Update: Dale Stark murder *Brian Moore, Shellye Stark’s boyfriend, has been arrested for the murder of Dale Stark!!*

brianmooreHonestly, what more can I say? There will hopefully be real justice for Dale now. I am sure that Brian thought he was getting away with his part in this murder. But no, justice came calling. Yes, my personal opinion (and I think one or two of you will agree) is that Brian had a big part in this. In fact, my opinion is that he is the force behind all of this. If even half of the rumors are true about Brian, he preyed on people that he felt were vulnerable and got them to do what he wanted. And he may have said just the right thing to Shellye to get her to do this. I wish I could be a fly on the wall when she finds out that her Prince Charming (as you can see in this picture) is now in jail.

And don’t forget, he got the added bonus of having the ATF involved in his arrest. For all the pain that he has caused to numerous people, especially his own family and to Dale Stark, I hope that he rots in prison for the rest of his natural life, just like I want the same for Shellye.

Be sure to watch the video in the first link. It is long, but worth it.

Stark’s boyfriend to be charged with murder (please watch the video on the arrest – has great info)
Shellye Stark’s boyfriend arrested in husband’s murder
Shellye Stark’s boyfriend arrested in Anaheim
Stark’s boyfriend to be charged with murder
News Archive: Dale Stark murder

599 Responses

  1. Boy is karma a BITCH.


  2. KARMA is an ass kicking rock star!!!!!!! For those of us who have nothing to fear that is.


  3. Hell yeah!!


  4. You know if you clean him up just a bit, I’m sure someone in prison will want him as their BITCH!!!!!.

    The rest of the Johnson family is next! Shellye’s father, mother, sister, and nephew all need to get matching bracelets.

    I just hope Chris was not involved in the plot.


    • Temecula….just who the *bleep* are you for saying that the Johnson family deserves this, with the exception of Christopher???? Do you know them? Is it personal? There was no plot. Get educated on battered women….first hand watch Taylor Armstrong and read what she went through.
      And btw, the Johnson’s are my blood


  5. Does anyone out there know what time pinheads hearing is today?


  6. Click to access 042809-moore.pdf

    Read this . . .he is a real son of a bitch. . .what a waste of oxygen


  7. Yes, it is @ 1:30 today. Wanna a good laugh? When he was arrested and cuffed, he had a nice Pedi on his toes w/ Pink polish. I could only imagine the laugh the Anaheim PD and other Detecitves got when they found his Toys, and the straps that go along w/ the. Yes, He had fetishes and a nice selection of panties as well. Lace was his favorite. He had a wall full of handcuffs, probably about 8 sets or so? He was and is a twisted individual.


  8. Does anyone know what went down at BikerHo’s court appearance? The internet doesn’t have anything.


  9. Yes, he has been remanded, No Bail due to being a Flight Risk, ( I am almost sure of that) and his next appearance is May 15th. Just days after his 43rd Birthday. Not sure when or if he will be extradited. He is trying to have it waived but good luck with that. His Charges are for Spokane Court to deal with, the other charges here in Cali will be seperate of course, and not sure when that will take place. The charges against him now he is facing could take a year to go to Trial, only time will tell just like all of the waiting for Shellye’s Trial and conviction. They were firm w/ their decisions so we can only hope they do the same thing w/ Mr. Moore. He faces more trouble since the ATF is involved and I hear he had a license to grow weed, but then again, thats probably a lie like everything else in his waking life. I really truly do believe he is toast. Has everyone read the Affidavit? Pretty intense what the Origional Detective found on Brian Moore as far as evidance goes. He had not seen anything like this in the 30 some odd years he has been a detective. Its some pretty harsh proof from what I read.


  10. I see there is Bail for Brian L. Moore, but in Spokane!!!

    Superior Court Case Summary

    Court: Spokane Superior
    Case Number: 09-1-01570-9

    Sub Docket Date Docket Code Docket Description Misc Info
    1 04-27-2009 INFO Information
    2 04-27-2009 STTF Statement Of Facts
    3 04-27-2009 STTF Statement Of Facts
    4 04-27-2009 ORW
    JDG0035 Order For Warrant Bail $1,500,000
    Judge Ellen Kalama Clark Id#70


  11. Ok, now that Shellye is safely behind bars for the rest of her life and Brian is heading that way. Can anyone tell me why the rest of the Johnson clan is not behind bars yet?
    Dennise Johnson (Shellye’s mother) provided Shellye with the murder weapon, via her sister Karen Jachetta .
    Karen Jachetta, transported said weapon across state lines for the commission of the, crime of murder.
    Dale Johnson, retrieve the same weapon after Karen Jachetta took out the poor moose, and gave it to Shellye. Dale Johnson also knew that Shellye had the weapon when they went to serve the bogus restraining order.

    I believe they call this accessory to murder (before the fact).

    At this point I am not sure, to what extent of involvement that Chris had in all of this., How much influence all of these low life bastards had upon him. My hope is that he was an innocent pawn. But time will tell.

    Now we come to Curtis Johnson (Shellye’s father), this bastard forged Dale Starks signature on checks and robbed Dale’s bank accounts, after his daughter, Shellye murdered his own son in law. At the very least that would be forgery, theft, and embezzlement. But since there was a murder committed so he could have unfettered access to all of Dale accounts.

    I believe they call that accessory to murder (after the fact)

    Call it what you will, but I’m convinced that the entire stinking Johnson clan, plotted to execute Dale and carried out their plan for the express purpose to stealing all of Dale’s worldly possessions. What a sorry excuse for humans they are.

    I believe they call that conspiracy to commit murder.

    So the whole F…ing herd deserves no less than what Shellye received, and that is 610 months in prison.


  12. He’s done, toast, what ever, he should have known he’d get caught if he’s as smart as he thinks he is? It was just a matter of time, he’s done way to many shady things to people. He’s done. LOL
    I believe sooner or later, if his x-partner Mr. Kendall hadn’t spilled the beans on his forgery to the detectives, the insurance Co. would have put it together sooner or later, let’s just hope he stays there with no bail, for life!


  13. Oh, and what about Shellye’s own father forging checks on Dale’s acct.? And the transfers going on after Dale’s death on his acct.? What were they thinking, that no one would notice that kind of activity happening on a dead man’s acct.? Are those people as hillbillyish as they appear?


  14. Always remember that the state has to have the proper evidence in place before they issue an arrest warrant. We have seen what the media has released but the “Rules of Evidence” are a finicky lot that sometimes calls for a lot more than you would think. Also, there is a statute of limitations that affords time to gather the necessary evidence. As I’ve stated before, patience is a must in these types of cases. No one wants these people to walk due to lack of proper evidence or procedures. Shellye was convicted due painstakingly accurate investigation and prosecution.


  15. Please remember that the “Johnson Clan” could be taken as Dales family – lets not confuse things.


  16. We all know Brian L. Moore was a strange Cat, and he was Bi and likes feminine things. Here is a posting by him dated March, 2003. So his door swung in both ways a very long time. Here is the link:


  17. Not sure what you mean, fedup.


  18. I mean Dale’s last name is Johnson – and saying that the “Johnson Clan” needs to pay for their involvement sounds kinda wrong.


  19. As far as I’m concerned Dale Johnson can rot in prison with the rest of them.
    From my prospective he, “Dale Johnson” is just as guilty as Shellye, Karen, Dennise, and Curtis for the murder of Dale Stark !!!!
    Put the whole hillbilly clan behind bars!!!!!


  20. Oh!!! I almost forgot Brian Moore also.


  21. yeah him especially


  22. Fedup, the victim’s name is Dale Stark. Dale Johnson is Shellye’s nephew (Karen’s son) who brought her the gun and was at the house when Dale Stark came home.


  23. FEDUP, the victim’s name is Dale ‘Stark’. Dale ‘Johnson’ is Shellye’s nephew (Karyn’s son) who brought her the gun and was at the house when Dale Stark came home.


  24. I have read this over and over, and just by what this Mr. Pulver has said, Brian does not have a chance. I mean the proof apparently is what knowledge this Investigator has apparently, and what ever all of us have to say when we Testify is basically about Brian’s Credibilty, besides what another person seen for themselves when they worked for him and has knowledge of.

    The state’s case against Moore hinges partly on statements from a private investigator hired by Stark who grew increasingly suspicious about Moore’s involvement in the case. He was questioned by police after being subpoenaed as part of the murder investigation.

    “The dilemma that I was placed in was not only an ethical dilemma, but it was sort of a moral and legal dilemma,” Ted Pulver, owner of Pulver Investigations & Polygraph Inc. in Post Falls, said in an interview. “Brian Moore actually made it easier for me because of his ongoing criminal activity and threats to other people…I had people literally pleading with me to help them save their lives.


  25. Hey,
    Does anyone know if he has a Lawyer when he gets tried in Spokane? Is Julie gonna be his attorney?


  26. sorry for the double post!


  27. As soon as I hear who his lawyer will be, I’ll post.


  28. *Moore can not hire Ms. Twyford because she has been hired by Shellye. There’s a conflict.*


  29. ^ He claims to be a lawyer. Maybe he’ll represent himself.


  30. Brian’s next hearing is May 14, at 8:30 AM.

    Lawfan08; do you know how long extraditions like this usually take. Since it appears Brian is fighting it?


  31. As far as I know, no state has a statute of limitations on first degree murder. It can be prosecuted at any time. If the charges aren’t first degree then that is a different matter.

    We know the two cousins were in the home with Shellye awaiting Dale’s arrival, but does anyone know if Christopher was with Dale Johnson when he retrieved the weapons from the wrecked vehicle?


  32. Now thats funny Jackson!!!!!!!! AND HE PROBABLY WOULD!!!


    I am sure he will have a nice one. Brian AKA Brenda!!!!!


  34. I don’t think the extradition will take long at all. It’s just from state to state. Not like an out-of-country extradition. All it will take is a judge in CA to sign the order.


  35. To answer the question about whether Chris was with Dale J. at the accident site: no, he was not. Dale went there with his girlfriend. Shellye also showed up at the accident site. But not Chris.


  36. Does anyone know what’s going on with dip shit’s case?
    Brian had a hearing this morning, and now he is scheduled for another one June 11, 2009.
    How hard is it, to just sign the order to send his little fat ass north?
    Delay . . .delay . . .delay. That seams to be the mantra for these folks.


  37. He is trying everything to get extradited. He will be there soon, don’t worry. It could take up to 90 days for this to happen. I was informed that he has the right to fight this move because he is a california resident. I think its a bunch of bullcrap myself, but his arrest was for being a Fugitive of Justice and he is being charged w/ Murder and Conspiricy, the Federal Charges are here in California, so I am assuming those charges will be after he is Tried in Spokane for this stuff first. Also when Shellye was put back in jail after kissing her boyfriend, he then left town, remember?
    Well, he went to a Title Company and exchanged the title for cash, then drove the car back to Orange County California. The car was paid for. Remember Shellye went with a $31,000.00 check and paid for the car, He obviously needed the cash, so thats why he did that and thats a drug addict for you. The car has been seized since the arrest of monkey boy.


  38. Temecula – you made me LOL!!


  39. I had a laugh too. I love the way you think…………


  40. Can you imagine a judge in CA saying, “Well, I don’t think I want to make Mr. Moore go to Washington state, soooo, no. He gets to stay here.” That would never happen. Just look at it this way. He’s locked up! That’s what we want. Whether it’s pre-trial or post, he’s incarcerated. Most likely, that’s the way he will be for the rest of his life. Everything that happens now is gravy!


  41. Thank you Bonnie and thank you LawFan for the 411. Kip did mention it does take time but it will happen. Your right.
    Can or will the Federal Charges (case) start and go forward first here before the Charges in Spokane? He was arrested for being a Fugitive so I would hope and think the Stark Murder is first, then he will face the charges in California. From what I understand and hear out here is that he is pretty much toast as far as everyone is concerned. I even asked a few attorneys I know and they said he is a loss cause, and chances are the case will continuously go on. Like Shellye’s did. His chances are slim to none to ever be in society again. I am sure all of you agree w/ that. What is the point of a Public Defender out here anyways, they cannot and have no control over the Spokane Court System. I am sure the Public Defender is handeling his Federal charges here, but I don’t see anything as of yet on the court minutes, it just sais Fugitive of Justice, nothing about regarding Federal Charges yet, but I am assuming that whole mess is still under investigation, because his arrest was for Murder! Time will tell.


  42. Probably not something known by many here but an interesting little fact nonetheless…Brian’s original partner in his law firm (also another paralegal) went psycho at some point and left the office, went on some sort of crime spree, was wanted on charges in California, was arrested in Nevada and was fighting against his extradition to California when he realized it was a losing battle and hung himself in his jail cell. I wonder if Brian is sizing up how strong the thread count is in his sheets to see if they would hold or if they would just rip under the weight of his fat turkey neck…..


  43. First Amendment Luv,
    I can only hope that some of Brian’s ‘friends’ are reading these blogs, and relay you’re setiment here on your’e last post, that is tooooooo funny!
    He deserves to have Dale Starks family pull the chair out from under his fat ass!


  44. sorry, i meant, ‘sentiment’.


  45. Im not quite sure his “friends” read the blog but I do know his family does.


  46. I wouldn’t mind if he off’s himself. Except that I want him to have a trial, so that they can clear Dale’s good name, from all of the bull shit lies he and Shellye were spreading.

    He’s such a coward!


  47. So true temecula.
    I think that Dale’s name has been cleared, at least in my eyes, he never was the bad guy, I read his e-mails, and he sounded like a decent kind of guy to me personally.
    I can’t understand why Dale would even want to be in a relationship with Shellye, she was just to weird from the get-go? All of that is none of my business, he was in love with her or I really can’t see why he would have stayed with her.
    It’s sort of weird, as I never knew Dale, but I’ll never forget him, it makes my stomach hurt when I think of how innocently he walked into that ambush, and how he will never be back to finish his life now.


  48. “Im not quite sure his “friends” read the blog but I do know his family does.”

    Many here just lashed out due to their own personal BS with Moore and Shellye.

    Brian did some legal work for me… He did the job, did it correctly and was paid for his work.

    I for one believe in innocent untill proven guilty.
    That is why I was disgusted about all the crap being flung around here before the trial.

    “innocent untill proven guilty”
    Like it or not that is a right we all have.

    But after all that has surfaced I will pray for all those involved here since it is such a waste of human life that things went down as they did.

    Anyway the courts have done there job.
    Justice was served and I believe will be served again.

    With what I have read who can say they are innocent?



  49. Glad to see you came around, disgusted. You are right about innocent until proven guilty. And that is the job of the legal system. But here, on this blog, we make the most of the 1st Amendment. The folks here who have had personal dealings with Moore or Shellye are free to speak their minds regarding their experiences with these individuals. Should those experiences be negative, well then you can expect that emotions will be attached. But that is their right to post those feelings. They must not be discounted.


  50. Disgusted,
    I believe you are sorely mistaken!!! You can be as guilty as sin and still not get convicted. Remember OJ. Our legal system is a game. Sometimes you get justice and sometimes you don’t. Dale Stark was a very good friend of mine, and so far Dale has only gotten partial justice. There are many more conspirators. My hope is that all involved pay a heavy price. However, this still will not bring Dale back.

    Yes you are entitled to your opinion, as am I. My opinion is based on fact. What is yours based upon? I know that Brian Moore is a lowlife dirt bag, and yes he is guilty, guilty, and guilty. The crimes that he will be tried and convicted for are only a small part of the dastardly things he has done to people throughout his pathetic life.

    May Shellye, Brian and hopefully the rest of the conspirators rot in hell!

    Disgusted, next time you talk with your pathetic friend Brian, tell him Dale’s friend are waiting for Brian’s judgment day. Yes, Dale has many friends . . . I don’t think you can say that about Brian.
    Ain’t Karma bitch?


  51. Dear Disgusted,
    First of all, no one ever said he was a bad Paralegal, he was good @ what he did. He did know his work. Alot of people have had sucessful endings in their case’s but also alot of others did not. They, in some cases were being blackmailed by Brian Moore, and they feared him. I don’t know for this to be a fact, but again, rumor.

    Also, let me ask this, if his “Family” reads this comment board, why don’t they speak out? We all would like to hear what they have to say. As far as we all know, they have not commented yet. They will be respected. After all, they have/had nothing to do with Moore’s actions and lifestyle. They are innocent as well. So is Brian until proven otherwise. I am aware of everyones rights, and I am not here to defend him neither. I’m just saying what you said. Your right, innocent til proven guilty.

    I personally have knowledge of things about Brian, and he has pulled some dumb ass stunts in regards to his girlfriends Murder Trial. I do believe he has a role in this, maybe I am wrong. Just by things he said to me, but its up to a Jury and Judge to make the official call here. Maybe in this lifetime we will get to witness things. Everything is taking so long. I understand that he can fight to stay here and does have a chance to win the extradition. Its a possibility from what I understand all though I have heard otherwise, its not possible. Does anyone know?

    I do feel bad for the family and Dale’s as well. There is so much hurt, anger and bitterness going around. With all that has been said from day 1 here since December of 2007, the real truth lies within the minds of Shellye Stark and Brian Moore. Nobody may ever know the intire truth. I do know that alot of the comments are facts. Not all of it was only bitter people w/ personal issues w/ Moore. I have a thought here, someone should write a book about this whole thing, including their personal relationship they may have had w/ Brian Moore. I am stronlgy considering it, and maybe after I do, I can close this chapter in my life forever.

    I have not been harmed by Brian, maybe emotionally @ times, but thats personal. But I have to say, the more and more crap that surfaced made me think more than twice, “Who the hell was I dating”, Who would have known, but then again, none of us have heard his side to the newly addressed issues ( and this should be very interesting to say the least) He is incarecerated, this we all know, but when he has his day in court once he “FINALLY” gets to Spokane and Trial begins, Its gonna be interesting to see what he has to say on the stand.

    I don’t see any Federal Charges as of yet, and he may not even get them. He was growing Marijuana for Medicinal purposes, he had a license for that. As far as the Firearms and the silencers? Only time will tell. Nobody can say what his intentions were, nobody knows the truth and the papers and news made things sound horrific, so time will tell what will happen out here.

    I have been pondering a thought here, someone should write a book about this whole thing, including their personal relationship they may have had w/ Brian Moore. I am stronlgy considering it, and maybe after I do, I can close this chapter in my life forever. It has consumed my life for way too long, and I apoligize to everyone who I have bothered regarding this blog, Brian and Shellye. Anyone I have ever offended or pissed off. Everyone be well. Its been interesting to say the least.


  52. I repeated a line, sorry……Bye


  53. I have decided I will still comment. Just recently I got some interesting info to which I was sickened. Just let me say that Brian is a low life of the lowest lows. I won’t post it here, but you all know who I am so feel free to email me. I will tell you. I hear that the family does read this according to Disgusted, so I don’t want to throw anymore blows to their lives. I am gonna write a book still, just gonna wait to see what happens in the end. I will still post comments here, and LawFan is great to give us info. I just won’t let this all consume my brain like I had said it did. My life is much more important than this, but I am up to date like everyone else.


  54. I love giving info. I’m very passionate about seeing justice done in the case of Dale Stark’s murder.


  55. Well I don’t know if I would go so far as to say he was a “good” paralegal. He really was mediocre at best. The thing he could do well is talk a good game. He was outstanding at selling himself (no pun intended) and selling the legal representation. Brian had a bad habit of “overkill” in handling client cases. Going into court for restraining orders when the situation did not warrant it which is considered an abuse of process.

    Nothing here is ever black or white, just many shades of gray. Many clients received the services they paid for and were happy with the results. Many other clients did not and were not and that’s all I am going to comment as far as that goes.

    It really makes me laugh whenever someone comes onto this blog and starts lecturing about the accused’s rights and how they are innocent until proven guilty. That is correct but that whole concept was to protect people’s right to have a fair trial with witnesses and evidence & allow a jury of peers determine guilt or innocence, otherwise people could simply be thrown in jail without question. But as I see it, myself and everyone else here, has the right to speak freely which is what forums like this are set up for. I also have the right to believe that he is guilty REGARDLESS of any trial outcome. That’s just the way it is, like it or not.

    If Brian’s family do read this blog, my heart goes out to them. I can’t imagine what they must be going through, especially his wife and son. They are innocent victims to Brian’s actions and I will continue to pray for them.

    Nothing else to add for now.


  56. My name is Angela and I an Justdonewithit. I have posted as others here not sure if I should put my name or not. I have followed this blog from the day I had knowledge of it as well as other things. I know Brian Moore, I have for a long time. Its really hard to believe that this all happened. Just when you think you know someone, you really don’t I guess. Strange and acually, its kind of scary. I have not talked to him and I wish to probably keep it that way.


  57. Brian, Shellye, Brian’s family and Shellye’s family are all still alive and kicking . . . But Dale Stark is not!!!!!

    My sympathy is firmly with the Dale Stark’s family!!!!!!!!!!!!


  58. Wow Temecula…Let me just say that the fact Dale Stark is gone has not escaped me and for the past year trough the present time I have stated that Dale’s family & friends are in my prayers…but my sympathies and my prayers do and always will extend to ANYONE that was victimized by Brian and Shellye no matter how they are connected.

    Yes it is horrible that Dale had to lose his life because of those two and anyone that actually has feelings can’t help but feel saddened by the loss suffered by his family and friends…but with that let me just say that your callous attitude and comments regarding Brian’s family I find extremely offensive, unjustified, and quite frankly rather narrow minded.

    So they don’t deserve any sympathy simply because they are alive??? And have you considered what they now get to live with every day and for what??? Brian’s son didn’t get a choice in any of this that happened and what do you tell him when other kids in school or their parents find out about his dad and treat him like he’s a monster because of what his dad did. Is that deserved?? Hell no. Could it happen?? Hell yes. And that’s just one example of what his wife and son could go through in the future.

    I have noticed that as time goes by your comments on this blog just seem to be coming across as getting angrier and angrier. So many people have been affected by this to some degree or another and I think your anger has clouded your ability to realize that you can sympathize with ALL who have been victimized without losing sight of the fact that a man was killed and knowing the significance of that.

    You’re entitled to sypathize with whomever you choose just as I am but I won’t agree with anyone who basically says “who cares what Brian’s family has to go through for years to come…at least they are alive” Because you know what??? The same could be said for Dale Stark’s family and friends, they still live as well…the only difference is I would never say that because NONE of them deserve to suffer for the actions of Brian and Shellye.


  59. Brian Moore was a good paralegal (at one time) when he wanted to be, and in certain cases. In other cases, he was downright scary bad…or simply did not do any work at all. He was pretty much in it just for his ego. He refused to follow directions, and insisted on doing what he wanted when he wanted. When cornered, he would lie about things, and when his lies were discovered he would ultimately beg and plead for forgiveness. If forgiveness was not given, or if the person did the sane thing and cut off all ties with him (or tried to), then he does everything he can to try to destroy them.

    In other words, if he lives to control and manipulate people. If he cannot do this, he will do whatever he can to destroy them.

    He is also a confidence guy, and a good liar. This means that he mixes truth with lies (and good work with bad, etc.). Everyone familiar with the confidence game knows that this is a necessity. So…sure, he would do good work now and then. He had the ability to. When he wanted to.

    And at one time I do believe that he actually cared about doing good work, and had some shred of work ethic. Problem was when he got involved with Shellye and started doing meth, it was all downhill from there… He spiraled downward fast, and there was no coming back. Any shred of dignity, ethics, honesty or honor he may have had at one time was abandoned. All that was left was a sick scumbag scam artist grifter.

    If he did good work for you–consider yourself fortunate. I can tell you for a fact that for every one person out there who feels Brian did good work for them, there are probably two or three dozen who feel exactly the opposite. Especially those who signed up with him within the last few years.

    Fact of the matter is that Brian may not have even done the work at all–but may be taking credit for it (another one of his favorite things to do). Or, perhaps you got lucky in court, or the law was on your side…or some other scenario where Brian was able to convince you that it was his legal genius that was to be credited.

    Basically–if you are someone who believes Brian is your “friend”, or does good work, or is a “decent” guy…all I can say is, you must not know him very well. You must not have known him for that long. I thought at one time that he was a friend and possessed the above qualities. Brian is a sociopathic liar, and most people have not encountered someone like him. Most of us assume that people are good and decent, and take them at their word…at face value. Even if we are skeptical and doubtful…we don’t think that people would go as far as they do. And then comes someone like Moore… Someone who takes advantage of this trust, and has no problem doing so. Someone who is completely comfortable living a lie, having no real friends, and stabbing everyone in the back who he can.

    As for the “Dale Purists” who are complaining about those of us with “personal beefs” against Moore commenting on this blog… First of all, I challenge you to find one person who has really known Moore for a long period of time who does not have a “personal beef” against him or has not been hurt by him.

    Second, our experiences with Moore are absolutely relevant and if you read the complaint against him and against Shellye–we are the ones who are helping to put him away and to get justice for Dale! While I appreciate the grief that Dale’s friends and family are going through…I never knew Dale and so how do you expect me to ever achieve your “status”? All I can say is I am sorry… Those of us who did not know Dale can never fully share in your pain. But that does not mean we were not also victims of Moore. And that does not mean what we have to say is not relevant.

    Remember–we are cooperating with the investigation, and many of us will be testifying in court. Correct me if I am wrong, but all of the evidence in the complaint pretty much comes from those of us who knew Moore, but not necessarily Dale. So I think what we have to say is important. Instead of constantly crying and beating your chest, why don’t you thank us (future and past witnesses) and the prosecuting attorneys and detectives for helping to get Dale justice? We didn’t even know Dale, and we are helping to get him justice. I think that if you are not going to thank us, you can at least be willing to let us also get some satisfaction out of the fact that justice is being done.

    Anyone who has been hurt by Moore in the past should be entitled to feel that, although Moore may have gotten away with hurting us and making us victims–it is now his time to pay for everything. This is not to say that I or anyone else was hurt as bad as Dale was. I am not trying to get into a competition, and I know that we are lucky to be alive and Dale is not. All I am saying is that what we have to say is relevant, and we have every right to say what we want–regardless of whether or now we knew Dale.


  60. Amen!!!


  61. Hey…I think I just wrote some good material for the prosecution’s closing statement!

    *Patting self on the back*

    Prosecution should feel free to use anything they like. I can write this stuff all day long. 🙂


  62. Two cents, do you by any chance live in Reno, or there abouts?


  63. I have noticed that Brian Moore’s court date has been cancelled. It was gonna be June 11th @ 8:30am. I do not see anything rescheduled as of yet, does this mean he is gonna be moved to Spokane now to await his court date and Trial there?


  64. Funjustine, I’d rather not comment about where I live publicly. However, if you would like to email me, (or anyone else) you can reach me at 93cjones@gmail.com

    Let me know if you email me, as I don’t check this email address very often.


  65. Monkey boy is still scheduled for an 8:30 am hearing, it was just moved to a different room C57.

    Happy trails


  66. His Hearing has been moved to July 13 @ 8:30am


  67. Yesterday the prosecutor circulated all of the paperwork to have him extradited. It’s an abundance of paperwork in triplicate that has to have several signatures, including our governor’s. It will then go to CA to be processed there and will need CA governor’s signature also. But it is happening.


  68. Lol…even the gov.’s of CA and WA are getting the 411 on monkey boy… 🙂


  69. To all whom knew Brian Moore, you all know his emails are and were, dogzlife, dogzlife666, katanasale, and twosistersmerc….Well, he posted a message on yahoo for other people to see, and it was very interesting to say the least. His AKA name is “Brenda”……. Here it is everyone…

    I’m a closet crossdresser here in the city of Orange. I’d really
    love to meet other crossdressers who would like to come over and take
    pictures as well as physically interact in a safe and consensual
    manner. Discretion is a must, and respect is paramount. I’m
    available during the day during the week while the wife is out.
    Email me at Katanasale@….


