfull children n would never let any1 hurt a hair on there head..brianna i cant begin t think about the pain and suffering u went through.i sit here and shead a few tears for u wishing that u never felt an ounce of pain.i know yr loveing flying wi the angels above playing all thoes games and constently laughing,no more crying for u now princess.sleep well love allways.x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x lisa


  91. i cant bear reading all this how can anyone do this to there own child. the death sentence will not even come near to what they done to that baby. i hope you are in a better place now away from all the pain. My tears are not stopping that so called mother off yours could not be a mother. I love my children sooo much and cant bear shouting at them let alone hitting them. Be happy now baby where ever you arexxxxxxxxxxxkam


  92. im so chocked by this story.. its so sad.. i was wondering where the pictures of her are? everybody talks about how horrific they look.. does somebody know?

    Baby brianna rest in peace, you’re in a far more better place now<3


  93. I am so sad to see such a beautiful baby that has to suffer because of stupidity. A mother is supposed to protect her child from harm. How dare the people that lived in the house with them never say anything. God rest her soul and I am thankful she is in a better place than with them. I really hope that if they are retried that they get death and have to suffer no numing medicine, let them suffer and feel every inch of their body burn as they did to that little angel.


  94. This story has brought tears to my eyes. I’ve just recently found out I’m pregnant, and I’d give the world to have a baby as angelic as this little girl.
    Sweet Brianna, you didn’t deserve this. My childhood was bad, but I lived. I just hope you’re somewhere good.
    Those relatives of hers will rot in hell. The time they’ve been given is much too short, everything would fall short of what they deserve. As I doubt they’ll be put to death, the only thing I can wish for is they live long lives, and what they did haunts them for every moment of it.


  95. Yes like everyone else that has seen and read the stories about this little angelic baby that had grown adults crying like babies.How people that where taking care of her(supposidley family)could be so cruel to something so small and fragile!I am a strong believer of karma.So i know these people will pay for what they have done either here or when they leave this lifetime.I just hope our farther does not let these people near our little angel again!
    One more thing was does anyone know what happened to the 18 month old son?was he also abused?If not why was brianna the only one to be tourtured like this??
    my heart goes out to you little angel.God will protect you now!
    you did not die in vain!


  96. omg this is discusting i hope the uncle the mother and the father die in prison i hope they go through lots of pain like that poor little girl had to child melesters get killed in jail they better be in protection or they wont know whats coming for them thoose sick sick people i dont even want to call them human beings there discusting they deserve to go through a slow painfull death i wouldnt even wish that on my worst enemy but what they did to that poor little girl they deserve it. god bless her soul in heaven the younger you die the more pure you are. im happy her soul is at rest and she doesnt have to go through anymore pain poor little darling :(:(:(


  97. I too have only just heard of this story through a group created in her honour on facebook. Do a search there and you will see the original autopsy photos. I have been thinking about Brianna every day when I look at my own baby girl. I well up with tears all the time. I like many others kiss my baby girl and hug her more due to the way this story has moved me. I say one kiss for you and one for baby Brianna. I can’t believe this tragic story is real. I hope I come across an article when I google her name that says “Baby Brianna death a hoax”. But I know that this is no hoax!!! I’m amazed these monsters “her family” even bothered to call 911 when she stopped breathing. Is this the only sign that Brianna got that they cared even a little. Its amazing they didn’t just try and hide her lifeless little body and just pretend that she never existed. They took no photos of her smiling little face so perhaps to them she did not exist. I too believe in Karma. I hope they get what’s coming to them. They deserve nothing short of being tortured by some big evil inmate at the prison they will now call home. Its sad to know that Brianna may never have got a hug or kiss from these morons. It is curious to know that she has an 18 month old brother. Was he abused too? Why he wasn’t will be a mystery!!! Why the grandmother chose to protect her son (Brianna’s so called father) is beyond me. Also Brianna’s father’s brother lived in the trailer also with his 8 yr old son. Didn’t anyone know what was going on! Bullshit!! You can’t tell me they didn’t here here cry and cry and cry!!! Bunch of arseholes! Heaps of shit. Thats what these monsters are. Heaps of shit… magots of society. We can do without them. Wastes of space. Anyway I hope that little Brianna can feel all of our love so big that it is growing every day with all the people that hold here in their hearts and prayers. Please make sure if you know of any kids being abused or neglected TELL the authorities and keep telling them till they ACT!!! Call the government in your area and say “WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH and we want action” NO more child abuse. Get these agencies up to scratch, give them more money so they can do a better job because so far they are little all these little angels down who have been abused. Lets all do something to make it stop. Lets not let Brianna and other kids deaths be in vain.!!! I live in Australia and it happens here also. It makes me sick.


    • Hi Brig my name’s L and I v’e often wonder the same thing myself ..How they call 911 ….after all of that pain theses monsters inflicted upon her… and did’nt hide her poor body..I thought about that quite a lot.. nice commenting w/you all L


  98. I am so saddened by Brianna’s story…I cannot believe that her parents would do this to their baby girl. I cannot stop thinking about her, and hope that she is safe and happy in heaven. xx RIP little Brianna xx


  99. i came across the group on for baby brianna and i was so disgusted her family are pathetic and deserve to rot in prison for doing this to her. I dont understand how people could be so cruel to someone who is so helpless i cant even look at the pictures without tearing up i have a little girl and i love her so much you would honestly have to be a monster to do this to a baby, this crime has effected a number of people im from canada and many people joined a group for baby brianna R.I.P you beautiful little girl ❤


  100. I need to get Brianna out of my mind….I’m sooo consumed by this baby I feel sad all the time…..I wish she was mine…she would have never cried….I have a 9 mth old little princess and I honestly can tell u she only cries when she wants to have her own way….not for ANYTHING else….and that’s the way it should be…..babies should be loved and spoiled rotten….A MESSAGE FOR EVERYONE….IF U DON’T WANT YOUR BABY PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE….GIVE THEM TO SOMEONE WHO DOES..NEVER HURT THEM – U COWARDS…there are many people out there with lots of love to give….Love you always Brianna….I know God will keep you warm….you’ll never have to sleep on the floor again or feel hurt or pain in his arms….hope to see you in Heaven on day…I have lots of hugs 4 u sweet baby…..


  101. I came apon Briana’s story on facebook. As I type this today I have my own 5 month old baby girl in my arms. The story shot shivers down my body and brought me to tears.

    God bless you baby Briana. We know you are in heaven with God. No more pain. You have touched many hearts all over the world.

    And to her parents .. BURN IN HELL!!!

    Marie (Australia)


  102. On March 13, 2009 Andrew Walters, the father, was moved out of NM Prison Systems to Oregon’s Coffee Creek Correctional Facility, for his protection. Her uncle Steven is also going to be moved.

    These guys threw this baby in the air and let her fall to the ground several times causing her brain damage; they bit her, raped her and broke her ribs and legs. Why the F*ck are they being protected?? How do these government officials or whoever is authorizing the protection of these animals feel about PROTECTING these people???? I don’t get it!!! The laws here are so backwards!!!!!

    This poor baby SUFFERED at the hands of Andrew, Steven & Stephanie and now they can get out of Prison for serving GOOD TIME!!???? Good time?? They are rewarded for being good prisoners yet they weren’t punished enough for being the worst parents and uncle a baby could ever have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck Governor Bill Richardson for not grandfathering the Brianna Bill AND for getting rid of the Death Penalty in NM!!!!

    These guys can now serve less then 17 more years thanks to our Great Laws that Protect the CRIMINALS!!!!!!!!!!


  103. Born on 14 februari the day off love and what did she get!!!
    Just pain en abuse!!!MY GOD i thougt that i saw and heard everthing in my life.Everysince i can not stop crying too much pain in my heart!!

    Brianna i am so sorry that you suffered so long every day the moment you was born.
    I wish that i was there too protect you.
    I wish that i could hold and hug you.
    I wish that the monsters BURN IN HELL!!!!

    I wil never forget you my sweet angel Brianna.
    Love you so much.You will always be in my heart.
    Lots of love from the Netherlands Holland.

    Justic will come but not here on earth but from above!!!


  104. i wish these people never never get another baby n shud b hang till death dat infuture no1 can do dis,i ve 18 month old baby gl she z sleeping infrot of me, i can c face of baby briana in her,i wish if i can choose baby briana as my 2nd baby dat i can protect n love her for her whole life……GOD BLESS U BRIANA.


  105. no words can describe… the tears I’ve shed for you Briana. My Nikki in heaven will take care of you.


  106. im in ireland and just happened to be going through the net i dont know how i came across this site but it ripped my heart out my daughter was born the same month and year but on the 1st feb so to think that poor little girl should be enjoyin life like my girl is how can those evil bastards not of got the death penalty or dont they have one were they were convicted


  107. i cant believe what the family has done. baby brianna is always in my praiers
    she will never be forgotten


  108. I am glad to see all the love for this precious life that impacted even me to write. Stephanie Lopez, her twin Steven Lopez and Andrew Walter were probably all abused too! Their parents should all be responsible (what the hell did they teach their kids?) I think that they have some mental issues…who “plays rough with a 5 month old”? Where are the other children (18 month old) and the 8 year old? Stephanie, Steven and Andrew you will get what you deserve they day you die – GOD IS IN CONTROL NOW! WATCH OUT!! And for the rest of the family and so called friends, you are even more sick to allow this to happen! Thank GOD for taken her back in his arms! and the amazing people who worked on this case and is doing everything they can to make a difference! Sweet dreams little Brianna your in good arms now! No more pain and suffering.
    Love a stranger, who will meet you in heaven one day!


  109. Darling angel Briana my heart aches for you WHY WHY WHY WHY If you work in the prisons where these three pieces of shit are i beg you to let the other inmates at them i could not and would not protect them please let them get what they deserve.


  110. I have never felt so helpless!
    To see a child in such abuse and these people not doing anything to stop it until it was too late, why not give her up first, instead of putting her through this? This three people have to be executed, they have no right to even be breathing air. May the lord keep that little angel in his arms, and may those three monsters burn in the pits of hell for all eternity! I will pray for this all my life, for her and for all the children that go through this all the time.


  111. I am disgusted by this. I called the County Clerk about the cage and he said there was nothing we could do about it. I want to get rid of it She doesnt deserve it. I named my daughter after her. I was 7 months pregnant when I heard her story and from that moment on I knew what my daughter’s name would be. It is so crazy because our last name is Lopez too and my name is Stephanie and my daughters grandmothers name is Patsy but I know for a fact I will not let history repeat itself. I just wish she would’ve been my child because I would’ve loved her soo much. But I feel like there’s a lil bit of Baby Brianna in every child just wanting to feel loved. When my daughter is old enough to understand she too will know Baby Briannas story.


  112. We tell our children there are no such things as monsters, so that they can sleep at night, free from nightmares. But children like Brianna know that the monsters are real.

    Rest in peace, baby Brianna. No one can hurt you now.


  113. My friend is doing a report on child abuse and she came across this story. My best friend cried her eyes out when she heard about this. No child should ever have to go through anything like this no matter what they have done. Thoses rude and inconsiderate people should have gaven up that child to someone else. When i finish high school i plan on getting my master’s degree in Social Working. I hope that the people in jail beat them like they beat that baby. Rest in peace little Baby Brianna. May god be with you.


  114. Our beautiful angel Briana i think about u daily i hope u play in heavans garden with all the other angels i hope u feel loved and protected in the arms of Our Lord. God Bless You darling child xxxx


  115. GOD BLESS OUR CHILDREN WHO HAVE SERVED ABUSE. Baby Brianna needs a angel stone and we her real loving family should buy her one no matter what it take. I was pregnat when the story came out and I am a server of abuse I remember baby briannas face every day my heart goes out to her she is like my child to me i cry for her pain and i still cant believe it we need to fund raise foe her stone and she her kills shell never be forgotten and there faces wont either when it is time for them to be release they have no were to go in this world only but hell I’M WILLING TO HELP FOUD RAISE FOR MY LIL BRIANNA! ARE YOU??


  116. Hi, I am a member of the face book group in honour of Brianna Lopez. We have started a petition to present to Third Judicial District Attorney Susana Martinez to help get the cage removed from Brianna’s burial site. Please sign the petition at:

    Lets hope it helps.


  117. I have read the stories and saw the pictures of Baby Brianna. This is the 1st site I have stumbled upon in which I found out anything regarding the trial and convictions of these freaks. Reading on, I discover that their convictions have been overturned because they were not “treated fairly” and their “Constitutional Rights” were violated at trial. How appalling!! This type of so called “justice” makes me ashamed to be a part of this country. These people never gave that baby a chance at life as they selfishly lived theirs. The three of them have many, many powerful people fighting to ensure their “fair” treatment (probably free of charge) regarding their crime, but what about Brianna? No one took the time to treat her “fairly”…she was failed by the system, ignored by the agencies put in place to speak for her and the ultimate travisty? She was betrayed by the two people who gave her life. Where is the justice in this? I cannot comprehend it! I have always been interested in the law and wished to pursue it as a career. I represented myself in court during a heated divorce and custody battle after 18 years in an abusive marriage. My boys were taken from me on accusation alone and placed with their father who constantly abused them in everyway. So much so that not one of them cares to ever speak to him again. I went up against a powerful “father’s rights advocate attorney” and several expert witnesses who came to trial on behalf of my ex and I beat them all by telling the truth. I won my boys back after an almost 2 year battle and in the process lost two jobs, valuable time with my boys and countless days and nights of peaceful existence. The court system in this country favors the wicked and preys on the innocent. My interest and faith in the law have long since disintegrated – it’s all about money and greed at the expense of those with little resources or lack of knowledge to fight. God bless this precious angel, Brianna. Perhaps some type of good will come of her short life and someone will step up to defend her and demand justice.


  118. I just found out about Baby Brianna today. I was searching for photos of her for a memorial page that I’ll be putting together for her when I found this page. I just wanted to let visitors know that there is a petition up to have Baby B’s ‘cage’ removed. They say it can’t be done because the cemetery is private but I think we can all make it happen if we band together. The link to the petition is The Facebook group that has put this petition has a link on that petition to the group. Please sign this petition & join the group if you like.

    I love you Brianna. You deserve to be loved and remembered by all who want to love and remember you. The ‘cage’ MUST be removed.


  119. Baby B that is so sad how could anyone do such a thing i hope that when they all get asked what happens in Prison that the worst can happen to all of them is sick i hope that baby B gets the peace that she desrerves now she can be in heaven with the lord and he can watch over her for the rest of her precious life!! I also signed the petition and once i did so it made me feel a massive sensce of achievment i hope that the cage gets bought down she needs to be able to see that people are reflecting an amazing life not symbolising the horrific life she had with the metal cage around her grave she needs to be honoured by so many people and to show that she needs to be able to look down from heaven and see that we all love and adore her.. Poor baby girl she didnt asked to be put into this world why does god bless people with innocent human beings and they hurt them so bad.. It makes me so sick to my stomach… Rest In Peace baby girl.. xoxoxox


  120. I came cross this story one night and it broke my heart I cried and cried I wanted to go hug my grandbaby. I don’t understand how in the world they could do that to a baby. Those son of bitches need to burn in hell. All I can say is she is in a much better place now I wish she was here with us. Rest in peace baby girl. P.S. I signed the petition everybody needs to do this.


  121. why oh why. i have 5 children of my own and their own father abuse them he is now on the sex offenders registar till october and is allowed to take me to court to gain access to the children, it has been a year now the authorites here stink i live in england. when i look at that photo of brianna she looks like my youngest sleeping it breaks my heart child abuse must stop. and every child should be investigated because if the parents have nothing to hide then they will co-operate.


  122. This so called family members of hers do not deserve protection, did they protect her? NO so why should they get protected????? i have been trying to ahve a child for the past 15 years with no avail, if they didnt want htis beautiful angelic little child, why didnt they give her to someone like me? someone who would have loved, cherished, adored and worshipped her the way she deserved to be. I HOPE THIS SICK PPL ROT IN PRISON, even better would be is if they were released into public and the public were given the chance to punish them, I WOULD HAVE FOUGHT MY WAY TO THE FRONT OF THE QUEUE just to throw the first punch

    may u rest in peace and and enjoy chasing butterflies in heaven, something u were never given the chance to do on earth


  123. I just read this story today and it brought a terrible sick feeling to my stomach. These people are very evil and extremely sick. How could this happen to anyone, much less a little baby girl? I have a 12 month old little boy and I cherish every minute with him. It’s so sad and I truely believe that these three evil people will get what they deserve. Little baby Brianna our thoughts will always be with you. I hope that you now have peace.


  124. Why would God allow something so horrific to happen to an innocent baby? This is truly Satan’s domain! God have mercy on us all when something like this can happen to an innocent child. Why in the world would a grandmother not do something about this? Maybe this is how she treated her children? People from abuse need to learn how to get help and break this horrible cycle. Our country is sick not to punish these people more severly that commit this type of crime. This has made me heartbroken and physically ill and I only wish that each of these sick individuals would have to go through every bit of pain that this beautiful baby felt before they managed to kill her. Thank God she died and did not have to live any longer to endure what else they would have done to her. We are suppose to have forgiveness in our hearts and try to help and understand, but right now I can only wish the very worse for these devils let loose on earth!


  125. Hey Grandma of Brianna I am a grandma too and if I ever see you on the street or anywhere watch out!! You discust me you wretched discusting women! Were you so afarid to turn them in because they might find out somethings about you?? I think so. There is not a grandmother in this country that would let something like this haoppen to their grandchild unless they had something to hide. May you rot in HELL!!!!!!!!! You are more guilty than the monster you created! Remove that CAGE! and give your grandaughter a headstone or God will get you for sure. You better start trying to repent as this may be your only hope. By the way, do you have any other grandchildren that you are standing by allowing them to go through hell??????


  126. I’m just so glad that these animals doesn’t live by me. I think even hell is to good for them to be at. I hope that all 3 of you rot & die very slowly. None of you deserve anything in this world & none of you belongs in this world. I’m sorry little Brianna, rest in peace little angel. You are now safe & will never have to suffer again.


