Update: Caylee Marie Anthony murder *Casey Anthony murder trial Day 26: How did Cindy Anthony search for chloroform on her home computer when she was at work?*

Today was an interesting day in court. There were more forensic experts called to dispute the State’s case. Then, Cindy Anthony was called back to the stand. And boy did she have something to say! She said that SHE was the one who did the Interet searches for chloroform and neck-breaking. Never mind she was at work when these were done. She said she did the searches for chloroform because the dog appeared sleepy. OK, please stop laughing! Really, 84 searches about chloroform because of the dog? No one could come up with a better story? And the neck-breaking searches were because a friend of hers got hurt in a car accident. It was obvious that she was trying to cover for Casey. I hope she knows what she is doing. And I hope she knows what perjury is and that there are consequences.

Casey Anthony trial: Cindy Anthony searched for chloroform, injuries on family computer
Casey Anthony’s Mother Testifies the Web Searches for ‘Chloroform’ Were Hers
Cindy Anthony testifies at murder trial
Day 26: Cindy Anthony says she searched for ‘chloroform,’ not Casey

Update: Caylee Marie Anthony murder *Casey Anthony murder trial Day 25: Lack of evidence? and Casey’s parent no longer believe in her innocence*

Today was a half day of court as Judge Perry had an obligation to attend to. Maureen Bottrell, FBI examiner, testified about soil soil found on shoes collected from the Anthony residence. The soil did not match the soil from the area where Caylee’s remains were found. However, she admitted under cross-examination, that just because there was not a match did not mean that she wasn’t there. Madeline Montgomery then testified about the hair and toxicology. She said that the tests she ran did not show any trace of drugs. However, upon cross-examination, she admitted that hair is not the best source to get drug levels. Dr. Michael Sigman testified about air samples from the trunk. He said he could not say that there had been a body in the trunk. However, he admitted that he did his tests days after the lining was removed. Michael Rickenbach, FBI chemist, testified about tests he performed on items from the car and said he found no significant traces of chloroform. Karen Lowe, FBI forensic expert, testified about hair and duct tape.

It seems, however, the biggest news of the day came from CNN. George and Cindy Anthony’s lawyer, Mark Lippman, told CNN that the Anthony’s do not believe in Casey’s innocence. However, they do not want her to get the death penalty. This second part does not surprise me. as I believe most parents would not want to have their child sentenced to death. I guess I am not really surprised that her parents doubt her innocence, especially after listening to everything in court. But I am surprised that it was said publicly. But then again, it is the Anthony family, and nothing should surprise me anymore! I’m guessing that the photo above was taken after Casey found out about her parents opinion! This picture realy does disturb me too. Very creepy.

Day 25: Another short day as Casey Anthony’s defense brings in more experts
Casey Anthony trial: Defense points out what analysts didn’t find
Casey Anthony Trial Update: Short day set for trial Wednesday
Casey Anthony Trial Update: Witness testifies about Disney bag, Gatorade bottle near Caylee’s remains
Attorney: Casey Anthony’s family believes ‘she’s not innocent’

Update: Caylee Marie Anthony murder *Casey Anthony murder trial Day 24: Drama, drama, drama

Today was more testimony from forensic scientists, including a botanist. Jennifer Welch testified again, this time about the roots and plant life around where Caylee’s remains were found. Dr. Jane Bock testified about the leaves and plants that were around Caylee’s remains. She estimated that the remains had only been there for 2 weeks, but under questioning from the prosecution, she admitted that it could have been there much longer. She admitted that she had very limited experience with roots growing into bones. Next Dr. Richard Eikelenboom, a DNA expert from the Netherlands, testified about DNA and the duct tape. Detective Yuri Melich testified about the search of the Anthony’s home for chloroform, which was not found. Dr. Marcus Bain Wise was the last witness of the day and he testified about analyzing air samples. It appeared that all Jose Baez wanted to do is get him to admit that one of his colleague is not really a chemist (because his title does not state he is a chemist, even though he does the job of a chemist). Then he seemed to want to discredit his own witness by bringing up a project that has nothing to do with this case. But it was a good way to confuse the jury!  But maybe not the way he wanted.