    Fri Mar 21, 2003 5:57 pm

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  70. Ew.


  71. See – prison will be fun for him. I just hope buba likes thigh highs and a butt plug………..


  72. LawFan,
    So how soon can this happen? The Extradition.


  73. LMAO, that’s old news… (Well, a month or so old) Did u know also that he was wearing red nail polish when he was arrested?

    Did u see his booking photo, though? No wonder the dude wants to wear makeup. Hehehe… I’d say he needs it to cover up the severe ugly!

    I’d encourage folks to send “Brenda” nice little gifts like nail polish, makeup, and dresses…but I think that these would not be allowed by prison policy. Would be funny, though. 🙂


  74. I’m guessing the extradition will happen this summer. There’s no real time frame right now.


  75. Acually, he was wearing Pink nail polish……. haha


  76. i heard he had pink polish on…pink or red – he’s flaming!!!


  77. Looks like Brian advertised everywhere. I swear this man is a Fetish SICKO!!!!



  78. He was definitely wearing women’s underwear when he was booked.


  79. Oh My god!!! But I am not suprised neither.


  80. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!! it’s still the pink polish that gets me the most.


  81. BikerHo will be taken to Spokane next Monday, June 21. He waived extradition, and he will likely use a public defender (he must have blown through all of Chris’s insurance proceeds).



  82. Yep, he’s coming!


  83. LawFan,
    Is there a court date set for Brian yet up in Spokane? Can or will his Bail be revoked? I hear that he may still have money on the Shellye fund and may post bail? Do you know anything about that 411?


  84. Guaranteed monkey boy thinks he’s going to get out, or at least he’s telling people he’s going to.

    Why else would he waive extradition?

    Is there any way that someone who is a state witness and seriously has concerns about their safety can come to WA to testify that his bail should be revoked?

    I know how BM is, and he will stop at nothing to get revenge against those people he thinks have wronged him–especially if he has been humiliated and feels he has nothing to lose.

    Also, he has always talked about taking off–leaving the country, etc.

    Lawfan09, should those of us with concerns contact the prosecution? Is there any way we can help, or is there anything we can do to keep this sick monster from getting out?


  85. He will be flying in Monday evening. Tuesday morning we should know when his first appearance will be. I will post that and any other dates that are scheduled. I honestly believe that there is very little, if any, of Dale’s life insurance money left. There was a comment made in April by a source that knows and I believe them. And I doubt that Christopher will want to part with what’s left to help Moore. Julie Twyford says he going to use a public defender and I believe that’s the best info since she’s in direct contact with Shellye. I also believe that bail will be extraordinarily high. Since he is being extradited, he is automatically a flight risk because he has somewhere to flee to. I don’t know this for sure but it makes sense. As for those who are frightened for their safety, it seems to me that he would need help to exact revenge or punishment. Is there really anyone out there that would do that for him after all of this? Who would stick by this guy?


  86. Lawfan – even when bikerhomo – oh wait sorry that’s an insult to gay men – Even when shithead gets finished with the murder trial – doesn’t he still have to face the music down here for the weapons and marijuana charges????


  87. LawFan,
    What do you think made him change his mind and sign the papers to be exradited?


  88. Yes, he still has the federal charges. I’m not sure why he waived extradition. Maybe he realized it was inevitable. Maybe he thought Spokane County jail would be better. Maybe he thought it would look good to the court which would allow the judge to set a lower than necessary bail. Who knows? There is a hearing Monday morning involving Russell Bradshaw (Shellye’s original atty) and Larry Haskell (prosecutor) regarding the PI’s statements and findings during his investigation. Mr. Bradshaw doesn’t think he needs to turn over that evidence but Mr. Haskell will argue that he does.


  89. LawFan,
    Mr. Haskell has a very good chance to win the argument, right? Its evidence for petes sake. I thought the PI was already willing to give up the proof, why would’nt he. If the Judge agrees w/ Bradshaw, this can allow Brian to be set free and no charges? Is this true? I hope the judge see’s that Haskell is right and allows the statements and findings of the PI regarding Brian Moore. I honestly feel that if Bradshaw is gonna argue this, that looks like they are trying to hide things, why else would he argue it, unless Mr. Pulver does not want to Testify. Pulver is the PI your talking about, right? If there is good evidence and findings, likely this will put and keep Brian Moore behind bars along with a guilty verdict, right? What time Monday morning is the hearing, will it be on the news, or paper? I hear Haskell is a really good attorney, and all we can do is hope for the right thing to be done, also, one last thing, are they gonna have Shellye Testify against Brian? Can she, and will she is the question. What about Brian’s wife, will she have to Testify against him? You said Federal Charges still are in the factor here, are you sure of that? I have not seen anything in the court system here. Just that he was a Fugitive of Justice. A friend of mine is close friends to the Detective handeling the Federal Charges and case out here, when she talks to him, she is gonna let us know what he sais. If he will say anything at all. Sometimes they don’t due to the investigation being still in progress, but whatever I find out, I will post here.


  90. That’s a lot of questions! I’ll get as much as I can and post later.


  91. Viewer – stop freaking out – I think lawfan meant that Bradshaw doesn’t want to give up the PI’s findings not that the PI doesn’t want to – he’s already publicly said that he did want to. I don’t know why Bradshaw would give a damn at this point – having been fired and replaced by Shellye’s new lawyer – why would he care?


  92. Shellye’s old lawyer is going to give the judge all of ted pulver’s convos with brian, and she’s going to go through and decide what to give to the prosecution
    if it might affect shellye’s appeal she won’t hand it over. This is the latest I have heard today. This was the hearing re: info about Brian Moore and what the PI had on him and the case. Brian Moore is due in Spokane tonight if things go as planned.


  93. Mr. Bradshaw tried to keep all of the information from Mr. Pulver from being turned over to the prosecution by claiming attorney-client privelege. When that didn’t work, he tried to claim work-product. That, too, was unsuccessful. So the judge ordered Mr. Pulver to meet with Mr. Bradshaw to extract all information in his investigation that relates only to Moore and turn it over. The next hearing in this matter is set for July 10.
    A reporter for the Spokesman was in court so it probably will be in the paper. I don’t believe Shellye can be made to testify against Brian. First, she still thinks they are engaged and second, she would then have to admit that it was pre-meditated. She won’t do that because she’s hoping for a re-trial on appeal.


  94. For some odd reason, Russell Bradshaw is completely under Shellye’s spell.


  95. LawFan,
    Shellye may have him under a spell, after all, she was a Provider…………You never know.


  96. You mean Brian’s figured out a way to blackmail him…


  97. His bail is $750,000.00


  98. Bail for Monkey boy is set a $750,0000 . . . He only needs to come up with $75,000 and a dumb ass bail bondsman to get out.


  99. He could possibly get bail money, you never know. I honestly don’t see how due to the fact he will be represented possibly by a Public Defender which means you do not have funds to retain an attorney, but none of us know that for a fact, but Twyford, (Shellye’s Attorney) believes he will. The only people I could imagine would bail him out would be his own family, but I suppose we will find out eventually unless a magic jeannie pops out of his ass and grants him thousands.


  100. LawFan,
    Considering that Mr. Moore has been being investigated for over a year now, and by what evidence they seem to have already, could this case still take longer than a year to go to Trial? Could it possibly happen any sooner? From what I have read in the latest article in the Spokesmanreview, his Public Defender John Rogers, he asked the Judge if Brian can be released on his own recognizance. Here is the article…



  101. Temecula,
    Personally, I don’t see how he will come up with that kind of money, like I had mentioned, his family may oull together and bail him out, just a guess. Other than that, I doubt he will get bail money. 75,000.00 is alot of money. I doubt Shellye’s family would help, and from a source, I heard the insurance money is dry, but why would Shellye’s son help anyway, he has helped pay Twyford for his mother’s Trial and live the high life buying cars and such before she was put behind bars when her Trial started. The Shellye fund was long dry since last summer and thats because Mr. Moore was living off of those funds. His paralegal business closed, I am sure his Marijuana Farm was not ready to Harvest yet, so he was not sellling it yet, because according to the media, the plants were not matured yet. Although I had heard that he had investors for his “Medicinal Marijuana”, but who knows the truth, rumor was he had a license to sell, only time will tell w/ the Federal charges he is still faces.


  102. There’s really no way right now to know how long this is going to take. This is another 1st Degree murder trial so again, there’s a lot of prep. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if he took a plea. I can’t see a PD wanting to take this to trial with the evidence the state has.


  103. Plea as in “Guilty”? What happens if a case does not go to Trial, does the accused just take what the Judge offers? Does the State have alot of evidence, because the way it sounds is that this will go a little easier and quicker than Shellye’s case.


  104. Does the accused get a lighter sentence if they plea Guilty? How come PD’s don’t usually take cases to Trial? I hear that happens all of the time. This is gonna be very interesting to see what he sais on the 30th.


    • Viewer,

      No, they don’t always get a lighter sentence. In fact, I have seen the death penalty imposed on someone who just pled guilty. Too bad it is not possible here!


  105. Hey if he takes a plea we don’t have to make a trip to WA!! Yay!!!!!
    I dread ever having to see him again


  106. If he doesn’t want his disgusting, sordid, lifestyle to become plastered all over the news and embarrassing his family, he’ll plead out. On the 30th, the only thing he’s going to say is “Not guilty”. That’s the only thing that will happen on that day. The way a plea works is the state makes him an offer and he decides, on advice of his attorney, whether to take it or not. If he takes the plea deal, it is then brought before the judge for his/her consideration. A judge can always deny it but they rarely do. Usually they enter it into an order and sentence is imposed. Keep in mind that a Public Defender is on salary. They get paid the same no matter what happens with the case whether it be a short, quick plea or a lengthy trial. A private attorney can rack up quite a tab by taking a case to trial. Every thing they do is billable. Hypothetically, let’s say an attorney received $200,000 to defend a woman accused of shooting her husband and the case takes about a year to complete. Well, that $ amount is already more than double what a Public defender makes in Spokane County in a year. I’m just sayin’.


  107. LawFan,
    Thank you for the 411. FedUp had mentioned that if he does not go to Trial, no one has to Testify, is that true? Do you really think he will take the Plea? Is there talk about it?


  108. I could be wrong but my feeling would be there is no way that Brian would accept a deal and pass up the opportunity to grand stand. I’m thinking his ego would be far too big for him to go out like a quiet whisper…regardless of the dirty laundry that would inevitably be aired all through the media. Somehow I think he would get a sick twisted kick out of that anyway. But like I said, I could be wrong.


  109. Your probably right.


  110. I tend to agree with 1st Amendment Luv – I think he doesn’t see anything wrong with his sick demented lifestyle.


  111. I have no knowledge of any plea deal. I was just stating my opinion. And yes, if he takes a plea, then on one has to come up here and testify.


  112. You are very knowlegable of things, I figured it was your opinion. Thanks for the info you do give.

    I agree w/ FedUp and 1st Amendment. I can see him taking this as far as he can, Especially since he is not paying a cent for his representation. Funny how his PD’s name is John Rogers, “Mr. Rogers”, lolol. Won’t you be my neighbor….


  113. He probably thinks that with his “stunning Legal Cunning and Prowess” and “amazing brilliance” he can guide the PD into dazzling the jury with his tales of BS


  114. I bet he is deluded enough and thinks highly enough of his capabilities – that he figures he’s got nothing to worry about.


  115. I do not understand how the law works (does anyone, really?), but I believe it would be harder to convict Brian, who didn’t pull the trigger and wasn’t (apparently) even of the scene of the crime, of murder than it was to show that Shelley was guilty. The only evidence I have seen is what I’ve read here and elsewhere on the internet, and I am convinced that he was seriously involved in the crime . . . but guilty of first-degree murder is a close call.

    If that is the case and if what I say is reasonable, then I could see the prosecution offering to drop the murder charge in exchange for a plea of guilty on the conspiracy charge.


  116. Jackson . . . remember Charles Manson! He was convicted and he was not at the scene of the crime.

    I hope they get the rest of the conspirators, just like in the Manson case.


  117. Jackson, there’s enough evidence.


  118. Temecula . . . as I said, I don’t know how the law works and I haven’t seen and studied the evidence, but I suspect that the case against Brian Moore might not strongly parallel the case against Charles Manson (or, for that matter, the case against Saddam Hussein or the case against the “gangland druglords” who give the orders); I’m merely suggesting that the prosecution might be more likely to plea-bargain with this scum.

    I too hope that all the other conspirators, aiders and abettors, and accessories to the crime are brought to justice.


  119. LawFan,
    Do you by any chance know if Pulver will Testify when or if this goes to Trial?


  120. If this goes to trial, Mr. Pulver will absolutely testify.


  121. LawFan,
    I know Brian had an arraingment this morning, what happened in the court room this morning? I cannot find anything online yet. One of the sources is out of town.


  122. I noticed that the Public Defender is a different person now, did it change? I see a Jeffery G. Compton as his Defender now. I understand that after today if he does not post bail within the next few days, that he likely won’t at all. Any info on that?


  123. Yes, his PD is now Jeff Compton. The judge left the bail amount at $750,000. But he can not have any contact with anyone on the witness list which means he can not live with Shellye’s sister, Karen. He would have to have an established local address if he posts bail. And since he doesn’t know anyone here, he probably won’t. Plus, I don’t think he has the money to post it.


  124. Was that his plan was to live w/ her sister? Geezus, would she even allow him to stay w/ her? What a freaking joke. Is Karen a Witness in his case too? Is it on the State side or Defense?


  125. LawFan,
    Were there any news media in the Court room yesterday? Anything on video from the Arraignment?


  126. The usual reporter from the Spokesman Review wasn’t there yesterday and I don’t think the TV people were there. Since it was just an arraignment, the media wasn’t much interested. Karen is on the State’s witness list along with others in her family. But yeah, he was planning on staying with her if he bonded out.


  127. The reporter is on vacation. Why would her family even want him around after what he did and bailed out of town, unless he has them conned still til this day, which he probably does. How do you know he was gonna stay w/ Karen? It does not really matter, just wondering but I am sure you have your contacts like we all do. You still think this will go to Trial? I see its set for Aug. Why a change of PD’s? Its probably a headache of a case.


  128. LawFan,
    I have a feeling he is posting Bail. According to the minutes on the Superior Court Log, there was a Omnibus Application filed by the Prosecution and the Defense. Also a Condition of Release was filed. What is happening? Is he posting Bail?


  129. I’m sure he has her family convinced that he is a martyr. As does Shellye. They are all sticking by both of them. At his first appearance here in Spokane, his attorney told the judge that he would be staying with Karen and she was present in the courtroom that day. That, of course, prompted the prosecution to submit the witness list with her name on it so as to stop that arrangement. The change in the PD was just routine. Mr. Rodgers only handled the first appearance until the office could decide which attorney to assign his case to. It happens often with first appearances and arraignments. Not a big deal.


  130. Just a note here, it is very interesting that since Brian Moore and Shellye Stark have been locked up, I am not recieving any threatening emails or comments anymore. I wonder if it is a coincidence??


  131. I understand that his bail is $120,000.00 and that he is shopping for an Attorney right now. Is that true? Also that what funds he does or may have (if any) that he would or will hire a Lawyer instead of posting bail.


  132. You bet your ass it’s no coincidence, Bonnie.


  133. His bail is still $750,000.


  134. So Lawfan – was he wearing a pretty orange jumpsuit to court? Did it clash with his pretty pink toenails?????
    In the mugshot that is being showed on the articles and the top of this blog – Brian looks like 30 miles of death valley road!!!!! You see those bags under his eyes??? Maybe he’ll get some sleep now that he’s in jail and has no money for meth. Course – he could always work it out in trade by sharing his lingerie and nail polish with his new boyfriends.


  135. I understand that he is shopping for a Lawyer possibly at this time? That what little money he may or may not have, will be for retaining a Lawyer instead of posting bail. I thought he was broke. I don’t know, but thats what I had heard from someone. Are the chances slim to none that he will be going to Trial in Aug? What are the chances the charges on him will be dropped or he will be NOT GUILTY…. LawFan had mentioned there is alot of proof and evidence, so hopefully There is Justice served and he will stay behind bars like Shellye is. Its just a scary thought is this man gets out and is found innocent. I hate living in fear day to day, thats all. The feeling really sucks when you have a life and Family and you have to worry about someone harming you at any given moment in time. I know others feel the same way.


  136. Lawfan, do you know if all the people testifying have been notified or when they will be? I was told quite some time ago that if Brian went to trial I would be called to testify but I haven’t heard anything yet. I presume it might not be necessary for me to testify if the information & testimony they expect to get from Mr. Pulver is strong enough but I don’t know. It’s just extremely difficult to even consider moving on with my life while all this is still up in the air. Until I know whether or not if I’ll be testifying I just feel like I’m stuck in limbo.

    I still stick to my original opinion that he won’t plea bargain since a trial would give him his chance to have a platform. I’m sure he’ll try to use it as a tool to take shots at all the people he feels he needs revenge against….like me. LMAO Rest assured I can almost guarantee that he will take the stand even if his PD advises against it!!! That testimony should be priceless!!!


  137. There is currently a filed witness list but that can always be amended up until trial. I’m almost certain that the Aug trial date will be pushed back. Just because it usually happens with hearings, preparations, etc. Plus, if true about the new attorney, that would call for a new date so that the new atty can get up to speed. The only advice I can offer to 1st Amendment Luv is to call the prosecutor and ask them what they think the chances of you testifying are. The prosecutors are very good about keeping their witnesses informed and up to date. I feel bad that some of you are living in fear and can’t move on. But that is all the more reason to do everything within your power to convict this monster. It can be done. It’s going to take solid teamwork from everyone involved.


  138. I have emailed the Prosecuter a time back, but he never replied. I know he is busy. I want to know if I am gonna have to Testify or not. I want to move on with my life as well. Its frustrating not knowing anything. I am hoping that I won’t have too. I don’t feel what I would have to say would or could put him behind bars. Its personal w/ me, but a couple of things did involve Shellye, but nothing critical. I am just saying that my issues that I had w/ Mr. Moore were more personal than about what he is being charged for. He fessed up to his wrong doings, but it still did not make things right, not the slightest bit. I was told if I have to Testify that it would basically be about his credibility, that I would maybe be on the stand 5 or 10 min max. To think about it makes me sick inside and I get really bad anxiety as well. I think many do when they think about it. I will deal with that issue when it happens, until then, it would be nice to hear back from the Prosecutor when I email him. It would help alot. The Detective does not elaborate too much and said only time will tell. Things like this take time. Hopefully w/ Mr. Pulver’s Testimony and proof and evidence you had said the State has, then lets only hope that will be all they need. My Testimony will not break or make anything. It will only make him look like a fool for what he did to me, which he already knows the Detectives have talked to me and he does know everything that had been said, so it won’t be no suprise to Mr. Moore if I have to go on the stand. Just an ugly reminder of what he had done. If I have to, fine, no argument here, I would just like to know what the near future has in store for me and others. Never in my waking life did I EVER think I would be involved in such a fucking horrific thing like this, The more I think about certain things, the more ill I get thinking I knew or was involved with such a low life,bisexual, gay, panty wearing, thigh high wearing, shemale, sick Fetish Closet Cross Dresser SICKO!!!!! What an insult to the Marine Corp, and Male race.


  139. He had always claimed he was a retired marine. of 20 years. He is only 43, and when I first met him, he was 39, so that makes him pretty young to have retired the Marine Corp. He also claimed he was Special Ops, Sniper, An Investigator at some point, and CIA Agent. Thats alot to accomplish being only 39 @ the time. Don’t forget he was a widow raising his son, along with all the poor me, pitty me stories.


  140. he said the same things in 1998, retired Marine etc. So I guess he joined in elementary school?


  141. yeah he’s as much a marine and CIA agent as Shellye is a battered woman.


  142. I’ve decided that a name change is appropriate. And I just like this new one!! It really speaks to me!! Anyway – this is FEDUP – I’m now FRYADUC.

    Anyone who knew Brian and knew what he liked to ride will get this. Especially if you knew his license plate. I only had to change 1 letter and it just seems a shame not to share this irony with you all!!!!!!


  143. You crack me up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats funny…..


  144. Brian has spoke to an Attorney but has not retained anyone, not yet anyway. He is likely to take this as far as he can and be sure he probably wants his time in the Spotlight. He will be brought back here likely to face his Federal Charges when the Court date arrives. The Anaheim PD have asked permission to bring him and take him back. He is also probably gonna face another charge in Spokane for Fraud/ Forgery and will be facing if not the same, but more time on his sentence if and when he gets convicted, so he will do longer time than Shellye Stark. He more than likely will not be seeing the ouside of Jail for a long long time. The State is pushing to have it that way, and so far they have had their way.


  145. FRYADUC…Now that’s priceless!!!! But change one more letter & you get FRYADIC. Ok, maybe getting a little inappropriate but then again..appropriate hasn’t been a theme in this case from the start!!! LMAO

    Received my letter…will see all of you in Washington…at least those of you that will be there. I can’t WAIT to see what types of questions Brian will want his attorney to ask me!!! All I can say is if Brian has any influence at all on that part…it should be good!!! LMAO


  146. I will be there. Not likely we will all be there in Aug. Almost 100% sure. Spoke to Prosecution and said we will be lucky if Trial goes fwrd by Spring. I figured so.


  147. Yeah I got mine too. So did the woman who works in my office – the one he tried to get to plant spyware on my computer so he could see who I was emailing. He threatened her that her visitation case he was handling might not go just right. Especially if she didn’t do what he asked. He also wanted a key to get in the office. So she gets to testify about that. Of course she didn’t do any of those things and she actually managed to win her case without his help or the Attorney he worked for. She got screwed out of $750 by that whole mess too. He probably doesn’t even remember all the crap he tried to pull but that’s ok – we all remember and we will nail his balls to the floor (he’s pretty short anyway).


  148. This is gonna be very interesting to see all of the State Witnesses in the Court room. We finally get to see the faces who had so many interesting things to say about the Infamous “Brian L. Moore of Anaheim California. It’s so enlightening and a breath of fresh air to finally be the good seed, and not the “Bad Seed” Remember that movie “The Good Son”? Reminds me of someone I know very well. Looking forward to seeing you in Spokane when Brian L. Moore has his day in court. Its been a long time awaiting.
    Good luck. Cannot wait to see his face when he see’s me in the court room. I am not someone he would exspect to see. Maybe, maybe not, but there might be more faces than he will ever exspect watching him squirm as he pisses himself wishing he was just having a horrible nightmare. Sorry Bro, this is your reality and what goes around comes around. You have hurt so many close to you and maybe one day you will realize what you fucked up and how good life could have been for you, there are no words that can even explain how everyone feels, the pain, the confusion, the losses. You will never see this I am almost sure of it unless you get your bail, but you have no power and do what you will. We know you have spoke to an Attorney, and if you think you have a fair shot here, then good luck to you. I have always stood by your side for so many years, and you shit on everyone who loved you. You thought you were god, the fucking Masiah, let me tell you bro, you are nothing but pure “EVIL” Lie your way thru life to get what you want and did not give a shit who you stepped on or ripped apart getting what you want. You claimed you wanted to protect your friends and Family? Screw that, all you did was crush, lie, con, screw over and over again the ones who really counted. In closing, your best to find god or read the bible at this point, because you have burned every bridge that stood a good chance to be rebuilt. Nothing and I mean Nothing will change what you have done if you are found guilty of this horrid act of Evil. May god have Mercy on your sol…………


  149. And one last thing, You are guilty in my eyes. Not only for what the charges are against you, but the sick and dark secretive life you have lived for so many years. It was bound to end one day, so you can thank your so called ugly fat whore of a Fiance for that and her gal pal who introduced you to her. She will be in court to Testify against you too. Its gonna be very interesting to see how you fire back at everyone in the court room. You might as well just plea guilty bro, I’m telling you, it’s your best interest to do so. There is no sense in wasting everyones time trying to proove your innocence. But you deserve it I suppose like anyone else. You deserve a shot, “IN THE FUCKING HEART!!!
    I guess now I can call you sis. According to things I have read & heard, you had more of an interesting life than I really ever knew. You have always had bowel problems, now I can understand why. It must have been exhausting to have so many roles in life. A husband, a boyfriend, a crossdressing faggot, a hobbiest, a drug addict, a Paralegal, and we cannot forget the bullshit you fed to everyone, “Retired Marine”, a father to a daughter who you never wanted in your life, your girlfriend who moved to Nevada to get away from you and shitty California, who you said can never compare to you exhisting wife, oh yes, Mr. CIA man, bro, what the hell. No wonder you were always tired, with all the girlfriends and hookers how the hell did you ever keep uo with them. You are talented. I can and never did compare or have 1/2 the talents you did. Too bad your energy was never focused on your family. Your loss, not mine.


  150. To Brian’s family and former friends – including Orange County – Even if he is acquitted – that doesn’t change the lies, deceipt, back stabbing, and pure evil that has come from this man. So much has been brought to light for everyone who knows this man – so many things that did not make sense and now we see they were never meant to. Orange County – if you are Brian’s brother – let me tell you what he always told me about you – first you were the “reason” he had to cancel plans several times and when I say reason I mean excuse. Supposedly you were an out of control drug addict who took money from your mother all the time and you and your live in girlriend – also on drugs – were living in one of Brian’s houses. He said you were crazy and he was constantly having to help you.
    Do not let this man back into your life ever!! He is pure evil and an oscar winning actor. Do not trust him – he will only hurt more people. If he gets out not a one of us is safe and I mean that exactly how it sounds. I believe with 100% certainty that given the opportunity he would kill every one of us on the witness list – or worse harm one of our family members to hurt us. I do mean physical harm as in death. He is that evil. Please don’t any one buy the bullshit he spins.


  151. Wow. Now that’s someone who knows BM pretty well.


  152. I wonder how BM and Shellye get messages to each other about the upcoming trial of BM’s? And who wants to quess as to if BM was screwing around with Shellye’s sister, the one he was going to live with if he got out on bail? Didn’t someone tell me that he actually had a picture of her in his office, supposedly because she wanted him to see what she looked like after the car accident? Could he have actually been doing the sister also?
    That guy has spun more b.s. than anyone I’ve ever seen. And so many loyal friends he had, what a schmuck!


  153. I wish the State Atty.s would watch very carefully, the video of Shellye on the stand, relaying how she had first turned a trick in Hollywood, and how it was Dale who had a scenario in his mind, about her standing on a street corner whoring herself out?
    BECAUSE, if you all remember, somewhere along this morbid story of Shellye and Brian, somewhere way back, a girl testified to police that she had approached Brian for help. She didn’t have any money though, and low and behold, Brian had told her to go stand on the ‘street corner’ in Hollywood, and whore herself out, then come back to him when she had the funds?
    I’ve said this before, but what are the odds, that Shellye would use this scenario as her own, in her own defense?
    None at all, they hatched this murder the two of them, and that is just one more nail in his coffin as I see it. It’s always seemed so darn clear to me, both of them as con’s!
    If you watch the video of Shellye on the stand, watch it carefully, I think it’s on file with KXLY and Spokesmanreview, under ‘Second day on trial for Shellye’, something like that.
    I watched her face as she told this lie to the jury, she almost laughed, but she looked as if she were smiling when re-telling the story, and looked like, ‘geez, will this jury really buy into this lie?’ I swear to god, that was one weird testimony on her part.
    But then I remembered hearing the same story another girl has told about Brian telling her to do that, not DALE?????