  127. scary!! these people are evil!!!! how could this be happen to an inoccent child??!! the parents of this child must be forever in prisonment and check up for a psychiatrist.. how dare you!!! BALIW!!!!!! MURET!! WLANG KWENTANG PARENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  128. Today was a beautiful day in Bremen, Germany. The sun was shining all day long. My kiddies were playing outside. I enjoyed watching them, being children. Now here is my story: A couple of days ago I read about Brianna. I had to cry all the time, wanting to know more about her. My babies looked exactly like her at that age. She could have been the big sister. Little baby Brianna, so beautiful, so perfect, so baby, so loving, so beaten, so tortured, so in pain, so dead. My eyes kept weeping. The thought of all that punishment and torture made my whole body shiver from head to toe. I had to touch her. Why did they do this to you? I don’t even want to understand why! It will stay with me for the rest of my life. And than I thought at Brianna’s pain. Each movement must have hurt her so much. And than all the tears. And no one understood? And than I thought about her life in pain. I was there in pain too. The pain of the loss of my beloved brother. My brother died in June 2002, but the pain started at his last birthday on February the 15th 2002. No more birthday would he have. He knew, he was a doctor himself. In March he had to go to hospital, because the pain was unbearable. Morphin. In April he was back home. No more chemo, no more cure, no way out. I cleaned the terrasse, so he could lay outside and enjoy the sunshine in the backyard. In Mai the pain was only bearable with heroin. Morphin on top. Over the phone he was unreachable. In June I stayed with him. I carried him. I sang with him. I watched football on tv with him. And then, on June the 8th he died. We all had said goodbye. His bag was packed. He went on a boat, sailing towards the light. In July I became to drive his car, an old Mercedes. And than I was paralised in pain. Was it the 19th?
    A few days ago I felt the touch of an angel. Was it Brianna? Was there a chance of life in me? Why do I read about Brianna at that moment? Does the angel come back? It felt so weary. And than the next day I started bleeding. The touch I felt was still there. But in the evening the touch I felt no more. I sat on the terrasse outside, and took a glance towards the sky, and there was the smile of a smiley with a nose, a big nose and a big smile. It made me smile. Little baby Brianna, your angel is couragious. You are trying to find a way? My brother’s angel is watching over you, the big smile said it all. Be brave and strong, you can do no wrong. The ones who are angry, are helpless in anger, you know. You have always loved your beloved ones, the beloved ones who weren’t able to love, or to feel the love you felt for them. My sweet baby angel, it is not your fault. You were, are and will always being loved. Your sweetest face will encourage me each day to give my best. And more. Forever in my heart. May you rest in peace. No more anger, no more pain. May all the people of the world hear about your story, may all the hurting stop. Thank you, Brianna. No more tears, no more pain, no more hate. The touch of an angel. Angel Brianna.


  129. Baby Brianna You have touched my heart you will be with me for the rest of my life every time I look at my six month old son. You didnt deserve the life you lived. I will always remember you

    and for the people that did this to you ROT IN HELL!!!!


  130. I am six months old and I have all the love in the world from my family Baby Brianna I want to share it with you. You will always be our Angel and you will always be in our hearts.


  131. I cannot get you out of my mind precious girl. I know you are happy and safe now, watching over all the little babies who are like you used to be… helpless and afraid. Each time I kiss my own children, I will save one for you. You are a beautiful soul with wings, sweet angel. You will never leave my heart… Until we meet in heaven- XOXO


  132. This story has brought me to tears. RIP Briana xx


  133. The first time I read Brianna’s story I was in school. My friend had found Brianna’s story on the internet. I cryd nd cryd becuz it was jus so horrible what happend to this little girl. This beautiful baby girl had suffered frm the moment she was born and never recieved love frm the people hu shud hve loved her the most. Brianna you will always be in my heart. xxxxxxx


  134. Brainna you are an angel. I would have done anything to save you, and I know that MOST of the world feels the same. Know that. For some reason you were dealt the most horrific hand. Your innocence and helplessness breaks my heart. I promise you will not be forgotten. I wish for you lullabys, snuggles, joy and sunshine, like all children should have. RIP Baby B. The world loves you!


  135. Oh how I wish I could have saved you our poor innocent defenseless precious angel who never had a chance.It hurts my heart to know such a sweet little baby like you was hurt over and over by the people who were suppossed to love and cherish you. I am soo sad and heartbroken for you Brianna, I really wish I could have saved you! I would have taken you into my arms and shown you what real love is, the kind that you never got while here on earth. I have a 9 month old daughter and every time I read your story I think of her, how could they do this to you? What evil lies within them? I pray that God sends me to the little innocent children of the world that need our help so that I can save someone I couldn’t bear to hear about another story like yours. God bless you baby Brianna, God bless you forever. I pray that you are resting in peace surrounded by true love. I love you and will always remember you, and your painful story.


  136. how does this happen how did no one know ?
    i am the grandmother of a 10 month granddaughter and the thought of inclination that she is/was harmed in any in appropriate way just infuriates me. i would turn on my dauhter inlaw son any one if they hurt the baby… end of story…
    this happended in 2002 i am just reading of this today thanks to a kind soul sherry keeping her story alive to remind folks of this poor child.
    what are the status of the sub humans that did this to her ? are they dead ? why not ? they should be….. how can they look at themselves for the last 6 years what are their thoughts, do they care ? can i have a minute with them just one that is all it takes for a bullet to hit between the eye ..

    Brianna our sweet sweet baby rest in peace you are with our lord jesus and he wil take care of you my love …


  137. If anybody knows someone in the same prison, see if they can plan to murder these horrible, evil, unloving, uncaring, child-abusing, torturing, murderers. That would be the best justice I can think of for precious little Brianna. Love you so much baby, it hurts me inside. 😥


  138. I wish you would have been mine. I am so sorry for what you had to go through at the hands of those who were supposed to love you the most. I just came across your story and already I DO LOVE YOU. How could they do this to you? such a precious, gorgeous, innocent child? They did not deserve you. God is with you now, no more pain baby, no more pain.R.I.P baby girl.


  139. when i read your story i couldnt stop crying, like everyone here i wish you had been mine. The thought of you never being shown love and living in pain for 5 mths breaks my heart. How truly awful for you, it must have confused you so much that this was happening within the very place you should have been the most safe. My heart is broken for you little girl……..xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo


  140. my heart was torn into a thousand pieces when i read this cant get you out of my mind no child should have to go through this every time i hug and kiss my beautiful precious 10 month old baby girl take a bit of my love for yourself precious brianna your always be in my thoughts rest in peace beautiful princess x x x


  141. So heart breaking,how could someone ever hurt a little angel like that.Man it makes you angry,who are these people?.Her whole family seems to have issues if the grandma knew of the could they let this happen to a precious gift from heaven.when people talk about angels and demons you know her mom,uncle and dad were demons,her whole family including grandma.My prayers go out to that little angel,she is in gods hands and arms now.No one can hurt her no more.god bless you baby brianna, rest in peace sweet angel.*hugs*


  142. i just wanted to say i also wish you were mine.Your family makes me sick with disgust.As far as im concerned they did’nt deserve you and it’s so heartbreaking to know you had to go through what you did.makes me even more nautious to know these people are still walking this u baby brianna,god bless your heart and soul *hugs* xo brianna angel from heaven


  143. I received this post via my was a news story covering the death of little brianna lopez..there was a story and graphic 2 year old daughter brooklyn was sitting on my lap..she kept saying mommy baby have go to the doctor..mommy baby have owiees on her broke my heart..knowing that the only time that little girl went to the doctor was the day she died..nobody made her booboo’s feel better..nobody hugged her, or loved her..this has disturbed me to the point of nauseousness..and then to read blogs stating that @ some point in time these individuals convictions were overturned because of their rights..i am speechless..i looked up their names @ the new mexico state seems as though they are still incarcerated for their crimes..i intend to write them and let them know how i hopefully insure that monsters like these three individuals never are released..i also intend to write a letter to each of these individuals to remind them, along with photos of little baby brianna so that they wil never forget just like i and so many others will never forget..recently in july i drove through new mexico, and that exact town, by many mobile homes that looked exactly like that..i stopped in zuni, to visit a friend who lived in a mobile home exactly like that..she has five of them around briannas age when she died..he was a happy loved little boy..what makes this so much more disturbing is ” this was not one family member abusing a child a bruise here and there, and the family turning the other cheek”…this child was tortured worse then a prisoner of and entire family..and they all turned the other cheek on each other..when you watch the video of the news broadcast, the mother walks into the courtroom with a bottle of juice in her hand, no remorse, a bounce in her step, seeming not a care in the world, head held high..when the verdict is read a man walks up and hugs her and consoles her..i would like to kick that man in the balls..where was he to console that broken little girl..for the rest of my life on valentines day i will always remember little baby brianna born on the day of love, who never had a chance..


  144. I just recently watched the youtube video on a friends blog. I don’t think I have ever felt heartbreak like this. I just can’t get precious baby Brianna out of my head. I have a brand new baby boy not even 2 months old and he is everything to me!! I couldn’t even imagine a thought of harming a hair on his head!! I keep wishing she were mine and I could cuddle that lil baby and see her smile.
    I wonder why doctors didn’t ask questions when baby Brianna missed appointments?I feel like if a baby isn’t being brought in to her appointments that should be a red flag and cps should be alerted..I mean when u leave the hospital with your infant usually they schedule an appointment right there and if the mother called to say she were going to a different doctor she should have to provide the name so that it could be confirmed..I feel like if this would have happened she would still be here..all it would have taken is 1 doc appointment and the authorities would have stepped in.
    and 30 days for the grandma and uncle? I don’t know how the judge sleeps at night!!!they should have got life! and I am glad these monsters didn’t get the death sentence..what an easy way out a lil shot and they just fall asleep..they should have got life in prison so they could sit and think about what they did to this precious baby..I hope that everynight her beautiful face haunts them in their dreams!and they know that after spending their WHOLE life in prison it only gets worse from there b/c what they have awaiting after death will be way worse! they should chain them to a pole outside and let the public at them!
    I just can’t understand why people would do this to a 1 point it made me question my faith..but I know that God had a purpose for this lil angel.I will never ever ever forget baby Brianna! I will think of her everytime I see my baby boy smile ..because of Brianna I will strive to be the best mother I can be to my boy and never ever take him for granted. Brianna will be with me FOREVER!


  145. Oh my gosh that is the crueltest thing i have ever seen in my intire life. To call your self the mother of a child that you let get raped and bit…what kind of a sick bastard are you???? i hope that God has no mercy on your soul and that this haunts you for the rest of your miserable life. i wonder what your family thinks of you i hope that you now realize how sick how cruel and how horrible of a person you all are. Brianna i give my heart out to you because your a fighter and i hope you know that there will always be a place in my heart for you..your loved and i pray that your days in heaven well be filled with love laughter and joy. you no longer have to suffer on the earth like the rest of us….if no one ever told you i love well let me be the second God is first and i wanna be second to tell you that i love you so much.


  146. This is the sadess thing i have ever watched ….. When i look at my two year old daughter i cry at the thought that there are people out there that would bring a child into the world and not love it…. how dare you there are so many people out that that cant have children andwouldlove to be a parent …. I will never unbderstand why people do the things they do… I to have a had to witness tragedy because my little mentally challenged brother went to jail for 25years for murderand to thisa day i will never understand how people could hurt another human especially a child it just saddens me but brianna you are safe nowand loved so dearly i love you and i never even met you … you are an angel xo


  147. i pray for all the children out there n for baby brianna i love u wit all my hreat our in a better pleace god i wish i chould of been there for u i cryed everyday for u. as for the so called preants i hope they hurt u in jail


  148. I was curious if any of these sick bastards have been tried again for their crimes… This story sickens me, Im a young mother of 3 kids and had my first at only 16 & have never abused my children. Age and inexperinced doesn’t mean you have the right to abuse any child….
    Please update us with any changes, thanks.


  149. these people are sick! how could anyone do this to a little baby? i cannot believe this. she could have a had a beautiful long life but her stupid mother and these two guy took that away from her! raping a infant? how low can someone go. and how disturbing is that. my name is Brianna. and every time i heard the name watching this, made my chest feel heavy. and when i was a child, i remember my infant cousin Abby was killed by her step father. hit many times with a broom stick.. because she wouldn’t stop crying!! there are some sick people in this world!! please report if you know of any abuse happening is this world. these people need serious help!


  150. After watching Brianna’s story on you tube I hugged my 3 month old daughter a little tighter and kissed her an extra time. To think that her mother could not give her the love and protection that she deserved is horrifying to me. I have 5 children and I can’t understand how Brianna’s mother and father could do this. There is nothing sweeter and more innocent then a baby and no child should have to go through what Brianna did. It makes me so sad that they didn’t even love her enough to take a picture of her. The fact that she only lives on in a picture taken after she was dead that had to be airbrushed is incomprehensible. I hope this baby knows how many lives she has touched.

    I hope her “family” gets what they deserve. I believe they will have to answer for what they did someday and she will be there to confront them for the pain they put her through.


  151. I just heard about this story a couple of days ago. I can not stop thinking about Brianna and all that she went through. How can anyone harm the greatest gift that God gives us. It makes me so sad knowing that she was probably never fed, cuddled, loved, diaper changed or even taken to the dr for check ups. Why didnt they just give her away to someone who would love her. There are so many people who would love a sweet baby girl. Jail is too good for these so called parents and so called uncle, they have all they could ever want there. I hope they rot in hell. I am so sickened by seeing tears run down the grandmothers face she didnt love or even care about that sweet baby or she wanted have let her be harmed. I would love to get my hands on each and everyone of them. At least they could take the cage off and let her be shown love like she was never shown from her so called family. I have two children of my own a 4yr old and a 1 yr old and if anyone touched them in a harmful way i would kill them.

    I am so sorry Brianna, you were a beautiful sweet baby girl and did not deserve the family you were given to. I know you are in a better place now. I love you sweet girl.


  152. I am so bothered by this story. It brings me to tears. I am so sorry Baby Brianna. May you rest in peace. These people are sick monsters doing this to a baby!!


  153. My 11 yro daughter and i watched this off a link a friend had sent me through facebook. And we both cried. It broke our hearts to know such a tiny sweet innocent baby girl went through such a horrible short lived life. This was the first time i had ever heard of the story. I have a 10 month old baby boy my daughter and i hugged and kissed him and vowed that much more to keep our baby safe. And we all just need to spread the word and educate people about this abuse that is happening to so many children right now as we speak. Us adults in this world need to keep our children and future safe it IS our responsibility to report any abuse seen. Brianna we love you and you will always be in our hearts.


  154. I cant even put into words how much Brianna and her story has touched my heart and also made me so incredibly mad.Baby Brianna has been on my mind sinse i watched her story off a link in facebook and i sit here wondering how i can help any child that suffers at the hands of monsters that have no right to be called parent….I am shocked that the monsters are in protection as i thought surley they would get their own in jail and i like so many others would love a face to face meeting with them……. rest in peace Brianna and know that we all think of you xxx


  155. Baby Brianna

    I am so sorry for all your pain that your little and frail body had to endure in the hands of those monsters. I heard about this on Facebook and I havent been able to sleep since. Such a beautiful and precious angel didnt deserve to die at ALL and especially not the way that you did! My heart and prayers continue to be with you, and that God has you sitting right there next to his glory and without any pain or fear. They didnt deserve you precious one, and I hope that they get everything that comes to them day after day. I hope that they dont have one moment of peace and that they pay with their life and blood for all the harm they did to you. I love you Baby Brianna even though I never had the pleasure of meeting you, I love you! I will always carry you in my heart ALWAYS. May your soul continue to rest in peace little one!


  156. I just heard about this story the other day. I have been crying since then. This baby was so beautiful. There are so many loving people who can’t have a child that would have adored her. No child should have to suffer like this. It makes me sick. I can’t get her precious little face out of my mind.

    I pray those bastards will suffer endlessly for what they did to this tiny soul. Also, I pray they burn in hell when they die. There is no forgiveness for such a horrible crime against a child.

    I also think that poor excuse for a grandmother and uncle should burn in hell as well. How could anybody not do something about this abuse while they knew it was happening? I am beside myself. This is the worst thing I’ve ever read about. I will never forget or stop praying for this child. God bless you, Brianna.


  157. i wish someone could have been their to help u. u didnt deserve what happen to you. u were a sweet little angel and it hurts me that your short life was so painful. RIP my little Angel for you are with god now. no one will ever hurt you again my sweet baby


  158. Baby Brianna,

    I am going to make sure that these monsters’ photos are published and seen in as many places as possible. I will see to it that your story is never forgotten, and I will work in my community to help children who’ve been abused or neglected, to honor your memory.

    You have affected me in a way that I never knew I could be affected. I have one two-year-old daughter, who is the light of my life. I feel so sad that you didn’t have the same chance for love and family that my daughter does. I could have taken care of you, and I would’ve protected you with my own life. You deserved so much more than this.

    May God’s love and blessings be with you forever in heaven, and may God find vengeance against the monsters who hurt you. You are among the angels now, sweetheart. We all love you so much.


  159. Dear Baby Brianna,

    I am so sorry that you had to endure all that pain and evil but you will be in the Lord’s arms forever. I love you so much even though your family couldn’t.


  160. I love you Brianna. I am so sorry that you had to live and die like this. Myonly solace is that you are in heaven with God. You are an angel now. Your story, although a horrific one, will help others to escape the dispicable situations such as yours. I love you Brianna. I wish I was there for you to hold you, cuddle you, love you the way you were meant to be loved. I will see you in heaven my sweet. In the meantime, you willbe in my thoughts, my heart, my prayers. ♥ I love you.