Another story was developing outside of the courtroom as well. Krystal Holloway has claimed to have had an affair with George Anthony. When questioned by detectives she said that was not true. Suddenly, she has changed her story. What on earth could be the reason for this? I would not put it past the defense to have orchestrated this event. Drama drama drama!

Day 24: New defense expert talks DNA in Casey Anthony trial
Roots, Leaves and …Mistresses? Day 24 in the Casey Anthony Trial
Casey Anthony trial: Did woman whose child drowned in 2007 have ‘indirect’ contact with Casey?
Casey Anthony: Jose Baez lays an egg
Casey Anthony Trial Update: Jailmate April Whelan may testify in Anthony’s murder trial

Update: Caylee Marie Anthony murder *Casey Anthony murder trial Day 23: Court in recess until Tues

Today, basically there was no court. No one testified. Judge Perry scolded the lawyers on both sides, saying this trial had too much gamesmanship. He also let the lawyers know that there may be punishment to face for violations in the court, especially the defense not giving the prosecution their witnesses opinions in advance. Judge Perry seems especially upset over this. So the lawyers were given time today to get everything in order.

Casey Anthony: Judge Perry faces tough choices as Ashton, Baez tangle over witnesses
Casey Anthony trial: Jose Baez has a history of Florida Bar complaints
‘Gamesmanship’ Leads to Sudden Halt in Casey Anthony Trial
Anthony trial in recess until Tuesday, Judge scolds attorneys

Update: Caylee Marie Anthony murder *Casey Anthony murder trial Day 22:

Today was an interesting day in court, to say the least. The defense has been threatened with contempt of court. One of their witnesses, William Rodriguez (co-founder of the Body Farm in TN, where my bones will eventually lay) was going to testify to opinions that were not part of a report, although he gave that opinion to Jose Baez months ago. This is in direct conflict to orders given by Judge Perry that all opinions were to be shared with opposing counsel. Judge Perry stated that he believed Jose Baez intentionally did this, and he may hold him in contemp, but would decide on that at a later time. Dr. Rodriguez will return to the stand on Monday, after the prosecution has been able to question him. Dr. Werner Spitz, who has been a world renowned forensic pathologist, testified. It appeared to me that he believed his job was to completely disagree with the Medical Examiner’s autopsy and also with photos taken of Caylee’s skull. He outright accused the Medical Examiner’s office of staging photos and said her autopsy was shoddy. However, he contradicted himself several times and would not really answer questions given to him. He was all over the place. In my opinion, he was a horrible witness. He actually said that the sediment in the skull was brain powder and he did not need it tested “because he just knew”. He also did the same about the hair around the skull. He may have been one of the leaders in his field at one time, but in recent years, he has become ineffective. In the Phil Spector case, he flipped out on the stand after a question he did not like. Fortunately for him and the defense he did not do that this time, but I think he was close to doing so. It appeared to me that he just wanted to show what an expert he was and that the Medical Examiner was not as good as he was. However, he proved the opposite. Unfortunately for the defense, I think he did more harm than good for their case. But, maybe they could not get anyone else to agree with their theories.

Casey Anthony trial: State questions defense forensic expert about duct tape, Caylee’s skull
Day 22: Perry Scolds Baez, Spitz Talks Autopsies
Casey Anthony judge threatens defense with contempt
Defense Enters Day 3 of Witnesses in Anthony Trial

Update: Caylee Marie Anthony murder *Casey Anthony murder trial Day 21: Bugs, bugs, bugs

Today, Dr. Tim Huntington testified for the defense. He claimed that the stain in the trunk was not human decomposition and that the smell was due to garbage, not a dead body. However, under cross-examination, he admitted that when he examined the car 2 years after the murder, the car still smelled. The problem I have is that several people, including the defendant’s parents, said they could smell human decomposition in the car. That cannot be overlooked. However, for most of his testimony he agreed with the prosecution’s expert, Dr. Neal Haskell.