  154. Fryaduc,
    I was wondering that myself if the comment is his Brother Dan. If not pretty odd how they seem to know him so well. I have heard about him alot too. Its been said that Brian told various women that his own son was acually his Brothers. That he was raising him due to his brother’s drug addiction. That’s pretty cold to not even claim your son as your won. I personally do know his son is his. Not his brothers.
    Brian always tried to portray himself as the better of the two, the one with a good head on his shoulders and that his brother was the one with addiction to drugs, such as Meth. He had also told me that his brother lived in one of his homes as well also that he had 4 homes in the city of Orange and Orange Acres was one of them. Oh well. Not important.
    I don’t feel that Brian will be aquitted and Fryaduc, I think you feel the same as well as everyone else. Apparently there is enough proof to Prosecute him and that’s why it took so long for him to be arrested. They not only had to get thru Shellye’s Trial, but had to gather all that they needed to go after Brian too. He will take this far, I am sure of it.
    I do fear him, and I do believe that if he got out on bail, that he would try to harm me and my family. They found Silencers for f- sakes, in his warehouse. How do we know he was gonna take us out!!!!!!!! That thought scares the holy sh-t out of me.
    He sent a malitious letter to my home along w/ intimate pictures of me to my husband, he threatend me at the first of the 2008 new year, asking me for money in the sum of 12,000.00, then double that and ended up telling me, TELLING ME, to take out my checkbook, get a pen, and write a check for $50,000.00 out of my Equity line and help a friend. He said he had “A Buddy” in jail and was in dire needs, and also that ” His Buddy” (shellye stark) was on suicide watch, that if I did NOT help him that he will make sure that its known I am at fault for his friends death in jail. That I am a selfish, self Centered, evil piece of shit, cold hearted bitch for not helping him. He went as far as telling me to ask my mother and my sister for money, anyone, to help. I did not give money to him. He also threatened to put a Website on the internet about me telling the world how horrible of a person I am along with pictures. Later down the road, in March days prior to my birthday, he tried to appologize for his actions, and I did not respond to him. I was scared. I had no idea what he had been up to not did I want to know. He then sent the letter I had mentioned to my husband to my home. I about died, sick as hell and thought WTF did I do to deserve this. He accused me of being involved in taking him down along with others and putting his name all over the internet and cost him his business, and other crap as well. You know what people? None of us had anything to do with such low life acts of hatred like what he had done. He threatend a friend of mine which we do have proof of it and the SPD does as well. After the letter sent to my home, I filed a police report because I was and still am scared of him. I just wanted to die. What was I supposed to do. I have restrained myself from commenting about the things he had done to me in fear that he will know who I am and go after me more and more. He used my husband a my son against me. I can only imagine what he has done to others to get his way and what he wants. He stold $2000.00 from my residence. He denied it but I know he did for a fact 100%.
    I really do not know what else to say besides lets just hope justice gets served. Oh, and by the way he never EVER EVER told me he was engaged to Shellye, he hated her and he only had to be nice to her to cover his own ass!!!!!!!!!!!
    He referred to her as a Psycho BITCH!!!!!! I only wonder if she really truly knows what a conn he is and was to her, but she fell for it and planned this with him. So she is no better than he is.


  155. He didn’t ‘even like Shellye’, called her a ‘psycho bitch’, well well, it gets better? What a evil weird ass p.o.s. that guy is.
    I never cared for her, not after a fight I witnessed her have online with another ho, it made her seem crazy in my eyes, the way she conducted this fight. I didn’t know her, but I was going to go to lunch with her once, and got sick, thank god!
    They both should have to live out their lifes in the worst of a prison system, to bad they will both probably live in relative luxury up in Spokane. The prison doesn’t even look like a prison, more of a apt. building? What a shame Dale lost his life in all this craziness!
    I’m wondering what Chris, her son now thinks of this whole thing?


  156. Hey Orange County – his bowel problems might be because he likes things stuffed up his booty. I have that from a really reliable source!

    Seriously though – I know you are hurting right now and there’s probably alot we all still don’t know about how deep the lies ran – but know this – and I can speak for at least 2 other people on this blog – we are so sorry that you have to deal with this. You and your family’s torment must be so great and you do not deserve it. I can’t imagine what his poor mother is going through. Or his wife and son and you and the many other extended family members who can’t simply just go on with their lives and check the blog here and there and say their piece to the authorities and then move on. You don’t have that luxury. You have to deal with the crater sized hole that he left in your hearts every day. I got over my heartbreak a long time ago and now I’m just pissed that this individual has caused this much harm and lied his ass off for years and years – he lied to me and you don’t get to do that and just walk away. No way.

    Maybe we can hang out up in WA after court during the trial – or maybe that’s the last thing you would want – I don’t know. Maybe seeing people that resemble him will freak me out totally – ha! Now there’s a thought.
    I never would have had anything to do with him if I had known he was married. I am so sorry for that to his wife and son. He made out to be the poor pitiful widower raising a son all by himself and trying to run a business. I feel like such a moron now – but I see he’s quite an accomplished liar so at least I’m not a total sap!

    I know his son still probably loves his dad and his mother probably still loves her son and that’s ok – and we’re the bad people trying to get him put away – but I hope they can forgive us. We have to do what’s right. And letting him run around spewing his lies and trying to take what isn’t his and having no care for the hurt it brings is not right and it’s not going to happen. He must be held accountable.


  157. I asked him once what he would do if Shellye were to be convicted and his response was “Well I guess I’d just have to marry her” to which I responded “Won’t that be kinda difficult considering you already have a wife?” He didn’t have a quick witted response or even a mean messed up comment in return. He simply chose not to acknowledge the question. Not that I was “catching” him in anything…I knew he was married, it wasn’t something he kept secret or lied about to me. I can only assume that was due to the fact that we WEREN’T physically involved so it would serve no purpose for him to hide it or lie about it. So basically I already knew for a LONG time as to what an ass he was.

    I also had no problem reminding him every once in awhile as to how low he was for his “hobbying” behind his wife’s back. Whenever he would bring up the issue of trust, the same thing would always come up because my feeling was if his own wife couldn’t trust him and if he had no problem doing her wrong the way he was…what would I ever base any trust on? But I still always thought that was about as low as he got. I never thought it was so much deeper than that. He wasn’t just an ass, he was a complete sociopath. When I think back to different conversations or situations and remember things he said or ways he acted, it all seems so obvious now but I guess it’s natural to assume or expect that other people aren’t going to be so lacking in conscience and capable of killing.

    All I can say is because of all this, I really look at people so much more closely than before. I listen just a little closer to the things people say. I guess I’m always on the lookout for any kind of warning signs to protect myself from ever being around someone like Brian again!!!


  158. I would like to say if I am Brian Moore’s brother or any other family member, but right now I do not want to indulge that detail as to who I am. Please understand. You will see me eventually. Its been known about his stories for a long time, as well as his excuses. He did sort of live a seperate life from the mother of his son, but love still existed. Normal family activities did happen, dinners, etc, etc. They did have a semi normal life besides everything splurged all over the internet, which I do know his dark secrets. Shall we say skeletons in the closet? We all have them. There was one time his wife threw a candle at him across the room. Not sure what started the argument, but life was not all white picket fences and romance. To be honest, Brian never did like his in-laws, that being said, I mean brother-in-law, and sister-in-law. Referred to them as fat fucking pigs. I should not say this but for someone who claimed to be such a great person, so well educated, so about his family and always trying to help others, let me tell you people, he would always paint a fantastic picture, but the truth is and was he really was the Devil’s Advocate. He always seemed like he gave a shit, but the reality was that he didn’t. He had often said that there are many people out there who want his head. I can see why. This is why he is now paying for all of the bad, evil, sick things has done to everyone, even his own family. Much love to them and be sure things will eventually settle and everyone can and will move on. Finally after so many years of fear, frustrations, lies and betrayel, some life’s can start over and be normal again. Thats a promise. As for me, I will be just fine. Life does go on. Anyone interested in a motorcyle or 2? Maybe a classic truck, International, 1972? Peace Everyone


  159. oh yes, he said those things about his brother, his wife, his own children, all of it many times to many women before all of you. More than ten years ago, so it’s not a recent thing.


  160. Orange County – is it Brian who told you his wife threw a candle at him? Because if it was – I wouldnt believe anything he told you.


  161. Blueheaven,
    What are or were your relations w/ Brian? I am assuming you are not chummy w/ him anymore. Are you the girlfriend that moved to Nevada some years back?
    Orange County,
    I am wondering if you are Brian’s bother Dan L. Moore.
    I respect you not wanting to say, just take care and our hearts go out to you and your Family for what hurt and pain you have gone thru.


  162. To whom it may concern; I am brians brother. this is my first post to any of these blogs..
    First things first, I am very sorry to everyone that has been hurt by all of this.. That being said.. I would like to address a couple things, First being this “Orange County” poster, whoever this is has nothing to do with me or my family. nor does he have anything that belongs to Brian. I know this because the ducati and all other property are stored safely under my lock and key, I don’t know if it makes you feel important by trying to make people believe you are me, It is pretty disturbing you feel this need. but you need to quit and go get some help. Honestly, Who in their right mind would want to be me right now.. Next, I do realize that some people here have been hurt by Brian. and this is an outlet to express yourselves.. I don’t blame you for doing so. But PLEASE leave me, and my family out of this . I do understand Brian is fair game, however I have never met shellye, or the starks, nor do I ever plan to. I never knew they were dating, he never left any of your houses to come help me, im not a meth addict, I never have been, as for crazy, I might be, but no more crazy than the average person.. I don’t live in a house owned buy my brother, never have. His son is not mine. none of this is true, and quite frankly im pretty tired of hearing it.. im generally a pretty nice calm guy. that is until my family gets hurt, I will not allow that to happen!!! so please blog all you want, all I ask is that my family and I are left out of this.. Thank you. on a side note, Bonnie,I would really appreciate if you would remove the prior postings that refer to me, insinuate they are me, And any future postings that have to do with me and my family be blocked.. Thank you


  163. All respect to you sir. You can be sure that Bonnie will remove any posts, she has for me in the past. My name was put on the message board and I was not happy about it neither, nor were others I know. I am sure she will block whoever posted. Thanks for letting us know, and I am sorry for your name being in one of my posts. I will not mention anything again. Thanks for responding. We do post to get our points across and to vent, but that’s about it. Again, your family will be left out of this mess. Wish you well, and We all understand your thoughts. May peace be with you and your family. We all will do what has to be done when Trial comes, if it comes to that. Maybe a year from now. None of us wish we were in this mess neither. Unfortunantly, we are. I am scared to death about everything, and so are others. Be well, and much respect.


  164. Also another point too,
    Others have commented acting as some of the others here. We all know who the real ones are. Bonnie has blocked many and the ones I am referring to are no threat to us anymore. At least not for now anyways. I had a feeling the “Orange County” was not really you but was not sure. Now we know. This blog is basically to vent and get our point out, and I am grateful you understand where some of us are coming from. Thanks for your understanding in us…


  165. You and your family are “in this” regardless of anything anyone posts on this blog – whether you like it or don’t – thanks to Brian. You can thank him for dragging you and everyone else into this. It’s NO ONE elses fault. And no one here means any harm to any of your family. On the contrary – we’ve all gone to some pretty incredible lengths that you will probably never understand to make sure that they are protected from further abuse – and at risk to ourselves even. Standing up and facing down this monster for the lies he’s told us and everyone else is one of them – helping to convict him of this crime is no easy thing and could be dangerous for us and our families. So please – don’t go there. No one is trying to hurt your family! We’re simply repeating the lies he’s told many many people about where he comes from and what his family life was like. I wish you well.


  166. Brian had said that the brother was at fault for telling the family about the blog here, and the truth of what has been going on in regards to Shellye Stark. Shit then hit the fan. That’s when he was kicked out of his home this last year apparently. I am not gonna use names of anyone here, but its just so sad how he always used the family as excuses to cancel dates and plans w/ everyone. The one thing that stands out alot is the excuse that he was MIA for a week and not reachable, finally after sometime, he surfaced and claimed he suffered and was diagnosed with MRSA and he had been satying @ his moms house. Do any of you know what MRSA is?


  167. Yes and if he had that he would have been quarantined in a hospital. MRSA is some really bad shit – mostly old people get it and usually in their lungs. It’s an infection that’s resistant to the strongest antibiotic in the world and it is really contagious and super hard to get rid of.


  168. Fryaduc,
    Ya, I know, because after he said that I right away looked it up, and I do know he was lying. He was with Shellye that whole week. I wanted to say all of the other things he had said for excuses, but everything had to do with a family member and the things he said, the excuses he used were so horrific and out there. He often had said when he told you something, ” On my son’s life and Head, he was telling you the truth about whatever it was. He even used the excuse of his cat dying why he could not be somewhere w/ you, etc, etc.
    Did the Ford Escort he have really burn up inside at one point in time due to him putting the cigarette lighter on the seat out of stupidity? Anyone hear that before? The PT Cruiser, I seen ladies heels in it a few times wondering who the hell they belonged to, but considering what I know now what I did not know then, it all makes sense. Brian AKA Brenda.


  169. I noticed that there is an out of custody Hearing July 30th for Brian? What is that all about? Is he out or getting out?


  170. Did he get out on bail? That would be the shit’s of all shit’s?


  171. He told me the same story about the car but with a slightly different twist – he had left something in the car that blew up but I can’t remember exactly what – I know it wasn’t a cigarette lighter though. He told me that was his mother in law’s car.
    He told me once that one of his cats was dying and he had to leave in the middle of everything because of it. I think he told the same lies over and over to different audiences.
    He also told me that “his woman would believe him absolutely” and he tried to make me out to be paranoid when I would question him when things didn’t add up. Of course I know now that he was full of shit – but I’m very distrustful of people now – Men in particular. I’m very very acutely aware of Bullshit and I get mad even if it’s insignificant and even if it’s not from someone I’m involved with – I feel like it’s Brian all over again.


  172. I had just read on the Shellye Stark Board, LawFan posted that Twyford is no longer representing Shellye and the Washington Appellate Project took her case/ Appeal over.

    Whats the latest on Brian Moore? I seen that there is an Out of Custody Motion set for July 30th. What does that mean? Is he getting out, or is this just standard stuff in court?


  173. I don’t know what that means but he can’t get out unless he posts bond. Plain and simple.


  174. Ok, Thank you for the info. I am just not familiar w/ Legal names and such. Was a little nervous that maybe he was or is gonna get out after the 30th on Bond. Nobody seems to know what that Motion means. Its set for the 30th.


  175. wow there is another guy like BM involved in running a site like that who is also involved in a conspiracy to committ murder case.


  176. Blueheaven,
    What are you talking about? What guy is like Brian w/ websites, and conspiricy to commit murder? Maybe some of his past biker friends or members of the former sites, but who are you talking about here?


  177. I have a new name for BM…”Chicken Boy”. This is based on a story one of the girls on this list told me. OMG…just when I thought I had heard it all about Moore! This story takes the prize so far… Eccchhhh!


  178. I can say that Brian and I discussed his “lifestyle” on quite a few occasions and when referring to his wife he did always say that he loved her…but how he explained it was that over the years they had become more like best friends and that the love he had for her was as the mother of his child and his best friend. I always maintained the same argument… regardless of the title: wife or best friend… you don’t treat either the way he did. You don’t lie and keep the kinds of secrets he did from your wife or best friend. I also told him that I felt as if he was selfishly keeping his wife from actually enjoying a life with someone who would love and cherish her like a husband should toward his wife.

    I couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t want that for her if he really felt the way he said. Now I understand… he felt entitled to everything and everyone. Only his purpose and feelings and pleasure in life mattered. Everyone else was inconsequential and simply a means to fulfill his purposes, feelings, and pleasures. He made very good attempts at empathy and would act like he cared and would talk about us being such good friends. At times he was more than generous when I was having problems and I remember feeling so appreciative to have someone like that around that cared about me and my family. But it was all BS…because when it served his purposes he would use those same acts of kindness against people to show how great he was & how f’d up everyone else is. He would act like the world was indebted to him. Ultimately I think I feel sorry for him that he’s so screwed up in the head that he couldn’t see all the great things he had in his life…his wife, his child, intelligence, ability to do great things….he truly did have potential in my opinion. It’s just a shame that somewhere along the way in his life he really got twisted in the head. I still wonder if it was a result of things that happened in his life or if he was just one of those people that was hardwired like that from birth.

    Anyway…I just wish this was all done and over with since I feel like my life is still pretty much on hold until then. I’ve stopped being afraid quite some time ago as I was not going to allow him to wield that kind of power over me. Now I’m just at a point of needing closure…the toxic drama known as Brian has been a dark cloud looming overhead for far too long. I wish there was something I could say or do that would ease any of the anger and sadness his family must be feeling… but I still pray for all of them & that is something that I will definitely continue to do probably for the rest of my life… regardless of Brian’s fate.


  179. By the way…what I knew of the vehicles was that the PT Cruiser was his wife’s car, which would explain the heels being inside, but he would use it when he didn’t want to use his Ducatti or when weather conditions weren’t good for using the bike. As for the Ford Escort, I can’t remember if he told me it was his mother’s or grandmother’s but he did tell me that he accidently set the inside of it on fire once when the car was left in his care for like a week or something like that. I don’t remember what he told me as to how it caught fire but what comes to mind is maybe something with a lighter blowing up ???


  180. viewer, I was reading about a guy who had a site like TZ called TER and was soliciting a hit man to kill a call girl in AZ. He lived here in SoCal.


  181. That would be The Erotic Review. He was in contact w/ a gal there up until he was arrested. He apparently was still seeing her and she often came to visit out in Cali. She knows alot and she should talk to the SPD in my opinion. She still loves him and misses him.


  182. viewer, do you know who it was he knewfrom TER


  183. Viewer, Blueheaven, I’m totally confused. What the hell are you two talking about?? 🙂

    Can you explain so that the rest of us can understand? Thx!


  184. Are you saying that there is a guy, not Chicken Boy but some other guy, who runs a website called the Erotic Review, and that this guy is also being prosecuted for conspiracy to murder, and that he was trying to murder a prostitute in AZ, who also happened to be in love with BM and in contact with him up to his arrest?

    Is this the story, or am I mistaken??

    WTF?? 🙂


  185. Blueheaven,
    Maybe I misunderstood you, sorry for that. Brian did know a alot of people on TER, I don’t know there names, but I know there were quite a few ladies he associated with. I don’t know how recent and all, but he did. There are members from the TZ site that are on there two, but I honestly think they all blackballed him, and do not like him, so as far as Brian being the one to look for a hitman, who knows who it could be. The gal I had mentioned does not live in AZ. She is in Nevada, and she was not a member of those sites, she is a well educated woman to whom still cares for Brian alot. She was in contact w/ him up until the time he was arrested. She has no part of anything. The gal is Arizona you are referring to, I have no idea who. I don’t belong to any of these sites and I only know things from what others have told me .So whoever is looking for a hitman on the site, I have no clue. It has nothing to do with any of this., Sorry for the confusion everyone.


  186. I agree with 1st Amendment,
    Brian did say he loved his wife and she was the mother of his child. He had told me that after he became honest about the truth of things. That his wife was acually alive and they did live together for their son’s sake, and they did live seperate lives. He had apologized for such lies, blah, blah, blah. That still does not make it right to do what he did, and lie to her about why he wanted her to take money out of their home for a friends girlfriends bail. Also promised not to fight her for a divorce if she signed the Equity Line docs.

    I agree, I think he should have let her move on with her life and not have made her live the one she was . I understand that he had threatened to physically harm her if she ever left him and or filed for divorce. I read that in the affidavit along with other Witnesses. But then again, maybe she loved him and did not want to leave. Maybe the lives they lived 2gether worked in their favors. I honestly don’t know. Only they do.

    I have to agree with Ist Amendment again, about he acts of Kindness from Brian Moore. Yes, he was a kind person and always wanted to help with something if he could, but at the same time, he also did acts of evilness just as much. Its really odd and just weird, How someone can be so nice one minute and the next be so mean and revengful at the same time. Its like he had mulitple personalities or something.

    I have only known Brian since Feb of 2006. He seemed like he had it all, friends, always happy, Cheerful and Charming.
    He always drew attention to himself, but the more and more I got to know him, the more I had wondered. He just seemed so Shady all the time, and I never knew anything about him or his lifestyle, lies, and secrets til Jan. of 2008. Then so much came together and made sense. I thank one of my close friends for bringing my attention to certain things and it was hard for her to tell me, but she had to. I was heartbroken and sick to my stomach. Things just got worse from there on out.

    Like I had said before, its my fault for allowing myself to be involved with him and I cannot help that I was so naieve to all of his stories, how much he loved me, blah, blah. Same stories all of the other ladies/men heard. Some did not fall for it, but I did over and over again, back again, off again, and so on and so on. Certain ones who read this know what I mean. I am an easy target, and he fed on it. I sit back and always wonder what would have happened to me if I would have left my life for him. He had tried to convince me for a long time to leave my husband and that he would not charge me a dime, and I can pay him back in lip service. Also that we can have a ligitimate relationship 2gether if I did. There is so much more I could say about what he wanted me to do in my divorce, but I won’t post it. He referred to me as his next project, another Shellye Stark, and this was in January of 2008. He wanted me to take my husband for everything he was worth and then some. I sit and sometimes think, shit, that could have been me behind bars. Thank god. It’s scary to think about it.

    Who knows what made him turn into a monster, or if he was born that way. His life could not have been that bad or dark to make him who he is today. He seemed to have had it all, and I understand the son is such a great, very smart and Intelligent young man. He had told me his son has a Scholorship to school in London, and he went there last summer. If so, that’s nice.

    I just want everything over too. I read, I post, and I can stay away from this if I want to, but sometimes I have things I need to ask or have to say, so oh well. Our lives are going fwrd as we speak, but just knowing that one day, not sure when, we all have to face this Trial, and Testify, well, its just frustrating and to me, its scary. Hopefully I won’t have to go, but you never know. Until then, I wish the the Moore Family well, and none of us are here to hurt you or cause you pain. Just understand this is how we vent and in some ways, communicate.


  187. Viewer, I’m still confused! Lol

    Oh well…


  188. Chicken Boy could have had it all, that’s true. He could have made a ton of money legitimately, and been happy without screwing everyone over.

    But he cared more about his ego then about making money, or anything else in the world. It was more important that he be perceived as the “big shot”, and that he could manipulate other people and tell himself that he was better then anyone else. Seriously…

    Now look at him. How pathetic! He has no money, no friends, and nothing to stoke his ego. He’s a wretched loser sitting in jail with the other losers–where he belongs. Definitely not a “big shot”, as he loved everyone to think of him as.



  189. “How someone can be so nice one minute and the next be so mean and revengful at the same time. Its like he had mulitple personalities or something.”

    wishitwasover, it’s called being a sociopath. It’s an inability to empathize with others and a lack of emotion because they cannot really “feel” like others. People are objects and possessions to sociopaths, like furniture. They learn how to act as if they have emotions and care, but they are simply camoflageing their real psyche to fit in.

    Famous sociopaths include Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, and Charles Manson. Hope this gives you some insight into BMs character.


  190. So, does this PDF File above mean that Shellye is gonna talk or is she simply gonna defend him? It sais she is gonna Intervene.


  191. What it means is that Shellye doesn’t want any of Mr. Pulver’s investigation files on her to be used against BM because the information contained in them would probably implicate her and ruin her chance at re-trial/appeal.


  192. LawFan,
    Thank you for the 411, but why would it ruin any chance of a Re-Trial/Appeal for her? This has to do with idiot boy, plus I thought that the SPD has a bunch of info from Pulver that will be used for Brian’s Trial. This stuff is important and should be able to be used for gosh sakes. You have often said their is alot ot proof and evidence, is there alot the detectives have on Brian already? Will the judge allow her file to be looked @? What’s your thought on it, is there a good chance the Judge will allow it? I had read in a comment posted before that the Judge was gonna allow info as long as it did not hurt her chances of an Appeal. I just think that whatever info can keep him behind bars and convict him, should be able to be addressed in court. Thats all, I don’t know the laws, and the rules, but what’s the problem, there must be important info that would be in favor of the State, or does she have something to hide? I hope the Judge allows the file. Thats all I have to say, will we know the 30th?


  193. Another question, Will or can Shellye Testify against him? Can she be called as a Witness or no?


  194. What is happening on the 30th in the Court? I see something on calendar but what is the Hearing for?


  195. who here has knowm BM a long time, like ten years? Has he always had those Ducattis or were they in the last few years? And the FLYADUC license plate, anyone know when he got that?


  196. blueheaven,
    I have known him since 2006. I do know he has always pretty much been into his bikes. If you go tohttp://www.ducatimonster.org/forums/23539-socalmonster.html ,
    he has alot of comments, and threads he has written and commented to other riders. So I think he has always been into bikes. There are some pretty interesting things he has talked about, like having a step sister who almost died. Not sure if he even has or had a step sister. He also used to be a writer for HotRodmagazine and would write about Motorcycles and such. Here is a link about some stuff he did.http://editorscharitychallenge.com/lanesplitters/
    I don’t know much about the License plate thing, but I think it said Ducman, not Fryaduc, lol. That’s a commentor here.
    Thats the plate he used to have on one of his motorcycles. This last year he bought a newer Ducati and took a Train he said to retrieve it, then rode it back from San Luis Obispo. I am sure some of Dale Stark’s Estate money paid for that, or the Life Ins. Money which is now dry.
    Blueheaven, what were or are your relations with Brian? Are you the friend who lives in Nevada, or an X girlfriend who lives in South Bay? Just wondering. I understand that back in about 2000 or so, that you and him were an item thru AOL dating and eventually you caught onto his lies, and confronted him, so thats a good thing you never further were involved with him. I am not sure who you are, but feel free to ask any questions, some of us will validate things for you and answere what we can. There was a woman who had an affair w/ Brian about 10 years ago, and her love companion called Brian’s wife and told her about his doings w/ his gal, and she told him not to call her anymore because she trusted her husband, and she did not believe this individual. I wonder if she ever thinks back to that incident. Brian had told this woman back then the same story about the wife being dead and so on and so on.
    so, feel free to ask what you will.


  197. There was no reason to get so upset. I am not Brian’s brother and I did not want to disclose who I was but I guess I will. We were pretty tight and good friends. I will not say my name. I go back and forth here in California and Arizona. We played poker, had our bikes, involved in numerous things and all of us enjoyed good company, such as Brian back before his Fiance (not true by the way) bot in the way and things went down hill from there. I never met the woman, but he changed alot while involved w/ her. I did not believe most of what I had read and heard, and honestly, I did not care to talk to anyone about his affairs and personal life. We were all a bunch of guys just having a great time. His business was his business, Yes, I do now know that alot is true and it sucked because we were close like brothers, and I have cut all ties with Brian Moore.
    I do and did have a similar life style as Brian, but the difference between him and I was that I am a honest man, not married, had nothing to hide and treated and still do treat my elders, family and friends with much respect.
    I apologize for those of you who thought I was someone else. I was pretty bitter in my previous comments towards Brian and who knows if he ever will read this Board, from what I understand, he is still locked up and in Spokane. Most of who he thought were his buddies, I can almost assure you that there are very few of them around now and the Dark Cloud as someone put in another comment, still lingers around for alot of people. Brian is just a sad, fucked up story that from time to time everyone will talk about. Ya, we all knew this guy, and wait til you hear this shit. That’s the just of it. If any of you are keeping journals, a memory folder or writing a book, this will be a hell of a seller if you ask me. I know a gal who just may do it. I will be first in line to get her Autograph, and buy her book.
    I am not gonna comment anymore, but I will from time to time read this and see what the latest is.
    “Words of advise”, you never know who your best friends are & don’t ever do business with them. Because when you do, it could become your worst and most unfortunate decision you have ever made in your entire life. Be smart, live your lives, and don’t let anyone else live it or control it for you.


  198. Yeah, I think he had FLYADUC as a license plate on one. According to this too:


    But I’m interested how far back anyone can say they knew he had that plate. I’m quietly testing a theory here and doing a little investigation of something.