  161. Like many others, I just learned of this story yesterday and I read the details today. There are no words that can express my disbelief and sadness, anger and so much more that I feel. My mind cant even wrap itself around the horrific things that were done to this sweet baby girl, the way she was treated in life and in death by her “family”. I can only keep telling myself that I know, she is experiencing the perfection that is God’s love in heaven. I feel like I should do something, write letters to these worthless monsters, advise someone in the new prison that the dad was transferred to of his crimes, let people know what these people have done always so that they never have a moments peace for the rest of their days on this earth. I cant fathom, cant grasp what on earth could be wrong with this entire family that all of them thought this was ok. It angers me to see the grandmother crying in the video, and it angers me even more to know that she will shed tears for herself but, not her grandchild. Its sick. I am conforted by My Fathers word: Matt. 18:10 Take heed that ye despise [kataphroneo {kat-af-ron-eh’-o}: 1) to condemn, despise, disdain, think little or nothing of (which includes abuse)] not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven. and also “it would be better to have a mill stone tied around your neck and cast into the depths of the ocean than to harm a child”. Revenge is not ours, it is God’s and there is nothing of this earth that can compare with what is waiting for these people at His hands. I will forever remember you and love you, sweet angel


  162. I’ve only just seen the news story video on facebook on someone’s page, and i break down and cry every time i see the pictures of this little baby covered in bruises. Ive googled her name and the story to find out more about baby brianna. I dont understand how a mother lets that happen to her baby. I understand how a father does those things to his own infant daughter. She would have cried and cried! Did they just ignore the cries? Did they just block it out?. I want to know if Stephanie ever loved or cared at all for her daughter?. Did Brianna ever feel loved or safe in her short life?. I understand how a grandmother standsby and says nothing. Im annoyed when i see in the video stephanie Lopez holding her head high, strutting into the court room, like she’s got nothing to be ashamed of. I wonder what she thinks today, does she grieve for her baby?. who bites their baby???. I have 6 kids, and yeah there are lots of days they drive me up the wall but i dont bite them!!! what the hells wrong with you!.
    my heart breaks at the thought of the torture our precious baby brianna suffered. But i take solace in knowing that heavenly father in his infinite wisdom called his precious little one, Brianna home, into his loving arms she went, away from the sad and painful life she lived here on earth.
    With love in my heart i will think of you everyday baby and it will remind me to always strive to be the best mother i can be to my children and to always protect them and other children i know or that i may come across in my life.
    lovingly think of you always baby girl.
    Jess xxxxxx


  163. sorry, just read my message above and there’s important words missing like the word “DONT”. Its suppose to say “I dont understand…..” Not “I understand…..”sorry!


  164. wow i just seen the video on facebook…. i have 3 kids i would never think about hiting them they r my life….my question is and i know everyone elses too is why why would u do that how can a person be so cold hearted…


  165. oh yea and another thing is one of my sons just turned 10 years old today… i cant image me not beable to celabrate there birthdays and seeing there faces smile… real mothers want there kids happy… i just hope and pray she never gets 2 call her self a mother again… my heart goes out to baby brianna


  166. I just seen the video on facebook about one week ago and i cant stop thinking of Baby Briana. I have cried for her everyday since i seen the video, i have 4 beautiful kids and i would never hurt them let alone let anyone else touch them. Baby Briana’s story has impacted me so much. Its a shame she was never given the opportunity to know what it was like to be loved by anyone while she was alive. I think about how could God have given this precious angel to a pack of heinas. Those monsters deserve to rot in hell, i hope that they get what they deserve a slow and painful death….. I love u Baby Briana i wish u would have been mine, i would of loved and cared for you and protected you with my life………


  167. I am wondering if anyone may know what prison these monster’s are serving their time at?To write a letter exspressing the disgust and fury I feel for them is the only way right now that I can feel as though I have done something in dear little brianna’s defence.Sweet little angel RIP


  168. Hell exists because of monsters like these….


  169. Andrew Walters #59926 Lvel VI
    Steven Lopez #59927 Level VI
    Penitentiary of New Mexico
    P.O. Box 1059
    Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-1059

    Stephanie Lopez #59941
    Western New Mexico Correctional Facility
    P.O. Drawer 250
    Grants, New Mexico 87020


  170. I’m so sad to think of Baby Brianna and all the sufferring she recieved at the hands of her own family. I cry every time I think about her or tell her story. Baby Brianna will always be loved and cherished by those who never got to meet her. I take comfort knowing that she is with God and the angels now.


  171. It pains my heart so much to hear about this horror that those beast inflicted on that precious lil angel. I’m overwhelmed with rage and anger, how could u intentionally hurt such an innocent little person, she didn’t ask to be born, she was to be a gift, a blessing. In my anger i wanna say i hope God never has mercy on their souls and i hope they live in torment and die a horrible painful death but it would make me almost just as bad as them, but instead i pray God has mercy on their souls, that he allows them to live with the picture of her precious, gorgeous face in their minds every time the close their eyes i hope they see her and hear the cries of her helplessness. Oh God it hurts me so much for lil brianna, i wish God would have blessed me with her so i could held and love her unconditionally. Brianna i want u to know that God loves you most and he saw your pain and suffering so he took you and held you in his arm to stay forevermore…. you have truly touched the lives of many all around the world and though you weren’t apart of our lives we will always remember you, little Innocent Angel….


  172. i love you baby brianna.. your safe now and i know your happy. we will never forget you… you’ll be forever in our hearts.. mwah! rest in peace baby..


  173. Dear Little Brianna,
    I know that now you are at peace and being loved by our Lord…what you went through in this life was terrible and you did not deserve any of it. I need you to know that myself and my little ones will always think of you and will never forget youxx RIP angel brianna…..God Bless forever..


  174. Everytime I remember what I saw it brings tears to my eyes….how in the world could this animals do such harm to this beautiful baby?? I will never understand…I have a 18mo baby girl and one night I got up to check on her and her face was turned the way baby Brianna’s is on the picture and I just started crying…I wish baby Brianna could have been mine, I would have loved her and maker her happy.

    She is in a better place now….and that it’s what brings some peace to my heart !!

    Sorry baby girl for all the pain you went through here on earth, you don’t have to suffer anymore…


  175. It has been 2 days since I saw your news update video on youtube. I have not stopped crying since. I have also read all the court documents and interviews by the defendents. I cannot believe the ongoing pain you had to endure. the biting, broken bones for weeks, getting thrown and dropped, the sexual abuse. I cannot stop thinking of you and your beautiful face. I wish I could have rescued you and shown you what love is. I am sorry for your pain and I am sorry that we failed you!

    to the monsters that gave birth to you and abused you. I will be writing to you in jail and I hope you sit in protective custody for 23 hours a day and think about what you have done. You are fucking animals and do not deserve a happy moment.

    We can torture terrorists, but you have rights? give me a fucking break! I hope the cops turn their heads to you one day like they did with Jeffrey Dahmer!

    I also hope that the NM community gives the other relatives who did nothing a daily beating….

    RIP Brianna. I love you even though I have never met you.


  176. It is shocking to know parents and blood relatives can do such evil things and just to an innocent 5 month old baby at that, but one things for sure God will not let them be unpunished. Dearest child, Brianna rest in peace sweet angel I love you you are amoung the angels in heaven and in God’s loving hands.


  177. RIP little angel. Hugs and kisses xxx


  178. I have cried for two days after hearing about Baby Brianna’s story and find myself wondering if any of her killers ever shed a tear (or felt an ounce of guilt for anything other than getting caught) for what you did to that baby girl. Even if you ask for forgiveness, you have to know that God will never allow you into his Kingdom until you have paid for your sins. What a horrible, horrible story, the pain that poor baby must have felt. I only hope that in prison those monsters are getting raped and abused constantly, daily for their entire sentence.


  179. I saw this over a week ago and have been struggling ever since – I can’t get it out of my head and I’m so disgusted by it that words can express how I feel. I am a mother of two and can’t imagine for a second hurting my children. I feel so many of the same things people have written here… it’s amazing. I wish she were mine, I wish she’d known love, how could those monsters have hurt her in SO MANY WAYS? Beaten, raped, thrown, bitten??? I was and still am sick and completely heartbroken for this baby. I’ve cried at least once (at the very least but several times most days) every day since learning of baby Brianna and lost a lot of sleep. I can’t stop thinking about her and agonizing over her agony. I look at my children (especially my 7 month old) and cry and wonder how – HOW? Why? I will never, ever understand how parents could do something so horrendous to any defenseless, innocent baby – especially their own flesh and blood.

    I hope like everyone else here that some sort of justice is being served behind prison walls. I hope they regret every single day of their pathetic lives what they’ve done and I wish every ounce of pain upon them and more than what Brianna had to endure. And if they do get out early or even if they don’t… I hope someone is there waiting for them with a baseball bat or worse.

    I will always remember sweet baby Brianna and will send her the love her family didn’t have the decency to show her.

    ***I have already signed the petition to remove the cage and will continue to look for updates about the monsters that did this to her. If there is anything more I can do to help honor her memory or keep those sick pieces of shit behind bars, I’d be honored to do so.


  180. This is the saddest thing I have ever seen. I said to myself how can a mother do that to her own baby. Or anyone do that to any baby for that matter, but honestly I do not want to know. I do not want to understand how they can do something so horrid to an innocent angel and live with themselves, because to understand, I mean really understand we would have to harden our hearts.


  181. I’ve been wondering, after reading the timeline given by the abusers… never once in 13 hours do they mention feeding her. When did this little beauty get fed? Did she? Oh, I am so sickened by this I have nightmares every night. I have a precious little niece who is the same age Brianna was… I look at her and she smiles, and I wonder if Brianna knew what a smile was. I don’t know how she made it to be 5 months old! I’m surprised she wasn’t dead earlier. I also don’t like for these abusers to be compared to animals. Animals have an instinct to protect their young and will die protecting them if they have to. Human beings are supposed to have a conscience… yet the human race is so disgusting to me. I am ashamed to be considered a human! What angers me most of all is “monsters”, “demons”, like this who abuse and torture little children, babies, and animals sometimes to their deaths. They choose the innocent creatures of the world who have no voice for themself. They cannot speak up and tell what is happening to them. I know it is not for me to judge them. God will do that when he returns, but I AM only human and I am not perfect… so I honestly hope and pray that they are tortured EVERY SINGLE DAY they are in prison for what they did to her. I crave to rock her, feed her, sing to her, cuddle her, play with her toes, all those little things. I bet she was never ever rocked to sleep in her short 5 months of life. I know Jesus is rocking her now, but I hope someone here on earth at least, rocked her after she died. I hope these monsters never, ever, ever get out of jail on parole or anything! I wish they could be made sterile, so they could never have another beautiful child like Brianna. You know- they talk about abortion and unwanted pregnancies… But NO CHILD IS UNWANTED! Someone somewhere who can’t have a child would love to have that child that is being aborted or abused and murdered. —— Brianna, I don’t know what to say. You have touched my heart and soul ever since I first learned about your story a week ago. I think of you every night. And also every day. I see all your little bruises in my dreams (nightmares) at night. I cry for you. I wish I could have done something. Sleep with the angels my precious. No one here on earth who hears about you is able to forget you. And you are loved by so many. Rest In Peace Now. *kisses* & *hugs*


  182. freakin’ bastards! please do something about the case. let them rot in jail!


  183. How could you do this to your own child. So precious and innocent!! Brianna was a beautiful little girl and anyone would have been lucky to have her. But now she is a beautiful angel up in Hevean and away from the horror her own famiy put her through. I did my senior thesis on child abuse and remember using Brianna’s story as one of my examples… he had me crying through out the whole time! May u R.I.P baby Brianna!!!


  184. Constitutional Rights? What about this baby’s rights? There is so much child abuse going on in this world today. You people say that she could of been put in a foster home or orphanage? It goes on there also. I say why even waist our tax paying dollars on crud like this. Why even let them go to prison? Because of our laws? Briana didn’t have any laws. This world is so F—– up it makes me sick. I don’t understand one thing? How does a MAN take a first born or 5 month old and get his rocks off by raping the poor thing? Is he looking at her when he does this cruel thing? If he is what is he thinking about? SICK! Don’t waste our tax paying dollars! Why does the family have a right to put a cage around her grave when they didn’t even claim the body? The community should take it down. Said they wanted to be left alone, HA! Sick family if they didn’t even claim her body. Don’t you think? Maybe there’s more going on.


    • Hey Greeneyes my names’ L and like you I say the same thing..Const.rights what about babies rights?? They torture, rape and kill her and then they call 911, did’nt claim her body , put a cage around her and don’t want any visitors!!! I think there’s more going on also..This is’nt child abuse this is murder premeditated possibly..You know they were getting welfare money for her as well as their 18month old son…the grandmother owned the trailer; was she getting any rent form theses monsters,, or were they all “freeloading?” So many things , it goes deeper , like they were all in on “a plan” or some horrible thing….I mean., not one of them obviously wanted her ..such a terrible waste of a human innocent baby that can’t fight back…nice commenting w/you all L


  185. I just watched the news report tape and I’m sitting at my desk just crying my eyes out. The anger I feel towards all of these people is just beyond words. But I also watch the big ogre who is sitting in the court room with his arm around the mother – looking like he’s consoling her. Poor Baby! I suppose he was well paid by the tax payers to make sure that this piece of crap was defended and nobody hurt her feelings! I’d like to have 5 minutes alone in a room with him. How he can sleep at night is beyond me. Attorneys that defend known criminals should be locked up themselves.


  186. i am 15 years old and when this happened i was too little to understand it. i was on facebook and i got this cause for stop beating on children. i went to google and looked up brianna lopaz to read more. as i was reading i was crying. i love children if the “family” didnt want the beautiful baby why didnt they put her up for someone else who could love her like a real family should. i want children i want 3 and i am going to number my oldest girl about baby brianna. its sad how this family did these thing to a sweet angle like you. and you should have a headstone and you should have that cage removed now! i wish i could of helped you. i am so sorry. this shouldnt have happened to you brianna. i hope your so called “family” rolts in hell and we should beat them the way you had to go threw. i am so sorry baby brianna you are with god now and he is going to protect you every night and every day.


  187. This world is filled with sick, sick people and seeing the video on Facebook about what happened to that poor little baby just breaks my heart. I have a 6 week old little girl and just looking at her makes me cry thinking if that had happend to her. I will never for get baby Brianna, that child and nother child should EVER have to endure what she did. She was just an innocent baby!! Those bastards should rot in prison! They will get what is coming to them. I signed that petition and i hope that cage gets removed, that family doesn’t care for her, if they did, they would have reported the abuse.
    Brianna, i will NEVER forget you. My next baby, if it’s a girl, WILL be named after you. You had a sweet name for a sweet baby. Rest in peace baby girl!


  188. I don’t know how any one could do that too a 5 month old … think of my baby’s and how i could never hart them like that no matter how hard it get’s kids, baby’s it not rigth too hart them like that babys did not do any thing too them that ‘s sad that it on mother would do that


  189. I just heard of this today. Like everyone else here I sickened. I don’t know how anyone could do this to any child or even an adult for that matter. I am the mother of 4 and when I saw this story I couldn’t stop crying and I dropped everything I was doing to gather up my babies. I held them tight and thanked God for them and told them how much I loved them. This story has changed me forever – I will never be the same. Never.
    I only take solace in the fact that baby Brianna is in heaven and she knows nothing of the pain she endured on earth. She is happy in God’s arms, she has never felt such love, heaven rings with her laughter, she is surrounded by awe, peace, beauty and unconditional love, she has the last laugh. For every kiss I give my children from here on I dedicate one to this sweet angel and every child of abuse. This is my forever promise. God have mercy. Lord have mercy.


  190. omg gosh how could anyone do this to a child and briannas mother just watching and help the dad and uncle how coould someone do that i cryed for 3 days about that no baby should be threated like that and im only 11 and i no ore then briannas parents did WOW there stupid WEll Help Brianna And Talk To Her Each Night


  191. This was more then Child abuse. This was premeditated 1st degree murder. That is what the charges should have been. They knew exactly what they were doing, they had options other than torturing a baby to death. I’m mad at the prosecutor for taking the easy way out. They should be placed into a pin of Pit bulls, one at a time, with the mother going last. Don’t feed the dogs, let each one of these murders be the dogs next meal. Harsh, yes, but I have no compassion for people like this.


    • Hi Gary , couldnt’ have said it better myself!! Sick and tired of excuses drinking , drugs, etc,,they knew exactly what the hell they were doing! Hope they are locked up forever…nice commenting w/you..L


  192. to all you sick parents who want to have kids at a young age. do us all a favor dont this poor little girl never did no wrong and paid the price for mom and dad uncle,sister nephew, cousin sick pervereted durnk habits. we dont need people like you in the streets. As for you steven and walter the way you cause pain for god’s childs trust me you will feel it 10X’s as worst in prison there are rules that our convicts have and one rule is you dont miss with little kids. to make this worst for you this was a baby trhat wasnt even 1 year old. just five months for god sake’s. to top it all off you and this so called mom couldnt protect her and now you want to cage her up from the public. what rock did your family come from or wait i cant even compare you to anything under a rock. the sad thing is that in this country you had a lawyer defend you. I wounder how he sleep at night knowing that he had kids and watching them eat dinner across the table. well someone had to. a waste of our money and time by now you are in a cell thinking about this mess GOOOOOD a young kid like the two of you in prison best of luck.
    As for the family you didnt care or did you ? so now you want to cage her up for what reason? please explain to the world. at no time did the family try to stop this madness why? may GOD have mercy on all your souls not just the three feaks. I will sign any bill that can put away these freaks ASAP. I will send out paper work and help please keep me posted. As for me I have family all over LAS CRUCES and i pray to the good lord that this lopez isnt part of my family. if you are somehow connected to me i want nothing to do with you and your family. but, i will make a trip for brianna and pay my respect for a little girl who didnt even get a chance to live related or not.
    As for the rest of the family members you are just as gulity


    • Hey to mad in all 50 states, Right On!!! You hit it. We don’t need people like that out on the street, in public, this world.. . Although , I’m all the way over here lil’ ole’ Jersey….I came across this poor lilttle baby on the int. by complete accident 3 days ago. 3 days ago! and I can’t get let it schocking.. Did you say you have family by them? Is your name Lopez too? Lopez is a real common name name..Oh, my name;s L. by the way.. Thanks . for sharing your comment. I love the way you speak it…L….. ; . … . .. . .


  193. I just read the life of brianna, the sad thing is that it never started all it was she was born, eat died in the care of the a sick person who has no busniess being called a mom, and two men who dont even need to be called men. my god there are couples out there who want to care for babies.
    money isnt what i have but i have love and and a place for any baby who needs it. May the heavens above watch little brianna and may she haunt you and remind you what you have done to her.


  194. What you mean they turned there conviction. No way. There is no way that those animals are getting back on the streets. NO way!


