This Day in History: de la Roche Family murder 1976

schoolphoto.jpgThanksgiving Weekend, 1976, Harry de la Roche was home from The Citadel to spend the holiday weekend with his family: his father Harry Sr., his mother Mary Jane and brothers, Eric and Ronald. To the outside world this family appeared to be “the perfect family”, but in reality, that was just not the truth. Harry Sr. was very demanding and controlling, sometimes making life extremely hard for his family. Harry was attending The Citadel, a military college. NJIt was a situation he hated and wanted to quit. It was rough and demanding and Harry was not keeping up well. Like high school, he felt alienated from the other students and had problems with bullying and hazing. He started missing classes and his grades were dropping. He wanted to drop out, but his father would not let him. They fought over this time and time again. Finally, over the holiday weekend, things boiled over and would never be the same.

On Sunday November 28, 1976, Harry killed his family one by one, shooting each one at least twice and bludgeoning both brothers, who put up a struggle. Harry has told several versions of the story over years, even confessing to killing all of them at one point. But he normally says that he only killed his brother Ronnie, after Ronnie had killed the rest of the family. He says that he came home from being at a disco to find his family murdered and his brother Ronnie sitting on his bed in a drugged state. Harry says that their father caught Ronnie with drugs and threatened to turn him into the police and Ronnie killed them all. This was the story he told the police and took a lie detector test for. The test showed deception, and that is when he confessed to all four murders. Harry pled not guilty by reason of insanity, even testified in his own defense, along with a psychiatrist who said that the thought of Harry going back to The Citadel drove him “mad”. However, the jury found him guilty and he was sentenced to serve 4 life sentences to run concurrently. He is still in the prison, currently in the South Woods State Prison. His next parole hearing will be in 2008. *Update* He has been denied parole thus far.

The de la Roche Family (clockwise starting upper left hand corner: Harry Sr., Mary Jane, Eric and Ronnie

Harry was paroled 6/29/2023. The world has changed a lot since he was last out. I hope he will have help with the new world that it is for him. I do wish him good luck.

Find-A-Grave: Harry De La Roche Sr.
Find-A-Grave: Mary Jane De La Roche
Find-A-Grave: Ronald “Ronnie” De La Roche
Find-A-Grave: Eric De La Roche
Thanksgiving break bloodbath
Teen kills parents; 2 brothers
N.J. student held in slaying of 4 in family (scroll to the right on the next page)
Cadet held for killing family
De La Roche Won’t Go To Funeral
De La Roche Says He Brother For Killing Family
Unusual Method Used For Unbiased Jurors
Testimony Begins In Murder Trial Of De La Roche
‘Quiet Son’ Was A Ticking Time Bomb
He just couldn’t bear to go back to school
De La Roche Admits Lying To Police In Statements
De La Roche’s Friends Testify In His Behalf
Friends had varying views of de la Roche Family
Life Fixed for Killer of Family
Slayer of Kin Gets Life Sentence
Anyone’s Son (click on Synopsis, then Articles and there are a lot!)
Harry de la Roche v New Jersey State Parole Board 2009
Harry de la Roche v New Jersey State Parole Board 2015
Try To Scare Me: De La Roche Family Murder : Montvale, NJ
Courtroom Sketches: Harry De La Roche Jr.
NJ man who killed parents, brothers in 1976 denied parole for sixth time
De La Roche Family Murder : Montvale, NJ
Parole granted to man who shot, killed his family in 1976 while home in NJ on college break
N.J. man who murdered his family in 1976 released from prison on parole

Anyone’s Son (I first read this book when I first started college and really got into it. I found it fascinating, along with a couple of other “true crime classics”: Helter Skelter, In Cold Blood, and Fatal Vision (although these 3 I read in junior high school, so many years ago! These books all started my interest in murder and criminal psychology.)