  199. Yes,
    I do believe it was flyaduc. I remember Ducman from somewhere too, I think it was an old profile name on some hooker site or something. Maybe the TZ site. What theory you working on, don’t be shy here, we are all open. Don’t make us sit here and wonder. If this is something you can tell the SPD about, please tell them.


  200. Will your Theory and Investigation help the SPD or is this for your own sake, like personal? Its no big deal, but I don’t think anyone here has known him for 10 or more years besides his own brother, who reads this comment board, another female from his past who lives in Nevada, plus there is a woman who lives in South Bay who has known him for about 10 years maybe a little longer, unless your her. I just don’t understand what info you exactly need, just ask, someone is bound to respond with the right answers for you. Have you commented here before with another blog name, or are you new here? I am just wondering because all of us had doings with him good and bad. What are or were your doing w/ him? Like I said before, if you know anything, please share.


  201. LawFan,

    Do you have any updates about Brian? You have been quiet. I know there is something on the 30th? What’s that about? Is it about the Intervene thing regarding Shelly’s file? You think the Judge will allow the file to be handed over?


  202. The Ducati that most people would’ve seen him ride between 2006 & 2008, red & black, had a license plate that said FLYADUC. I do not know how long he had the license plate but I do know that he had it in January of 2006 so I would assume he had it even earlier than that.

    He often talked about owning several bikes as well as the buying and selling of several bikes, but between 2006 & 2008 that same Ducati was the ONLY one I ever saw him ride. I know at one time his partner Vinny, now deceased, talked about another Ducati that Brian had either sold or given to him. I vaguely remember seeing it, but it was such a fleeting incident that details don’t really come to mind.


  203. As far back as I knew him – March of 2006 he had that license. I also heard the story of his half sister – not step – having a head injury. He told me his father had died – but that he had 2 half sisters from him. Whatever – I know most of the crap he said was just that. Crap. He lied about every little detail so who knows what’s true. There was always a shred of truth in everything he said but mostly it was all a lie.


  204. hmmm, it’s just for my own purposes. I think you know who I am and what I’m getting at. Don’t say anything about it here please. The person in question may be reading this too.


  205. Blueheaven,
    I am not sure what you are getting at, or who. I have no idea who the person in question is. Email me please if you think you know who I am. I have an idea. I will email you and see. everyone who is reading this may get lost a bit wondering what you are talking about, lolol.
    Your one of the two people I mentioned. Just email me if you are who I think you are. The both people I have mentioned in South Bay and Nevada? You do have my email. I do have a couple names on this Board just to change things up. Just like others here do too. Or just email me on the message Board. Under Viewer.


  206. http://www.gay.com/profile/view/basic.do
    Found this gay website Brian apparently is a member of. I think you need to be a member to view it, so eat your heart out. Pretty gross unless you get off on this kind of Fetish stuff. Its sort of like Pandora’s box is opening.


  207. I don’t really have anything. This is the slow part. I’ll know what happens at the hearing afterward but then the S/R will probably have it on the Sirens and Gavels blog before I get to post. There just isn’t much going on right now.


  208. LawFan,
    What does this mean? Its scheduled for today.

    Out Of Custody Motion – Judge Ellen Clark Courtroom: Courtroom 400
    2009-01-01570-9 STATE v. MOORE, BRIAN L
    Murder-1D(Premeditated, Murder-1D(Premeditated
    Prosecutor: Haskell, Lawrence Henry
    Defender: Compton, Jeffrey G
    11:00 AM – 11:30 AM


  209. This is the hearing requested by the Washington Appellate Project on behalf of Shellye to quash the Pulver investigation notes.


  210. Don’t get caught up in the “Out of custody” statement. It means nothing.


  211. Well, it didn’t go well. The judge ordered all materials from Mr. Pulver’s investigation are work-product and are to be returned to Mr. Bradshaw. It’s a set-back but it’s far from over.


  212. So we have it now, the Judge is “NOT” gonna allow the State Prosecutor Shellye’s file. Brian apparently was pleased with his Attorney, and I do believe the Trial was pished to October as well. Pretty sure it will be moved again, seems to happen that way. The State still feels that they have a strong case against Mr. Moore, and do feel they will get a conviction. But who knows, he may easily walk from this. The Judge reviewed Shellye’s entire file but said no to the State to have access to it, and I don’t know why exactly why. The only thing I can think of is that if she did allow the State to have her File, there might be things in her file that she was not honest about or maybe it can hurt her chance of an Appeal.

    Do you have any idea why? Do you know if Pulver is still gonna Testify to what he said in her file or not? I thought he is a key witness to all of this, and if he does not Testify, then Brian will probably walk free. What is your take on all of this?


  213. Also, she basically decided the material was too important to shellye’s case. I just don’t get it, if it can help the State w/ a conviction, why not be aloud to use it, makes no sense.
    He said to one of the reporters he would love to talk and to come see him sometime. Interested to see what he has to say. Apparently he put some weight on, but I can see that he would due to eating 3 meals a day in jail, all the carbs they probably have in the foods, and it does help when your not spracked out. He gave his Attorney a nice thank you and told him “Good Job” in court today, trying to be all macho and cool. He still thinks he is the “Shit”.
    Whatever, who the “F-ck cares. He apparently thinks he has the upper hand.


  214. So LawFan,
    Does that mean Pulver will not Testify? He is a Key person here I thought. That sucks.


  215. So does Haskell still feel that he has a Strong against Brian?
    It seems that w/out Pulver Testifyng, this man is gonna walk. If thats the case, whats the need for me and others to testify then? So freaking stupid and f-cked up if you ask me. Then of course we all get shut out and don’t know shit about the case besides what gets posted. Lose my name!! What I Testify about won’t to any justice, plus it won’t be new news to Brian neither. Now I feel like an idiot.


  216. Ok, worse case scenario…the slimy sociopath actually gets a jury that is duped into believing that he can’t be held responsible if he wasn’t actually there or pulled the trigger. Will that save him from years behind bars? Likely not!!!

    If I read correctly in an earlier post someone stated that the Federal charges he’s going to be facing will most likely result in a harsher sentence than a conviction in the murder trial. While that might not be the ideal outcome when thinking in terms of justice for Dale Stark, it may be the only way that Brian will be removed from society.


  217. I’ll take this ass hole being removed from society ANY way I can. I don’t care what the charge is. If his slimy ass is in prison then I’m thrilled.


  218. As Mr. Haskell stated, the state still has a case. Moore may have won a small battle but he will not win the war. Viewer, were you in the courtroom on the day of the hearing?


  219. http://www.spokesman.com/blogs/sirens/2009/jul/30/courthouse-watch-7309/

    Does anyone know that since the file will not be handed over to the State, Can and Will Pulver still Testify?


  220. OC or whoever you are, do not confuse being a father to a daughter as the same as fathering a daughter. You know nothing of what you speak when it comes to that part of his life. I happen to know his daughter and she is amazing. She is also aware that he does not want her and never did. Paying support does not constitute being a father. I only hope she never sees this website.


  221. So his daughter KNOWS he doesn’t want her ???? How f’d up is that to know you are not wanted. What a horrific example of what a self centered lieing bastard he truly is. Not just that he never mentioned her but that he has allowed her to know that she means nothing to him. But – Peeved don’t read to much into the semantics of what OC said – I think that’s exactly what he meant. Brian was just a sperm donor. Never a father to this girl. I don’t think he meant that Brian should have gotten father of the year awards for being a stellar dad – and who knows what malarkey he coughed up when he felt the situation was required. He might have made up glowing reports of picnics and pony rides and all sorts of BS to make himself look a certain way to OC and others who he knew would never have the chance to prove or disprove what he was claiming. You don’t know what lies he fed to whom. And I hope she never sees this website too but I also hope she knows what he really is because i don’t think he’s above trying to bilk her for money at some time in the future when she’s grown.


  222. No, I was not there in the courtroom, were you? I received my info from a reporter, but I still have questions, sorry I seem to bother you so much. This is so frustrating. Do you know more of what happened in court that was more enlightening, or am I missing something. It seems like when I ask or inquire about something, Kip, Haskell and you seem to act as if I bug you or something. All I want is answers, because if this fuckface walks, I am fucked.


  223. I might as well be moved from the Witness list because if this is the way everyone is gonna be, I can careless to Testify. I look at it this way, if Brian Moore walks, I might as well take a bullet to the head. Be sure I will be one he will try to fuck with because I have alot to loose. He tried once, acually a few times and if he tries the last final time to play games with me and involves my family like he has in the past, you might as well dig my grave. He is a low life mother fucking prick and has no sole whatsoever.
    If your his brother, Sorry your lives have been crazy with all of this. We wish it could be over too.


  224. I am sick that this sad excuse of a man has been a curse on me and my family way too fucking long. I am so angry right now. I hate the fact when someone is being sarcastic to me when all I do is need a little reassurance as to what could possibly happen with Brian, because my life has been so hard to live, yes, Things have been ok, and some days have been hard. Things can change @ any given moment in time, and who knows if he has people outside of the jail, out here, who can finish business for him. As far as his brother posting here, like we all have said before, if you are upset by what you read here, DON”T READ IT!!!! Don’t get mad, but you should see the crap he tried to post on Shelley’s blog about all of us!! It never made the message boards and we all have copies of what he said about us, worse so on 2 others I know. So fucked up, so if you are hurt or saddened by everything here, please don’t read, because I can reassure you, it will get worse as this Saga goes on about Brian Moore and hopefully til he is convicted. Don’t take me wrong, your his family, so the pain is worse, but we all hurt too.


  225. Don’t get angry


  226. To all,

    His daughter is WANTED! By her mother and everyone who knows her!!! And, in some small remnant of his life, maybe he at least wanted to know her too, but everything else consumed him. To say he was a father to her is ridiculous though. But for her sake, and everyone else’s, her mother was strong enough and right enough to walk away. His daughter is a loving, wonderful person and she knows he is in jail and what for. The rest is inconsequential. They have moved on and have a good life. It is just horrible that they need to know about all this. I know her mother has read this board and is amazed at most of it – not because it is unbelieveable either, but because of the ramifications it has on everyone else. When she met him in 1987, no one could have guessed the outcome. For that she is sorry for everyone. And I am not his brother, nor related in anyway.


  227. I am sure his daughter has a great mother. I am glad that there are others in her life that give her the love and suppport she deserves.

    Right now I am just terrified for me and my family and a few others on this blog. He totally believes that it’s because of us that he’s in the mess that he’s in. He’s threatened me and others and he’s just the rotten sort of black hearted soulless piece of human excrement that would carry out revenge against any and all who dared to stand up and speak the truth. It wasn’t us – it was his choices


    • Yes, her mother is a great mother. And now, it is time to stop talking about the wife and daughter please. They have nothing to do with this situation. I will not let any more comments thru on them. Please have some respect for them.


  228. Viewer,
    I don’t think I’ve ever indicated that you are bugging me. It’s just that if there isn’t news to post, then I don’t post. Also, it seems there are questions that you ask that have already been answered in previous posts. I think you should take a deep breath, relax a little, and put this on a shelf until it’s time to deal with it at trial time. Try to enjoy the rest of the summer with your family and forget about this case for a while. You gotta stay healthy, mentally and physically.


  229. Your right LawFan. I think I will stay away from this for a while. I will still look for updates from you and my other source, so, Thank you for always keeping is informed with what matters. I just sensed I bothered you, thats all. I was not in court the other day, so I don’t know what else was all said. I am confident the State will win this in the end. What do you think?
    To be honest w/ you, Life is easier and alot nicer when I leave this alone, so Good Idea. I need to stay healthy for my son and my husband, and he is tired of all this drama anyways. He might fly with me to Spokane if I get called there. Hopefully I won’t have to go. I honestly do not want to. I really do not want to Testify unless a dyer need.


  230. Peeved,
    Then who are you then?


  231. Just leave them out of it. They cannot help or hurt the situation.


  232. I think it’s probably best not to ask people to identify who they are since there are those of us who can empathize with wanting to stay anonymous for our own safety. From that perspective I figure if someone wants their identity known, they would post using their real name.

    I fear that if people think their identity will be continually questioned or guessed at, they may just decide to leave & stop posting altogether.

    It’s also very disheartening for me to see posts from potential witnesses who say they no longer want to testify simply because the State did not get Shellye’s files. I’m sure the State’s case consists of many pieces coming together to form the puzzle and if some of you decide not to testify, you could possibly be the one piece that ultimately convinces a jury of his guilt & without you, maybe he could walk. I’ve already received my second letter from the Spokane Prosecutor’s Office and I will guarantee one thing…if I’m the ONLY person left on the witness list…you better believe I’ll be there.

    There truly are no guarantees and juries are always unpredictable. That’s not my concern though…I will testify to the things I know and wish for the best – a second conviction!!! Other than that I will let the pros, the Prosecutors, worry about the other evidence.


  233. 1st Amendment Luv: A voice of reason. Listen to Luv.


  234. 34 08-04-2009 MTDSM Motion To Dismiss Charges
    35 08-04-2009 MMATH Memorandum Of Authorities
    36 08-04-2009 NTMTDK Note For Motion Docket 08-13-2009MO
    Are you for Real? He is acually trying to have Charges dismissed?


  235. Standard procedure for the defense. Only because the judge denied the investigation documents. There’s still enough evidence to continue on to trial.


  236. I wouldn’t pay too much attention to the actions posted on the court website. The court codes for things are pretty vague and most times it’s very difficult to determine exactly what is happening from the tags they use. Not to mention that some codes are used for several different types of actions that fall under a certain category…so that can even cause more confusion.

    As for motions filed by either side, they both have certain things they must do for procedure sake regardless of whether it’s really a waste of time. Like the defense filing a motion for dismissal. There’s not a hope in Hell for that being granted but if his attorneys didn’t at least try for it, Brian could later try to claim that they didn’t provide him thorough and diligent representation which could open up a whole new can of worms.

    It’s basically the same as Shellye’s attorneys filing all the different motions for retrial in addition to the appeals even though we all know she’s staying right where she is.


  237. Lawfan – the judge denied using the investigation documents – That doesn’t mean that Mr. Pulver can’t be put on the stand right? He can still testify right?


  238. The denial of the investigative documents does not absolutely rule out Mr. Pulver testifying.


  239. I wonder if Brian gets any ‘visitor’s’ on his visitation days, and if he has any under the table convo’s with Shellye these days?
    He must be miserable in jail for this long, any one would be, but then again, he may just be happy as can be and going along for the ride, what’s he got to come home to here anyways?
    Didn’t we all know that he would pull every trick out of his pocket with this trial, he was pretty adept at knowing the little in’s and out’s with the law, and seems he did some checking up on laws in Wa. State, so, I bet this may be along ass trial?


  240. Ok..read the motion to dismiss & it was good. That really pisses me off. But I do know from my experience that for every legal argument made, there are usually statutes & case law that can be used to counter it.

    Brian is scum & karma is a bitch so I’m sure he will get exactly what he deserves in the long run. For now I will cross my fingers, continue praying, and put my trust in Haskell’s skill & ability…the same skill & ability that got Shellye 3 hots & a cot for years to come. But if all else fails…I just hope the Feds get on the ball & handle him real quick like!!!


  241. LawFan,
    Brian is gonna be like a raging bull if he gets dismissed of these charges, we can all be sure of that. I am so confused though, yes, The State does not get access to the File, ok, we all know that now, but what about all of the Witnesses and what they know and can Testify too, plus whatever the State currently has as of now? Do you really, truly believe that there is a strong possibility he will be out soon and dismissed? I read the Motion and it seems that from what I read, his attorney firmly believes that there is not enough to convict/ Charge him with. How can this be when there are all these Witnesses and they arrested him in the first place. Whatever happens, happens, but I am confused. How can this all be standard procedure, if the Defense is indicating that Brian Moore is Innocent, I know its his job as a Lawyer to do so, but what are the chances here? I suppose we will find out Thursday.
    Here is a link to one of the PDF files Affidavit of facts. Seems to be enough one would think, to convict, I seen the Motion filed (link) above. When you have some 411, please share. Thank you.


  242. This is gonna be very interesting to say the least. Let’s say he gets out, he is gonna be all over this like flies on crap, and ready to fire back, especially to all of the bloggers on this site.


    • He can be as upset as he wants, but he cannot control people’s opinions, even if those opinions are about him. Don’t worry – I have been thru this now for 2 years with them. They have a lot of bark, but no real bite. As you cannot be sued for your opinion. And he HATES that people have negative opinions on him and Shellye.


  243. Even if what everyone sais here is 100% the truth, he will have the upperhand this time.


  244. stay tuned…..


  245. And, what do you mean by that LawFan? Are we in for a “Suprise” ????


  246. I am confident that he’s going down BIG time!!! Then he gets to deal with all of his Federal crimes.
    The wheels of justice grind him up and spit him out . . .right into prison, where he belongs.


  247. One more thing,
    Whatever happened to the charge for Fraud and Forgery, are they gonna give Brian Moore that too?


  248. Lets not forget about the Johnson clan . . . I would like to when we will hear about their arrests and convictions, for the parts they played!


  249. I don’t feel confident about this. I just have a gut feeling things do not look good, but what do I know, not much @ this point. LawFan will keep us posted, he/she did mention “Stay Tuned”, so maybe something is going to happen. Today is the Motion to dismiss.


  250. Wow, just be confident OK?

    Enough with the gloom and doom, the “gut feelings” and the hand wringing.

    We are going to put this guy away and get justice for Dale and everyone else he has harmed–and that is all there is to it!

    I see no other possible outcome other then success. It WILL happen. We WILL get justice.

    Believe it…


  251. Dammit, Wow, just be confident OK?

    Enough with the gloom and doom, the “gut feelings” and the hand wringing.

    We are going to put this a-hole away and get justice for Dale and everyone else he has harmed–and that is all there is to it.

    I see no other possible outcome other then success. It WILL happen. We WILL get justice.


  252. I will


  253. 🙂

    I assume that the hearing for the motion was continued, since no one has posted anything?

    Personally, I don’t think this motion to dismiss has a snowball’s chance in hell. Unlike Meghan, who wrote the article, and some people on this list–I was not at all overly impressed with the defense’s motion.

    There are major holes in the defense’s argument, and I am sure that the prosecution will point them out. Just because the defense makes an assertion that there is not enough evidence does not make it so. Of course this is what the defense is going to say. And the prosecution will come back and point out all of the things that the defense is ignoring–all of the holes in the defense’s argument will be revealed.

    I believe that is what lawfan08 means by “stay tuned”. Just wait for the prosecution’s response…


  254. Ooops…looks like I posted twice with my post yesterday! No, there are not two people ganging up on you, Wow…lol.

    Its just me, the same person…

    My first post didn’t show up for some reason, so I posted again under a new name… That’s why its up there twice.



  255. Apparently Moore has a new Facebook profile up! I guess they are letting him use the computer in there. Crazy…


    If the above link doesn’t work, search for “Brian L. Moore” in the Spokane, WA network.


  256. That profile was clearly done by someone other than Moore. I believe the picture of him with his “husbands” had to be taken in CA. That doesn’t look like a Spokane jail.


  257. Is anything happening in this case? What about that motion to dismiss?


  258. Hmmmm…I have to say I’m a bit disappointed we haven’t seen the response to the motion from the prosecution yet. It’ll be nice to see the defense argument for dismissal get slammed.


  259. Findings – Order Deny Motion
    Judge Ellen Kalama Clark Id#70

    Looks like there was a motion and it was Denied?
    Any info on this?


  260. In Custody Motion – Judge Jerome Leveque Courtroom: Courtroom 403
    2009-01-01570-9 STATE v. MOORE, BRIAN L
    Murder-1D(Premeditated, Murder-1D(Premeditated
    Prosecutor: Haskell, Lawrence Henry
    Defender: Compton, Jeffrey G


  261. Sept. 3rd is the Hearing


  262. This was pretty interesting. Just watched to the News Conf that many have listened to after Moore’s arrest in Anaheim. I have watched it a few times but just realized that the Private investigater and Brian’s wife were the main Witnesses here that gave the Police alot of Probable cause to have him arrested. Never paid any of attention to that before and of course what the Witnesses had to say. Apparently the SPD has alot of info to put Brian Moore behind bars.

    I did not really know him but only seen him occasionally here and there, so never really knew much about him besides what I have seen and read. It was strictly business between Brian and I. I honestly do not know anything. Kind of strange to have crossed paths with such a scary person. You never know who people are nowadays, come off nice and polite, do what you came to do, then off you go.


  263. Ok..I am very familiar with the court process for other areas of law, but not too much when it comes to criminal trials. Is it typical for a case to take a long time before actually going to trial? Because if Brian’s trial is anything like Shellye’s, it’ll be about a year before this really gets going. Now with that said & if that’s the case, does anybody involved in the process consider that it would be at least 2 years since the murder and witnesses may have trouble remembering facts & details with the same clarity as when this first began? What does the prosecutor do in the event that someone doesn’t remember everything in the same detail since it would seem to me that the witness would then be wide open to the defense to be torn to shreds on the stand. Just something I’ve been pondering…any thoughts on the matter are welcome & encouraged!! lol


  264. I agree that your concern is valid and one that has been a problem for many cases that drag out so long. Write it all down – any of you that have facts to relay to the court – get it down on paper and date it and don’t lose it.


  265. I have all of my stuff written down. I will never forget things and alot has been documented.

    I am not concerned about the Defense ripping a Witness or Witnesses apart on the stand.
    I will Testify to what I am told and what I am addressed about. Chances are I won’t have to anyways. I will tell the truth and thats that.

    I have everything I need when the day comes, do all of you?

    Has anyone heard anything about 48 Hours still wanting to do a peice on this Shellye Stark Case?
    Just a thought.

    I sure hope that the Prosecution keeps him where he is today. Hopefully the Jury will come back with a guilty verdict if and when that time comes. He apparently still has Shellye’s family believing he is innocent in all of this. Such a joke. Why else would Shellye’s sister be at the court room telling, him ” Love you sweetie”, gag me.


  266. Hope your recovery goes well Mr. Haskell. Sock it to them on the 17th.


  267. This has been going on for a long time . . .

    While all the delays and procedures play out, does BikerHo remain in jail? Or has he posted bail?


  268. Viewer,
    Shellye’s sister is probably in the courtroom saying such yuk stuff to Brian because most likely he is doing her also. Or was doing her also.
    Remember he had a picture of her in his office? Why would he have a pic of her if he didn’t ‘like’ her?
    He’s skanky stuff!!


  269. Yes, he is still incarcerated. This will go on for a long time, and will not conclude anytime soon. It will be 2 years that have gone by since Dale Stark lost his life. Trials take awhile sometimes but I feel positive that the State will keep Brian L. Moore where he is today. Seeing and knowing that he is still locked up, he will stay there til D Day. Nobody is gonna post bail, and if anyone was going to, they would have already. The man has nothing, no friends, and the only ones who still seem to care are Shellye’s family. Eventually they will know the true side of Brian Moore and what his real intentions were with Shellye and Dale’s Estate. He is gonna keep up his good will towards Shellye and her family til the end. There is alot of guilt along with hidden secrets and it will all come out in Trial like everything did in Shellye’s Trial. I am hoping to attend the Trial and have been to the last 2 hearings. I followed everything with Starks case from day one.


  270. Yep, the picture was in his office on a book shelf.
    He said it was an after picture of Karen Jaquetta, Shellye’s sister. He then showed a picture of her on his computer of her (Karen) in the hospital after the accident. Who knows why he had Shellye’s sister’s picture in his office. He did not have any pics of Shellye around. It does make one wonder if he was w/ her sister as well. Why pictures of the sister and not the girlfriend? Who knows, and at this point, I don’t give a shit neither. This all has become a big fucking joke. Wish this was over all ready, so hopefully by the new year, it will be.


  271. Don’t bank on this being over anytime soon . . . remember he still has federal charges pending. Monkey boy will never get out.

    As for Shellye’s skanky, hillbilly family, I hope that they get the goods on all of them. But they will probably wait until monkey boy is safely tucked away behind bars for the rest of his pathetic life before they move forward.

    Note: Shellye has two sleaze ball sisters, Donna Haggerty and Karen Jaquetta. Donna was the one acting like a groupie at the last hearing and Karen murdered the moose while transporting the murder weapon.
    The prosecutors office will be buzzy with this group for a very very long time.


  272. There shouldn’t have been a picture of any other woman in his office!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The man has a wife and she should be in any photos that he sports in his office. What a SLIME!


  273. Does anyone know what this means? What are the chances of him getting away with this? Any insite on this?
    What do you think?

    40 09-10-2009 ORDTC
    Order Of Dismissal Of Total Charges
    JDG0035 Judge Ellen Kalama Clark Id#70


  274. Please say it ain’t so?
    Could he possibly have another trick up his sleeve’s? Probably, but if he does get this shit dropped, he’s better than Houdini!!!!!!
    And he should get an award, and become a frikin atty., because I know of people really wrongly accussed and have spent 20 yrs. in prison triing to get out? If he gets off these charges, he’s making a laughing joke of our criminal system!!!


  275. Based on the Sheriff’s Inmate Roster, he apparently has been released to the Federal Marshalls. My guess is that they took him back to CA to face the federal charges before the Spokane County charges. That doesn’t mean the dismissal is permanent. Spokane County can re-file. There is no statute of limitations.


  276. Fear not, the feds are on his ass! They will get first crack at him now. . . He will never see the light of day.
    This BITCH is going down hard!


  277. Temecula,
    Were you friends of Dale Stark’s? Hopefully he will be convicted, if not for the planning of Dale Starks Murder, but for the Federal Charges out in California…Hopefully he will not come out of this smelling like a rose. This Brian Moore is a fucking slimeball like a previous blogger said, and Shellye’s family is no better than he is. They should pay for their part in this as well.


  278. Brian L. Moore has been dismissed of charges. He is being transported back to Cali to face the Federal charges.


  279. how in the hell is this even possible – law fan?


  280. Ok..I am totally confused. Why does it show on 8/20/09 Findings – Order Deny Motion and all of a sudden on 9/10/09 Order of Dismissal of Total Charges????

    I also received a letter today from the prosecutor’s office informing me that the charges were dismissed and that the prosecutor’s office can refile charges once the federal charges have been dealt with. So I guess I’ll be notified any time between now and the next 2 years if they so choose to file charges again. Well that brings me about as much comfort as jumping into a rose bush. Not to sound selfish or anything but I was actually starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. I was beginning to feel normal again as if there would be closure to this forthcoming and I could put it all behind me and move on. So…now all the Devil has to do is trick the feds into believing they framed him & planted all that stuff in his warehouse so he can be free and go about his business of ruining other people’s lives.

    Do I feel a bit angry..bitter…misled?? You bet your ass I do. I knew there was a reason I NEVER wanted to work in criminal law and this is it!!! The system sucks when it comes to really looking out for victims as well as all the collateral damage caused by people who feel they are above the law. Brian always felt he was above the law and this just confirmed that for him..loud and clear!!!


    • Wait, if they said they could file after the federal charges were dealt with, there is usually a good reason for that. But be glad that they were dismissed this way. Otherwise he would have gotten away with it. I could be wrong of course, but usually when they do it like this, there is a reason. Also, a lot of times, the feds pressure them to do it this way.


  281. Yeah..you’re right Bonnie. I finally got around to thinking that maybe it had something to do with the feds and their case. I just wish there had been a bit more explanation in the letter. I just hate the thought of having Brian’s dark cloud looming and not knowing when it might storm…so to speak. I keep thinking that a year or two from now I may be totally immersed in my life with all of the darkness of Brian’s seedy life totally behind me and out of nowhere I could receive a letter stating that I will have to testify and my whole world will be thrown into turmoil once again. This is SO frustrating!!!