  195. brianna… i cant believe someone would want to hurt you in such a horrific way!! i have a seven week old little girl myself and couldnt even think about me or anyone else doing that to her.. you were so beautiful.. your a sleeping princess.. if i had the chance i would have taken you on and given you all the love and care you needed.. r.i.p darling xx


  196. I am scanning the responses wondering how the “family” is being treated by the community, and haven’t seen one. I hope these people have to live like prisoners also. How were they not beaten down themselves? How come no one has tried to remove that cage unlawfully in 7 years?!!! I live in California and heard of this story 8 days ago. I am so tremendously hearbroken. I have cried many times, the feeling of helplessness in overwhelming. I don’t eat or sleep well ever since. I have a 20 month old daughter, and the only thing that helps a little is to hug her as tight as I can. I just can’t believe someone in NM hasn’t taken it upon themselves to remove that sick cage.. I want to drive there just to do it myself. In July I will drive to Tennessee and on the way I will stop in Las Cruces NM. If that damn cage is still there, I swear I will remove it with my bare HANDS!!!!! Please somebody tell me that this pathetic peice of shit grandmother and uncles are living miserably. Picturing them just going about daily life like nothing happened is just KILLING me inside. I seriously contemplate moving there just so I can make their lives HELL. Please everyone SIGN THE PETITION!!!! There are only 6,000 signatures, and I know there has to be more than that many people in Las Cruces itself. What’s going on in NM??? Also, how can I be alerted to when and if these nasty peices of shit are up for parole????!!!!!! I want to be there, because if they get out it is the publics turn to make sure justice for Brianna is served, and we don’t care about constitutional rights for raping, beating, disgusting peice of shit baby murderers!!!!!!!


  197. All 3 of you won’t stand a chance in prison. When the other inmates find out what you did to that innocent baby, they will end your pathetic existance.
    Good fu$^ing riddance!
    BTW What sort of parents create such monsters?


  198. I saw Brianna’s story last night and haven’t been able to sleep at all. This is just so sad and horrible. I am a mother of 4 daughters & I could never feel anything but love for my babies. I can’t for the life of me imagine how a mother could ALLOW someone to hurt her child & WATCH! But to actually PARTICIPATE in her torture?!? What an evil monster! Babies know nothing but trust and love. This poor sweet baby looked to her mother to protect her and comfort her! I just can’t understand it. Look at all the posts on just this site discussing this baby. Soooo many people would have really loved her (including me). The police took a file picture of Brianna & erased all the bruises and she looks like she was supposed to- a beautiful comfortable sleeping baby. They keep her framed picture as a constant reminder to keep fighting for justice for helpless children. That is so touching. I don’t have photoshop but was thinking it would be nice to see her picture made into one looking like Jesus finally holding her in His arms. It is sad to think of a child’s life ending so quickly but at least she’s safe now. Thank God. Rest in peace finally, you sweet little angel. Many many people you never knew have you in their hearts forever. Sadly there are still a lot of innocent victims still out there. We need to keep our eyes and ears open!


  199. You have touched me and will ALWAYS be in my heart Baby Brianna. Your story will be heard and will touch others as well. What a cruel world we live in and you did not deserve the hurt and pain that was given to you. What gives me peace is knowing that you are in good hands with the good Lord. I love you sweet angel.


  200. I dont understand a child that cannot defend itself from 3 grown adults not just any adults but her own family.
    this people should have no rights. its sad when a child dies in the hands of heartless people but its even sadder when laws protect this criminals


  201. God Bless your soul little princess. I love you and you will always be in my heart. You never deserved a bit of this. I am sorry that I wasnt near you to protect you. Rest in Peace darling angel.


  202. The power of the internet has brought this story back to life! I had also never heard about Baby Brianna until today (which is ridiculous). The awareness is something we all need in our lives on a daily basis. Maybe her life will save several more. It is sick and I too hope that the family is tortured. I also feel like the cage is just another way of abusing her in death. If I was in that area I would do all I could to remove it even if it meant breaking the law. Let her rest in peace!


  203. Words fail me, it’s so atrocious, so unbelievable. How can anyone represent these people, hug them when they’re sentenced, try to get them off or reduced sentences? The family, the lawyers, they’re ALL human scum. Excrement you’d find under your shoe. And the neighbours didnt hear anything?? oh, please!! They need to be investigated.
    The judge who sentenced the grandmother and uncle, the witnesses, to 30 days?? What sort of a judge is that?? Not a competent one. Not fit for office. The powers that be need to strip that person of all their rights, and their job. Incompetent brain-dead nincompoop. Soulless heartless twit. Scumbag.
    The parents and that uncle. EVIL FILTH!! Cruel, heartless beasts. Sinister, twisted psychopaths.

    Their needs to be a worldwide law. Briannas Law.
    1. Harsh lifelong sentences. Death penalty. (I”d prefer long drawn out torture myself…I’d volunteer to do it). An eye for an eye!
    2. Long sentences for those that know but fail to report and protect. Mandatory reporting for all for abuse.
    3. No anonymity for perpetrators and those that cover their crimes. No identity changes allowed. Everyone to know who they are, what the look like, all they did, and where they live.
    4. No protection in jail. Let them associate freely with other criminals, who are made aware of their crimes before they get to jail.
    5. That ALL details of their crimes be public. Not one detail to be suppressed.

    The first officer on the scene, I noted, said we only know about one tenth of what he knows. Please, tell all. It isnt fair the extent of their depravity be covered up.

    Brianna…I cant bear to think of what they did to you. I wish your parents had been abortions. Infact, I wish they had been tortured babies who died the way you died, suffering what you suffered. I’ve never heard of such suffering. Such selfish self-absorbed non-empathetic narcissistic parents and relatives I cant get a grasp on that reality.
    I just cant get your last hours out of my mind. Threw at the ceiling, to smash to the floor. 3 times!!! Then raped. I have 5 kids, and want more. I am thankful to be able to have children, and thank God I was blessed with them. How can anyone hold their own baby and not feel that? Not feel love, pride, and all those things normal parents feel? Sorry Brianna. But I will pursue this issue to the ends of the earth and the ends of my days. Your death and suffering will not be in vain. I want to see your memory in a law in your name, that will help to protect other littlies like you. Those monsters didnt care, but I care. I cuddle my 4 month old baby girl and I pretend I’m comforting you when you were alive. I will never forget you, I promise.


    • What they didnt tell you was when she was thrown into the ceiling how, when they threw her up how her head continually hit the ceiling fan which caused the gash in the front and back of her head…A nurse was the vone who checked brianna at the hospital when she died… She was anally raped and her pathetic excuse sperm donor tried to wipe her clean because he came in her…all in all her fucking so called family are fucking demons that need to be excuted..


  204. Wow! I just read the story and also watched the video of this poor baby’s existence. I can not understand why would you do something so vile and sadistic? If peolpe do not believe in the devil, please rethink that. God in heaven is love and this baby will never have to see these demons again. I have 6 children of my own and do not give me that crap of young mother. I had my first child when I was 19. Screw up along the way and she is a spoiled brat but she is alive and happy. i had 4 other children and adopting my youngest. there is a special place for people like this in hell. My love,kisses and prayers for you Brianna and you will not be forgotten by this mother.


  205. I read this story and can’t get those images of that beautiful innocent baby out of my head. What kind of animals would do this to such a precious little being? I just don’t understand. I’ve cried so many tears just thinking about this story. Dear Lord, I know that precious little Brianna is with you right now. I pray for her every day and all the other children that are in the same situation. I have a 15 month old boy and he is my everything. He is my world and I would never harm him. I hug him just a little tighter now and give him extra kisses. No child should have to suffer like that.


  206. Does anyone know what the final sentence was for the creeps???? To this day, I cry and cry and cry. My heart hurts so bad.


  207. This story has broken my heart into a hundred thousand pieces. I have a little girl, only two years old, and as a mom I could never imagine allowing someone to hurt my baby like that, I could never leave her in the care of two drunks, I could never drink if she is even home. I can’t imagine in.

    Brianna, you precious baby girl, I can’t imagine what you experienced in your short five months. I wish I could have saved you myself, I bet with some love and care you would have made a great big sister. You’re in a better place now, beautiful, and you know there are people all over the world rallying for you and other children who suffered like you.

    It’s sad that your Mama and Papa couldn’t fill the shoes that Moms and Dads are supposed to fill. But your suffering, I think, will help make the world a better place. You’re in heaven now and Jesus will protect you.

    Brianna’s story was absolutely crushing. The fact that her only photo was taken by a stranger after her death wrenches my heart. I sincerely hope the people who did this to her suffer considerably on Earth and then for eternity in the depths of Hell.


  208. I just checked and the father is no longer listed in NMDOC. What happened to him?
    This is the most horrific story I have ever seen. That poor poor child.
    My prayers are with her.


  209. I have a 2 year old doughter and im only 17 im tiered o people blaming this types of crimes on teens. I love my baby till death and till this point i wont dare to put a hand on her. She is my angel and the best thing i have in this life. They did that because they are some piece of shit all of them even the grandmother. My mom wont let me yell at my own doughter.I think my mom will rather see my ass in jail then her grand doughter getting hurt they should of kill them all. No justice.. Brianna couldnt defend her self why should they have a fair trial.
    When are they all coming out? Are they even letting them out?


    • Maria,

      This crime is not being blamed on teens, but the specific family members that murdered her. I don’t think they were teens either.

      They are all in prison, and I don’t believe will ever get out.


  210. I am so heartsick over this poor baby, it is so unfair that any child shoud suffer. I have an 8month old daughter and I can’t imagine when I look atr her how anyone could hurt a baby so helpless. Children are a gift to be treasured and loved and hugged, not tortured and murdered at the hands of her parents.

    Brianna, didn’t get the chance to know the loving touch of a mother and father to be held when she cried..I hope her parents and uncle are tortured in prison and I hope they learn to suffer like they made er suffer in her short life.

    I wish I had been there to save you, my mother passed away almost 2 years ago and I have prayed to her tofind you ad watch over you and hold and take care of you, she will love you now in heaven and make sure that you know love.

    Rest In peace lilttle one…


  211. I heard about Baby Brianna a few months ago through Facebook. It literally broke my heart and I think about her often. The only way I ease my pain for this poor little baby is to believe that God called for her to stop her suffering. But I also wonder why God had to put her, or any child, through this. I know God is supposed to be Great but why does He let these things happen?
    I don’t think justice was served. They still get to wake up every day and eat. But I do hope they are dying painfully & slowly knowing what they did to this little angel.

    Baby Brianna, your life was hard and I’m sorry you had to suffer through it. No one was there to look out for you. I’m sorry no one was there for you to protect or love you. I hope you feel all our love for you now and we’re praying for you. God bless you. You’re our baby now.


  212. My little Angel, you will be in my heart and mind…I wish i was there to protect you and give you hug and love, i wish i knew where you are..
    I never forget you..i promese
    Sleep my little angel


  213. I heard about this for the first time two days ago. I can’t see how I had neard before but when I read baby brianna’s story I could not stop crying. How could anyone do what they did to a beautifull little girl. And your parents and great-uncle did this to you. I am a mother of three, my baby is 5 moths old so this hit my really hard. Everytime I look at her I think what i in the world could a baby this small do for those poeple to bit her, throw her around and all the things they did to her. And to voliate a small innocient baby what were those sickos thinking? I really hope that they never make it out of prison and I hope they are hurt the same why they hurt her and a hundred times more.


  214. ive cried for days about this poor angel. suffering for months at the hands of people who are supposed to love and care for you is the most dispicable of crimes. so many people in this world cant have children and cant afford to adopt. there are so many other options for unwanted children. i love baby brianna with all my heart and im so happy god took her home. shell never have to see those monsters again.


  215. your tears fell and noone could hear your cries for help. but when the silence came it may have been to late to hear you but you woke us up with a wrenching pain in our hearts. your life was short and not appreciated. you never heard those precious words I LOVE YOU but you are the world will hold your hand and give you the sweetest love you could ever know. your pain is done and your work just begun with us you will stop all the angels from crying in pain too. so sleep little angel your real mommies and daddies will protect you now. the boogeyman is gone and the heavens are where you belong go laugh and play till we see you again. with kisses and hugs we say good night.

    lets unite and protect all the children of the world no matter how old they are as long as they deserve to live.let us be briannas parents


  216. i just learned of baby brianna days ago as a freind of mine told me bout it,and there r no words to say how i feel bout it.As a proud supporter of b.a.c.a,{biker against child abuse} i was told by a freind of mine who has been in prison that they will get bad as some of the dudes in prison r most of them have babies and kids on the out side.they will make sure baby gets just in there,and its funny how the very coward punks who did this r now beggin for mercy them u r and always will be a little ray of sunshine and will be forever in our hearts.your memory will never die,dispite what some PUNK family memebers want,play just as long as u want now princess.WE ALL LOVE U


  217. Brianna was so beautiful – she was one gorgeous baby. I totally would have cherished her! Like I cherish my own daughter. I was crying so much when I saw this story on youtube -.

    That mother is guilty, guilty, guilty as if not more guilty then the monsters (father and uncle).

    I am so protective of my kids – I even protect them against family! If I feel that someone is picking on them – I say something!!! As a matter of fact we are not talking to my husbands cousin and her family because they were mean to my kids!

    A real mom does that!

    But this is not about me this is about beautiful Brianna. I wish that she was one of my kids because I would have loved her!


  218. i have a question: why, why oh why would they “respect” the “family’s” wishes in caging up where lil brianna is buried?? I mean, why would they respect the wishes of a bunch of murderers, animals who killed this beautiful little baby in the most horrific ways (AND YES, THIS INCLUDES THE SO-CALLED GRANDMA! SHE HAD EVERY PART OF THIS JUST AS THE REST OF THEM HAD) – doesn’t the state take over when it comes to children being abused?


    • Enough,

      I am not sure about the laws in NM, but in most states, if the child was not in the custody of the State when the child dies, usually the State does not have a choice in the burial, nor would they have custody of the burial site. Because the family paid for it, they have no choice. It is horrible and unfortunate, but that is the way it is. I know that there are some petitions going around to see if this can be changed. Hopefully something will work. Personally, I would be very surprised if the “family” has even been to her grave at all. The only reason I see that they have done this (her grave) is to have control and make it look as if they have “won”.


  219. I just figured since this is a child abuse case, that they would take over anyway just as they would have had the child lived (or at least I hope they would have!). The system is so technical and screwed up it’s unbelievable. It amazes me that these animals get protection even after all the crimes they have committed against an innocent baby who could not in the slightest defend herself. And it’s not just here, this injustice happens all over the world (e.g. Peter Connolly aka Baby P’s case – what those parents got was a slap on the wrist!!). I wish more could be done; I wish there were something I could do. And I found the petition you were referring to about removing the cage and signed it. 🙂

    I agree with you totally. This family is just set on making this poor baby suffer even in death and laughing in our faces in the process. But I believe that won’t last long – they will get theirs, big time.


  220. I heard about this story a few days ago. I have a 11 month old daughter and I swear the picture of Brianna looks like my sweet baby girl. I cannot sleep or stop thinking about what she endured and picturing this in my mind. I have prayed and prayed and asked God why? It has made me question my faith at times thinking about it. Wondering ho God could let this kind of thing happen to a sweet innocent 5 month old. I can’t get the picture of the mother just biting her sweet child, the father and uncle having sex with a 5 month old what the hell? Them throwing her in the air and letting her fall to the floor like a rag doll, what was she feeling thinking? Was she fed, held in a loving way, was she changed, all these questions constantly runing through my mind. I looked at my daughter every night and held her tight and kissed her head while she slept and jus can’t imagine how anyone could ever hurt a baby. Did she ever get a kiss, a loving touch? Brianna I am so sorry my sweet baby girl. If I had known I would have protected you and loved you! I will never forget this story and hope that I can get the visions of these crazy assholes out of my head doing this to the this sweet baby! I hope they suffer all eternity and pray that God will see that these evil demons suffer 100 times more that Brianna. Brianna I love you dearly and I am so sorry for your suffering baby girl you did not deserve to be born to a shitty family like this. I hope the grandma and other uncle rot in hell for not seeing that she was protected you are just as sick! Rot in HELL!!!!


  221. I still think of you all the time Sweet Brianna and I promise you that we’ll never forgot you, I told you I’d tell your story whenever I can and I always will. No-one should ever have died the way you did, My comfort is now no-one will can hurt you again, Love you our Angel xx, Tanya x


  222. Ok listen to this! It will make your blood boil! I have been doing some research on all 3 of these crazy assholes, the Andy Walters (what was suppose to be a father but instead is a demon from hell) has been moved 3 times for his own protection because the prisoners want to kill the crazy fuck! Then the uncle is about to be moved as well for the same reason. This is our wonderful system at work where was this great system of ours to protect poor Brianna, and where are they for the poor children that are out there be raped, molested and beaten on a daily basis. But yeah we are goign to protect a fuck like them it is sickening!


  223. dear sweet Brianna, when I first heard of your story, I cried and cried. Mother of 5 and grandmother of 4….I can’t imagine a child who knew only pain and torture and never knew love! I truly believe you are now with Jesus and for the first time you feel safe and loved. I’m so sorry baby girl that you didn’t have that during your short stay with us. how can we as a society stop this from ever happen again??? !!!!


  224. O’ Brianna,

    So sorry for the nightmare you had to go through. I am devastated to read about the horror that was done to you. I am so so sorry….i cannot think straight…cannot imagine how a human being can do that to a child…hope you have already found a peaceful life elsewhere.


  225. I just heard about this story! and this little girl and her short life touched me. The thing we need to ask ourselves is a citizens what can we do to prevent this from happening to another infant or child. What can the system do to prevent such events from happening. Heres an idea, you know these parents had to have been receiving assistance for her. It should be a requirement to have documentation sent in to the state department once a month to prove a clean bill of health for these children. You know her abuse just didnt start overnight, and these parents love their free money to much to possibly risk having it cut off. A required doctors visit could have set off warning bells for this baby. We need to stand up and start demanding change for these kids.


    • that’s a good idea Laura, I thought the same thing …Assistance! that’s why they probably took her ‘home” into that house of horrors to begin with..and I don’t think she ever left that trailer since the day she came home from the hospital to the day she died…so no doctor ever could see should be required … so theses types of people cant’ “isolate” this type of brutality ever again!! Nice commenting w/you all L


  226. I am sooo sandden of this story I just watched on facebook, when I watch’d this story I was in tears. how could anybody to such a thing to a baby!! I have 2 boys of my own and I could NEVER!! omg this poor lil baby girl.. I know she’s in a better place with a better person who will Love her with all of his heart.. god bless!!

    her parents and that nasty ass uncle of her’s needs to be horse whipped for doing what they have done to her Bastards!!