Casey Anthony trial: Jeff Ashton hammers defense’s bug expert
Bug Expert Testifies in Casey Anthony Murder Trial
Day 21: Trunk Stains, Bugs In The Trunk/a>
Prosecution Attacks Defense Entomologist
Casey Anthony Trial Update: Bug expert testifies for the defense

Update: Caylee Marie Anthony murder *Casey Anthony murder trial Day 20: The defense begins

Today was focused on forensic evidence such as DNA on the duct tape, which was contaminated by an FBI examiner. There were several CSI’s that also testified about evidence they collected. It has been rumored that the defense wants to call a convicted felon, Vasco Thompson, and have him testify. Apparently cell phone records show he contacted George Anthony before Caylee was reported missing. It is not known yet if he will be allowed to testify

Forensic testimony kicks off Casey Anthony defense
Casey Anthony Trial: Defense Casts Shadow on Heart Stickers Found With Caylee’s Remains
Casey Anthony Trial Update: No DNA on defendant’s clothes or in her car, say defense witnesses
Day 20: FBI Contamination, Blood Evidence
Casey Anthony trial: FBI witness said no blood, DNA found in car, clothes, car seat
Casey Anthony trial: Attorneys for felon Vasco Thompson cancel news conference

Update: Caylee Marie Anthony murder *Casey Anthony murder trial Day 19: The State rests & the defensense

Court was very short this morning. The State rested. Then the defense asked for a motion for a directed acquittal. Judge Perry heard the arguments for and against it. His decision was that he denied the motion. Court will resume tomorrow morning for the defense to begin.

Convicted kidnapper added to Casey Anthony defense witness list
Prosecutors Finish Presenting Case in Casey Anthony Murder TrialProsecution Rests Case Against Casey
Casey Anthony trial: Acquittal denied; defense introduces convict Vasco Thompson

Update: Caylee Marie Anthony murder *Casey Anthony murder trial Day 18: DNA evidence, heart stickers and a tatoo*

Today the main focus was on the heart stick on the duct tape and showing that Casey had heart stickers. Also, some mitochondrial DNA evidence was shown and explained, trying to connect it with the hair found in the trunk of Casey’s car. It also appears that the State will rest tomorrow morning. However, the defense will not be ready until Thurs., so I anticipate court will be relatively short again tomorrow. The defense has already stated that they will file a motion for a directed acquittal, which means that they are stating that the prosecution has not proven their case and the Judge should rule for an acquittal for the defense. This is normal and standard procedure i many cases. Also, one of the links below describes an incident with one of the defense lawyers and Judge Perry. Judge Perry stated that he could not trust anything the defense says now.

Prosecution to rest Wednesday in Casey Anthony trial
Casey Anthony trial: CSI explains heart stickers in Anthony home
Casey Anthony Trial Update: Heart stickers and hair evidence
Casey Anthony Trial Update: Judge Belvin Perry expresses distrust for the defense
Day 18: State may be done with witnesses in Casey Anthony trial
State To Wrap Its Case Against Casey

Update: Caylee Marie Anthony murder *Casey Anthony murder trial Day 17: Duct tape and hair testimony from the FBI

Court was cut short today, due to the prosecution’s witnesses were not available until Tuesday afternoon. Today, Elizabeth Fontaine, an FBI latent print examiner, testified about examining the duct tape for fingerprints. I thought she was an excellent witness. She spoke clearly, explained all of the steps she took to do her examination. She made it all easy to understand. Also testifying today was Stephen Shaw, an FBI examiner of hair who came to the same conclusions as Karen Lowe did. He was unable to use the PowerPoint presentation he had as the defense did not know about it before he testified, so Judge Perry did not allow that in. Court will resume Tuesday at 1pm Eastern.

Examiner: Heart-shaped adhesive found on tape covering Caylee’s mouth
Casey Anthony trial: State could wrap up this week
Casey Anthony murder trial: The case of the disappearing ‘heart’
Casey Anthony CSI: Outline of Heart Decal On Duct Tape
Day 17: Quick day for Casey Anthony as prosecution gets close to resting