  282. I wonder if he will be brought back here to a harsher Jail or if they are keeping him there. From what I hear, these types of Jails are no picnic. Maybe the Feds have the upper hand and there is good reason here, I suppose we will have to wait and see. My question is, when you have Federal Charges, can you get bail? Or do you have to stay put in jail til your Trial.


  283. Here are some statements from that spokesman article:

    “Charges against the married boyfriend of convicted killer Shellye Stark have been dropped at the request of the Spokane County Prosecutor’s Office. ”

    “The state expects to re-file charges against Moore once the federal charges are addressed, according to court papers filed Sept. 10.”

    “The dismissal of the charges, requested by Mark Cipolla, halts a hearing that was scheduled for this Thursday in which a judge was to rule on the defense’s motion to dismiss.”

    “By making the request himself, Cipolla made it so the charges were dismissed without prejudice instead of with prejudice, meaning prosecutors can refile and not evoke double jeopardy.”

    It looks like the prosecution knows what it’s doing.

    But . . .

    “A grand jury indictment filed Friday in Eastern Washington District Court charges Moore with two counts of possession of an unregistered firearm in connection with a rifle and firearm silencer on a pistol seized from a warehouse where he was staying in Orange County, Calif.”

    “His bail hearing is set for Tuesday at 1:30 p.m.”

    One imagines that the bail for possession of an unregistered firearm is much less than that for murder. The POS could make bail and flee.


  284. Good move by the prosecution. I am thinking that they will probably charge Moore with the forgery/fraud charges after the federal and state murder charges are adjudicated.

    So even after the federal and state charges are tried, the prosecution can file the forgery/fraud charges and continue to hold Moore, even if, in the worst case scenario all other charges are dropped. Those will carry a potentially long sentence as well. The forgery/fraud charges are pretty much a slam dunk I believe. Moore will not be getting out any time soon, that is for sure.

    Btw–these federal charges are no small deal. Moore can get a lot of federal time. The feds hate silencers, especially.

    Moore will have to serve every single day of his federal time, because there is no deduction for anything. You are sentenced to three years, one day, you serve three years and one day. Period. No exceptions.


  285. OK I am starting to understand the maneuvering by the prosecution on this – and when they re-file the charges – Brian will have a criminal record because they WILL get a conviction on this. It will just make him look worse. Plus they’ll have more time to dig up dirt on the idiot.

    I am a little worried about him making bail – but if he flees the country GOOD RIDDANCE!! I hope he does leave. That way our taxes don’t have to feed and house his ass for the next 20 years. Although I would like to see him convicted of his crimes. As long as he’s gone though – I don’t care how he gets gone. I just want him gone. Either locked up or out of this country.
    God forbid I should wish someone to be dead – but in this case I do. I really don’t believe that his life benefits anyone in this world. Not even his kid(s). Certianly no one in his family. Definitely not his friends and for sure not his wife!!!!!!! Not even his clients!!!!! He’s a total waste. I know only God can judge…and I’m not perfect but I haven’t planned a murder lately or lied my ass off about everything in my life to everyone I know or slept with 100’s of women and / or men (cause Brian swings both ways on that tree as we now know) behind my spouses back or screwed my clients out of money or commited fraudulent acts with someone elses money / estate or will. He’s got alot more to worry about from God than I do for wishing he was just dead.


  286. Does anyone know that if he is released, will he be in the Feds hands and be moved to another Facility out in California or will he acually be in society roaming. One would think he has to stay behind bars, but I have no idea how the System works. It seems that the Feds have the power right now and can do what they will, then like fryaduc said, then this way Brian will have a Criminal background. I was under the impression that the State had or has alot of evidence. Now they will have more time I suppose, to collect more.


  287. 01:30PM – 09/17/2009 2:2009-mj-00272-CI
    USA v Moore Bail Hearing


  288. Does anyone know what happened in todays Bail Hearing @ 1:30? Is he out or what. Cam someone please enlighten us so we know what to exspect?


  289. Bail Hearing was continued for tomorrow.


  290. Moved to Tuesday, his Bail Hearing.
    Defense keeps asking for time to counter the governments request to keep him in.


  291. http://www.spokesman.com/blogs/sirens/2009/sep/14/murder-charges-dismissed-against-starks-boyfriend/

    This is very interesting. I see LawFan is posting on Sirens and Gavels, but why not on the Blog. Is there any info LawFan that can let us know what is going on at this present time? Will the State still go after Mr. Moore for his wrong doings?


  292. Unregistered Firearm Charge:

    The Law – Unregistered Firearm – Law – Lawyer / Solicitor Article
    Section 36 of the Firearms Act states:

    36(1) A person must not sell, purchase, possess or use a firearm that is not registered.

    (2) It is a defence to a prosecution for an offence under this section to prove that the defendant:
    (a) did not know, or could not reasonably be expected to have known, that the firearm concerned was unregistered, and
    (b) was not the owner of the firearm at the time of the alleged offence.

    (3) A licensed firearms dealer does not commit an offence under this section of purchasing or possessing an unregistered firearm if an application for registration of the firearm is made within 24 hours after acquiring the firearm.


    Maximum Penalty – Unregistered Firearm – Penalties – Lawyer / Solicitor Article
    The Maximum penalty for the offence of Unregistered firearms is 10 years imprisonment if the firearm concerned is a prohibited firearm or pistol, or 5 years imprisonment in any other case.

    What the Police must prove – Unregistered Firearm – Lawyer / Solicitor Article
    In order for the Police to prove their case at Court, they must prove each of the following matters beyond a reasonable doubt.

    1. The accused either sold, purchased, possessed or used a firearm.
    2. At the time, the firearm was not registered.

    It will be necessary for the Police in every offence to prove that the accused was the person who committed the offence.


    Possible Defences – Unregistered Firearm – Defences – Lawyer / Solicitor Article
    The Firearms Act provides a defence to the offence. Section 36(2) states:

    36(2) It is a defence to a prosecution for an offence under this section to prove that the defendant:
    (a) did not know, or could not reasonably be expected to have known, that the firearm concerned was unregistered, and
    (b) was not the owner of the firearm at the time of the alleged offence.

    Other possible defences to this offence include but are not limited to

    1. Duress
    2. Necessity


    What court is likely to hear the matter – Lawyer / Solicitor Article
    This matter is a Table 2 offence which means that the DPP can elect to have the matter dealt with in the District Court. If no election is made it will be dealt with in the Local Court.


  293. Where did you get that, Viewer? What’s the source? There are a lot of different Firearms Acts…both state and federal.


  294. Viewer, you are quoting Australian law…Lol


  295. He remains in Federal custody. He will be transported to Ca. He will then have another hearing to determine whether or not he will be released.



    § 5871 Penalties.
    Any person who violates or fails to
    comply with any provision of this chapter
    shall, upon conviction, be fined not more
    than $10,000, or be imprisoned not more
    than ten years, or both.


  297. I found the info online, maybe it won’t pertain to Moore, I don’t know. I just thought it was intersting to know. Who knows what he will face in Federal court in Cali. Go ahead and make fun of what I posted. Its just something I came across today. Thats all!!!!


  298. What a ridiculous article. Quoted just about everything the defense said, and nothing from the prosecution. What was it that Hollenbeck said that convinced the judge? Was it the death threats? The silencers? How about telling us the whole story instead of slanting it so much toward the defense?

    It makes me so angry that this reporter would print all of this BS from the defense, including the suggestion that all of the witnesses were lying, and not a single word from the other side. Talk about one-sided reporting!

    Sure…its Moore who is telling the truth, and everyone else is lying. How utterly ridiculous. Sure, print what the defense says…but what about the other side of the argument?

    Knowing Moore’s legendary ability to manipulate women, makes me wonder if Meghan the reporter is falling for his BS now. I heard he was speaking with her and even invited her to visit him in jail. Wonder if she took him up on that, because ever since then it has been all one-sided reporting. I would not be surprised on bit.



  299. The fact that the judge ordered Moore to remain in custody is mentioned almost as an afterthought at the end of the story.

    Why? Why did the judge decide he was a threat to public safety? A good reporter would have answered that question instead of trying to play the little liberal advocate. And regarding the federal case, again she mentions only the defense’s argument. Its the title of the article, for cryin’ out loud!

    I been none too impressed with any of the articles this hack of a journalist has produced. But this last one takes the cake.

    Stinks really bad…


  300. I think Meghann is above falling for a scumbag like Brian, I don’t see where she is being one sided either, just stating facts.
    This guy is the devil himself. He is a calcullating, scary, sociopath, I’m sure he would sell out his mother or child to get away with this.
    The really sad thing, is Dale is dead, and Shellye is gone(that’s a great thing), her family who is just as involved in this sordid tale is still running around, and standing behind this lower than low could be pos, hopefully her family will hang for this crime too.
    Shellye’s son, what’s become of him, and what’s become of Dale Stark’s fiance’, I think I heard she has moved on?
    I inherited about 1/2 million and I went through it in approx. 4yrs., and that was without the expense of attys. for a criminal lawsuit, so I’m wondering if that son has a dime left? I also didn’t have Brian Moore funneling it from my bank acct., remember, he also took out fraudulant home loans or something while Shellye was incarcerated. He’s a tool. He’s a evil person, who has ruined many people’s lifes, many!
    I believe in Kip Hollenbeck, and the Spokane Police Detectives. WE have to believe in them, and that they will follow up and charge Moore, and get a conviction.
    I think they are way smarter than you all are giving them credit for being.


  301. I didn’t say she was “falling for him”, just that he is an expert at manipulation and lying. Most people haven’t met someone like him–even if they have met other liars.

    Remember–he was lying to and manipulating numerous women at the same time, living double, triple and quadruple lives…all while running a business and sucking the meth pipe. Imagine what he could do sober, if he focused on just one woman. Plus, sitting in jail he has all day long to plan his manipulations.

    How can you say the stories are not one-sided when the entire defense arguments are given, and we are left wondering what the prosecution even said? We are told that Hollenbeck testified, that is it. What was the prosecution’s response to all the BS the defense was saying? The defense’s arguments are almost presented as “fact”, while the prosecution has no voice whatsoever.

    Especially since the judge ruled against the defense, and for the prosecution! That tells you the prosecution must have said something important, or presented compelling evidence and argument. Otherwise, why did the judge decide the way she did? Yet we are left wondering what this argument is. Most news stories lead with the winning argument, and list the facts that led to the decision. This one does the opposite, listing the losing arguments in great detail and leaving out the other side. Its just bad reporting. Whether or not she is being manipulated by Moore–its still hack reporting.



    Everyone, please remember, Meghann is a reporter. She is doing her job. She is not taking sides, falling for anyone, etc. She is just reporting the news and doing interviews when she needs to. She is as objective as possible. Do not attack her for doing her job, which she does well. She has been kind enough to give us needed info too.


  303. I would like to know as well, why the Judge made the decision to keep Brian in. There must have been some good reasoning. There had been mention in the past of all the comments that Moore had threatened numerous people and they were scared of him. Was there record of those threats and or did the people acually talk to the detectives about it? There was also mention that Pulver had people coming to him as well in regards to threats by Mr. Moore. Not sure how many individuals or maybe just one person, but still, threats are a crime these days. I think they are considered a type of Terroristic Act, right?
    Maybe one day we will get to know the scoop as to why the Judge made that decision.


  304. Why would a reporter leave out details like that? It could be because she was told to do so or “JUST” maybe there just was not anything to say. The main thing is that this Kip guy influenced the Judge. What more does everyone want here. The jerk is still behind bars, isn’t that good enough. What more do you want to see happen. Its only a question. If such details are meant to be said, then they will be said. What comes around goes around, and if Brian Moore does not get convicted, so what. One way or another, he will pay, because Karma is a BITCH!!! It seems he has already lost everything of value to him such as his business, respect, friends, ones closest to him, etc, etc. What else is it that everyone wants to see happen here. The guy has been thru the ringer, what more do you want? He has NOTHING!! Wait, he does still have his Shellye and her 2 sisters. All I am saying is, so many people are so bitter, what is the point in blogging about it, nothing will change what he did and some of you need to move on already. Get over your hurt, bitterness, anger, and live. This blog should just be shut down to be honest with you. What is important, has already been addressed to the right individuals, such as the Detectives and Feds. They will do their part now. Everyone else should just use their time more wisely. Make an effort to do something with yourselves instead of blogging about Brian. Get over it and live your lives. Everything has just gotten way out of hand. What more do you want!!!


  305. In my personal opinion, I don’t see a big conviction if he even gets convicted. I have seen and have known people, and did not do one bit of jail time for similar charges. But hey, only time will tell. The 1st degree murder charges? Don’t see that happening anytime soon if not at all.


  306. Everyone here is living their lives and going about their business – but it’s a little difficult when you KNOW you are on Brian’s radar as the next target. And if he gets out and doesn’t have to pay for any of his crimes – we’re all going to have BS to deal with. Yeah he’s lost everything – except his desire for revenge. And his talents at manipulating and lieing. He’s possibly more dangerous now than ever. What has he got to lose? And don’t forget for 1 second that he thinks this is all everyone elses fault. Not his own.
    Kip knows what he is and is doing his best but many many times law enforcement KNOWS someone is dirty but can’t get enough to convict. Our legal system is just that. A legal system not a justice system. If it were – the infomation from Ted Pulver would have been allowed from Shellye’s trial as admissable in Brian’s case.


  307. To M. Sosalita TZ;
    First of all this Bitch by the name of Brian Moore has destroyed and damage so many peoples lives. Where the hell do you get off telling everyone to get over it! I have a personal interest, in seeing that this M…. F…er, monkey boy. never, and I mean NEVER sees the light of day again. Once the fed convict his sorry ass. The state of Washington will reinstate the murder charges. If I had my way they would be prosecuting that as a death penalty case.

    Unless you are just ignorant or maybe retarded, you have zero clue of this entire case. So I would suggest that you research this entire case before you chime in and show just how little you know.

    Remember as Abraham Lincoln said:
    “It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.”

    There shall be Justice for Dale!!!!!


  308. Looks like we have a member here from the Troothsayerz site.

    M. Sosalita TZ,
    Get a life. We have all been living our lives. Just like FRYADUC said, if, and god forbid, IF he gets out and walks, we are scared as hell. He will be out for revenge and looking for individuals. Why the heck do you come on here telling us what to do, what do you have to do with this man, were you one of his chummies, or maybe his crack buddy? What and why do you have interest here? Go away!!!!! If you cannot understand our reasonings here, then we don’t need some negative retard like you posting here.


  309. Something for everyone to realize:

    When Meghann Cuniff writes on “Sirens and Gavels”, it’s an online blog. Just like this site. If the story she writes is put into the Spokesman Review newspaper, there are different standards. The blog allows for creative license and personal opinion. Don’t be fooled into thinking that it must only contain serious, unbiased journalism. Also, Meghann does not possess high levels of integrity.


  310. Not many reporters have any integrity at all. Sorry – stereotype? Maybe but it happens to be true. And if that’s the case with her – then maybe she is being manipulated by the grand manipulator himself. You never know. Why else would she go on there saying we all have reason to lie? That sounds like something Brian would plant in her mind.
    The person from TZ is right – blogging here won’t change anything but it serves as a sort of contact point to share info and stay posted on the status of things. It also helps us never forget that we are dealing with a severely disturbed and dangerous individual and that’s something we cannot afford to get comfortable and forget. A weather report of sorts.
    This person must not understand things very well or she would have been able to deduct that using common sense. But then again – if she’s a provider – she can’t possibly have a whole lot of common sense anyway.


  311. I am not in the “Fan Club” of Brian Moore. I am a male, and yes, was a former member of TZ, which is no longer a site, but since many have moved to to other site. If you want to comment here, go for it. I just feel its a waste of time unless Moore himself can read it. If you want to get your point across to him, mail him a letter. Express what you think of him there. This is a souce of info, I agree. I did not mean for others here to get angry at me for saying move on and live. He is a waste of life and a waste of everyones time to put so much energy into this. I completely understand how some of you may feel. I have been following this since it all happened. I was one who receieved an email from the Infamous “Bikerho”, trying to black mail all of us into giving him money for his Fiance’s bail. At one point and time, we all thought he was a pretty cool dude, but he had always lead a black and dark life. No one ever looked into it unless you were someone close to him who he opened up to. There were very few. He deserves to be behind bars, but to wish death on someone is a bit harsh. I don’t know what he did to upset Temecula so bad. This person has it out for him. I don’t care for Moore anymore than all of you do. Don’t take me wrong, but he will one way or another pay for his wrong doings. If its not jail time, it will be something. Karma is a real thing, and its a Bitch.


  312. M. Sosalita TZ

    . . . “an eye for an eye an a tooth for a tooth.”

    Does the name Dale Stark mean anything to you!

    If you have followed this case like you say, then should know.

    If you were associated with Bikerho on TZ, received the blackmail e-mail.
    I suspect that you we into some illegal shit . . . so expect a knock a your door. You know they have all of his computers and records.

    Just for the record . . . again!
    Dale Stark was a life long friend.


  313. Oops see corrections

    M. Sosalita TZ

    . . . “an eye for an eye an a tooth for a tooth.”

    Does the name Dale Stark mean anything to you!

    If you have followed this case like you say, then you should know.

    If you were associated with Bikerho on TZ, received the blackmail e-mail.
    I suspect that you were into some illegal shit . . . so expect a knock a your door. You know they have all of his computers and records.

    Just for the record . . . again!
    Dale Stark was a life long friend.


  314. Hobbyist sleeze – still no common sense.
    He knows what a pos we all think he is. He has read all of the other blog and who knows how much of this one. I don’t really care. Him knowing won’t do squat. Besides he takes whatever is the truth and distorts it so what good does explaining it to him do? It’s the ass hole theory – the ass hole doesn’t know or care that it’s an asshole so why bother telling it? I don’t believe that this man is capable of a genuine feeling or anything good. He lied his ass off to everyone who knew him – I guarantee that even those who thought they really were being told the truth by him were only told a version of it. And if they compared notes with another so called confidant they’d be pretty surprised at the BS that he fed them. He is the scum of the earth. He is not ever to be trusted ever ever ever. He’s wormed his way back into several people’s good graces before (you know who you are) and he’ll try to do it again. He’ll have the poor pitiful me i’ve lost everything and you’re all i have card to play. Too bad he just couldn’t come out of the closet and be happy being Brenda. Maybe all this could have been avoided!


  315. M. Sosalita TZ–do you understand that a real person, Dale Stark, has been murdered…is no longer alive…and Brian is believed to have masterminded this murder for pecuniary gain??

    Have you ever lost a loved one? How would you feel if your best friend died, and someone told you to just “get over it”? How would you feel if the killer was behind bars, but still unconvicted? How would you feel if the killer blamed you for being caught, and will stop at nothing to get revenge?

    Would you be “over it”??

    I would love nothing better then to move on with my life and forget all about Brian. In fact, I have tried to do so many times–tried everything to get away from this psycho and move on. But as long as he was out of jail he relentlessly, time and time again pursued me and tried to ruin my life. He even stalked people I know. I had people calling me up at 2am in the morning terrified because Brian was calling them and dropping things off on their front door and their PARENT’s front door!! Yes, Brian was even stalking the PARENTS of people I knew. People who had nothing to do with him.

    Lord knows I tried everything to get him to stop…everything from threatening to offering an olive branch. I discovered that the more I tried to offer peace and reconciliation…the nicer I was, the more I tried to make peace and move on…the more aggressively he pursued revenge–obviously seeing this as a sign of weakness. I would start to relax for a minute, thinking that it was all over, that I had finally made peace and gotten this psycho out of my life. He would would make it seem that way too. Then I would discover that he was pursuing me with even greater vigor and determination…trying to destroy me. I had people calling me up at 2am in the morning, asking me how they could get a restraining order against Brian.

    All I ever wanted to do was to move on, and get this guy out of my life! Unfortunately, its not that easy…

    So why don’t you move on, TZ?? If you are so over it, congratulations. I would be too if all I got was some stupid email. Consider yourself lucky, and realize that we have suffered a lot worse then just getting an annoying email. We have lost a lot more–obviously more then you can comprehend. And we have a lot more to lose if this man is ever set free.

    Those of us who are in fear of our lives, have had our lives ruined, and/or have lost a loved one because of this man use this forum to keep tabs on what is going on. It is also a kind of support group.

    If you can’t understand that, I really don’t give a damn. You have no business commenting here. You are the one who should move on. And if you were a real man you would apologize.


  316. Anyone have any idea when he will be moved out here or is he gonna stay while the Feds get their ducks in a row. The inmate Roster still shows him in Spokane County Jail.


  317. The personal attacks against the reporter would be sad if they weren’t so laughably biased themselves. Gee, funny how everyone trashing the reporter for taking sides has already done so. Pot? Meet kettle….


  318. who is this idiot called Hilarious and why are you here?


  319. Unlike the people who Brian has screwed over in many many many ways – the reporter has never had any dealings with him until this murder.
    Who’s the pot now, Meghann?


  320. Greetings Kettle.


  321. hilarious,

    That has got to be one of the lamest arguments I have ever heard. Of course I am biased. I am entitled to be biased. I am not the one holding myself out as a journalist. I do not write news stories.

    *Journalists are supposed to be held to a different standard. They are SUPPOSED to be unbiased and simply print the facts. Not many are these days, and that is one of the problems of our society.

    As a non-journalist, private citizen simply expressing my opinion, of course I am biased. Duh! Do you see me writing news stories??

    No, Pot don’t meet Kettle, retard.

    That totally sounds like something Brian would write. “Pot meet Kettle…Der…I’m so funny”.

    No, you aren’t. You aren’t “hilarious”. You just ain’t that smart. That’s all.


  322. From what I can tell, all that article you guys are freaking out about stated were facts. these little marks ” ” are called quotation marks. If there’s words inside them, they were said by the name after or before the word “said” not by the reporter.


  323. Don’t assume that everyone is as dumb as you, hilarious. Of course I know what quotation marks are, and what they mean. The fact that you think this is some sort of revelation just shows even more what a moron you are. Read my posts, idiot…if you can read, that is.

    I’m not going to repeat myself.

    These little things on the post are called “words”. You should try reading them.


  324. And why are you here, anyway? Either you are a random person with no life whatsoever, or you are one of Brian’s dupes.

    You sound just like Brian, with that smug, smart-ass I-think-I”m-so-funny-and-smart attitude. My guess would be you are some brainwashed dupe. Either that, or someone who knew him, but only casually–and he never got around to screwing you yet. Perhaps you are parroting Brian’s own words or imitating his style because you think he’s so “cool”?

    I’m surprised you didn’t tell me, “it’s simple, stupid.” Or one of chicken boy’s other lame catch phrases. Hahaha…

    What a loser. LOL…


  325. LawFan, do you know what is going on with any of the Federal stuff?


  326. MOORE, BRIAN L 0900015226 Released 10/02/2009 at 10:00

    He is out, not sure where. Anyone know?


  327. Records show he was released to the US Marshal. Where would they transport him to? Cannot find any records as of yet. It would be nice to know since I have inmates buddies in Federal Prisons.


    • Ask and ye shall received!!


      However, I believe you must be convicted and sentenced to federal time before you are shown here, but I am not positive. And with the feds, you must know the exact name. It is usually pretty accurate as I have used it many times. Well, not for me myself! But I have a friend in federal custody and for people I post on.


  328. Probably staying with “Frank Fontana”…lol


  329. He’s out now, eh? Can we now expect a sudden “resurgence” of his “supporters” now?? LOL


  330. Brian, if you are reading this (and I know you are)…congratulations! You are now free to resume your cross-dressing fetishes. Not to mention all the other fetishes.

    Time to celebrate, man! Go paint your nails, then stick a raw chicken or two up your butt for me, buddy!


  331. Moore is STILL in federal custody.


  332. Pretty sure this is his new digs:



  333. Does anyone know where he is incarcerated at?
    God help us all!!!!!


  334. http://www.cdcr.ca.gov/Visitors/Inmate_Locator.html

    It takes about 7 days for an inmate to be put into the system after they have been tranferred from one Jail to another. But you have to call to find out the inmate information. 1-916-445-6713


  335. Sam, I don’t think he would be with the CDC, since he is in federal custody.

    My research indicates that he is most likely housed at the The Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC) in Los Angeles. Here:


    LOS ANGELES, CA 90012

    Phone: 213-485-0439
    Fax: 213-253-9510
    E-mail address: LOS/EXECASSISTANT@BOP.GOV2

    I could be wrong, but I would bet that this is the place.


  336. Since Moore is not anywhere to be found, maybe he is 1) Dead 2) out

    If he was in jail somewhere, he would be listed somewhere. Whats the Deal!


  337. Thank you Bonnie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I can sleep.


  338. Wow..a lot has happened since my last post. All I know is he MUST still be incarcerated because nothing bad or strange has happened to me. I would put “lol” but it’s really not funny since it’s true.

    I haven’t read the article that everyone is so upset about but even without reading it I would have to say, and just IMHO, it may seem slanted if she just reported on the defense side but it doesn’t necessarily make the article biased. It just seems that it didn’t give all the information that everyone wanted to know and don’t forget that part of her job, or at least keeping her job, would be to report what is going to sell.. which is obviously controversy.

    As for the TZ person.. believe me, if I could just “move on” it would be done. I live my life and don’t dwell in the Brian BS but it is ALWAYS something that lingers over my head, like many others here, simply for the fact that once he is put to trial for the murder I will have to testify. I will have to put whatever “moving on” I’ve done on hold so I can once again be immersed in the toxicity that is known as Brian Moore. So forgetting about it will never be a possibility because of the kind of person he is and the things he has done. As for moving on..yeah about as much as possible considering the circumstances, especially when this man has attempted to run my name through the dirt here online as well as making personal attacks directly to me and my family. Moving on and becoming too comfortable is a bit of a scary prospect.

    The definition of ignorance is the lack of knowledge and it is said that ignorance is bliss so in this case all I have to say to M. Sosalita is ENJOY THE BLISS…WISH I COULD!!!


  339. There was reassurance that Brian Moore is still in Federal custody. I spoke to Mary with the Victims Witness Program in Spokane. They fought hard to keep him in jail, and of course we know the outcome. Not 100% sure if he is in WA. State still, but even if he has been brought here, we might not be able to find him until he is acually sentenced. When he was released to the Feds, the State was no longer in charge of him, and they did not really seem to know @ this point where he is. Paperwork has already been filed here and the USA Attorney’s name is Robert J. Keenan. 714-338-3708 Santa Ana

    None of this is really a big deal to anyone, but I just wanted to share what I know and was told.
    He is still incarcerated and that is good enough for me. When I know his court date, I will post.


  340. Not a big deal? Who are you, it is a big deal. By the way, his charges are beatable, yes it may take time for his Fereral issues, but the charges are beatable. Not to nice for your own siblings to throw you under the bus, their word against his.


  341. Believe it or not, his charges in Spokane are beatable too. If they were so sure of a conviction, and MURDER is the charge here, they could have gone forward, but it seems they need to collect or TRY to collect more evidence. Apparently there was not enough or they would have gone fwrd.


  342. His current home……


  343. I seen yesterday that the Jail was in Seattle, but now looks like he is somewhere else. Here is the link below. “Oklahoma” ????



  344. Oh right – Chris – lying to your family, cheating on your wife and denying them are all ok things to do. Can’t imagine why any of them would want to see him pay – can you? Yeah THEY are the bad ones. What a moron you are.
    I really hope you aren’t Dale’s son.