  227. Hello baby brianna,
    i am writing to u from across the globe-from the middle east.
    an american friend of mine told me ur story and i was curious to find out more about u.
    i just saw 2-3 pics of u on the facebook page and i was shocked beyond words.
    i couldnt continue looking at these graphic pictures of ur so-called parents monstrous deeds on ur innocent self.
    it left me feeling terrible to think that u had lived with these devils.
    i have a 1 yr old baby boy who is the joy of my life and is the centre of all of our lives (me and my husband’s , my parents, his uncles and aunts). we are truly blessed with him.
    what makes me so angry is that if these monsters hated u so much to hurt u to death, why didnt they give u up for adoption from day 1 ? im saddened to read that u had to live with such sadistic barbarians who cannot be called human by any means.
    im praying for u and everytime i feed, play with baby, lull him to sleep, make him laugh, clean up and give him a bath , i will think of u. i will wonder how these barbarians could lay their hands on ur soft harmless body, and i will shed a tear for u.
    u r an angel and God might have chosen that u die so early so that this tragedy will not continue further. i know thats is harsh to say, but since a whole lot of people were in on this against u (ur stupid so-called parents, ur grandmother and uncle , even the neighbours who pretended to hear nothing and shut their ears as u cried for help), it seems that only God could have helped u get out of this horrible life u were living. And so He did. He took you from a life of misery and made u a real angel, living among other angels, singing in heaven.
    the people who hurt u deserve the death penalty.
    i think capital punushment should be implemented again in america. child abusers and pedophiles deserve to die and not live among us in the community. there is a thin chance that they will change their ways. so we need to get rid of such scum before they pullute our lives with their dirty and evil ways.
    brianna, the thought of u crying for help breaks my heart. u r an angel.
    rest in peace with God baby.


  228. I hope this guys named stephanie,andy and the brother the grandmother in their miserable life , suffer never ever get a chance to ever be happy.


  229. I just saw on you tube what Brianna’s so called parents did to her, and I am so horrified that people like that could hurt a beautiful five month old without having any remorse about it. the penalties the court gave her parents is nothing compare to what Brianna had to suffer. No one can said they did not know what was going on c’mon it was five months of pain and torture what she had to endure. I believed that these people should have gotten the death penalty for what they did, but even that is nothing compare to what they did while in jail they should get beaten and rape everyday so they can go thru the pain that little Brianna went thru.
    Since ive heard of what these Demons did to you ive been waking up in the middle of the night and go into my babies’ room and cry asking God why he lets people like that have children, and people that are good cannot have any. I cannot ever imagine ever be being able to hurt my two girls.
    The only thing that rejoice me is that you are no longer suffering. Rest in peace Brianna.


  230. I was, and still am, so moved by this story that I am doing a walk to help help raise money for battered women and children. I need all the sponsors I can get! Even the smallest amount helps!

    I love you sweet baby girl!


  231. Does anybody know anything else about the family?


    • Hi Lily, My name’s L. You mention does anyone else know anything about the family? What I would like to know, why would they kill their second baby? Why oh why did their son 18mos old Andy jr get any of this when he was his poor baby sister’s age…Why would they all be against her? Then a comment from Laura mad sense They were getting free money ..Welfare ! That’s it.. Thanks Laura ! Cause I don’t think any of them had a job!! !! Cause if they did’nt want her,they did’t have to keep her..right? . They had choices . Cause I have been wracking my brain about this..Why did they all seem to hate her so much?? Breaks my heart to hate a tiny defensless creature. But the little guys safe… Anyway, this is’nt child abuse this is murder premeditated murder.. So , what I do know Lily is that the they are Cold – Blooded -Killers L !


  232. Rest in Peace beautiful girl ❤


  233. Baby Brianna Case Court Records:


  234. RIP Peace beautiful baby girl, God took you back. No good will become of the three that neglected and abused you!


  235. I cannot stress enough children mean no harm why hurt them please if your not coping seek help they mean no harm when they cry they have no other way to express there needs .. baby brianna r.i.p sweet angel xxx


  236. I love you, you’re in my heart forever.


  237. My heart was broken into pieces while reading your story. I couldn’t stop my tears from falling. I was so moved. Those people shouldn’t be just imprisoned, they should be tortured to death. I wish I could turn back time and save you from them and fill your life with love and joy. And the cage should be removed. If only I had money, I’d give you the most beautiful grave. 🙂

    Your story will be heard our little angel. My thoughts and prayers are always be with you.


  238. Ever since I read Brianna’s story my heart just breaks. No child should have gone through that. I personally hope someone gets smart and “accidently” puts these three into general poplulation and let the imates take care of it. Hard to believe there is no death penalty for this. RIP Sweet Brianna you may be gone but you will not be forgotten!


  239. I heard about this story and just happened to see the pictures. I want everyone to know that God will take care of these animals. I live in El Paso Texas and I plan to go to Brianna’s gravesite. I have a poem for Brianna.


    I thought that you would like to know,
    That someone’s thoughts go where you go,
    That someone never can forget,
    The hours we spent, since first we met.
    That life is richer, sweeter far,
    For such a Sweetheart, that you are.
    And now my constant prayer will be,
    That God will keep you safe for me.

    I realize that I did not spend any time with you in real life but I feel that since I read about you, I cherish every word that is mentioned about you. I want a daughter so much and if your family would of given you up for adoption….I would of taken you without any hesitation. You are so beautiful and I will not only care a picture of my two boys, I will carry a picture of you. I will honor you on the day you came into the world and the day your life was taken. You are now with our Lord and I know that you are no longer hurting, crying, and wondering “Why is my mommy biting me”. “Why is she hitting me”. “Why is my daddy touching me and throwing me up in the air”. “Why is my uncle also touching me and doing things to me that hurt me so much”. “Why is my grandmother and uncle keeping quiet about the bruises and bitemarks they see”. We can only ask WHY WHY… To Stephanie Lopez: Please do us all a big favor. Stay in Prison and if you get out….Don’t have anymore babies. To the other family members: Hope you ask for Forgiveness because you will be dealt with by God (that’s if the public don’t get you first).

    I love you Brianna and I will honor you on July 19, 2010. You are a sweetheart….


  240. I just heard of baby Brianna’s story a week ago and it gives me chills thinking of what theses three monsters have made this beautiful baby go through. Their faces will forever haunt me. I’ve never cried so much in my life this story has broken my heart. Every night before I go to bed baby Brianna is in my prayers. I just want to know WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TOO HOW COULD SOMEONE EVER HURT A CHILD? WHAT DO WE NEED TO DO TO PROTECT OUR CHILDREN OF TODAY? I have four children my first daughter was born on July 19 2002 the same day baby Brianna’s life was tooken away. It hurts me so much that she never got to have the life she deserved. I hope thoses MONSTERS SUFFER in HELL and their pasted actions haunt them till the day they die I HATE THOSES MONSTER!!!!!!!


  241. My heart aches to see this happen to our most innocent Angels… A baby who could not speak for her life has so many people to speak for her death. I am so heart broken that anyone could even think about harming a child, but a mom? why ? how? thats all I can keep saying. I am a mother of three and on my most worst of days I can not fathum the thought of ever harming my children. Sexually assulting a 5month old baby what a sick world. I have to say this baby had much love from her community, the law enforcement and legislators. It’s a shame the family didn’t care the same for her to protect her… All I finish this with is a big SCREAM, And baby girl I am sooo sorry for the pain this world brought you.


  242. this story is by far the saddest story i’ve ever read and heard about its haunting me!! i have a beautifull angel as well shes 10 mo and everytime i see her i think of my other angel brianna i have thought of going to new mexico and committ a high crime so i can get locked up with the cunt animal that allowed this to happen and torture her everyday till i killed her!!! the other two things should have their dicks cut off slowly with a box cutter and tortured every 5 seconds till they kill ’em!! i cry at night when i see my daughter sleeping with me and i think about brianna, i thought i needed help i been feeling devastaded eversince i first saw the story on my facebook wich it was a couple of days ago but then i looked at the comments and im not the only one it hurts the people with common sense like us to think of the pain this poor little angel sent from heaven endured, 5 mo!!! they can only cry for help they cant run and hide!! the cant scream for help omg im crying rite now just to think about it, i just want to let you know brianna you are in my heart and will always be and all the love i give my precious angel goes to you too and if im blessed with another one in a couple years from now and its a girl i will name her after you!! i love you mi amor my little treasure BRIANNA!!!


  243. Does anyone know how these monsters were finally caught? Did someone call the police? Were there other children?

    I just learned about this today on facebook, and I am just in shock and completely sick about this.


  244. Dear Brianna,
    For a 5 moth. year old you been thought a lot. You was send to this earth as beautiful as ever and it is very sad to see you go with getting a chance to see you.Now you are one of those angels so god bless you….TRULEY


  245. Dearest Brianna,

    I heard about your story a few months ago. I have thought about you pretty much every single day since. I am sickened by the thought of the evil you were born in to.
    If only you were my baby girl. I pray the angel wings you have now help you soar high above us all. You are in my heart and helping me raise my little boy.
    You are my baby as well as every one’s here who posted. You might not have had a real family but you have a HUGE family now that loves you.
    God Bless you Baby Girl.


  246. Brianna- you were the topic of a speech today and I may have to skip the next class because I cant stop crying. You were so beautiful and I cant beleive that you are gone. My heart goes out to those who loved you.


  247. As mad and disgusted as I feel after all this time that has passed I hope that the images of what she and those pigs did to her replay in her mind over and over again and that it tortures her everyday of her life and that baby brianna haunts her dreams………I am ashamed that she was ever given the privaledge of having a baby!!! She is a monster I hope that baby brianna’s spirit was gone way before this started to happen to her she didnt deserve it and no child does!!! I am so mad I wish I could skin them alive!!!


  248. Baby Brianna you will be greatly missed by all. You will always be in my thought. I have a 2 1/2 yr old girl and would never ever dream about hurting her. She is my pride and job. I hope those bastards rot in jail for the rest of their lives. They deserve to go to hell for what they did for such a special, gorgous little baby girl. May your soul rip Brianna.


  249. I am now haunted by thoughts of your life… and death. Beautiful baby Brianna…. you could not speak, walk and do anything for yourself. So defenseless, fragile and small. I cannot even wrap my mind around how anyone can harm such a gift. How I wish someone could of saved you from the first hurtful touch…. I cry for you and my heart hurts so much that you had to endure living such a tortured short life when it should have been of love, nurture and care. God has you wrapped in his arms now and I know you are feeling so much love and joy… how could these people have done such horrific things to a life so precious… I’ll forever remember you Brianna… and I have so much love and care in my heart for you… Rest in Peace beautiful angel


  250. I hug my lil boy and see how innocent he is and my other 2 were at that age and cannot help but wonder if she knew what was even going on???……”Briana, when you were in so much pain and torment, it was Angels that held your hand and carried you away to a better place. A place of love, warmth, comfort and grace. I love you baby girl, you are in my heart forever… are forever in my heart. I love my children with all my heart…I wish I knew and would have stole you away from such darkness. Your beauty lives on in all our hearts. Please hold the hands of other innocent children and babies that are suffering from abusive parents, be there angel now. Comfort them, love them , guide them protect them. God bless you. Briana.


  251. I hope I never run into these 3 people because I will BEAT them so bad THEY would wish to be dead. Poor baby Briana God is with you now and you will live in peace now.


  252. hey briana i am sorry for your lose .your parant are so nasty . you parants are a dead people for what they did to you .you are in a better place now were you want get hert and you would be safe and you are loved by many of people . god bless you . brianan


  253. I just herd about this story the other day for the first time. there arent even words to discribe how angry i am at these people. my daughter is 8 months old and i see how happy and ful of life she is, and baby briana never got the chance to be like that, she never had a chance at all. i tell everybody about her story, this is some thing that everybady needs to hear. if her uncle or grand mother would have done something to stop this he would still be here with us today. everytime i talk about this i start to cry no baby, no child should ever have to go through anything like that in there life. poor baby briana, at least she is in a better place now. no one can hurt her any more.


  254. I just now heard about this horrible story. That sweet innocent baby should never have known how cruel some people in this world can be. I am a cervical cancer survivor and I am currently being tested because my cancer has probably returned. I will be unable to have children because of it. People like me would have gladly taken her into our arms and never would have allowed her to experience such pain.


  255. i have a 5 month baby girl. when i heard about this story i wanted to throw up and i still do. i wish i could get to those sick bastards and rape them and torture them for 5 months until finally i slit their throats and feed their bodys to a bunch of lions. i love my baby and if anything like that were to happen to her i would die from heartbreak. god bless u brianna and iam so sorry u didnt experiance real love or caring until death. i will always remember u baby girl.


  256. Little Innocent Beautiful Baby Girl. I am haunted by what happened to you. I have just learned of your story and I have been sick for days trying to figure out how on earth anyone could have harmed a perfect little baby. I am ashamed to share a planet with humans that are capable of doing such grotesque things. You sweet pie. I cannot imagine how you suffered and what you must have gone through in your little heart. Cold, hungry, alone, enduring pain at the hands of your parents and family, and just needing love. Probably wondering when you would be loved, when it would stop. You cried out for help and all around you were monsters who wanted to hurt you. Why? You’d done nothing but be perfect. I cannot accept it. You have affected me, and I too love you like so many others. I would do anything in my power to have saved you from that. If only I could have come and swooped you away from that horror. I would give you the warmest most delicate love like you and all babies deserve. My brain and heart hurt from trying to believe people could cause the slightest bit of harm to an infant let alone beat and rape one to death over such a long period of time. I still cannot contemplate how one person, let alone THREE hurt you day after day after day. Knowing they were killing you. You had done nothing. You wanted nothing but love. Rage fills my heart when I think of those people. Utter rage. I think I would enjoy doing to them what they did to you. I hope and pray that wherever you are you feel the immense emotion and love of all of those, including me, who adore you and would do anything to have protected you. I hope you feel it. You deserved sweet kisses, tender cuddles, laughing faces, happy touches, songs, toys, birthdays, hugs and all the rest. I can’t comprehend the psychology of what took place, the hell storm, that you lived in. But it is over. Now, I absolutely have no other choice but to believe that you are in God’s arms, happy and pain free, filled with love. Everytime I hold my baby daughter, or deal with my other children I think of how you should have been loved, and it makes me an even better parent. I hold you in my heart, I always will. I will always honor you. And I hope someday your story will inspire me to do something to protect other little innocent children in some way. All my love goes to you sweet angel. When I get to heaven I will hold and kiss you the way mother’s should.


  257. I saw the petition come up on my wall this morning on Face Book, to have the cage removed and I went to read more because as the mother of a child born “sleeping”, I don’t think anyone should be able to tell me what I can and can’t do at her resting place. I assumed the family cared for her and wanted their privacy but it appears I was wrong in first assumption.
    I am not an emotional person normally but this story… it broke my heart. I sobbed and sobbed for what this little girl went thru. I haven’t read all of the case information, I don’t know if I could take it, it’s hurtful enough with what I’ve already seen but I do wonder about the family that isn’t behind bars.. DID they know what was going on? I don’t know how long the abuse was going on, or many details, but if someone knows what is happening and doesn’t report it, then I believe they should be held responsible for their lack of actions. Where is the little boy? What about the twin brothers son? Were either of them abused (the brother and cousin)? I hope that both of these children are with people that are in no way related to these monsters that called themselves family to this little angel. Not knowing if the rape happened the night/day this little girl died, or if it was happening all along… I don’t think I could even let this grandmother ever be alone with my child, if I could work up the ability to let her be anywhere near my child. Surely someone in the family had changed her diapers at some point and noticed something wasn’t right? With broken bones, the child had to be in pain… my babies had to go in every at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, then 12 month check up’s where the diaper was removed, and their hips and so such were checked to make sure they were right, her whole body was checked, to make sure that no one had hurt her in any way. I was always present in the room and appreciated that the dr never took my word for it that she wasn’t abused. When I had to use the state insurance assistance (not medicaid), if I missed those appointments, the insurance would be cancelled… it should be mandatory with all children, regardless of insurance carrier or lack of…

    This little girl will continue to touch people’s hearts for many many years.
    Rest in peace Brianna, unfortunately there are many many more children there with you who’ve endured the kind of pain you had on this earth, and I hope that you’re all laughing and playing together and have no memory at all of anything you went thru here on earth.


    • that’s what i don’t understand how come the dr didn’t said nothing if she had her 2 months and 4 months vaccine?? maybe they start after 4 months and killed her before she reach 6 months who knows?


  258. Until we all demand that politicians address child protection before electing them and holding them accountable we will see more and more cases like this. Just as Lisa Steinberg’s murder changed nothing regarding child abuse laws, I doubt things are different in New Mexico. If you want to make a difference, I suggest joining PROTECT, which is a grass roots organization devoted to lobbying on behalf of children, since children have no lobby. In fact, our society sees children as property. This must change. Here’s hoping that mommy, daddy and uncle drop the soap.


  259. As the anniversary is approaching I find myself once again remembering Baby baby is 5 mths old and as I hold him in my arms my heart aches for Brianna.
    I was in Grants Womens Correctional FAcility with Stephanie Lopez….can u beleive this girl walks among population without a care in the world! She works as a college lab aide and is well taken care of financially from her family. Worst of all she still gets visits from her son. Stephanie is living the life in prison and has a girlfriend! HA! The address u have posted for her is to the mens prison itt is actually PO BOX 800 grants nm 87020!


  260. I was in Grants Womens Correctional FAcility with Stephanie Lopez….can u beleive this girl walks among population without a care in the world! She works as a college lab aide and is well taken care of financially from her family. Worst of all she still gets visits from her son. Stephanie is living the life in prison and has a girlfriend! HA! The address u have posted for her is to the mens prison itt is actually PO BOX 800 grants nm 87020!


  261. I wish I had never seen this story. I found out about Baby Brianna by accident. I can’t get the little face out of my mind. I think of the horrors that little angel endured I just fall to pieces. The people who should have protected and nutured her, actually killed her. Her own family, I thouht a mother’s instinct to protect her child. Those cowards will get whats coming to them. Sleep easy little one.

    Read below:

    Alcohol may be factor in fatal crash on U.S. 70
    By Ashley Meeks
    Posted: 05/08/2010 11:38:42 PM MDT

    LAS CRUCES – Alcohol — not speed — contributed to a four-vehicle crash Friday night that killed two Las Cruces men, according to New Mexico State Police.

