2007 May: School Violence

School violence seems to be getting worse.  Almost every day you hear about a student bring a gun to schoolor some other weapon and then threatens other students, teachers or faculty.  This has gone from elementary schools to colleges.  School violence know no age, race or gender.  it encompasses it all.  Is there a way to prevent these or will they just continue?

10 myths about school shootings
When kids kill
School Violence
Safe Youth

                               Virginia Tech

         Kent State Shootings

                         Columbine High School

19 Responses

  1. Horrible just horrible what is the world coming to


  2. These kids are fucked up in the head and should have been in therapy before this shit ever happened. they are cowards, and i hope they eternally burn in hell for planning and executing this pathetic crime. To whoever was involved in the killings: Fuck you.


  3. Hey jooberg i shure hope u know that these people who killed everyone committed suicide so when you write that u are offending the dead so next time think of the sh*t you wright. That one big pict with Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold they killed themselves right after their murder they took a single shot to the head right afer the columbine school shooting they did the shooting cause people bullied them!


  4. Hi..just stopping by to say a Happy New Year…interesting post there, and i’ve bookmarked this blog too…keep up the good job 😉


  5. Actually the Kent state wasn’t a shooting by students it was by national guardsmen in the middle of a Vietnam protest 2 of the students were just going to class they weren’t even affiliated but guess what else? A undercover FBI Agent was in the crowd
    think he might have shot those innocent kids?


  6. John,

    You are correct, Kent State was not done by a student, but it was done at a school. That is why it was included here.


  7. Yes I know but the past comments have been about student shootings. I like your blog I will use it for future reference in my history project I am doing.


  8. Jare.. umm I agree with you situation but.. its kind of weird to see that these kids these days think they are being bullied like cho seung-hui. well they should’ve like talk to people instead releasing anger on people.. like cmon thats kinda stupid.. school these days needs more security and understandable counsellors


  9. people are just fucked up in the head sometimes.


  10. Kids dont know that there’s a here after, lets just hope that if they have there sons or daughter, the same happens to them…….Fucked up in the head!


  11. Seriously, violence in schools needs to STOP. I’m in middle school in california and there’s 1-6 fights EVERY day. I’m student body president and I can’t stand seeing a beautiful community with beautiful minds go to waste.
    It takes one person to start a revolution.
    Come on everyone,
    pay it forward!


  12. Hey,
    you guys will be interested in the matter of fact that youtube.com is full with videos. People who tell Eric H. and Dylan K. for example “rest in Peace” and stuff like that. They´ve putted on comments like “these guys were my hero”, when is it going to stop. I feel like I wanna do something, and started to get in contact with youtube.com to stop the situation. Children , small ones with like 12 years can watch that and I think they really don´t have too.


  13. They are metal detecters everywhere at the airports why cant we have them everywhere at schools our state goverments are to blame.They say we do have the money to do it thats bull crap.There kids dont go to public schools so they dont care.We need metal detectors in all schools and the killings will stop.


  14. it just sucks… Ok i get that you are being bullied and stuff and that sucks, but it doesn’t make sense for you to kill people. Especially people that never even do anything to you. If you are planning to kill yourself at the end then why bring other people down with you?


  15. thats stupid, morons


  16. what happened happened

    leave dylan and eric alone they were bullied what they did was very wrong but ,., thats how life goes


  17. jen197-

    WOW! What a way to condone murder. And you did. Even IF they were bullied, they made their own CHOICE to get guns and go in and kill other human beings. They did NOT have that right. I do understand the bullying issue, however, killing another human being (or more) is NOT the answer. Period.

    Now, please go give your statement as you wrote it to the parents and loved ones of the victims. To their faces. I bet you couldn’t.


  18. well this is all i got to say….people are stupid these days to start school violence……..im sorry to hear about yhur kids and this goes out to who ever lost a loved one….especially rachels dad……the story i heard at school touched me….


  19. Only thing i got to say about this…. That was just stupid who would be dumb enough to bring guns to school people that didnt like them in killed people that were inasent. yeah they got bullied but they should of talked about it before they went through with it… But that was there actions and they didnt think about it…..



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