  345. Chris – your statements are incredibly naive. You obviously don’t know much about the law and even less about the kind of person Brian Moore REALLY is. EVERY charge that goes to court is beatable. Sometimes people get acquitted because they truly are innocent of the alleged crimes. Other times the guilty are set free due to the circumstances of the case, the defense team they have hired, or the particular jury that is hearing the case. Anyone who doesn’t believe that can simply look at the OJ Simpson case. How do you think someone can be found “not guilty” in a criminal trial and then be found liable for a wrongful death suit in a civil court? The reason is because in a criminal trial, guilt has to be proven beyond a “reasonable doubt” and the burden of proof is on the prosecution, whereas in a civil trial there is no burden of proof and it is decided based on a preponderance of the evidence..or in other words, whoever presents the better case. Rules of evidence are different and many other factors… so regardless of what Brian may have you or anyone else duped into believing, just remember this: A NOT GUILTY VERDICT IS NEVER THE EQUIVALENT OF INNOCENCE!!!!!


    • 1st Amendment Luv,

      Thank you so much for that! An acquittal DOES NOT mean factual innocence. And I wish people would remember that. After one defendant was acquitted that I had posted on, his lawyer email me to gloat, and I reminded him of the same.


  346. Just noticed that Brian Moore filed for divorce on Sept. 30th. Can someone who is in jail file even though they are incarcerated? Here is the link…



  347. Maybe now she can have a normal life. Interesting how he filed for a divorce being in jail.
    But apparently its possible. Looks like he requested for the court fees to be waived.


  348. Someone had a good point, maybe he wants half his assets to pay for his Legal Defense. It makes sense since he is broke.


  349. LMAO..I’ll bet he’s doing his own paperwork too since it doesn’t show him having representation. He hasn’t served her yet either, or if he’s had her served he hasn’t had the Proof of Service filed yet. So she may not even know about this yet. But if she does know about it she shouldn’t be too worried.. actually handling a dissolution from beginning to end and not screwing the whole thing up was never Brian’s strong point. He’ll be lucky if his paperwork isn’t rejected about 10 times before he can figure out what he’s doing wrong. Ok…just had to go off on my little tangent of bashing his paralegal skills for a moment only because I know his REAL skill level better than ANYONE else… so this is one post Brian could try to say is libel all he wants but we both know the absolute defense to libel is that one has told the truth… so I’m totally golden here!!! LMAO


  350. He will probably marry Shellye’s sister after his divorce is Final, that, or get marries=d to Shellye by Proxy…


  351. How is he going to appear in court with no attorney?


  352. Is he gonna have Cindy serve it? Hahahaha…


  353. Is this ‘Chris’, Shellye and Dale’s son?


  354. If this Chris poster here is their son, you are being dragged into a mess I’m afraid by Brian, and your’e life will get into a spiral motion going down hill if you are letting him influence you?

    I hope it’s not their son, I hope the son is smarter than that, and will get on with his life without Brian in it.

    If you can’t see through his b.s. by now, there may not be hope for anyone who believe’s him still at this point.
    Even if eventually Brian beats all the charges, his life is done. He has no credibility, it’s to bad it took all of this for people to see through his big talk. I caught on to his b.s. pretty much early on. He’s a joke. To think there are thousands of people with his warped sense of justice, and ethics, morals, and way of living life out there, it scares me. Con men/women are scary people. Look at Bernie Maddox, he seemed to be authentic to so many, the man was a con man, just like Brian, but Brian took it to another level, murder!


  355. Ya, and if u think loyalty to him will be rewarded–think again. He just thinks its funny that he is able to manipulate and screw you over–again and again. He perceives loyalty and any other decent characteristic as weakness, and privately gets off on the feeling of superiority that he is able to get over on you and you still are loyal to him.

    You might think that, because of the things he says he is on your side. He’s not. He is totally and completely full of sh**. He only says those things so that he can continue manipulating you.

    And don’t think for one second that by defending Shellye he was doing anything but trying to save his own hide. Now he only has a few people left who believe his BS, and he is using every manipulative trick in the book to use them to his advantage. He is USING YOU!! Wake up!! He doesn’t give a rat’s a** whether you live or die, or about anyone but his selfish self. He doesn’t feel sorry about what happened–he feels sorry for himself that he got caught.

    Everything he touches turns to crap and every life he touches he ruins. Look at how bad he has already screwed up your life. Get away from this LOSER NOW!! It only gets worse from here…believe me. I have nothing to gain from telling you this, but he has everything to gain from continuing to use and manipulate you.


  356. I know his scam so well, I can outline it and his lies right here. It goes like this:

    First, he probably flashed a lot of money around (money he STOLE, FYI) and built himself up by telling all kinds of BS lies about himself and his past.

    Next, he became the “benevolent friend” and “trusted advisor”, perhaps giving you some money…a car…whatever. He promised (with his great legal genius, CIA/Marine skills…whatever) to fix some problem for you, and said just to rely on him. He got you to open up to him, and in the process, tell him some things that were private. This was so he could have these to use against you.

    He then began to assume a bigger and bigger role in your life, taking control of more and more, and promising more and more. He told you “not to worry about it”, that he was taking care of everything and everything was under control. And during this time, he probably was putting spy ware on your computer, etc…and otherwise gathering as much info on you as he could. Eventually he made it so that you were almost entirely reliant on him to do anything.

    Next, things started to turn to sh**. He apologized profusely, pretending to take responsibility. He begged for forgiveness. But really, he wasn’t taking responsibility–he was actually blaming everything on everyone else. This is his subtle way of acting like he is taking responsibility, so he seemed like a stand-up guy…and at the same time, putting the idea in your mind that it was someone else’s fault.

    We we start getting into the “poor me” BS. Now he is the one who needs help, because he has gotten screwed…and all he was trying to do was the “right thing”. He was only trying to help…and he ended up getting screwed. And now no one will help him, and you are his only hope. Nothing is his fault. Since he established his “credibility” by pretending to admit he was at fault for certain things in the past, he can now insist that everything is everyone else’s fault, with some degree of “credibility”. He may even believe this…in his deluded, sociopath mind. Most criminals do.

    He says to stick with him and together we will beat this thing. It is beatable…they don’t have a case…blah, blah, blah…

    He says that, secretly, between you and him, he has some sort of secret stash or source of money somewhere that he has been hiding. Once he gets out, he is going to make good on everything, pay you back tenfold, etc., ect… You and him and everyone else who stood by him will be handsomely rewarded…and will live happily ever after in freedom and prosperity. But you can’t tell anyone…

    In between all of this, he has told you every lie in the book, and then some. You may have seen a “red flag” here and there…may have been concerned or suspicious at times. But somehow he manages to win back your confidence and make you feel that everything will be all right–that he has your back and is on your side.

    He is not on your side. There is no secret stash of money. If there was, why wouldn’t he be using it? Even if he is acquitted–he will have nothing. He will continue to sponge off of you for as long as he can until you are either used up, your life is ruined, you have nothing more that he needs or wants, or you figure him out and get him out of your life.

    Its the same BS over and over. Its the same game he has been playing for years and years before you ever met him. Ever wonder why he has no friends (other than you) and his family has disowned him? Ever wonder why all of these people are posting here who have all been screwed by him? You think he has changed? No, he has just moved on to you and you are his latest victim. He is a vampire…a parasite. The people posting here are not “crazy”. They are victims who have all been screwed by some version of this scam I described above. Don’t think for one second that he has changed his ways, is “in love” or that you are somehow “special” and different then anyone else he has screwed. If you read all of this, and you still have anything to do with him, then that is on you and you have no one to blame but yourself when he screws you too.


  357. This Chris person, are you Christopher Stark? Who else would defend this sorry excuse of a man, human, etc, etc. Believe 2Cent, take my word, its just a metter of time, but look back when Shellye was out back in jail after her Trial started, he “BOLTED”. What does that tell you. He drove back to California in that nice little sports car that your money paid for. If it means anything to you, he had told me once that he was thinking about buying that same car. He asked me for my opinion of what I thought about that car.
    He did not drive straight from Spokane to Anaheim neither, he made a pit stop in Vegas for a short period of time to visit another love interest after his so-called Fiance was Convicted. When her guilty verdict came back, he was nowhere to be found, he left town quicker than you can imagine. Tells Shellye’s sister he was gonna run to the store, and was gone. Never returned.
    How in the hell can her family believe in him still, its sort of like the David Koresh dude in Texas. The only difference here is that Shellye’s family look like a bunch of Hillbillies.
    Wonder what his intentions are once he is divorced. Get married to Shellye by “Proxy” so she cannot testify against him maybe? Or even get married to her sister who supported him in Court last in Spokane, he is up to something, and I don’t give a rats ass what it is, I am just happy he is still in jail and further away from all of us.



  358. Just a note, your comparison to David Koresh was right on the money. I was thinking the exact same thing. Its the same manipulation game. The same elements are there. He gets in your head, he assumes control over everything, he presents himself as the “all powerful” solution to all your problems, he promises to reward your loyalty with some big payoff in the end (can compare this to “eternal life” or “heaven” promised by cult leaders), and he fosters the “its us against the world” persecuted mentality. Exact same elements as the Koresh manipulation game. Plus, like Koresh, he uses sex as a tool of manipulation and control. I guess Brian could have a career as a cult leader if he ever gets out!


  359. Except he would no doubt screw it up royally, since that is what he does! Probably would end up like some Waco Texas scene…


  360. Right. Brian is EXACTLY like David Koresh, except for the whole part about the mass killing of people. Yeah, exactly the same. GENIUSES. And by the way, for all you posters, it’s “I SAW…” not “I SEEN” My eyes burn every time you post “I SEEN.” Every. Single. Time.


  361. Reader – I couldn’t have said it better myself. I seen – just sounds so … uneducated.

    Please use proper grammar!!!! And spelling!!!


  362. I am eduacated, maybe I am not a Harvard student, but I am not stupid.
    Geez people, sorry that my posting is not to your satisfaction.


  363. Educated, sorry. You did not say I was stupid but thats how you made me feel.


  364. Shellye’s sister

    Chris Stark
    He now resides in Long Beach California. Brian probably talked him into moving here so he can milk him for his money to pay for his Federal charges if Chris even has any left that is.

    Dale Johnson


  365. Reader, get you facts straight. Koresh didn’t kill mass amounts of people. The GOVERNMENT did when they raided his compound. But that is a whole other topic entirely…

    Brian a genius?? You must be kidding… I don’t know if you meant that ironically or not, but I certainly hope so. If he was a genius he wouldn’t be sitting in jail right now. His whole life has been a comedy of errors, and this last chapter has been the most pathetic. He is a LOSER, not a genius.

    It doesn’t take a genius to be manipulative and morally bankrupt. Just look at any common criminal or scam artist. It just takes a moral degenerate who is willing to do and/or say anything and doesn’t care about anyone else.


  366. Brian is in Transit again. Look later on the BOP list to see where they took him this time..


  367. Did Brian really beat the Federal charges? Rumor has it he is on his way back to California.


    • I don’t know who is starting these rumors, but to my knowledge it is not true. He has not even been tried yet. He is just starting the process. The federal system takes longer than the State.


  368. Eric,
    Your info aka “Rumor” in WRONG!!!! He is being moved to another facility and has not had a Hearing yet. Like mylifeofcrime said, your info in incorrect. He will not be out for a very long while.
    Let me guess, are you the Eric who worked with him just before he closed his office, or should I say when it went down the tubes? Who told you that rumor..


  369. His court date is Nov. 17th 10 am Santa Ana.
    He has to remain in jail. No Bail. Government granted request by the US Attorney. Brian also requested the 5th and 6th. He refuses to talk and have his PD speak for him, and the 6th is for a speedy Trial. Good luck with that. Someone must be a baby and not want to rot in jail.

    He is considered a Flight Risk, so he will not be aloud out!!!! Unless he wins his case, but I don’t think he will…………


  370. I’d be willing to bet he won’t be getting out of custody for a very long time.
    If, which I highly doubt, he can beat this trial, he’ll still go up for murder charges when this is done with.

    What makes anyone think he can beat the Feds though? I would think they are a bit smarter than Brian, and they don’t do drugs, like Brian, so they have a better start on this trial.

    I’ll also bet that Brian is making some nice friends where he is? I’ve heard that being in jail is fun for homo’s, makes the time go a little faster, and you know that he must be like a caged animal by now? Hahaha, just think, if he hadn’t come up with the stupid idea to have Shellye kill her husband, and make up all those stupid lies about him, and forge documents to Insurance co.’s, he would’nt be where he sits today?

    My bet goes this way. Even if he ever beat all this, his life is over. He would have to start all over somewhere that people don’t know him. He’s a little old to start over but I quess a good scam artist can do just that. What a life. Would’nt wish it on my worse enemy’s!!


  371. He is officially charged now, and I do believe he has a bail hearing Nov. 16th 10 am. Hopefully his bail will be denied. He is a flight risk and a threat to the Public/Society, according to the dockets filed, but we knew that before hand anyway. I have a strong feeling he will not be around for awhile.


  372. 26:5861(d) is for the weapons charge. . . what happen to the drug charge?


  373. Temecula,
    Thats a good question about the Marijuana charges. I really do not know. Not too sure how much was growing, but to my knowledge he had a nice little growth in the warehouse. He claimed to have had a license to grow for medicinal purposes, but again, everything he said was a lie.

    He has a Bail hearing tomorrow morning @ 10 am. Hopefully he will be denied. I have access to the docket information, so when I find out, I will post for those who are interested. This whole Brian/Shellye thing has become old and Boring. Eventually this blog will pick up again. Trying to find out when Spokane will file again for his Murder charges.
    He did ask for the 5th which is to remain silent and have his PD talk for him. But it looks to me that if someone who has always claimed to be innocent, would’nt they want to talk, speak their mind and defend themself? He did not even speak on behalf of Shellye, never even tried to defend her, hell, never showed up in court. He bailed, and ran like the queer that he is, 1 BIG PUSSY!!
    He tried to defend her in emails, and comments, but @ the same time was threatening individuals trying to tell everyone they were crazy. Not her!

    We all know the truth, so hopefully justice will be served. As far as Spokan goes, I hope they have enough to put him away. Maybe get more time than Shellye Stark. Only time will tell.


  374. Here is the latest:
    It does look like he has been denied bail, he is still in custody. Here is the link below with some detail as to what is gonna happen.



  375. I thought they had more charges than that on him down here?
    I can’t imagine him getting much time for that one charge here?
    Maybe he’s pleading down or up to get some charges dropped? I have not a clue how that stuff works, so I’m really talking %$^%$ at this point?
    Why do they have a ‘pre-trial conference’, I can see them doing that on a murder trial, but for a ungegistered handgun I can’t see it?


  376. Thank you, Bonnie, if that’s you responding here to me?


  377. Too funny, lolol

    It looks like his Trial starts Dec. 29th. Hopefully Justice is served. Lets hope Spoake refiles within this next year. My question is, if and when he is convicted of the Federal Charge, he will be sentenced, Does he have to finish he sentence here, then be taken back to Spokane? I am not sure sure how the system works. I just keep thinking to myself, he is still in jail, that’s what is important here. He was denied bail @ his hearing, so that just goes to show me, the Feds have the upper arm here. Just a thought.

    Everyone have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.


  378. Shellye has a Sentence Modification Dec. 29th. This means:

    Motions for sentence modification typically involve a two-step process. First, the defendant must demonstrate the existence of a new factor. If he or she does so, then the trial court must determine whether the new factor justifies modification of the sentence.

    A defendant must establish the existence of a new factor by clear and convincing evidence. The issue of whether a set of facts constitutes a “new factor” for sentencing purposes presents a question of law which may be eviewed without deference to the trial court.

    A “new factor” is a fact or set of facts highly relevant to the imposition of sentence but not known to the trial judge at the time of sentencing, either because it was not then in existence or because it was unknowingly overlooked by all of the parties. In addition, it must be an event or development which frustrates the purpose of the original sentence. There must be some connection between the factor and the sentencing which strikes at the very purpose of the sentence selected by the trial court.


  379. Come join the “Brian L. Moore Appreciation Society” on Facebook!



  380. Is today the start of monkey boy’s trial?


  381. Yes, his Trial has been moved to May 13th, 2010. His Defense had asked for more time to prepare for his Trial. So it looks like he will spend 1/2 of the new year incarcerated, then if and when he is convicted of the charge, he will likely spend the next 2 years if not more in, Federal Prison where he belongs. Not too sure what kind of time is issued for Crimes like this. I understand that once he faces the Federal Time/ Charges, he then will have to deal with Spokane. Hopefully they follow thru with his charges out there for 1st Degree and Pre-Meditated Murder. Only time will tell.


  382. Brian’s attorneys asking for more time? That proves my theory that he wants to stay in prison. After all, he has tons of money stashed away…so he could easily bail out if he wanted. Not to mention all of his “Ex-Marine”, CIA and shadow-government spook connections.

    Our boy must be on a super secret black ops “undercover” mission. And I’m sure he is enjoying himself in there with all the fellas… Havin’ himself a gay ole time, no doubt.

    What a gay… I mean, what a guy!


  383. Well it’s good to know that Snidely Whiplash is still behind bars…but does anyone know what happened with his dog, Muttley’s, sentencing modification on the 29th???


  384. To me, it appeared Shellye’s attorney filed for 2 motions: one to modify her sentence and another for the return of seized property..to which both motions seem to have been denied.

    What will they come up with next?

    It also looked as if a “no contact” order had been lifted, or something to that effect. Wonder what, or who, that was about. I would think that her and Brian would still be barred from communication with each other due to his case. But if he isn’t currently charged with anything regarding Dale Stark, it might not apply any more. If that’s the case, it may end up hurting the prosecutions case later if those two are given more time to collaborate with each other. Hopefully any correspondence is gone through with a fine tooth comb!!


  385. I believe the motion was to lift the no contact order between her and Brian but, that motion was denied. As both that were filed were denied. So, no she shouldn’t be able to contact Brian still. As they know after his other charges, Spokane is going to refile their charges.


  386. Maybe she wanted the no contact order lifted for her and her son – which is still a direct conduit to B boy.


  387. Ok, I looked again and you’re right. It says the hearing was on a motion to lift the “no contact” order and the return of seized property and both were denied. What had me confused was how they show the filed motions initially. It appears there is one for the return of property and the other says motion for modification of sentence. So was the “no contact” order the part of her sentence they wanted to modify? Well I guess it doesn’t really matter since once again she was denied…

    Nunya, I’m not too sure they would base the ruling on the future possibility of charges being filed. There might be other reasons because until they actually refile the charges anything could happen. They may decide to be satisfied with the outcome of the Federal case and no longer want to pursue the charges. I hate to be the pessimist about it but so many things have been changed and so many wrenches thrown in the works along the way it’s rather hard to believe everything is just gonna go with the flow and progress smoothly. That hasn’t really been an ongoing theme with this case…

    Well enough of me being a total downer, I’ll try to be more positive next time.


  388. How could the 2 of them communicate anyway – even if the judge lifted the no contact order – it’s not as if they can just pick up a cell phone and call!!! Isn’t communication kinda difficult when you’re in jail/prison? I didn’t think 1 inmate could call another inmate at all. So what in the world do they care about the order being lifted for??


  389. Be sure that Shellye and Brian have found a way to communicate. He is chummy with her sister Donna Haggerty. She probably visits Shellye, she gives her letters, then probably forwards them to Brian out in California. He is in Santa Ana Jail, but in holding til his Trial starts. He gets a visitor by the name of Lucinda but goes by Cindy. Apparently she is one of his “gophers”.


  390. I’ve heard of Cindy – Didn’t she used to work for him? What a pathetic dumb broad. I almost feel sorry for her – but with the overwhelming evidence of his being at the very least a total creep -never mind criminal – and she chooses to ignore all that for whatever reason – love?? She’s on her own. The world knows about BikerHomo now and she’s reading this blog I guarantee it. But since she is still drinking the kool-aid – he has yet another victim sucking up his malarkey. She has been made aware of his true nature – and yet still chooses to be his lackey and if she’s not very very careful – an accomplice. I can’t imagine what a pitiful creature she must be that she feels she has no other options but believing this piece of shit and helping him. You just can’t fix stupid.


  391. Where is Lawfan when we need him?
    There is apparently a lot of new stuff coming out of Spokane, but what? Fill us in, Lawfan, please.

    Liked by 1 person

  392. Anyone else heard anything?


  393. There was apparently some kind of jury trial yesterday, continuing today, but I don’t have details. I got this 3rd hand, but apparently Stark and family were there and Moore.


    • I don’t believe this to be true, but I could be wrong. Shelley was convicted earlier in the year. Moore’s federal trial is in May and last I heard he was in an Oklahoma City federal prison.

      Neither Brian Moore or Shellye Stark are listed as inmates in the Spokane County Jail either. If Moore was here for a trial, he would be staying in that jail.

      And I could not find anything in the court listings.


  394. I am well aware of this. I could be wrong, but I believe this is to do with the insurance money, forgery, etc. The latest I have is that today’s trial has been postponed until Monday to give them time to select another jury.
    Bonnie, this is all I know, so if you can find Lawfan then perhaps we will get details because I don’t have any. It has to be big if the whole gang are there and there is a jury.
    Incidentally, I do believe Moore has been back in Orange County for some time now. As far as I know he is in Spokane at the moment.


    • Then where is he being held? I called the jail and they said he was not there. Since he is technically in the custody of the feds, he cannot be at a hotel, motel or someone’s home. He has to be held at a jail. And you specificially said you KNOW he is in Spokane right now.

      I think you know more than you are saying. If you cannot or will not be completely truthful, then don’t just say half-truths.


  395. Yes, Moore has been back in OC for sometime, your absolutely right on that, but I find it hard to believe he would be back there for that, the time, and money for them to have him be flown out there would be tremendous. There are no documentations of anything that has happened in the courts in Spokane, nothing. No filings, etc, etc. So please enlighten us as to what you can find out. I do know that he will be charged with Forgery, but that will probably be addressed when he faces the Murder charges. We’ll see.


  396. Look, I am not being secreative or anything. I just don’t know the facts. All I know is that I can’t get anything on the news channels and I am getting my information from a third hand party, who could care less about this trial. There seems to be a “block” on the news at the moment, but this 3rd hand party was able to tell me Dennise (the mother of Shellye), Curt (the father), Christopher, (Son of Dale & Shellye), Dale (nephew), Karyn, Brian, and someone named Ellen (presumably, Brian’s mom or family member) were in court today. They had to adjurn because they didn’t have a full jury. They will continue on Monday. Honestly, that is all I know. I have been following this trial like the majority of you, but that is all I know at this time. The information was received from The Spokesman, but I can’t bring it up, so there has to be a local block on it for some reason. Krem also had a piece on it yesterday that is apparently blocked. Go figure! Find our source, Lawfan, and he will be able to fill us all in.


    • Is this “third party” a member of either Shellye’s family or Brian’s family?

      I will call the court again tomorrow and tell them what you have posted (even though they told me different today). I am calling KREM now and then The Spokesman and give them the info you have posted (including your info that they are blocking the news). I will update as I get more info.

      I just got off of the phone with the webmaster for KREM. I was told that they have had no stories about Shellye, Brian or Dale since December. They did post anything and then remove it. Nothing. They were not happy that you accused them of removing a news story either..


  397. I did not accuse them of removing a story. I said it would appear to be blocked. I certainly couldn’t pick it up but my friend was reading it to me as it came up on her screen. It didn’t make any sense to her because she doesn’t know these people anymore than I do. Let’s wait until next week and see what happens.
    Remember 67 years and 3 months as a new sentence for Shellye. If this doesn’t prove true then I will eat my words.


    • I believe Shellye’s request for a new sentencing trial was denied in Dec. She can appeal that, but it goes to the State Supreme court and would not have been heard yet. Too soon. And the Prosecutors office does not know about any change in Shellye’s sentence.

      Which court exactly were they going to? OH, and KREM said they did not block the story either. They have just plain not done anything on either of these two since Dec.


  398. Moore’s mother’s name is Juanita, not Ellen, so whoever this Ellen is, they are probably on the Stark side. I doubt very much family from the Moore side would fly out to Spokane. Brian is in Orange County Jail in holding til his Trial, and he will not be listed as an inmate til he is charged and booked. Thats if they come back with a Guilty Verdict and I am sure they will. I find it not likely that he is currently in Spokane facing Forgery Charges. I know there will be charges, but no record of it being filed as of yet. That will be addressed when the Murder Charges are refiled. All I know is that is will be in the near future. My info that I receieve is current and correct. Please do share what you do find out, But there is a feeling that your souce is not up to date with their current events. Lawafn is always good about posting when things happen. “FYI” That is a source we can count on “100%”


    • And according to lawfan, nothing is going on at this time.


      The only thing that I can find that this could be about is this:


      Shellye Stark’s father, Curtis A. Johnson, has been charged with identity theft after allegedly forging Dale Stark’s, the murder victim, signature on 2 checks, taking money out of Dale Stark’s account. If these charges are true, that is a low and heinous act against a dead man, that his daughter has been convicted of killing. There is no excuse for doing such a thing. He is going to trial next month, in March. He was charged in November with this crime. Read the article. Brian Moore is still in a Santa Ana jail. He has not been brought here for this, and I doubt he will be. And it was not continued until Monday. The trial was set for March. Unless Shellye is called to testify, she will not be there either.

      Here is the Court Case Summary:

      Court: Spokane Superior
      Case Number: 09-1-04388-5

      Sub Docket Date Docket Code Docket Description Misc Info
      1 11-25-2009 INFO Information
      2 11-25-2009 STTF Statement Of Facts
      3 11-30-2009 CR Certificate Of Address Search
      4 11-30-2009 SM Summons
      – 12-07-2009 ARRAIGN
      JDG0035 Initial Arraignment
      Judge Ellen Kalama Clark Id#70
      5 12-07-2009 ORSTD
      JDG0035 Order Setting Trial Date
      Judge Ellen Kalama Clark Id#70 03-01-2010TA
      6 12-07-2009 OMAPA Omnibus Application Of Pros Atty
      7 12-07-2009 ORECRP
      JDG0035 Order Establishing Cond. Of Release
      Judge Ellen Kalama Clark Id#70
      8 12-07-2009 ORD
      JDG0035 Order Of Disposition / Booking
      Judge Ellen Kalama Clark Id#70
      9 12-08-2009 NTAPR
      ATD0001 Notice Of Appearance
      Staab, Scott R.
      10 12-17-2009 NTAPR
      ATD0001 Notice Of Appearance
      Staab, Scott R.

      It does not show any kind of court appearance for this week at all. His trial is set for 3/1/2010, as set in the 12/07/2009 arraignment.


  399. That was my reason for coming in and asking for lawfan’s assistance. I couldn’t find anything on it either. According to my friend, they added another 15 years on to Shellye’s sentence and ordered restitution. I don’t know anything about the other guy except they added 15 counts of forgery to his list. It did say he was in the house at the time of the shooting and was armed. That’s all I know.
    Let’s wait and see what turns up next week. It is supposed to resume on Monday if they have a full jury. I hope everyone keeps their eyes open for updates. Obviously, my friend didn’t imagine this much information, but somebody is keeping it under wraps, that’s for sure.


  400. I will retreat gracefully but will be keeping an eye on Spokane next week and hope you will too.


  401. Yes, Lucinda is the same “Cindy” that worked or should I say “slaved” for Brian. At this point, I can’t feel any sympathy for her or what she’s keeping herself involved in because she has been informed in depth as to what Brian is really all about. But the sad truth is she already knows deep down. All I can guess is that she is probably used to people treating her like crap, which Brian did in abundance, so maybe that’s normal in her life. I’m sure it helps to keep her in denial. That’s what is truly sad…for her to think she deserves to be treated no better than that. I think she really is a good person…just very misguided.


  402. I am not suprised he was charged with that. Would like to see Shellye’s sister get charged as well. After all she did provide Shellye the gun that killed Dale Stark. Brian Moore’s time is soon to come. His case is still actively being worked on and there will be charges refiled soon. I know that first hand. Looks like the Old Bastard is going blind.


  403. Great news about old Curtis A. (Asshole) Johnson.
    So what is the maximum sentence this son of a bitch can get?
    I hope he receives every day possible!
    Just think at age 69 he just might die in prison. 🙂

    I hope they keep chipping away at the whole hillbilly clan!