    Ruben Espinoza Jr., 28, of Alamogordo was headed west on U.S. 70 just after 8:30 p.m. when he appears to have made an improper lane change near mile post 154, state police Capt. Rich Libicer said.

    Espinoza’s 2004 Chrysler sedan smashed into another westbound vehicle, a black 2004 GMC pickup driven by 30-year-old Robert Walters Jr., one of the men charged in the 2002 Baby Brianna case.

    “They became tangled up and went across the median,” Libicer said.

    The GMC pickup was torn in half and flipped over by an eastbound tractor-trailer, which also hit the Chrysler sedan. The pickup was then struck by another eastbound vehicle, a red 2002 Ford pickup driven by 42-year-old Manuel Campos of Las Cruces, whose 10-year-old grandson, Isaiah Campos, was riding in the back seat. Manuel Campos was killed at the scene. Walters, who was convicted of failing to report child abuse after his 5-month-old niece, Brianna, was brutally abused to death by other relatives, also died instantly.

    The boy and Espinoza, who received severe injuries and remains in critical condition, were transported by helicopter to University Medical Center in El Paso.

    The driver of the 2005 Volvo tractor-trailer, 55-year-old David Hayes of Independence, Mo., was treated at Memorial Medical Center for minor injuries. Hayes and Isaiah Campos were both listed in stable condition Saturday.

    Mayfield High School Assistant Principal Jeff Brilliant, his wife and children were in their backyard a mile away when they heard the impact.

    “It didn’t sound like a wreck. It sounded like an explosion,” Brilliant said. “And not a firecracker explosion, we’re talking like a bomb explosion is what it sounded like to me.”

    State police Sgt. Ron Taylor described the damage to the two pickups as “about the most destructive I’ve seen.”

    “There was debris scattered for a long way on both sides of the road,” he said. “One of the wheels of one of the vehicles was out in a field north of U.S. 70.”

    Results of a blood test are pending for Espinoza, who does not face criminal charges yet in the crash.

    Investigators “could smell the odor of alcohol in the car and on (Espinoza’s) person at the hospital,” Taylor said. “A strong odor. Someone told me there was at least one (beer) can in his car, but it could have been punctured by the wreck.”

    Espinoza’s criminal history includes multiple traffic offenses, including a conviction for reckless driving, a conviction for driving with a suspended license and two convictions for failing to use seat belts, according to court records. He also was convicted of battery against a household member and disorderly conduct in 2003 and for marijuana possession in 2002.

    And in 2006, Espinoza was arrested by state police and arrested on charges including drunken driving – with a .07 blood-alcohol content, slightly less than the legal limit. Those charges were dismissed in 2008.

    The investigation is ongoing into Friday’s wreck.

    “There are (no charges) at this time – there are some results we have to wait on,” Libicer said. “We’ll wait on the results of blood tests and go from there.”

    The crash scene is being reconstructed with the assistance of the Las Cruces Police Department.

    “We’re dealing with so many vehicles, so much evidence at the scene – we want to make sure we’re getting it right,” Libicer said.

    Highway traffic on U.S. 70 between Sonoma Ranch Boulevard and Mesa was detoured on frontage roads until 5:30 a.m. for westbound traffic and 7 a.m. for eastbound traffic


  262. Its been 8 years since beautiful little Briana was taken from this earth and I have just learned of her last week. This story haunts me daily, she will live on in all of us who have read her story. There are no words to describe the way I feel. I cry at just the thought of this little girl and then to see her pictures brings a flurry of emotion so strong. Rest in Peace for enternity little one, I wish I could have saved you. i didn’t know you but I love you.


  263. Dear Baby Brianna,
    I am so sorry for what happened to you, I will never understand why or how any human being could hurt such an innocent and defenseless baby. You are so precious and I wish I could have had you to raise you and show you true love. All I can as myself is why? Why would someone want to hurt you, and just for the fun of it. These people are not only sick but they will pay for what they did to you. They deserve whatever is coming to them. It may not happen soon but it is coming. I believe that with all my heart. I just read the most recent response and I just kills me to see that Stephanie Lopez is doing so well, she should be suffering right now, she has no remorse in the world. It is coming though. I know you are in a better place now and you will be well taken care of and loved there in heaven, you have a special place in my heart now and I will continue to pray for you! I love you and I dont even know you, you deserved so much more than that. Im so sorry. Rest in Peace with the lord our savior and I will see you soon!!


  264. The father was transfer to another facillity because of “safety reasons?” They should let those three out into general population with signs on their backs of what kind of animals they are and let the inmates administer their justice. There are no words to express my disgust of what those animals did, there are not worthy of being called people, humans or even parents of Brianna!


  265. Little Brianna,

    I just learned of your story this morning via Facebook. My heart breaks for you. I am the mother of a 15 month old little boy and I can never imagine anyone hurting him. I can’t imagine the pain you went through at the hands of these monsters. You were a beautiful little girl that I wish I could’ve called my own. Children are blessings from God but unfortunately sometimes people dont see that. I one day want a little girl too and I promise I will love her like I do my son, the way you should’ve been loved. You are always welcome to come play at my house with my son you would love all of the fun! I never met you but do know that you are loved and that you will never be forgotten, your story has touched many lives. I look forward to meeting you when my time comes until then find grandpa George (my grandpa) he will take care of you, he loves little ones! 🙂 Rest in peace sweet little one.


  266. dear breanna
    you should never been treated like this you should have been loved and treated right im sure you would have lived a great life xoxoxo


  267. this poor baby killed of not caring people i would have loved this baby with all my heart but her mom and dad do not care about anything but there selfs and the grandma new about hte baby and she didn’t say any thing about it!! in loving memorie baby brianna


  268. Baby Briana my heart hurts for you so much! how could they do this to you? I’ll never understand how anyone could torture a baby ???
    never ever…..monsters, evil monsters

    You are now forever in the arms of Jesus, alive and well….I hope to meet you when I get to heaven.


  269. to michelle i was wondering if the women in prison know stephanies crime? and if they do has stephanie ever been beaten up or threatened because if i was in that prison and i heard what stephanie did i would make it my mission to make sure she got what she deserved. it makes me sick that she is happy ib prison i am so upset..what kind of justice is that…She is a disqusting Bitch and why is her son even allowed to visit her?


  270. To answer ur question when Stephanie first arrived at Grants and got 2 population she was beat up one time…but nothing since then. I dont understand why she gets to get visits from her son but she does…she walks the halls and acts like she is better than evryone else…I hated being in the halls with her and wanted 2 make it my mission to kick her ass…but I needed to get home to my family and she wasnt my priority…but it is an injustice to see her so well off in prison


  271. to Michelle: Did Stephanie seem like a normal person to you or did she look like some one that might have a mental illness or depression or might have been on drugs? and what is her version of the story? has she told the other inmates why she is there? is it true that she write to andy and steven.


  272. This is for Michelle so does everyone know what she did to Brianna and how do people except her and why the hell would any women want to be her girlfriend after she tortured and killed a baby? Do you have any friends in prison anymore..i wonder if i could send them a letter to give to stephanie cause she never responds when i write to her directley……and it is crazy that her son gets to see her…did she even mention Brianna at all in prison?


  273. To Natasha, Stephanie looks like a normal person and she is very intelligent if I hadnt known her crimes prior 2 being in Grants I wouldnt have known otherwise. Everyone knows her charges….unfortunatley at Grants you walk amongst child molesters and murderers…I had a class with Esther Beckley sitting next team…she was the woman who was responsible for the Hollywood video murders in Albuqurque NM….no one is segregated…and it is nothing like a mans prison it is more like a deranged girls school.. as for her version she sticks to she never did any thing wrong and is claiming to be getting out soon…highly doubtful….and parole is always granted unless you dont have a place to go to…not like in movies where the people have a say.


  274. To Amanda I dont keep in contacct with anyone in prison….its a part of my life i’d like to leave in the past…she has girlfriends cause she buys them whatever they want and has her family put money on thier books….


  275. Michelle, did you ever talk to her? She sounds like, she’s some bigshot in prison? I have a friend who spoke to her counselor recently, who told her that Stephanie has no remorse for what happened to Briana? Is she not scared of getting out of prison? I mean people are waiting to kick her ass?


  276. To MICHELLE: thank you so much for writing back. I have a few more questions and I’m hoping you write back again. As we all know Stephanie had a 18month old son at the time of Briannas death and he was not abused at all so did she ever say why they only abused Brianna? was it beacuse she was a girl? was it because it was not a planned pregnancy? was she a unsettled baby thats why she got frustrated? Did she ever think of giving Brianna away for adoption rather then abusing her? Did she have a bad childhood, was she ever abused by her family as a child? Does she feel that Andy and Steven did the right thing by abusing Brianna like that? Did she ever mention that she loves her son,Andy or Steven? I know this is alot of questions and you may not know the answear to most of it but what ever you know please let me know. There are alot of babies being abused all over the world like Brianna but Briannas story and her photos have touched my heart so deeply. she is the last thing on my mind before i go to sleep and the first thing on my mind when i wake up. I have 2 children myself and love them more than anything else in the world and i would give my life away just to see them happy and healthy and I’m sure any normal mother would feel that way. I know that sometimes its very tuff but there is NO EXCAUSE to abuse a child so thats why I dont understand why they abused Brianna and why only her, so when I first heard her story I thought that they must have mental illness or be on drugs but they only did this to Brianna and not her brother thats why i have millions of questions. I hope Stephanie comes out soon cos I’ll be waiting for her like so many other people. I will kick the shit out of her and be proud to go to prison with my head high.


  277. my daughter showed me your story first and it has haunted me ever since my sweet precious baby girl what i wouldn’t give to have been there to protect you from those monsters to have been able to stop those filthy b******s from touching you and hurting you and your slut of a mother letting them do that to you they will pay my darling god will see to that, i will forever remember you sweet angel for you have found a place in my heart always, may you now be at peace and be held in our lords loving embrace little darling.


  278. lil angel u rest in heaven next to our holly more pain no more fear…just happiness which u should of had i koul not imagine what u went through..n cry thinking bout it..knowing no one helped..knowing the person u wanted love and protection gave u nothing but the worst…i only wish for one thing and that is ur happyness..i now noe u r in the best place anyone would want to be….but i still cry and think bout u brianna..i have my baby 6 months old and love her to death n for u ill keep on doing my job andgive love to other children…everyone lets keep an eye out for those angels that maybe now are going through the same and report the case..i sure will in rememberace ou u sweet lil angel BRIANNA..U HAVE TOUCH ME HARD AND I WILL ALWAYS PRAY FOR UR SOUL…love you and may we meet sumday and i will give u all the love u deserve…..



    Just a reminder, please follow my comment rules. The main one to remember, do not type your comments in ALL CAPS. They will not be read or approved. It is considered yelling, and therefore is rude to myself and my readers. Simply type your comment in plain, correct English as you would in school. Have respect and kindness for the other readers. Thank you.


  280. ok sooo kan someone tell methe address to this bitch sooo kalled briannas mom….its been 4 days since i read baby bris story and kant stop thinking bout her and am googlingher and stuff i wanna noe more so help out plz..i mean no med check ups or anything lots of questionss and no answers


  281. This is still very hard to believe, how can people be so sick especially to do it to your own. Can’t imagine what kind of animal’s those people are, to see that cute baby face, so innocent and full of joy. Those so call humans don’t deserve any life in prison, they deserve to feel what Briana felt. And the dad transferred for protection? Are you kidding me? Man enough to do what he did to an innocent baby but is not man enough to face the real world there inside! Damn bastards!!! I really hope you all four including the grandma where ever she is are living the most miserable life’s people like you should, because you people don’t deserve peace on this earth.


  282. There are not enough words. Brianna – I think of you every day. I pull the videos and stories from the internet in disbelief…How could any mother allow that to happen much less contribute to your pain. I have a 15 mo old and a 3 mo old – I fear for their future in this society. I pray every night for God to protect them and keep them safe from harm. I realize you passed away 8 years ago, but the pain is still very deep and real as if it was only yesterday. Time has not erased your memory from millions of people…I know you suffered and my heart suffers for you. I know now you are an angel watching over all children around the world – OUR PRECIOUS LITTLE GUARDIAN ANGEL – I never met you, but I love you with a passion so deep. I’m sorry that worthless piece of trash did not love you – I would have. Your memory will live on in my heart for eternity. That piece of shit will get released one day…she will not live the moment she sees her freedom again. I will be there with a baseball bat to beat her down – my rage may even kill her. I wish there is something I can do to contribute to your memory. I love you so much baby girl – I know you were in pain, I know you were unloved…but you feel no more pain and God is holding you in his arms now. Be at peace my love – people were unaware of what was going on when you were alive…but millions are aware now and fighting for you. It does not matter how long they stay improsoned the moment they see the light of freedom will be the last their eyes will see. Rest my darling precious angel…YOU ARE LOVED!!!


  283. I’m wondering what happened to the 18 month old son they had and what was his bodily condition at the time they found baby brianna and where did he go?


  284. i dont understand how people can be so cruel to their own blood. this little baby had no reason to go through what those stupidasses put her through, i hope theyy get what they deserve. and if i would have them in front of me i really dont know what i would do to them! rip baby brianna.


  285. Here it is 2010 and i still cant get you outta my mind baby girl! i just had my seconed son he will be 3 months on the 15 and everytime i look at his little face i can not even imagine something so tiny being so mistreated and how many tears you must have cried, im so so sorry for what those evil evil people did yo you and im sure everyone who has seen your pictures has cried tears for you! You deserved to be loved and cherised and i wish i could have given you that i would have loved to be our mommy! I think all of us moms need to hug our babies extra tight and giv them extra kisses for baby brianna! Lets keep her memory alive! YOULL ALWAYS AND FOREVER BE IN MY HEART SWEET SWEET ANGEL! MAY YOU PLEASE REST IN PEACE! FOR THE FAMILY OF THIS BEAUTIFUL FALLEN ANGEL KARMAS COMIN FOR YOU MAY IT HURT LIKE HELLL!!!!!!!!


  286. Mathew 18:6 (King James) — But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

    I have never heard a more sad story of child abuse and neglect in my life as this one. Once you hear the story, it stays with you. I have struggled in my head over and over again to try to understand what could possibly cause someone to do such horrible things to an innocent helpless baby or to think it is okay. Brianna had no one, literally, to protect her. If just one person in that home had loved her enough to do something, it might have made all the difference in the world. I have cried more over this one than any other story, and there are many. It troubles me terribly to know that such people even exist. In my opinion, there will never be a way that these people (who you can hardly call parents or family) can possibly pay for the pain and injustice they caused baby Brianna; not in this world anyway. Their day is yet to come to be held accountable.


  287. Whilst I understand all your feelings of anger, disgust and revenge, there is, unfortunately, nothing we can do about the pain little Baby Brianna had to go through in her short life; but what we can do is put our energy into signing the petition to have her cage removed and give her a proper resting place, a headstone, give her her name back; so sign the petition under and for all of us that have a computer, we surely have the odd dollar, pound, euro, whichever currency that we can put to a good cause, for example to the Remember me foundation under
    For the love of Baby Brianna and all other murdered children.



    I wish & hope that the parents, uncle would go and rot in hell! Stuff you individuals for doing such a selfish act!

    greedy yet misleading .

    sooooooooo SAD! .

    baby briana looks sooo cute yet mindless people wanted to treat her like SHIT!


  289. I cried when I watched this video.Only a sick person could do that to a baby.I hope and pray they all rot in hell.I am a mother of 3 boys and it is sad that a parent would do this to there child.People need to speak up when they witness child abuse we need to protect these children.My niece commited suicide because of her sorry ass dad and step mom to make a long story short I tried to protect her and her sister but the system failed.


  290. What can i really say i had heard about this story about a year ago when i was volunteering at children’s aid but never really payed attention, but just two days ago i searched it up and i couldn’t believe it, i have been crying ever since and i look at my son and i just wish i could have had briana to take care of her and just see her smile just like my son does every time he sees his family that loves him soooo soo much. my mom had me young and i was a very very loud and cried about anything and my mom had always patience and she was 15 years old ! i dont understand im still young and i love my son and so does my boyfriend( my baby’s daddy) we never do anything to make my baby upset he’s 8 months and a half , and all we do is try to make him laugh and smile because who likes theyre child to be sad and crying .. i just wish well everyone wishes that they could have helped this poor poor little tiny baby that had to fault and if they didnt want her why did they not give her for adoption or something! I just wish she rests in peace and that nothing like this ever happens to a poor little child every again ! i love you briana ♥ will always live in our lives


  291. Dear Sweet Briana,
    I heard about your story the other day and it sickens me to know what all you went through. You never deserved any of that they did to you. Due to sin in the world, this happend to you. But Becuase of God love and grace you are resting in a perfect place. There will be a time when the people who hurt you will be judged for their actions. They are reminded daily of what they did to you. I know you are in a safer loving place now. Because of you laws are being changed. Your death was not and will never be forgotten. You have touched many peoples lives. I pray that who ever reads your story will realize how precious life is and never take it for granted. As you went through days/weeks of torture I just pray that God took all your pain away. I am sorry for everything you went through. I never knew you, but you will always and forever be a part of my life. I hope that the cage around your grave is a daily reminder to your family of what horrific things you went through…..You will never be caged again!!! You are free!!!!
    Love Always!


  292. Well I really don’t have any words to describe what happened to you I just feel really bad because I am a mother of three girls and 2 grandbabies a boy and a girl whom I love with all my heart and I am also pregnant with a baby boy whom will be born around Dec18,2010 and I love him very much….I just hope that your parents and uncle pay for what they did to you , I would have gave them the death penalty instead of jail time…but I am not anyone to judge them only god can judge them and make them pay but just remember you are in a better place….we love you alot from the state of North Carolina……


  293. I have never felt such anger and sadness as I do now after learning of this poor baby girl. The three perpetrators should be tortured to death in the same manor in which this poor lil angel lived. I too am a mother of six children, two of whom we adopted through the foster care system. They were abused and taken from their biological parents. I wish that someone would have gotten to Brianna in time. I cry everyday now for this sweet baby. I look at my son who is only three months old, and I cant believe someone would do something so heinous to such an innocent, defenseless baby. I am comforted by the fact that I am among so many others that love this baby as I do. The love she did not feel in life I can only pray she feels now. I love her dearly, and I hope to meet her in heaven one day. RIP little Brianna, you are loved by many!

