Joanne & Alyssa Presti murder 1/5/2004 Woburn, MA *Michael Bizanowicz convicted, sentenced to life in prison*

Alyssa & Joanne Presti

Trial against Lowell man in 2 deaths begins
Trial begins in ’04 Presti double-murder
Emotional testimony opens witness portion of double murder trial
Defendant’s boss saw nothing unusual after murders
Presti family vents anger and anguish at convicted killer
Family of murdered mother and daughter makes statements in court
Prestis’ murderer gets life
Presti family murderer appealing his conviction
Court to hear appeal in murder case of Woburn mother, child
Conviction of child rapist Michael Bizanowicz, found guilty of murdering mother, daughter, upheld by Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court
Bill helps ease burden in murder’s aftermath

Nightmare Next Door: New England Nightmare
American Nightmares: Too Close To Home


Offender ID:W95055
Date of Birth:
Gender: Male
Custody Status: In Custody
Location of Offender: Old Colony Correctional Center (Medium Security)

7 Responses

  1. Just watched this case on Nightmare Next Door. The thing that really got to me, besides the rape and murder of the 12 year old daughter, was the baby being left in the crib for days, hungry, crying and probably wondering why mama wasn’t coming. That just broke my heart. And the murderer was a convicted child rapist. Why do we ever let these perverts out of prison? Everyone knows they’re just going to do it again. This time around he still only gets life. How many children do you have to rape/kill to get the death penalty in Massachusetts? I live in Texas where we get a lot of criticism for the most executions but, if you ask me, a lot more need to happen.


    • i agree im watching the case now on id..i cant belive the stuff that happened to these two women/young girl.i give the daughter alot of respect due to fighting back.i feel bad for the two boys.god bless you scares me cause im an hour from the crime.


  2. What was the killer? Was he related to mother and daughter? Horrible,horrible case :/


  3. If I remember correctly, he wasn’t related to his victims. He was a convicted child rapist who sometimes stayed with his girlfriend. The girlfriend lived in the same neighborhood as the victims.
    Perhaps, the rapist saw the little girl in the neighborhood and decided to rape her. The whole thing is very sad, especially when the law doesn’t provide for the only equitable penalty in a case like this—which would be death.


  4. G’day from Australia Sean, we just stumbled across NND doco and I looked it up. Hope that you have a great life, sending love from Down Under.


  5. Hey Sean just saw the case on Nightmare Next Door.. Glad to hear you are doin okay.. It was so disturbing wathin re-enactments on the show.. I can imagine what it must have been like for you grand parents.. Keep well. Marcus. South Africa


  6. Now the perverted lying evil weasel is trying to blame others and appeal
    Stay in and pay for ur crimes you pathetic prick
    Rot in ur cell


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