  404. To answer your question above about which court, Bonnie. It would be Superior Court. I just checked and this is Monday’s schedule.

    Monday, February 08, 2010
    8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
    Out Of Custody Omnibus Hearing
    2009-01-04388-5 STATE v. JOHNSON, CURTIS A
    Identity Theft-1D
    Prosecutor: Sterett, R Reese
    Defender: Staab, Scott R.

    (I notice on Feb 12, 2010, Judge Ellen Clark, has “2 restricted cases” 3:30 – 4:00pm. I wonder if there is any connection?)

    They apparently are not holding BM in the County Jail, but Airway Heights Corrections Center is only 10 miles west of Spokane, and I am sure there are others. Incidentally, he is not listed in Orange County Jail currently. He was there last time I checked. If they check out during the prior 60-90 days then they will not show up on the inmate roster. (That little bit of information flashed on my screen as I was reading it.)

    You will notice, Johnson is only charged with 1 case of identity theft (1D). It would appear they are going to chip piece by piece until they find out what happened to Dale’s money, in my humble opinion.


  405. Incidentally, in case some of you don’t know, an “Omnibus Hearing” is a pretrial hearing and a hearing where many items can be discussed and considered.


  406. http://www.doc.wa.gov/facilities/prison/micc/default.asp

    This is where Shelley’s Father is being held.


    • I read that he posted bond in Dec. and was released. Maybe I am mistaken. But also, that is a prison. Until he is convicted, I doubt he will be in the prison. He would be in a county jail if incarcerated.


  407. Well what is up with this??? I went to the Spokesman website to read the latest story about Shellye’s father and all I saw was 2 paragraphs then this little notice:

    The full version of this story is available to Spokesman-Review print and online premium subscribers. If you are a print or online premium subscriber, you are entitled to full access to all Spokesman.com content.

    Grrrrrrrrr…talk about irritating. I know all about freedom of the press but what about freedom of the nosy readers??? LOL Just kidding, but it did annoy me that I couldn’t read the whole story and I’m sure not going to pay for it…since someone probably figured a way so the money would probably end up going to Brian’s defense fund anyway. (again…just kidding) Sorry, I sometimes have a strange sense of humor…


  408. what is the link to Meghann’s blog?

    note from blog owner

    Sorry about that! Here you go:



  409. Wow.. Guess shutting up and keeping one’s mouth shut really is a lost art. As I have been accused of making “other” postings to this site, I just figured you should really have the facts and as this is my first and hopefully only posting to this site I will make, please allow me to convey the following.

    #1 For more than (20) years Brian Moore has been an acquaintance/friend of mine. I doubt seriously if any of “you” case experts really know Brian.

    #2 Unless you’re perfect don’t throw stones, but O.K. so let’s say the man had/has some fetishes, while I never observed this; let’s just say your “suspicions” are correct. BIG DEAL! As the roman senate would say, “I think he/she protest too much.” Are “we” afraid someone might find out of our participation, involvement or like interest? You know who you are.

    #3 Criminal Justice trials are a constitutional right; we are judged by our peers and treated accordingly. Not to say a perfect system, but a necessary part of our free society and above all else must be protected. I truly am disgusted by those who are willing to judge and condemn without trial. Seems that some have their own agenda of revenge, petty bickering and hurt egos.

    #4 Keep calling names, he’s a crook, he’s a snake, etc. (your opinion) But I don’t believe he’s a murderer. This juvenile practice being displayed in these postings won’t change the facts or the outcome. Be cautious about bearing false witness it’s bad for the karma.

    #5 Ultimately you need to stop attacking the innocent or those that disagree with your opinions. Justice will be found, you may not like the results or agree with penalties, but it will be fair and from what I have read here (thankfully) impartial.


  410. Hey Eric,
    Nice to see you made it here. We appreciate your comment, and yes what everyone has to say here is strictly their own thoughts and opinions. From what I understand you worked with Brian in his office In OC for awhile. Thats until he closed shop. He had mentioned you and had said the both of you were close friends. Thats cool, and yes, what happend with him is in the hands of the Judge and Jury. What everyone else has to say will and does not matter, not 1 bit, besides those who have to Testify against him in Spokane. “You all know who you are” Good luck with that. I don’t feel he is guilty of muder, but he is guilty of many other things, to which alot of us here are. For all of you who condemn Brian Moore on this blog, this is a freedom of Speech Blog, but do be careful what you say. What Eric has to say about “KARMA” is so true. Let the courts handle Moore accordingly, and the right choice/decision will be made. You wonder why the State of Washington dismissed the charges? Think about it, he is innocent of Murder, as far as being involved in crooked stuff, perhaps he was, but you are not one to judge unless you know the facts and the truth about Brian Moore. We all have a dark side, nobody is perfect. Just go on with your lives and let Brian deal with his issues on his own, besides, his family reads this Blog, so leave the man alone, they hurt enough, so by reading this will not make things any better for them.


    • Chris,

      Actually the State of Washing IS planning on refiling those charges. They dropped them temporarily so he could go through the federal courts. I have this from a good authority too. It was not because of innocence or no evidence. They have evidence and are still working on the case. Where on earth did you get that they permanently dropped the charges? It has been stated several time, here and in the newspapers and tv stations and in the courtroom that the charges were not being permanently dropped.

      I find it humorous that so many of you tell people to stop saying this or stop saying that, etc. when this is a blog, a place for people to give their opinions. In fact, it is only your opinion that Brian is innocent. Unless you were there and know more. And obviously you don’t know all or you would know that some people are giving their opinions based on facts. Such as the fact that he and Shellye harassed ME thru email several times. And I have never met him or done anything to him. So I personally do not believe him to be a good person in any way, shape or form. His so-called “dark side” includes criminal behavior and degrading women. Do you think that is what a good person would do??


  411. I was not aware that the case was only temporarily dismissed, I aplogize about that. I just don’t feel he is guilty of Murder. I am not a Fan of Moore’s but I am not an enemy neither. I suppose I better do more research, sorry for the disrespect. I do know Eric worked for him and they are close.


  412. Chris – I was an innocent victim of Brian’s. I thought he and I had a realationship. He lied to me over and over and over about virtually every aspect of his life. I never knew he was married until I found out he was cheating on me to be with Shellye – and then consequently I found out he had been married all along. Along with many other lies.

    On what planet do I deserve bad karma for being the victim of this man’s lies and letting the world know how and what he lied about????????

    Shouldn’t HE be ALOT more worried about the bad karma he’s going to reap for the lies he has told to his wife, family, me and everyone else????????????????? And that doesn’t even include the fact that he threatened me with harm and made up a bunch of lies and tried to post them here. So don’t come on here and threaten me with your bad karma BS. I know LOTS more that he’s done and can prove it.

    I know you say you didn’t mean any disrespect but please.

    Eric – you’re an idiot.


    • Thank you FEDUP. I am glad someone else spoke up. 🙂


      • Here is a comment I received in my email and I agreed to post it this way (and for the record, I do not know this person, nor did I write it, etc. )

        I met Brian thru a mutual friend , who had known him for about 3 years before I met him. He told me that he was special ops but in the Army/Navy he came from a military family, he was married but it did not work out, he told me he had a brother but never said anything about kids as I guess none where around yet. He came by my job and tried to hook up but I was not interested, we talk and one day when he came by as he was leaving he accused me of stealing 40.00 dollars from him, this pissed me off as I did not do this. “RED FLAG”. I told him I would never ask him about his work if he promised to never look into my pass ( I did not want to disclose much info about myself to him ) he said okay. One day he came by my job and to me I had to leave the state as my connection with him would result in some kind of injury to me and my family. At this time though I had already made arraignments to move out of state.

        Over the years, we continued to talk over the phone but he never made any effort to visit as he told me he could not come out to where I as because it would not be safe. Go figure.

        I even received a long distance call from him from Yugoslavia I had the phone bill to prove that call at one time. He said he had been shot due to a mission he was on………..?

        There are other things that happened over the years, but in 2005 I let this……..thing near my son, MY SON! I had gone out to Cali because my mom had passed away and we had decide to meet for dinner and my son and I did not want to be alone with him I do not even remember why I felt this way I even had my son sit next to me so he would not. During dinner he got a call saying he had to go to DC, he asked me to go with him,,,,,,,, I was there to bury my mom and he wanted me to just go with him and miss this. I said NO of course but I could not believe he asked that of me.

        I have letters, e-mails from him, and promises he made me, I am so glad I did not follow through with anything he asked me. At times my heart said YES but my HEAD said NO, I could not walk away from my kids.

        I remember when he told me he got married, and when his son was born and how proud he was to be a dad.

        Now I know why he called me and asked for 10 grand one day, good thing I said I did not have it. (as I did have the money at the time).

        I am ashamed to have called him a friend at one time. There is so much…………. and now I guess I never really knew him, did I.

        I hope that I can follow this crime as I feel dirty to say I knew him.


  413. Well Eric, thanks for proving the point that you can know someone for 20 years and still have no clue as to what they are capable of. Just the same as you can work with someone every day and not realize just how twisted they are.

    Just for example let’s look at Ann Rule, one of the most popular and well-known true crime authors. She was a police officer in Washington for years and at one time she contracted to write a book about a serial killer who’s identity was yet unknown. That serial killer turned out to be Ted Bundy, who also happened to be a close acquaintance of Rule’s as they were co-workers at, I believe, a suicide hot-line. That book was titled The Stranger Beside Me.

    Now I’m not suggesting that Brian is a serial killer but I am very much suggesting that blind loyalty to someone who always “seemed” like a nice guy is rather naive, especially considering the FACTS that have been stated..not just people’s opinions or anger. But the truth is that many of the people who post here have very legitimate reasons for being upset and/or angry because they have been victimized to one extent or the other by Brian personally. Now that doesn’t make him responsible for Dale’s death either, but all that information will come out at trial.

    But if it suits you to go through life wearing those rose colored glasses…good luck with that.


  414. By the way, I could be mistaken but I believe the Eric that worked in the office for a SHORT time was a friend of the attorney…not Brian.


  415. Eric was a friend of Brian’s.


  416. why was – does that mean he finally got a clue????


  417. Its been a long time since i have posted here. Brian is someone I have tried to forget about, and I have. But a few things did come to mind recently. His Trial is coming up in May. I will assume he is gonna get convicted, will he then be sent back to Washington State to face the murder charges of his Fiance’s passed husband? Justice needs to be served. A guy like this, meth head, hooker buying, cross dressing fag, liar, and an an insult to society, he needs to stay behind bars for a very long time. I have had many crossings with Brian, and that is in my past. There was a time back when he bought a new car, PT Cruiser, I had mentioned how cute of a car that was and said ” This is not you, I would picture you in a sportier car, and he said ” Its just a loaner, his bike was down. I did not question it, I did not care, after all, business is business. I seen a cute pair of High Heels in the back seat, and he gave them to me. Not sure to this day who the car belonged to or who the shoes belonged too, but they were sure cute. Now that the entire world knows Brian is Bi and a cross dresser, maybe he gave them to me because his feet were so fat! They reminded me of Fred Flintstones feet! Lets just hope he stays behind bars.


  418. Curtis Johnson’s trial is first. Shellye’s hillbilly daddy is up on identity theft / forgery. I hope the son of a bitch gets the max. Probably only 5 years. But he’s about 70 now. That could be a life sentence. We can only hope.
    Then come old monkey boy himself. The Federal charges first. Once convicted, Washington State will bring the hammer down on his cross dressing ass.

    I say life w/o parole. What say you? For the rest of the family . . . well only time will tell . . .but we can hope they get theirs also.


  419. Michelle, just to solve the PT Cruiser riddle for you… that was his wife’s car. Every once in awhile he would drive it into work rather than the Ducati. He would also occasionally drive a burgandy Ford Escort that was either his mother’s or mother-in-law’s…can’t remember which one now. As for the heels in the back seat, can’t solve that one but can only guess that they may have been his and he gave them up so the wife wouldn’t see them or he was giving away his wife’s shoes… I really can’t decide which is worse. This man never had and never will have a clue about boundaries, decency, ethics…wow this list could go on forever.


  420. He always told me the PT cruiser was his – I now know that it was his wife’s. The red escort he claimed to be his mother in law’s – at least that’s the variation of the story he told me. The shoes could have been anyone’s. Including his – depending on the size – he had really wide paddles for feet. As for me I can assure that the heels were not mine. I once found a piece of mail in that car with his wife’s name on it – when I questioned him about it and told him the address that was on it he started laughing at me and told me I got the street name wrong…by 1 letter. I now know that it was his feeble attempt to throw me off. He explained the mail as people still sent things in her name in spite of his attempts to alert all that she had passed away. WHAT BS!!!!!
    I sympathize with anyone who has been wronged by this man – in any way. Financially, emotionally, mentally, physically, professionally – any way he can and did commit atrocious crimes against womankind especially. I’ve grown weary looking over my shoulder but believe me I still do. He is still out there and it’s not over so don’t forget – be vigilant ladies. If any guys are out there and have figured out what a piece of shit he is – I don’t mean to leave you out. It’s just that his favorite target for emotional torture and humiliation is women. However I do know of at least 1 man who he must have seen as a threat and tried his best to cause him trouble. So far he succeeded only in pissing this man off. I hope he stays pissed!!!!!!!

    The whole Shellye clan has alot to answer for and so does “Brenda”.


  421. Trial is coming soon. YAYYYYY.. Status Conf is scheduled for May 3rd, 2010 2pm and Jury Trial is May 11th, 2010 8:30am. Santa Ana Federal Court house. Hopefully Justice is served. Anybody gonna go see “Brenda” get convicted?


  422. We will be there. To SUPPORT HIM!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, he does have friends and family who still care.


  423. Trial was posponed again to June 15th 9am and the Status Conf is June 7th 2pm.. His Attorney had requested this change..


  424. Hey if you still want to support a guy who’s lied and crapped on you virtually since the day you met him – be my guest. Until and unless the man grovels and apologizes for each and every offense he’s made to me and others and takes responsibility for all he’s done – I’ll continue to think he’s the piece of poo that he is. Keep in mind he’s tried to cause problems for people on this blog long after his hooker girlfriend got busted. You don’t really know all you think you do and if you did you would not stand by him. And if you do know everything – I can only say this – you’re a better Christian than I am.


    • Fedup,

      I agree completely, since I am another he tried to cause trouble for, but I must admit, it was very silly of him to try to threaten me the way he did.


  425. “Until and unless the man grovels and apologizes for each and every offense he’s made to me and others and takes responsibility for all he’s done – I’ll continue to think he’s the piece of poo that he is.”

    Fedup, you have to be stronger then that. He WILL grovel and beg and apologize…and then turn around and do the exact same thing again once your back is turned.

    This man is NO GOOD. PERIOD. I learned the hard way after forgiving him so many times…its just part of his act. It’s manipulation.

    I’m a forgiving person, but I have to draw the line somewhere. He could beg and plead and apologize to me all he likes…he is still a piece of crap and I would NEVER let him back into my life.


  426. And Kris, I feel sorry for you and for everyone else who still supports this man after all the wrong things he has done. He is toxic, and he will ruin your life if he has not done so already.

    You must really have a low self-esteem to continue to allow yourself to be crapped on by such a loser. Its pathetic.


  427. xyz – you’re right. He will just only do it again and again. I would NEVER allow him back into my life in any way shape or form. Even if he did own up to it all he’d probably just be lieing anyway. But my opinion of him might lighten up just a little if I knew that he were truly remorseful because carrying around hatred doesn’t do me any good either. I will never forget what he’s done to me and so many others. And I will NEVER be sucked into the BS ever again. I can promise you that. Even if he were to grovel and beg and all that – which I don’t believe he will. For one I wouldn’t ever allow myself to be in the same room ever again with the man. EVER. So don’t think that if he did try to make amends with the hundreds of people he’s totally screwed over that I would say oh it’s ok I forgive you now and it’s all ok – NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’d still like him to know that he can’t BS his way around anymore because we’re all done with it and we DESERVE an apology. We deserve for him to somehow acknowledge what a SOB he’s been and then disappear into thin air and never ever show his face again. That’s what we deserve. Preferably if he can do that while sitting in jail – that would be best.

    The people that are “supporting” him are the dumbest yet. After all the people who have come forward and told what he’s done to them how can you possibly say you can stand behind a man who would lie like that – steal – misrepresent his “paralegal” skills – commit adultery – deny his children – threaten people with harm – break hearts – then act like you’re the crazy one. How does that work?????????????? WAKE UP!!! He is only concerned for himself and as soon as he’s done using you he’ll screw you over as well. This man IS toxic. xyz is correct. He will ruin you if he gets the chance and not think twice about it because he has no soul.


  428. Ditto to FEDUP’s comment… Also, I think that Kris might be Moore’s sister in law. Her name is KrisAnne from what I had read in the Statements taken this last year, but I could be wrong.


  429. My name is Kris and I am Brian’s sister-n-law. I just want to say that prior to this entry I have not posted any comments to this blog.

    The comments made by “Kris” were not posted by me and do not reflect my opinions.

    I appreciate the supporting comments regarding my sister and our family.


  430. Hi Kris, yes, there are people out there who will post as others. We have all been victims of it, but anyways, Best of everything to you and your sister as well as her son. I have seen the latest court info on the Divorce. Sure hope he is not going after Spousal Support after everything he has done to her and the Family. That does not seem right. Maybe the court date is to split the Assets.


    Check Marital Status This Case Assigned To The Honorable: KIM HUBBARD

    Results 1 – 3 of 3000000000000
    No Name Type Assoc Start Date
    1 BRIAN L. MOORE PETITIONER 09/30/2009



    Results 1 – 1 of 1000000000000
    Date Time Description Judge Dept

    Register of Actions

    Results 1 – 10 of 130000000000[Previous Page 1 of 2 Next]
    Docket Code Filing Date Filing Party











  431. To the real Krisanne. I appreciate the position you’re in. Be strong for your family – you’ve still a long way to go. My heart goes out to all of you. Please take care of yourselves and do not be reeled back in by the BS that he is capable of spinning.


  432. I hope she takes him to the freakin CROSS!!!!!!!!
    May the judge be intelligent enough to understand the reality and may justice prevail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I’m glad she can get on with her life without monkey boy.



  433. His Trial is coming up again I believe this next week. Thats unless his PD has it moved again for the 3rd time…


  434. He already pleaded guilty. He’ll be out before you know it.



    • Well, he has not been sentenced yet, but he should get 2 years on that one with time served. Then he will have to serve the rest. Federal system does not have much parole nor any good time. So, he should do another year. However, by then, he should be awaiting trial on the murder charges, in my opinion. They will refile by then.


  435. what do you mean by “that one”? it looks like he pleaded guilty to his only charges…the sentence will be for both.


  436. Damn, I was hoping he would get at least 5 years, but at least he will be in prison another year to say the least. I am starting to have doubts Spokane will not Re-File charges against him. From what I have read, since the key evidence was denied, what do they have to go on besides what we all know @ this point? Its scary to think about. Him out again? Thats a fuc – ing scary thought. Makes me sick to even think about it. Does anyone know for sure if Spokane will Re-File the Murder charges? If they don’t, I am gonna go into hiding. He will for sure be out for REVENGE!! I cannot deal with the thought of this prick being out and free…


  437. Moore’s Sentencing is scheduled for August 30, 2010 3pm in Santa Ana, Central District Court.
    He is facing 10 years for each count and there are 2 of them. Posession od an Unregistered Firearm and Silencer. The Silencer in Count 1 and the Short-Barreled Norinco Rifle in Count 2 are not registered to Moore. It is also known that Moore is “NOT authorized by ATF to possess, make or register any firearm sliencer, short-barreled rifle, or other “Firearm” that is defined in 26 U.S.C. 5845 (a) and subject to the NFA’s registration requirments.

    During the search, Law Enforcement officers discovered on or near Moore’s workbench, diagrams showing the design and construction of a firearm silencer.

    As I am reading this Plea Agreement, I was looking at the last page where Moore had to sign and agree, this is what he said and agreed to..
    “I am agreeing to Plead Guilty because I am Guilty as Charged, Not for any other reason.”There will be no Trial because I will be convicted based on my own Admission of “GUILT.”

    So, there we have it everyone, now I wonder what will happen next. He may not get the full 20, but I do not see he will only get 2 years, but you never know. There are many Obligations he has to abide to. If he defaults on those Obligations, he will get the “Full” of EVERYTHING…..

    Maybe someone will PDF the Plea Agreement and Post it. There was more but I just put the tip of the iceberg on here….


  438. I am wondering if by chance he does get 10 for each count, so 20 total, you think Spokane will still proceed with the charges after so many years? Unless they add it on to the time in Spokane if he gets charged and convicted. Just a thought…….


  439. I had heard from someone who has an extensive (and legal) gun collection, that federal weapons charges tend to have hefty sentences. Hopefully that is the case here. That is not an area of the law that I am not familiar with. As for the divorce, don’t forget that California is a “no fault” state. They won’t care what he’s done or to whom. Everything is strictly about figuring out who has what and then dividing the assets. He may very well get spousal support, whether he deserves it or not. Even though there are extenuating circumstances in this case, I’ve never heard of that making a difference. Maybe I’ll get lucky and be WRONG!!


  440. I heard and also read, ( I have a copy of the Dockets) that he could and may get 10 years for each count. You never know. So 20 years behind bars? Sounds good to me, but I don’t think Spokane will re-file. Just my take on that..Nothing has been going on as far as I have seen or know. Maybe they are gonna wait til his sentencing. Oh well, life goes on, and believe me, it has. I don’t keep up much anymore.


  441. Like Bonnie said – the federal charges are are served at the same time. So even if he gets 10 years on 2 counts he’ll still only do 10 years because they are served at the same time. The only way he’ll get removed from the free world for any length of time is if he goes downtown for the murder charges. Sooooo the boys ( and girls) up in Spokane need to get moving on refiling the charges on this case.
    Strange we don’t hear from LawFan anymore.


  442. Just to let anyone know, who is still interested? The Spokane DA has quietly dropped all charges against Shellye’s dad, Curtis Johnson.

    Has anyone heard anything more of Monkey Boys fate? Will the DA really re-file charges against him. From what I’m read above, some of you should be talking long and hard to the DA.


  443. I don’t know . . .but I sure would like to find out. My understanding was that they have all the evidence against him that they need.

    I can only guess . . . maybe someone got paid off…………….What a shame.


  444. How can we contact the DA? Bonnie – any ideas?


  445. I am suprised The Spokesmanreview has not written an article about it….


  446. Seriously doubt a payoff with money. That just doesn’t happen in this country, and where would the Stark clan get the money anyway?

    Another kind of legal payoff might be possible–perhaps an agreement with CJ to testify against BM? Lets hope so… Maybe the Stark clan saw the writing on the wall and finally decided to sing?


  447. Brian’s Sentencing will be August 30th 2010. He is facing a 24 Month Sentence and a 3 Year Probation Period thereafter. There are alot of things he has to abide to during the 3 Year Period, and if he fails to follow EXACTLY what is requested, he automatically will be sent back to Federal Prison and finish out the complete sentencing. Now this is Only what has been requested and the Goverment apparently has aggreed to, but it will be up to the Judge on the 30th.

    Also, there is a filing from Moore’s Mother stating what a good son he is along with the reasons as to why he had guns in his home (Warehouse) One being, she went on and on about his childhood, how close he was to his father when he was a child,
    She also stated the military background of his father to whom is now deceased, and that Moore and his father would tinker with guns, cars, tools, etc, etc, all of his growing up years.

    After his Father passed away, his mother did not want the guns in the home anymore, and had asked for her son’s to please take them in their pocession and put them away in safe keeping so to speak. Not sure if the unregistered firearm was one of his father’s, but even so, one would think that his father would have had them registered and what not. But that does not help the fact that Brian had the drawings of the Silencer and had made it himself. The Feds frown on that stuff.

    Moore had requested that he be kept in the State of California to be close to his Family.

    There are other Statement made by the family of how he was such a good samaritan, never in trouble with the Law, and just a good person in all. We all know that everyone has a different view on that, but I am just stating what I read on the Dockets.

    There is also a long statement all about the Spokane Murder of Dale Stark, indicating that Moore had no part in this and that the State of Washington (Spokane) had dropped the case due to not enough evidence on Brian Moore. That Spokane falsley accused him of having any part in this with Shellye Stark. So, who knows what the outcome will be on that. I believe they are just doing what they can to get him a light sentence and make him out to be the victim. They are only doing their jobs..I know those who read this will say what the heck!!! But those of us who have been hurt and are victims of Moore know what we know, and that hopefully the System does the right thing.

    Shellye Stark’s father had his Charges Dismissed, and something just is not right with that…Does anyone know why, besides maybe if the man passed away, the case was dropped, but then again, Moore’s case was dismissed too. Does not look like the State of Washington will be re-filing against Moore, but only time will tell. I say that because its been so long, and the longer they wait, the more time for Witness’s to dissapear, and won’t testify. I know of one who is gone. They no longer live in the State of California.

    His Public Defender is also requesting that what time he has served, be taken off the time he will be sentenced to, so if thats the case, he will be out and free in no time. His divorce is still in the process. Right now they are dealing with Spousel Support issues, Child Custody stuff, and the normal Seperation of property. Since he is broke, who will support who in this case will be interesting to say the least.


    • One thing I can say about the federal prison designation is that where your family is does not matter to them generally. I have a friend who was in federal prison, and he was sent to Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. So he did not get any visits.


  448. I am wondering if the 2 years in Prison if total for both Counts/Charges. Or will they be 2 years for each Charge…I am not sure how the Sysyem works. I suppose we will find out in a couple of weeks…


  449. Charges against Stark were dismissed “without prejudice”, meaning that prosecutors can refile at any time. More evidence that they may have reached a deal with Stark to testify against BM.

    I disagree with what everyone is saying about the prosecution not refiling charges. It is not necessarily true that their case gets weaker with time. In fact, it could get a lot stronger. I definitely see it in the best interest of the prosecution to wait awhile before refiling charges.

    Moore will soon have a felony weapons conviction. They can use that. Also, the reason that certain key evidence was denied was because it would interfere with Shellye’s appeal. Once her appeal is over, then that argument no longer exists. Perhaps the prosecution will wait until her appeal is over, and then refile charges so they can use that evidence?

    Does anyone know when her appeal will be heard?

    There is no statute of limitations on murder, to my knowledge–so there is no time limit for the prosecution to refile. They can do it whenever. On the other hand, once they file charges the clock starts ticking on deadlines and they have to deal with BM’s right to a speedy trial, etc.


  450. Shellye’s appeal is slowly grinding through the system. I hope they deny her appeal soon, so the prosecution can use her PI’s info against Monkey Boy.

    If old Curtis Johnson actually rolled over on Monkey Boy, then, I’m ok with them dropping the charges against him. Provided that they convict him on all charges and put him away for a very very long time, like forever.


  451. XYZ,

    Thank you for that info..That does make sense that the more time they have, the better the case. I had no idea about the Appeal thing with Shellye. I knew she was gonna have an Appeal, but not sure when. Hopefully when it is over, they will be able to get the Evidence they need against Moore, just like you mentioned.

    Did you mean Dismissed against her Father, and not Stark? How do we know if Curtis Johnson gave up info, as well as Shellye? Because if they had alot on Curtis Johnson, Why not proceed with the Trial? Just wish we all can find out answeres.

    Do you have any knowledge as to when they will re-file anything or what the latest is in regards to Moore/Stark?

    Thank you XYZ


  452. How can we find out if the Stark Clan talked? The waiting is so annoying, but oh well…


  453. Yeah, I meant Johnson not Stark. 🙂


  454. […] years in prison after a jury convicted her of first-degree murder in March 2008. from a blog at Update: Dale Stark murder *Brian Moore, Shellye Stark’s boyfriend, has been arrested for the m… […]


  455. Does anyone know if its a known fact that if Shellye Starks Appeal gets denied, that there is a good, strong possibility the file/Evidence can be used against Moore?