    I hope someone takes “care” of those bastards when they get out of prison….they need to know suffering!!!!


  294. I love you Brianna…As i see my 2 babies asleep, one in my arms and the other on a swing, i wonder where you’re at right now. Hopefully you’re in a wonderful place watching over us. i shure hope god forgives those so called “parents” of yours cuz i sure cant. i have never felt so much hate as i do when i look into their eyes, in the pictures they have up in the videos.

    I love you Brianna, I will send you a hug and a kiss every day thru my kids…I am crying my eyes out right now…Hope to meet u in heaven


  295. i think someone should write a general letter to one of the inmates and tell them he raped a 5month old.matter of fact send a letter to all 3 of them facility and have them get jumped and see iwhat happens with their ass.see if they live. i love you babygirl<3 with all my heart they will get theirs dont worry love you<3<3


  296. ii really cant understand why some one would want to do that to their own BABY!!! she was so beautifull and looked like she would be so full of life. if you ask me they are not gettin what they deserve. if it was up to me they would be getting the death penalty. thats what they deserve for takin an inicent life.they should have theirs takin from them!!!!


  297. I recently read about Baby Brianna death an it hurt me so much i still cant believe what her own family are capable off those are sick ass motherf*****.i have 3 boys and a little 7 month old baby girl and it just makes me cry to think what happened to baby brianna baby you will always be inmy heart and to those piecese of trash i know you will get yours the way you made the poor inocent baby suffer you are going to suffer i have so much hate against sick ass people like u i wish you people could be locked in jail forever with no food and treated shit cause thats what u are..


  298. these guys deserve to die and suffer like that little girl did.


  299. I read that Stephanie is not really having a bad time in prison, and that she has lots of friends. I agree with the person who wrote that someone should send a general letter to the inmate population in all three prisons so that they get what they deserve. Just like Jeffrey Dahmer did! I myself am looking in to writing a letter because I just cant stand the fact that these people are not suffering enough and they have no remorse for what they did. If enough people get on the band wagon, I think we together as citizens of the US, can make sure that they get what they deserve. If they are allowed to live on this earth, then they need to suffer while doing it! When they die God will judge them, and they can burn in HELL!


  300. Very saddened by this story .If there is a God then why would he let such evil take place .I hope they suffer a terrible ,slow ,painful death . Rot in hell .Scum . R.I.P …BABY BRIANNA.


  301. What I don’t understand is how her family had a cage put around her burial site. Hasn’t she suffered enough? I think someone should take the necessary equipment and tear it down. I understand that the family is protected by legal rights, but if someone takes it down I feel that people will not protest against this!!!


  302. Brianna’s story has touched everyone’s heart and it has brought more tears than I thought was possible. It is a cruel and horrific world we live in and while I commend everyone for keeping Brianna’s story alive and making people aware of the need to report all child abuse, we all need to consider offering our services as foster carers. There are many children abused and removed from homes only to be put into an abusive foster care home because too few people put themselves forward as carers. Flowers on a grave will not bring Brianna back but we can make her death mean something, if we all offer ourselves as foster carers we will be helping other children like Brianna and showing them the love she should have known.


  303. everyone in england wants the sick freaks dead why should they live the law is a joke all child killers should get the death penalty & i also think the scub bag nan & uncle should be given the same how can they live with themselves sick vile people they are evil i hope they all get what coming to them i would love 5 mins in a room they wouldnt come out alive they law should throw them to the public to kill them


  304. Please let me know when these animals are died and beaten rotten to death.. Someone will get them trust me and they will burn alive…


  305. I hope these animals burn in hell or i hope someone gets a hold of them and burn them alive


  306. anyone that reads this let help out and get this baby girl a grave please e-mail me if your interested. i will sponsor it and see who else can help thanks


  307. I read this last night on fb and saw the video and have not stopped crying since. I have a 6 mnth old baby girl and I cannot fathom the pain this innocent was in. I hope and pray these people get what they deserve…and baby are in my heart.


  308. dear baby brianna,
    i will pray for your soul and justice. you did not deserve that i know in your in heaven and i know your very safe there. i was very touching in your story because i amalso a mother with a 3 mos old baby girl. i hope the justice prevail and may you rest in peace…


  309. Now I have been crying off and on about this since I have read about!! I cant sleep because I want to find out more about this! They are horrible people. But I have questions what was there sentencing… Also I am very pleased to hear that the two men have been beaten and are kept on lock down 23 hours a day because otherwise they will be killed. My 6 month old daughter and Brianna look alot alike and every time I look at my daughter smiling I start to cry! Iam really hurt by this whole thing and I it seems so unreal… I read her story over and over cause I just cant believe this happened! I pray that all three of them do not make it out… I believe that justice will be served… and that God will not let them get away with this. I believe they will not make it out of prison for these sick acts. I believe that they are suffering and getting beaten and raped. And noone is going to let them walk out untouched!! I know I wil never forget baby Brianna. I hope that when she was passing that she was asleep and felt total peace. That her pain went away and she got carried out of there by our father Jesus Christ!


  310. Pure EVIL what the hell…..these people need to die.Your safe now baby Brianna sleep well baby,i’m so sorry these monsters did this to you…


  311. I been reading this story for many years since my son was born June 2002 a month before her death. I look at him and see her has a beautiful Angel has she could’ve of been. My son is eight years old same has she would’ve been. To this day I still cry and cry I get frog in my throat everytime I hear about her. I teach my students about child abuse and neglect. I teach JR High School students I show them her article’s, blog’s, news…etc and see a lot of girls and boys cry.

    RIP Our Beautiful Baby Girl Brianna

    I am not going to put her lastname because that lastname could have prevent her from being abuse, raped and murdered.
    I pray and pray to GOD that they (Monsters) pay for what they did to her come back on them (Monsters) full force.


  312. When my friend send me this I couldn’t believe it, I didn’t want to believe it that poor helpless baby was murdered by her own parents. I cried when I read about it and cried even more when I saw the video of how they had left baby Brianna. I say that the three people responsible for Baby Brianna’s death should be sentenced to life in prison, I still don’t understand how someone can do such a thing to a helpless baby nevertheless their own child, If they didn’t want her they could have given her up for adaption, their are many people out their who cant have children of their own, who could have given her love and let baby Brianna have a life. I still think that Stephanie Lopez the mother and responsible for baby Brianna’s death should never ever have or hold another child because what she did was horrible.


  313. Poor Brianna you never had a life to live if I was there I would take care of you even though I was only 10 years old. I would help you in anyway I could even if I didn’t have the money. You are a sweet little girl that god brought to this world and you should be treated with care not pain. Love you, you will always be in my heart and prays.



  314. i read about Briana about six months ago and cannot get her out of my mind. I don’t understand. I can see oe person, because I read all the time how parents kill their kids but for three members of one family is beyond comprehension. I’ve have not read the case, where they on drugs? Are there any books on this story.


  315. i just read this story this morning i started crying i showed my whole family this story and even my father started to tear if i were there with u brianna i would have took u if u were my family i would have had u get taken away from your parents you dident diserve to be treated like that never i just cant stop crying how how how can they do that and to your parents they deserve to suffer and they will when they go to hell baby brianna gods taking care of u now you are not suffering you are in a better place now i will always remeber you and keep you in my heart beautifull little angle


  316. I lived overseas (military) when this happened, I’m shocked that I first learned about it this week! Like many others on this blog I can’t get her out of my mind… but I feel that it’s a good thing! We all carry the burden of not allowing things that are so heinous to ever be forgotten. I vow I will never forget this story and instead I will turn up the dial on how vigilant I’ve become to everything around me. It take a village to raise a child and it’s time for the village to stand and say ENOUGH! God will condemn the people who did this to her far more then we ever could with our courts or our words… but it’s our duty now to not let her life go in vein. Children don’t have the voices necessary to stand for themselves and they need us as their advocates… friend or foe do not be ashamed, afraid or so PC that you don’t speak on their behalf!

    God keep you and rest your soul baby Briana, I’m sick about what happened to you and vow to always keep you in my heart, thoughts and prayers!!!


  317. I’ve read through anything I can find on this story… and in some cases see a an 18-month old brother mentioned as being present as well. Does anyone know what happened to him… LORD please tell me none of the other family members… the same ones that said and did nothing to protect Briana and the same ones that keep her grave marker under a cage do NOT have him!!! Does anyone know his outcome?

    Also, seeing notes above about sending copies of the pictures, news stories, etc to some of the fellow inmates… I think that is a FABULOUS idea, especially since there are reports on the internet that Stephanie (the mother) doesn’t have such a bad time in prison and has lots of friends… I didn’t think that happened with baby killers in prison???? Just doesn’t seem right, I’m more then happy to contribute a few stamps and papers to end that good time she’s having! Those 3 should’ve been publicly HUNG… but since they’re still around I think those heinous evil jerks need to be tortured everyday as they did to that helpless baby and then kicked her to the side like she was trash! I’m so sick about this whole story!!!!


  318. Why, why, why??? Everytime I hear of these type of stories I think and hope it can’t get any worse, but, WRONG! The officer who was first on the scene and commented that there is more to the story that the papers or news did not publish just makes me want to go insane. I know this happened almost 9 years ago, but the images and the pain in my heart will linger on forever. I am wondering myself about Brianna’s brother. I cannot wrap my head around this and think of the horror that her brother had to see and experience. I believe everything happens for a reason, but there is no DAMN good reason why this had to happen. And as for the family who have the nerve to place a cage around her grave as if she were an animal, UNBELIEVABLE!!! Every family member that knew of this DESERVES to be in prison and the authorities should post pictures of beautiful Baby Brianna all around their cell so they NEVER, EVER forget the TORTURE, PAIN and unforgivable actions they caused not only to their innocent child, but to the human race who has been affected by all of this. As much more as I would like to say, there are no words that can explain how I feel. The only glimpse of hope that fills my soul is that there is a Heaven where Brianna and every other victimized child can live in eternal happiness.


  319. Happy Birthday baby Brianna! I wish you were here to get presents and eat birthday cake. I just want you to know that you are still thought of today, and you are loved by many. In life you new nothing but pain, I wish someone could have taken that pain away from you. In death you are loved deeply, I only wish you could have lived to enjoy life. I have left post on this site before, so I wont get into how devastating this story is. Just know that I share the same feelings with countless other people. I love you Baby Brianna!


  320. I’m very very sad that this kind of people still living, they are like demons in disguise……………… to you baby brianna, i know you are with Jesus in heaven, you are with angels and saints, no more pain, no more worries cuz Jesus loves children and someday your parents and relatives will suffer in hell where they belong….. i just wish that you are my baby……..


  321. Baby Brianna you’re such a cutie but no one knows that this will happen to you . you are too young to died. Every time i watched your videos i keep on crying. my eyes are red.I can’t watch you’re without crying. and i feel that you’re my little sister. your parents are idiot they let it happen it to you. they threw you in the air and you hit the ceiling and sometimes they didn’t catch you. WTF.! are they a parents?. Rest In Peace Little Baby Cutie Brianna. :)) ILOVEYOU!!!.. :*:*:*:*:*


  322. I sincerely hope that these baby killers get torture and kill in jail. Otherwise, I hope that someone will kill them when they come out of jail.


  323. i donot understand how can some one do that to there on child or any one else since i heard of this story i see the world different i now know the devil lives upon us all and wrost is why a lil hinocent child that did nothing but come to the world to be loved not treated like a animal or wrost it is sad to see that any one can make a baby and harm this lil angel this has hurt me so bad couse i lost a nefue but never due to child abuse and this is wrost how can they rape the lil baby but then again im happy god decided it was her time to go and she is happy now with god and her new family were she doesnt know of pain or hurt i knw if that bitch gets out and is relocated some one some were will reconize her ugly busted looking face and when they do i hope they kill her i wishh nothing but the wrost to her krama is a bitch and comes at you twice


  324. I found out about baby Brianna while following the story of Caylee Anthony. The mother of Caylee Anthony, Casey Anthony, will finally be going to trial next week. I was online trying to find out any update information on the case when I clicked on a website and found Brianna’s story…It has been days and I can’t get her out of my head. I have been crying, heartbroken, and deeply saddened. I too have signed the petition, and joined the Remember Me Foundation. I dream of winning the lotto (lol) so I can take all the unwanted, mistreated, and abused babies. This story is a very sad reminder of the world we live in today. I have no words for her family…but on the inside I have so many emotions whirling around. I always thought I was overly sensitive because any case dealing with a young child captures me. I cry and feel helpless. I feel empty for not being able to do more and prevent this from happening. I find comfort in knowing that there are so many of you who feel the same. Brianna’s story has touched so many, and I strongly believe that she is going to bring about change. She has educated us and reminded us of all the unfortunate children that have endured a life injustice. To Brianna, my dear if you were only mine…my sweet child you can rest now. You will live on in our hearts, our thoughts, and our dreams. My sweet child, my dear, you are loved. I will continue to whisper this to you and your birthday will never be forgotten!


  325. Every time I read this story and cant imagine how one human being can do this to a child let alone three and then compounded by the fact they were her parents and uncle , it literally makes me ill every time I think what this child endured , why in Gods name do you have children if you are going to treat them this way , it makes me wonder what her family did to children for them to think this was acceptable ….and to cage her grave? My next question is how are any of these three still alive? I cant believe someone hasnt murdered them in jail , . I have to wonder just how evil and sick some people are raping a 5 month old baby and who puts the fingers up babies anuses to clean their little bottoms up? Did they feed this baby ?? I can only say to me they are rabid animals and should have been euthanised , anyone who does this to children should be …..


  326. Baby Brianna I don’t even know you but I love you, I know you are in heaven like the little angel that you are! I am so sorry you had to undergoe such horrible abuse at the hands of your own family. I am a mother to a three month old and everytime I look at her I wonder how could someone be so cruel to hurt such an innocent little thing! I could never bring myself to harm my daughter and as a mother knowing all that we go through when we have children how could she let them hurt you or even hurt you herself! I think that they deserve everything they did to you a thousand times worse I feel that they shouldn’t of moved Adam for saftey reasons you know you reep what you sew and karma will eventually get back at you. I cried so many days when I heard your story but atleast know you are at peace and aren’t suffering anymore! I love you Baby Brianna you stay on my mind and in my heart! RIP Little Angel!


  327. DEAR BABY BRIANNA I drop to my knees and cry my eyes out and pray why.
    I promise you our little baby BRIANNA vengeance is GODS. So rest, you are so loved all around the world and we will set you free from the cage and hate your family had for you.
    We love you so so much baby Brianna GOD BE WITH YOU, GOD LOVE YOU ,GOD KEEP YOU BRIANNA LOPEZ


  328. I can’t even begin to comprehend this story and the actions of these people…. Recently here in Australia we have had a similar case of child abuse resulting in the death of a beautiful little girl…. These people deserve ‘prison justice’ Believe me it happens. The death penalty is too good for them because it means that they don’t suffer. They should suffer. They should suffer for every minute of the rest of their miserable lives. I do not have children of my own yet but if I have a daughter her name will be Brianna in memory of this beautiful angel who deserved so much more…. I know that God is keeping you in a safer and happier place and I am so thankful for that….


  329. those fucking bitches each 100 years in prison maximum security im so gonna fuck them up stab them on the leg take there eye out>:(


  330. Today our little baby Brianna passes away At 11:10 am we love you, we are so sad for you, you had to feel so much pain. May God venage your death and do to them 10 fold as they did to you if not someone should. those demons should suffer a long painful slow death. but it is truly Gods will for those cock sucking faggits to live until he decides to do to them as he pleases they deserves to die as they did to baby Brianna , she suffer a slow death da night before, from da first time they through her little body and her tiny head hit da ceiling to da time in da morning almost 15 hours of pain and suffering and rape but even before that 5 mouths of constantly abuse WE are all hoping God will Finnish them soon ,with all da anger we should try to stop this from ever happening again all we can say we love you our little one and rest now hoping you are with God we are praying for you every day from da parents you should of had love and God Bless


  331. Brianna Page- Please Join.


  332. I saw this for the first time last night, I felt my heart literally break into pieces for this innocent beautiful baby, and today I couldn’t even make it through work, I had to come home early from the office, just thinking of Brianna and why she had to suffer at the hands of these degenerate sick addicted people. Brianna you have motivated me to work harder to achieve my long-time dream of becoming a successful writer and if that dream should ever come true, I swear I will do all in my power to make a difference. Much respect to the modern day heroes who are on the front-line, people who worked on your case and toiled to bring you justice. Love you and remember you forever Brianna.


  333. this broke my heart, and i just did all the research i can…trying to find out EVERYTHING about it. i know all the lawyers name that helped the demons, the prisons they moved in/out, all the horrific details of the crime,

    and the parole date is in 2016 IF THE F-CKERS GET IT. we CANNOT let these ppl out of prison – if they are, then their address must be publicized ANYWHERE they go.

    they moved prisons, but everywhere they go, the internet, the story, the hatred will follow them. I am most curious about the grandma and the other relatives who KNEW but DID NOTHING – SADISTICALLY ENJOYING THE UTTER DESTRUCTION OF A INFANT”S LIFE? EVEN WORSE THAN A WAR CRIME. where are they now?
    This will not be forgotten ever. I am sure that people will get these MONSTERS WHEREVER THEY ARE. the law is a sorry excuse trying to protect them – DO THEY EVEN KNOW THE EXTENT OF WHAT THESE MONSTERS DID?! baby brianna was CRYING whilst they did all those HORRIFIC ATROCIOUS acts – she was still ALIVE AND FEELING.


    And to those one or two disillusioned people i’ve seen talking about Vengence/REvenge not good – is it hard to understand the simple humane feeling of wanting to eradicate EVIL in this world to protect our future ones and warning for anyone else to even THINK of doing something like that, and for JUSTICE for baby brianna who died horrifically in their hands? It is a message to all that those who do this will not live in peace, ever.


  334. baby brianna
    you were to young, innocent and fragile to understand the horror in the events in your life, and for that i am thankful.
    your short life had a purpose, and that purpose was to leave a lasting effect on whoever comes upon your tragic story. to teach each and every one of us that has heard your story to cherish their lives, their sons or daughter, and their loving parents.
    your spirit lives on baby bri, through every parent that wishes they were given the gift of a beautiful girl, through every reader that wishes they could have saved you from the life you were given and give you the love and care you deserved
    i know you are looking down on us from a better place, thankful you were taken from the life you were placed in.
    i pray for you, that you rest in peace, that you are given the luxury
    and love you were never given in your short life.
    you continue to inspire me everyday.

    to your offenders
    i hope you are getting what you deserve
    it takes a sick coward to put a little girl who has done no wrong in this world through the torture and pain you put your daughter/niece through
    i know you are definitely getting the worst possible treatment where you are, but still i wish i could be there to spit in your disgusting faces.
    why would you bring a little girl into this world to put her through the things you did
    notably the mother. how could you stand by and watch as your beautiful girl was abused? how?
    where you are now, there are women that cry themselves to sleep because they miss their children, and you are there for abusing and hurting yours?
    was your life so terrible that you had to abuse an innocent and beautiful child?
    again i pray for the little girl who never had a chance BECAUSE OF YOU.
    and again i pray that you are getting what you deserve.


    • Whats the update


    • I can’t get Brianna out of my mind since I first heard about her only a few weeks ago. I live in !reland and don’t remember it being in the media here,although maybe it was. Just wanna say, your post touched me. I cry tears for her every night, It make’s me sick that Stephanie Lopez will more than likely be out in 15 years, I’m glad people are still thinking and talking about Brianna.


  335. This story makes me want to move to New Mexico commit a crime and go to the same prison the mom is in, and with a little luck be her cell mate!! I would love to get my hands in her hair & beat her until she shits blood!!!! They say to respect people’s feelings about what you post on these comments that dirty bitch deserves no respect what so ever!!! I hope every night of her life she can remember her babies cries of pain I hope she sees the bruises that baby had on her face!!!


    • I totally agree with you. Our darling Brianna didn’t deserve any of this. She had so many broken bones, cuts she was full of pain, and that bitch claims that she was frustrated. That bitch, stepanie and the bold heads need to die a slow painfull death. They need to be tied to a bungie rope and tosed off the ground time and time again until their heads turn into pulp. why didn’t the father and uncle rape stephanie.
      Bastars now they placed a cage over her burial site without no stone head. The justice system is screwed, they are favouring the monsters and protecting from society but did steph… the bitch protect our lil butterfly/
      i am so gutted right now i have two 18 months and ever since I have read about Brianna, I alway’s give them the extra hugs, kisses, cuddles, that she should have rec’d.
      I am so sorry Brianna I wasn’t there to protect you but u will alway’s live on in our hearts. luv and kisses to you always until we meet again.


  336. may the monsters rott in hell, so they have to feel eternal pain and suffering, that is what these devils deserves… i am not a hatefull person, but this makes you wanna cry and fill you heart with so much pain and hate at the same time.. it is unbelievable what they did to her, and she has gone through… i just wish i had more words, but i don’t… Brianna, i’ll share you story with everyone i know, may your voice still be heard, rest in peace my little angel and i am happy you do have a real Father now, who takes care of you.. when i fisrt read the story, i think i would be able to kill Stephanie and andy and steven for sure…. probably not kill, that would be too good, no, suffer, and pain,just a taste of what that little girl must have felt..just a taste.. cuz what brianna felt, those monsters will never feel, in a couple years that mother animal will be free… and then, i hope someone has the guts to make her suffer, that she wishes she was already dead… motherfucker bitch ass beast… and i will write to the inmates in the samen prison steven en andy are, to make sure everyone in prison know their cruelty’s, i hope they get raped avery single day, and theey would also wish they were dead already… .


  337. I have a memorial site on my facebook in honor of her… onthe 10 year anniversary of her birth (feb 14 2012) i am getting her face and a banner with her name and angel wings tattooed on me… I have a petition that has 27,000 signatures to get the cage removed from her site…. She truly is amazing… she has stayed in my heart all these years and as soon as god blesses me with a daughter I will be naming her after Brianna… Thank you for this site… she needs not be forgotten like the wishes of her sick twisted family…. she deserves to be remembered….. God bless and feel free to visit my FB page


  338. Baby Brianna, I have kept you in my heart all these years. Remembering your birthday and the day you died – finally being released from your hell. You were born into a horrible family, but through the hell you suffered and finally gave up from, you gained a much bigger and loving family. All those who have heard about your story – you’ve earned a place in all our hearts and minds. Never to be forgotten and always to be cherished and loved. No matter how long it is before I write again, you’re in my heart baby girl. Now and forever. My own baby girl is now 4 months, almost the same age you were when you went up to heaven to seek God’s protection and light.


  339. how can god give them life if i was a police i wil fucken kill all 3 of them whwn i herd the story i was cryng hard i thank god for givin me life


  340. you poor little angel..i dont know you and i wish i had but i love you as much as i love my will never be hurt again by anyone so fly high and finally be at peace and know that one day the people that hurt you will have to pay for what they did to you..i wish i could of gave you life but i wish i could of did alot of things to help you but i couldnt just know that there is alot of people that will protect others like you now..sleep in peace angel and i hope i see you when i come home


  341. brianna will always be in my heart !!!!! she ia an angel now and nothing will never hurt her again.


  342. my dear brianna, i feel so sad about your story. after i red your story i cry severel times. i feel so many times……why i am in this world where a little innocent babygirl like brianna has had to suffer. I wish and want to take you in my arms and hug you. I hope your are happy in heaven. I miss you.


  343. Brianna,
    I just hope you know how much you touched so many people and your legacy will live on. Like many people who have made the comments above, I was so deeply affected by your story and it’s like a piece of my heart died with you. I can’t stop thinking about you our darling angel and I have been mourning for you like you were my own child. I’m still crying as I write this.
    Just know you have a family with all of us who love you so dearly. If only you were mine to raise and love.
    I have 2 beautiful children of my own and I would kill anyone who would try to harm them. To think no-one was there to protect you absolutely kills me inside. I know you’re in heaven with Jesus rejoicing and I know your death was not in vain.
    I just wish you were here so I could hold you in my arms and hug you. See you open your eyes and make you smile.
    I will never forget you and always miss you, you beautiful beautiful baby girl.


  344. Today is February 14,2012 it is 10 years this that this little baby Brianna Lopez was born, she endured pain no child should ever suffer, her family abused her since the day she was born, I know you suffered a lot baby Brianna I hope you are at peace now with Angels and God, you should of been treated like the precious gem you were, these parents and uncle should have been treated like they treated her, all the jail time in the world could never make right to what they did, and for those family members who ignored the abuse you deserve the same punishment, Brianna you may be gone but never forgotten even by people who didn’t know you personally your story has stayed with me and will continue to stay with me forever, te pienso mucho bebesita y dios te cuido! Feliz cumpleanos a ti!


  345. There is a petition to revoke her egg donors parole on please help get as many ppl to sign so she doesn’t be free!! This can happen again! Please


  346. Baby Brianna Lopez ( Briana ) Child Abuse Memorial


  347. I have just learned of baby Brianna’s story, and it has changed me forever…I am willing to do whatever I can to help make sure the monsters who hurt this precious baby will never be free…Baby Brianna, I am so sorry that your time here on earth was so horrific…please know that there are people who never met you that LOVE you and are STILL praying for you…..Please know that the people who hurt you will NEVER exhaust the memory of you and will have a very dark path for the remainder of there time here…and when their time here on earth is over…
    We love you Brianna…we will fight for your justice!


  348. I have tried to follow where they keep moving these individuals to keep them from being killed in prison! They are doing this on our tax dollars! Moving sickos like this and tryign to keep this safe! Who was there to keep Brianna safe? Something is seriously wrong with our system! They should be killed! No discussions people like this dont deserve to live on this earth!


  349. I moved to Las Cruces 2008. I heard Brianna’s name in the community. But in hushed and shameful tones. I finally had to find the full story.

    I am honored to say that I live where Brianna rests. I drive by every time I leave my house and let her know someone remembers.

    Good Night, Sweet Baby


  350. Poor sweet baby girl, I’m so sorry your short life was filled with such pain. My heart breaks for the torture you endured. What incredibly horrible people to do such things to such a precious gift from God. You shall never be forgotten sweet baby girl.


  351. I came across this story by accident and I have cried for about 4 hrs . on and off and had a hard time sleeping. I don’t even have children but the 4 legged kind.. I have 3 cats and let me tell you they are treated soo far better then this innocent baby girl. She was only a tiny, defensless baby and i’m shocked at that her own parents did this to her and an uncle. And the grandmother and the other uncle. as well for “just watching” . I, like you all, have been haunted when I stumbled across this horror story just 2 days ago.These parents also have a son 18mos and he appears to have none of this done him and Andy Walters did say , their son also bit Brianna on certain occasoins He bit his little sister! Now since when does an 18 mos old know how to bite another baby! This picture all fits a certain profile. I agree w/Gary This is beyond child abuse. Way beyond child abuse This is intentional brutality, torture and murder in the first…premediated. And this is how it should be tried. It was planned from the start just as if they were going to prey on some helpless adult , who they find gay, retarted, weak or whatever.. These people had other options and have done this to this poor helpless baby for their own pleasure, hatred,anger or frustations . As her mother says well I was frustrated. At what ? It’s not like she was the first. Steph already had the exp. of caring for her son when he was Brianna’s ; size. . Duh !!! So don’t give me this frustrated new mother crap!! She and Andy knew what to expect… Was it was because she was a girl? or a mistake? Or premature? One comment above ( good point by the way) suggested that that’s the reason they hated her ’cause she was a premie?! Hate her? Your own baby. So, back to you Gary . I agree it should have been tried as murder.. Don’t know laws in NM, but, maybe the law there prevents it.. But I still agree w/you 100% And baby Brianna I can’t get you out of my mind . Good night and be safe…


  352. Do the inmates at the Oregon prison where Andrew Walter was transferred to, know of his horrific abuse of his 5 month old daughter? If not, is there a way to have him tortured and raped by prison inmates? Even so, it will never be at the level of pain that his daughter felt. I cannot sleep at night knowing that he is alive, fed 3 times a day and allowed to sleep peacefully!!


  353. The mother is to be released in 4 years! There is nothing anyone can do, it is going to happen. I only can hope she suffers and is kept away from her son. He was 18 months old at the time. I hope he is with a loving family and he is being taken care of and loved. Brianna never stood a chance. She was a beautiful angel and did not deserve the life she had. Sweet precious girl, RIP


    • Parole decisions can be changed. Ask Eugene Washington,who expected to be released on May 26, 2012, until the parole board received letters and calls to review their decision. He is still in prison with a new parole hearing at the end of August. Letters and phone calls DO help in these situations. Do not count it over until she walks out of the door.


    • No NOT four years…Stephanie is already getting paper work in order for release they only do this the last 6 months before being released!


  354. Like everyone else who has posted here, I’m outraged about this crime. My brain can’t even wrap around what that little girl must have endured. I too am searching for a “why” to account for the abuse, but there are no good answers, nothing makes sense.

    But I believe that the males were fueled by a hatred for women. The repeated rape and brutal attacks supports misogyny. Brianna was an easy target for them to release their pent up anger toward women on. Also, from what I’ve read, the male children in the household weren’t abused.

    I would like to know more about the psychology of the perpetrators. Does anyone know if the court ordered psychological profiles of the abusers? Did they have a history of abuse? I can find so little about it online.

    A few years ago, I read about a similar case in the UK. The body of a baby girl who’d been atrociously abused was found in a wall when home owners were renovating. She too had been tortured horribly during her short life, including sexually. Her body had been there many years, and I seem to recall that the suspects were no longer living so an investigation wasn’t pursued. As a result, the case didn’t receive much press. This morning I did a Google search for the news article, but it’s no longer coming up. It saddens me that she has been forgotten.


  355. why do they let people like this out ? why cant they casterate them or something not to be hateful but i have grandchildren and am so scared for them for in this city i see lots of them here. I am scared to let them walk to far. wish they would make an island for them and let them fend for them selves instead of using tax dollars to house them. There is people who are in need of this money they dont deserve to be housed and fed.


  356. I have written to the District Attorney on this case wondering if there is any way anyone can do anything to get them moved back to the New Mexico jail where they belong. WHY would that judge care about their safety??? It BAFFLES me that any judge would take that into consideration for one moment. They should not feel safe. That poor beautiful baby girl probably never felt safe a moment in her life. I have a 3 month old baby girl and I treasure every smile and giggle she has. Maybe if these child killers and pedophiles wouldnt keep getting special treatment and being put into “safe” areas in jail, these things would stop happening!! What are they going to be more scared of, having a roof over their head and 3 meals a day with no one bothering them, or all the men in prison who do not stand for crimes against children??? Makes me wonder why these people have any rights at all when they clearly have no regard for human life. Once you do inhumane acts like this, you shouldnt be considered human, therefore no rights. Period.


  357. I am leaving my husband, leaving the state with my own 6 month old baby, I earned my degree in criminal justice to pursue my destiny…to help the defenseless who cannot help themselves. My husband said “I cannot save the world,” No, but I can damned well try to save these babies from what could have been prevented for precious baby Brianna. She’s an angel who went straight to God and they will face what’s coming to them.


  358. God- where were you then?


  359. I wish them nothing but harm to come there way im sorry how f sick are you to do this to this beautiful baby her life was taking from sick people and as for the mother you discuss me I hope you get the same abuse your child did you deserve to be shot or be torcherred rot in hell


  360. What makes me even more upset is to know that Stephanie Lopez is walking around grants prison without any problems and is planning to move to Hawaii soon because she’s getting out. How does this happen because she only served less than half of sentence, She should NOT be treated with any respect or dignity.


    • No. ! I can’t believe it! Hawaii?? That’s so horrible.. Your right it’s upsetting….. ..It’s outragous !!!! . She should’nt even be getting out soon!!!! She should be locked up…nice commenting/w you ..L


  361. When I first read about Baby Brianna’s story I was so emotional it took me many hours just to get through the entire story, I just bleed from my heart for what evil had happened to this pure sweet baby. I am blessed to have 3 beautiful kids, ages 4, 2 and 6 months. I just can’t look at my 6 month daughter without seeing Brianna! I was so heartbroken I couldn’t eat anything for days. I showered my kids with extra hugs and kisses and asked God to past it on to Brianna. After a few days I went from being emotional to full out Rage!!! I think the entire Walters /Lopez families are narcissistic sociopaths! What about that grandmother and uncle? Who would condone this behavior towards their niece and granddaughter unless also involved with the abuse. I wish I had more info on this family and their upbringings for they are so selfish, cold and have no empathy towards human life even their own flesh and blood. Just watching all of their reactions and behavior during the trial was so disturbing, they showed no emotion for anyone but themselves and absolutely no remorse for what they did to pure Brianna. I do believe in God and I know Brianna is with him but I also think that God would expect us to react. It’s a shame that these crimes don’t already carry the strictest sentences and that someone could do more time in prison for tax fraud. I believe it is our duty as adults and as those who know better to speak up and act. Crimes like child abuse, child neglect or torture, child murderers, child pornography, pedophiles and child rapists! I truly believe that anyone who commits crimes against children just cannot be a part of society, they belong locked up far away from children. There should be a life sentence that carries NO possibility of parole on those who commit crimes against children. The death penalty would be too simple but all their privileges should be rejected (such as protection or receiving money and visits from family}. And for those who don’t report abuse, their punishment should be based on the crimes witnessed, like Brianna’s grandmother and Uncle they should have received at least 10 years especially since they leaved inside the home. I pray that we can make a difference for our children and their future. The sad truth is most people don’t want to face the facts of these kinds of crimes against children and I hope we can change that for the sake of all the babies out there who are suffering. To Brianna and all the children suffering- My heart is so big for you all and I love you xoxo


    • You said it all !!!! I felt the same way you did when I first came across this story myself..couldnt’ sleep or eat for days..and the sad thing is… … . I always think about how I could have just take her away from there and stay w/me until a permanent home was found her….I have a husband and 2 cats..and I
      wouldn’t treat my cats like those animals treated that poor innocent infant that could’nt even “yell for help” let alone fight back…nice commenting w/you L


  362. This case gets me everytime I hear about it. I cant sleep thinking about what was done to this gorgeous girl.

    I am curious what these 3 magots had to say at their sentencing hearings. Does anyone know where to find transcripts of comments to the judge made by these low lifes, or their families?


  363. I have been crying since i read about baby Brianna. 3 days after i read about her i can’t sleep, can’t eat, my life just like full of sorrows. It broke my heart. As a mother i just can’t imagine how her parent did it to her. But i know you are in safety place now, i always love you baby Brianna, you are an ang


    • I know Henny just how you feel..When I first saw this, I couldn’t eat or sleep and it went everywhere w/me!! Couldnt get it out of my mind..and I saw it about 3 yrs ago..L


    • I know just how you feel.. When I first saw this about 3 yrs ago I cried a lot L..


  364. I think we all agree the whole family were monsters.Death was a gift to this baby that suffered every minute of her life.We can do better .Just think if the money spent on needless wars was put into child protective services.What,s wrong with doing welfare checks on people getting welfare,if the child is fine,no harm done,but monthly checks would have stopped what brianna was going through, But you know what we can,t do it,because CPS doesn,t have the money,Our number 1 priority should be protecting the most vulnerable and helpless .You can bet this baby never left the dump she lived in or saw a Doctor.What about the maternal relatives,did they never see her in 5 months .A maternal great aunt slammed the perps. In Tenn we have 2 sentences for child abuse ,life without parole and death.And why in the hell did they move the father and maybe the uncle to oregon to protect them! WTF. Okay no taxpayer money to do a welfare check on baby Brianna,but god knows how much $ to house,protect and move these monsters and don,t call them animals,they protect their young.I wish no child would ever suffer from abuse and or neglect. One is too many.


    • Hey Elaine my name’s L and you said it all!! They say cps does’nt have enough help , not enough money etc etc.. So they turn to we the people/public ..And we are all encouraged and supposed to report anything suspicious , but, how can we if we don’t know anything. I believe solely that this poor baby did Not leave that dump ‘because they knew just what the h they were doing and that’s how theses people get away w/it … Keep it in hiding.. and unless we don’t change the laws , we will see more.. She’s the youngest Iv’e seen when I read her story just 3 yrs ago and I was so shocked and upset of a baby this young going thru this horrible abuse.and there are a lot of them out there…so sad…Nice commenting w/you L


  365. add to comment it,s child abuse resulting in death


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