  456. If BM gets credit for time served, does that count state time as well or just time served in federal custody? I would assume it would just be for time served in federal custody on the gun charges, but I don’t know for sure.


    • Usually federal time does not count for state charges, but I could be wrong. I am going to check on this.

      Answer: It is up to the Judge that sentences a conviction for the State. So it varies from person to person.


  457. I was wondering if state time counts as federal time served. If BM gets 2 years on the federal charge and credit for time served, will the federal court count the time he spent in state custody as time served? Or just the time he was in federal custody?


  458. So, then if he does get time served granted by the Judge, Brian will be out sooner than we all think. Scary thought..But we all may get suprised, and then maybe Spokane will proceed with the Re-filing of the Murder charges. Nobody returns emails, messages or anything when asked what the status of things are, and that just goes to show me that 1.) They are working on things slowly but surely to get all and everything they need to re-file 2.) Or they are not gonna re-file and just do not want to be bothered by it..Just my take on it, but then again, they don’t have to tell us anything until the Witnesses get notified again like before.


  459. Honestly at this point I am just disgusted by the whole thing. I can’t blame his mother for writing a letter on his behalf. I can understand the love of a mother for her child…even if that child is a monster. But I don’t think tinkering with guns with his dad as a kid explains the necessity for carrying a concealed firearm on his person on a daily basis…but that’s just my opinion.

    I’ll keep checking from time to time as to the status of this because I have already moved away…where he would never find me if he tried. So if they do refile charges, they don’t have any way to contact me…but if they do, I’ll contact them.


  460. Happy that things are going well for you 1st Amendment. Things are awsome with me as well…His sentencing is Monday. I understand a mother’s love too. I don’t blame her neither, who would’nt want to help her son regardless of what they have done..Be well everyone. Life has gone on…


  461. Brian has officially been charged with Murder in Spokane as of last Thursday. He will be brought back tp Spokane after his sentencing today Aug. 30th 2010 for the Federal Charges…


  462. Anyone know what happened for the sentencing? I am so glad Spokane is after him again. 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Yay!!!! I hope Ted Pulver’s testimony will be allowed. It will put him away all by itself.


  463. There is a really creepy page on facebook under Brian Moore – it appears that the guy is talking to himself cause no one really answers him. Does someone in Federal Custody have access to a computer? It talks smack about raping little boys and girls…just his thing.


  464. Here is a Refresher of all that has happend, has been said and done…

    Click to access moore_pc_20090810223243.pdf

    Now we are gonna start all over again once he gets sent back to Spokane to face the Murder charges of” Dale Stark”..Not sure what his Federal Sentence is, not in the system yet, not that I can find/see… This is gonna be very interesting to see all of this unfold now. Hoping that now they have alot more evidence and maybe Pulver will testify now. Only time will tell.


  465. Does anyone know what Monkey boy was sentenced to, for the weapons charges?

    Is he still in federal custody, and for how long?

    When are they going to ship his sorry ass up to Spokane?


  466. Brian was given 3 years Federal time. Not sure of any other details yet. Spokesmanreview will have an article out sometime today…


  467. I guess he did get credit for time served, and he will be done with his sentence in 5 months, and on 3 years Proabtion, but he will be right back in jail in Spokane facing the Murder Charges. Here is the newest article from Spokesman..



  468. Time for Monkey Boy to pay the piper . . . 🙂

    Does anyone have access the the 20 page document that was referred to in the article referenced above?


  469. No, but maybe Meghann does with the Spokesman Review. Maybe eventually it will pop up..I have all of the dockets for the Federal Stuff…


  470. Viewer,

    I would like to see the Federal stuff, could you post it?


  471. I read the articles in the Spokane newpaper – the links are a few posts above. Bikerho is quoted to say “I lost everything from my good name to the respect of my son. I cannot begin to express my shame”. True he has lost pretty much everything – but didn’t a person who lived the way he did and told the lies he did pretty much offer up “everything” he has? He gambled it all away and so now he has NO right to be surprised that it’s gone. None. He practically gave it all away. This is the beginnings of his poor me act and there will be some suckers – maybe even on this blog – who will turn out to believe his “sorrow” and humility. It’s all an act. He is not sorry and he is not ashamed – maybe wishes he hadn’t failed – but he will not “change” and be a different person. On the surface he may be and he might talk a good game for a while but remember that’s what he is supremely good at. He SHOULD be ashamed. And he hasn’t lost nearly enough as far as I’m concerned until the sentence is passed down and he’s locked up for good like Shellye.


  472. Moore gets out in November…
    BOP Inmate Locator

    BRIAN L MOORE 12801-085 44-White-M 11-04-2010 IN TRANSIT

    So assuming he will go straight to Spokane Jail after that? Anyone have any 411?


  473. Viewer, it says “11-04-2010 IN TRANSIT”

    I assume that this means he will be moved to Spokane on 11-04-2010, not released.

    FEDUP, I completely agree with you. Anyone who knows Brian has seen this “poor me” act before. I could practically hear the violin playing in the background when I read that!

    The whole thing about his dad, and how it was the way he said “I love you” was pure Bikerho at his manipulative best. I have even seen Brian bring tears to his eyes before, only to later learn that it was all an act after I felt sorry for him and backed off. One thing you have to give the guy credit for–he’s good at being a scam artist.

    Sure he feels bad–he feels sorry for himself, that’s all. Guaranteed if he got out he would not be feeling so bad about things. He would be right back doing what he does best–scamming people and ruining lives, including his own.

    With so many people he has hurt and lives he has ruined–we are supposed to feel sorry for him because he ruined his own life in the process?? I don’t think so!


    • xyz –

      The federal inmate locator can say “IN TRANSIT” for a long time. They can be slow to update at times. And it will not say he is in State Custody when he goes back to Spokane. Off the top of my head I cannot remember what it will say, but it is something like “NOT IN BOP CUSTODY”.


  474. He is not in the Spokane county jail yet. Their making up his room and hand picking his roomies. I hope they are big burly guys that like his kind, if you get my drift.

    Justice moves slow and deliberate, Monkey Boy will get his in the end.


  475. An oral Argument Hearing for Shellye’s appeal is scheduled for 11/16/2010

    This really is not the kind of oral that Shellye is accustom to. 🙂


  476. I just had to LOL at what you said, Justice for Dale! I was thinking it before I even read it!!!!!
    LOL!!! I still think this should become a book. It has all the makings of a Jerry Springer show. I just can’t believe how totally gullable I was. Looking back it all makes sense but who really believes there could be a person that dishonest and that sinister. Women of the world – here’s some advice to live by. If it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck – It’s probably a duck. In other words if he doesn’t do what he says – bails out all the time – doesn’t answer his phone – fails to call back – blows off holidays and birthdays – claims to always be working – and is basically not there for you in any way – He’s probably a married pathological liar with a homocidal tendency.


  477. Get it? HOMOCIDAL? not Homicidal hahahahahahaI crack myself up!!! 🙂


  478. Don’t you mean you “QUACK” yourself up? :))


  479. OMG!!! Too funny… Justice for Dale wrote: “…Monkey Boy will get his in the end.” IN THE END, that’s a good one and very anatomically accurate!! Then JFD wrote: “This really is not the kind of oral that Shellye is accustom to.” LMAO you are definitely on a roll!!!

    FEDUP, “homocidal” I love it and also think it should be a new addition in the Urban Dictionary!!!


  480. It looks like on Nov. 4, 2010 Monkey boy will be spreading his cheeks for another boy friend. 🙂

    Wow; he make friends where every he goes. ;-0


  481. Brian is out of BOP Custody, but He should be in custody of the state (California) this week, then Spokane has to go through the extradition process again. He is still behind bars though.


  482. Where is Waldo??

    Monkey Boy is no longer in federal custody.
    Does anyone know where he is?


  483. Monkey Boy has been found 🙂



  484. Plea hearing is set for November 30


  485. http://www.spokesman.com/blogs/sirens/2010/nov/30/killers-boyfriend-pleads-not-guilty/

    Moore plead not guilty Trial is set for January 24 2011


  486. Three years and waiting . . . justice in January?
    I guess as long as Shellye & monkey boy are locked up, justice is being served.


  487. May not happen in January. Might take another month, 6 months or even longer. The wheels of justice turn slowly, but they are turning. Depends on whether Moore wants to assert his right to a speedy trial or give his attorney more time to work.

    Knowing Moore, and how much fun he is having with the prison boys…he’s going to take as long as possible. He doesn’t want to get out and leave all that prison booty behind.

    By the way, I find it hilarious that Moore allegedly wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars on Shellye’s defense–money he stole from other people–and now he has to use a public defender for his trial. And the detective he hired is the key witness in the case! What a sucker and a loser.

    What happened to all of that money he had stashed away? I guess he is so confident in winning, he decided not to use it.

    I take back everything I said about Moore being a talented scam artist. A scam artist? Yes. A criminal mastermind? Yes. A talented scam artist and criminal mastermind? LOL HELL NO! He is just a no talent, hack wanna be. Just another sucker and a chump. Just another loser sitting in jail with a public defender…


  488. OMFG I can’t believe she won her appeal. The ramifications of this are many. Will one of them sell the other out? Will they go for the death penalty? How will the witnesses testify the second time around? How does this affect the evidence from the detective?

    WOW…is all I can say…

    I actually think this makes things potentially a lot WORSE for Brian and Shellye. Could they go for the death penalty this time around? Plus, all of the media attention has now come back to this case. That’s not good for Monkeyboy.

    And now they have one more star witness for Shellye’s trial…the detective!

    And both her and Monkeyboy have one more star witness for their trials…each other! While they can’t be forced to incriminate themselves, they can be physically put on the stand for questioning. Now that they are both in custody, Monkeyboy bailing out and skipping town won’t be an issue.

    Also, who knows what has changed over the years with the witnesses? Is Shellye’s family still under Monkeyboy’s spell? Or have they seen through him by now. Will they sell out Monkeyboy to save their own skins? Will there be more indictments?

    I say that the prosecution should DEFINITELY retry the case and not appeal it. Use all the new evidence. Otherwise they might be barred from using the evidence that they could not use before because of S’s pending appeal.

    Retry them both, go for the death penalty, and see which one of them blinks first!

    If neither blink, then try them both and get the death penalty for both of ’em!


  489. Amen to that xyz.
    I wonder what old Curtis “hillbilly” Johnson will do now. It looked like he was going to rollover on old MonkeyBoy . . . but that could put Shellye “organ grinder” Stark in a pickel….Hmmm lots to think about.

    I say let them all fry 🙂


  490. I cannot believe Shellye got the ok for a New Trial!!!!! This Justice System is wacked……Anyone think they will convict her again? Or maybe the State will ask for an Appeal on an Appeal…I wonder how this will affect Moore’s case…..The scary thought is thinking that there is a chance, maybe a small %%%, but maybe they both will be off the hook. Scary thought…….


    • OK, actually at this point she could either get a new trial or the DA can appeal the ruling. I am betting that they appeal the ruling first. It is often the best way to go.

      It will probably not affect Moore’s case, but could be wrong on that.


  491. This is so ridiculous. I don’t know whether I think they should appeal or retry her to get a longer sentence. I read the court opinion on her appeal and I can already see a flaw with their reasoning regarding the “aggresor” instructions. They are basing it on the “assumption” that Dale actually went after Shellye first before she pulled the gun and shot him. The only so-called evidence of that is Shellye’s version of the events…how convenient that the only witness to that is the one who killed him. I guess they must have missed the obvious “factual” evidence that the man was shot in the back which would seem to be a pretty impossible feat if she was shooting at someone charging toward her. So basically they are saying either she is the most amazing trick shooter in the history of the world or she sold her cow for some magic bullets. Again I say..ridiculous!!! But if giving her a new trial would allow the testimony of Ted Pulver against both of them…I’m all for it!!!

    Now here’s a little something that has been annoying me…some of the things Meghan includes in her articles in the Spokesman. The most particular being that I have read a couple times about Brian stating that his legal practice was focused on helping women to escape prostitution and abuse. That could not be more laughable. If anything Brian was probably the single most contibutor to their business. The only thing the law office focused on was family law and all the advertising was geared to “father’s rights”. How an office that advertises predominantly to males suddenly becomes a crossover to assisting prostitues and abused women is anybodys guess but I can’t fathom how he thinks anybody would buy that bs. But as for Meghan’s part…she never seems to refute anything they say or do and all her articles seem to be slanted in their favor…why is this?? She puts in print the rubbish that spews out of Brian’s mouth and doesn’t even bother to state that the only legal work Brian can be connected to is father’s rights family law. Well whatever…I’m sure he’s pulled his poor pitiful victimized act on her it seems like even if only in a small way, it worked!


  492. 1AL, you are exactly right. Moore was a family law paralegal, and the practice was definitely for profit–not some sort of benevolent charity.

    The only connection to prostitutes or prostitution was Moore’s hobbyist activities. How hilarious that he would even bring that up.

    To characterize the firm Moore worked for as devoted to helping prostitutes get out of prostitution is simply bogus. The fact that several clients DID quit drugs and/or quit prostitution is a testament to the will and determination of these individual clients to make positive changes in their lives. Can’t really give that much credit to the attorney for that, and DEFINITELY none to Moore!

    I assume that all clients were advised by the attorney to stop all illegal activity. If you have committed a crime and go to an attorney, the first thing the attorney is going to tell you is…duh…stop committing crimes! If you have a family law case, and your character or fitness as a parent is being called into question, then most attorneys as a matter of practice will tell you to stop drinking, doing drugs, or engaging in any sort of activity that is going to get in the way of winning your case.

    To stretch this into some sort of benevolent cause, however, is laughable.

    Once again, Moore proves beyond a doubt that he is 100% full of Grade “A” BS!


  493. Heard that trial was continued to February. Anyone know anything about whats going on??


  494. Someone should list ALL the lies he’s told. I think it would be pretty amazing to see the tally of that list.


  495. Wow Fedup…2 questions…where would I start and would the list ever end??? But there’s always been a very simple way to tell when Brian is lying…whenever his lips are moving!!!


  496. Hello FedUp,
    This is gonna be interesting to say the least, hahaha. So, lets see:
    He is/was a CIA Agent, Special OPS
    Had money hiding in various Off Shore Accounts (Millions)
    Other 1/2 Deceased
    Sibling a Drug Addict ( we all know Brian was the Addict)
    PT Cruiser Mother In Law’s Car
    Shellye an Innocent Client of his
    VW was his best friends wife’s car
    Owned like 5 homes
    Straight ( had no clue about his sexuality, such as crossdresser, and being Bi)
    Retired Marine ( still not sure if he ever was in the military) To young to be retired..
    Was the only one in his life
    Loved me ( as well as everyone else)
    Geez, I am sure there is more…As far as his Trial goes? That was probably pushed
    due to paperwork, maybe they are not ready, who knows. I am suprised about Shellye getting a new Trial, but maybe this time around they have more to go on, perhaps adding Moore to the case, he was never mentioned in her Trial, so maybe this time they will. I am hoping Pulver can and will testify in Moore’s Trial. He is a Key Witness. I have not seen much happening on either case, but I was told what happened with the Juror Instructions, there were only 2 minor things and the State can easily address them to the Court. I am wondering that if Shellye has a full Trial again, is it possible for her to get a harsher sentence this time? But from what I have read one charge is dropped, maybe I am wrong, so curious to see what happens this time. What are the chances the Judge lets her out of Prison if everything goes forward with a new Trial!!!!!!!


  497. The lie list.
    Not married – wife dead.
    Retired Marine
    Special Ops
    Current CIA operative
    Shellye innocent victim
    Lets not forget he was screwing everything that moved and saying he wasn’t.
    Owned multiple homes
    Had lots of money
    PT Cruiser his car
    Red Ford – mother in laws car
    Hundreds of lies as to why he couldn’t keep the plans we made. That list is really long.
    Cat died – son upset
    Brother had to be committed – due to drugs
    Had to take care of best friends kids cause wife died of cancer
    Allergic Reaction
    Kid’s had band concert
    Family birthday

    Can’t remember anymore – I’m trying to forget.
    It’s getting easier and easier to forget he ever existed.


  498. I just got a notice that the trial is set for Oct. 17. Anyone else heard any news?


  499. Interesting Blog. I stumbled across it a few days ago and spent the last 2 hours of my life completely floor at the “secret life” of my old “pal” Brian Moore.

    For years (roughly 4 or 5) I was of the understanding that Brian was an Attorney with his own law firm in Orange County, California. I had met him at a law mixer where we drank, laughed and shared stories about some of our experiences. We met several times a month for drinks and to talk shop, communicated through email and instant messengers and at one time we even talked about taking our sons on a fishing trip because they were close in age.

    I never questioned his integrity until things he would say just didnt add up. Like many on this blog, he informed me that he was a widower. His wife had died of cancer and he was left to raise his young son alone. We had emailed back and forth for weeks about going to play golf for the weekend. We agreed on the dates and I reserved the tee time and lodging on my credit card. He calls me crying hysterically 2 hours before we are to leave saying his wife with cancer has taken a turn for the worst and he cant go! Wait, I thought she had already lost that battle? Ok, maybe I was mistaken. I was able to cancel the trip with no penalty.

    He dodges my calls and doesnt return emails for several months. Then, out of nowhere, in early 2008, he calls me to tell me that his firm is merging with another and will now be handling Family Law and asks if I would refer clients to him. I agree, though in my mind I know I probably wont have the need to. A few days later he shows up at my office in a black PT Cruiser telling me his son picked it out. We have drinks and he starts telling me about some website where he has been meeting ladies who have sex for money. Totally left field and something I’m not interested in. He tells me that he has managed to get prostitutes to fall for him, so he gets to have his way with them for free the shows me some of their very non-flattering photos. I believe he was offended and I dont hear from him again.

    About a month later, I get a call from one of my clients whom is irrate because her credit card has been billed by a law firm in the amount of $3500 and starts accusing me! Then, another client calls with an oddly familiar complaint in the amount of $2000. It happens for more times. I question people that work in my office to see if they are having the same issues. No. I get to thinking how I am related, because at this point, I know its more than a coincidence. Then it hits me, Brian used my computer in the office because his computers were down.

    I call Brian and drop hints, he gets angry, calls me every name in the book and hangs up on me. I advise my clients to dispute the charges with thei credit card companies. Several of the credit card companies find that the cards were run off a computer with an IP address from Corona, California. Looking back, I remember Brian talking about some office in Corona. I decide to leave the issue alone and let the credi cards deal with the problem.

    A few days later, all hell breaks loose and my entire office computer system is down. Everything is completely screwed. Meanwhile, Goode Ole Brian calls me to see whats up and to ask about the credit card situation. I tell him of the office troubles and he tells he will have his IT guy look into it and will call me back in 10 minutes. Calls back and gives me a password that mysteriously unlocks the whole system!

    To make matters worse I receive a call from the Bar association claiming someone named B.L. Moore has used my state bar number. I research him and find that he isnt even an attorney. My anger is at a boiling point, and I call him over for drinks and make him believe he’s a savior of helping with the computer system. He shows up and I serve him. He gives me some line about being disbarred. I tame my anger and politely ask him never to contact me or my clients credits cards again. And like that, he’s gone.

    I ran across an old email from him a few days ago and decided to google him and I found this blog. Cant say that I’m surprised!


    • If you thought this one was entertaining – go read the other one about Shellye Stark!!! That ought to give you the full picture.


      • I have deep sympathy for the family of Dale Stark. I took the time to read the whole story and I am actually surprise she didnt get more time.

        The photo of her as Nikita Jennifer is one of the ones he had showed me, in addition to a mature “larger” woman.

        I understand his next appearance is in October. I just wish that I had found this website while he was on trial for the Feds. It would have been nice to have been able to add charges against him for the use of my Bar number.


        • Is it too late? I mean isn’t that still a punishable offense – using your bar number?


          • No, Its not too late for that. However, it would not be connected to the Stark case, which is more pressing. The pentalty in the state of California for fraudulently using a bar number is more of a fine and very limitted incarceration. Mr. Moore has no money, so it would have little effect.


    • Donutz,

      I feel that you should contact the Spokane Police Department with any 411 in regards to Brian Moore. Some of this could help with the Prosecution. Do you still have copies of your records you served him with? I am sure Kip Hollenbeck with Spokane PD would be enlightened to speak with you. Just a thought. He is the lead Detective in the Moore case. Moore goes to Trial this October 17th 2011..


  500. WOW..Donutz, the part of your post about the client credit cards sounded very familiar so I went back and looked at the court documents that the Spokesman has posted on Brian’s case and found some interesting information.

    In the Affidavit of the investigating officer, there is a section that talks about a time when Brian had one of his employees charge two credit cards..one for $3500 and the other for $2500. The employee stated that she did not recognize the names as being any of their clients.

    Hmmm…does that sound like a coincidence to anyone??? I think that may just confirm what happened to the clients’ money.


    • Unfortunately, I no longer work for that firm anymore. They went through some partnership changes as well. Therefore, I no longer have access to that information. I wish I could have been of assistance.


  501. So, here we have this website:
    Shellye and her whole Family are a bunch of Witches, and Advertise Prostitution on this website…It runs in the Family it seems, Forced into being a HOOKER!!!!!!! I don’t think so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  502. Seriously do you people have anything better to do? If you are gonna talk crap about people and their family, at least get the info you are posting right. Maybe you should all go get a job or a hobby to fill your time instead of getting on a blog and talking crap about people you don’t know. I know the family and they are not prostitute witches that is the most retarded thing I have heard any of you morons say. If you don’t know what you are talking about then please do yourself a favor and don’t just post something to make yourself sound like you actually know what you are talking about because you don’t and you just sound ignorant and stupid.


  503. Ok. OK!!! Sorry for upsetting you and making that comment. I never said all of you were Escorts, but when the Blog on that website talks about and has comments about Escorts, one can only think. Maybe whoever posted that on your profile should not have posted about Escorts, does notmake you or anyone look good. Sorry for the comment. I should think before I speak my mind. Thank you for bringing it to my attention of being ignorant and Stupid, you are absolutely correct on that, My Bad. I believe I understand now what the site is about, is it Wicken? That is a religion? Practicing Witchcraft? Whatever makes you happy in life, and for the record, I am not a Moron, I do have better things to do than Blog, and I do not often ” BLOG” , but this case is of Interest to me due to being a Witness and will have to Testify come October in regards to Moore. Not very excited about it, but it is what it is. He and Shellye both have blogged about me, and a few others I know of and he was pretty offensive and it pisses us off, so I know how you may feel, so AGAIN! Sorry for the comment. No hard feelings…


  504. Honestly can’t tell you anything about wiccan things as I don’t practice it or know much about it aside from it is a religion. Religious preferences are one of our amendment rights and people should not be condemed for that. I honestly really have no part in this whole trial or situation except that i know some of the people involved and followed the origianl trial on the news and think that the police/legal system was a little shady and just think that if someone is going to say something or imply something then they should know what they are saying is true. Thanks for the apology however if you don’t know 100% sure what you are saying is true then use a little tact and not just say something trying to make people look bad for being a friend or relation of someone who is on trial. As for Brian Moore I have never met him but don’t hold a high opinion of him as he sounds like a con man so I have no issue with what you say about him I just don’t think that this should be a site that just bashes people with out evidence. Thank you for the apology sorry I called you a moron but I really hate when people talk crap especially if they aren’t getting the correct information. Plus if you are a witness maybe this isn’t the type of thing you should be doing since it could influence you to say things that you don’t know are true. I am of no afilliation with the trial but if I were a witness of some kind of trial I would not want to taint my testimony in any way especially if it is something that was important to me.


  505. So Get a life – all of us are Morons? “I know the family and they are not prostitute witches that is the most retarded thing I have heard any of you morons say.” Please do not lump everyone into your catagory of Morons. Last I checked only 1 blogger posted that not all of us. There have been REAL crimes committed here by Shellye and Brian and many people – including viewer – have EVERY right to be pissed as hell and excuse the F*&% out of us if we’ve misquoted something – GOD KNOWS what we’ve said has been misquoted, misused, or just outright disregarded. These people are just about the worst examples of human beings – right up there with Osama Bin Ladin. They just don’t kill 5000 at a time. So please take a step back and watch who the hell you are calling a moron.


  506. So far it looks like the trial is going forward Oct. 13th, 2011…This is gonna be a long run, so not wanting to go. Cannot wait til this is all over with. I just want this shit behind me once and for all, ALRIGHT ALREADY!!


  507. I just got a notice that it’s postponed till Feb 6, 2012


  508. Interesting thing – I have someone calling my cell phone from a blocked number – who knows my name – and calls me every single day at 8am and 7pm – I’ve blocked all calls that don’t have their number show up so they go automatically to voice mail but I had to shut my phone off at one point before I did that. Sound like something monkey boy could arrange?
    Also my dad keeps getting calls from a jail – collect calls. Which he always hangs up on but – what is he playing at??? harassment?????

    Anyone else having strange things happen?


    • Hey, I think you should contact Kip. Maybe he can help or give you direction. I bet the collect calls ARE money boy. He must be getting very nervous about his trial that is coming up Feb. 6 I believe!


  509. Oh yeah…he could totally arrange that. I’m sure of it. If you have a number that he knew that hasn’t changed, I wouldn’t put anything past that lowlife. I haven’t had any strange things happen to me, but then again I’ve moved a couple of times and no longer have any phone number that he would have had…so I really don’t think he could harass me even if he wanted to.

    I know from experience what a horrible feeling it is to wonder if EVERY strange thing that happens is somehow his doing. Whether it’s to scare, harass, annoy…I don’t know, but it’s stressful and I’m sorry to hear that you are going through that.


  510. any news on Brian’s trial???


  511. I’ve received word it’s now postponed till June.


  512. It’s on for May 7 – someone just got served to be in court on the 25th to see if they would be needed on the 7th for the trial which will last 3 days.


  513. isn’t that his birthday? Awesome.


  514. You know – I believe his bday is either the 8th or 9th. HaHaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


  515. Received email from victim/witness advocate regarding testifying on the 7th or 8th of May. Hopefully no more postponements. It’s not like it has been over 4 years since this happened…


    • Brian Moore’s Trial will likely start with opening Statements tomorrow if Jury Selection finishes today. Jury selection started yesterday. It’s finally happening after all this time.


  516. http://www.spokesman.com/blogs/sirens/ 9:30 Trial Starts today


  517. Yep..it’s finally official and can finally be over. At least one can only hope.


  518. It’s their imagination. That’s his defense????? LOL


  519. Christopher Stark is of no more use to him now – he’s only got between $100-200 bucks left out of the $400.000.00.
    I read an article from 2010 that said bloggers contacted were not willing to go on record – they didn’t contact me!!! I don’t think that reporter for Spokesman review contacted ANY of us because I do believe we would have offered up what we know. And now it’s too late. If OJ walked – I don’t know how this idiot will get convicted.


    • No one contacted me either and to my knowledge, I am the only one who has really followed this. Very odd. They probably don’t want to hear from anyone who has been on here!!!


  520. Oh well..I wouldn’t put too much stock into what the reporters are writing.. one in particular.. (no names..lol) But there have been many things reported as fact that I know were never checked..mainly since a couple of them were about me..lmao. Nothing greatly substantial, but incorrect just the same and showing me that they definitely do not check out info before putting it into print.. I have spoken to the reporter that has been following this for the Spokesman.. it was probably at least 3 years ago and it didn’t seem anything I said was taken seriously. But I guess the guy that was charged with MURDER seemed like the most reliable source to go by…(again LOL)


  521. Well…it’s over. After all this BS he pleads guilty.


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