Anyone’s Son (trailer)
Anyone’s Son
Harry: A Communication Breakdown
Killer Kids: Full Metal Jacket


67 Responses

  1. I knew this family. Harry was in my brother’s boy scout troop and Ron in my class. This was not a functional family and it was obvious. Harry was always very odd and was teased by everyone his entire life. Even his brother made fun of him. When it came out that the father was abusive, it was not surprising. Harry, for sure, got the brunt of that. Very sad, and very sad that know one could have predicted it.


    • You are correct. Harry never knew a moments’ peace. He was bullied all his youth, even by children half his size. We knew him from grade school days. He was our paperboy when he was older. Younger kids used to beat him up and steal his paper route money. There some really mean kids in Montvale who loved to torment him 24/7. God forgive them. Harry was always sweet with our family and we always felt so badly for him. It was such a sad outcome for all the de la Roche family, but it is true, the father had no patience or compassion for his son. Can’t help but wonder how things if he had….


  2. im almost 18 now, and my dad told me this story the other day. the last event that happened to harry before he killed his family was his car was lit on fire in the pascack hills high school parking lot. recently i found out that it was in fact, my father who was one of the kids who lit his car on fire. i live a few blocks down from the house where he killed them and hid them in the attic. my friend lives there now, says its creepy.


  3. whats the address to the house, or what street is the house located on?


  4. am makeing a collage report on this family but the problem is that i need photos of the seen if anybody knows were i can get them from please let me know thanks.


    • Really, you’re in college…not collage…and want photos of the “seen”…pathetic attempt at getting your jollies from seeing crime “scene” photos…get a life.


  5. I grew up in Montvale and knew the family also..Although, the parents were known to be “wonderful, kind and religious” people, The Father was extremely abusive..especially towards Harry..and the Mother just stood by and watched..It was very sad. Harry had been in my house a few times seeking CB help from my Dad and had always been very pleasant and kind…I feel sorry for Harry also..just wanted to say my 2 cents..


  6. In response to “jibblersmother”, I ask you; were you there? Did you know Harry Sr. personally to know that he was (as you said) extremely abusive..especially towards Harry..? You were not there and don’t know what Harry Jr. was like with his immediate AND extended family. Please don’t speak that way about the people who are not here to defend themselves. Did you know that his little brother Eric (12 yrs old) was shot 1st; after some time elapsed Harry heard Eric moving and finished by bludgeoning him to death. Did you know that Eric’s casket could not be viewed open because of what that monster had done to him? Please do not misplace your sympathies for that monster and remember the 4 people who had a family that loved them and the 2 young boys who never got to grow up!


  7. This loser Harry is the biggest BS slinger going…

    just take a look at this crock of Bull..Ronnie, Ronnie, Ronnie…Yeah, yeah yeah. BS. You little coward Harry. You offed your entire family and even after 30 years you are too afraid to tell the truth. Rot in NJ prison for nother 30 years.


  8. Thank you Jake! Well said.


  9. I was in prison with him, and he doesn’t seem like a bad guy


  10. He doesn’t seem like a bad guy?
    That means so much to us coming from a prison inmate of his.


  11. Mike, you say that your dad said that Harry burned his car, yet in the book Harry states that it was sold while he was in jail. perhaps your dad was mistaken, after all, Harry should remember if he burned his car, shouldn’t he?


  12. His car was not burned it was sold. He was driving it when he was arrested you idiot.


  13. Dave your answer is that the house was on a corner of Grand aVE IN mONTVALE close to the library and 7-11

    And Mike, I moved out of Park Ridge (Next to Montvale) a fews back, I beleive the house was either torn down and rebuilt, not the same house it all happened in that your friend says is creepy.


  14. Why on Earth hasn’t this guy been “shanked” yet? 30 years and still alive? He must be in solitary or something. Come NJ inmates…GET TO SHANKING!!!


  15. Mike, you sound like you got boned too many times in the joint. I heard that it wasn’t his fault he was cleaning the gun and it kept going off.


  16. my friend trevor lives in that house. and he says its not creepy at all. its on grand ave. and it was completly rebuilt.


  17. I lived a house a way. He got caught in his car by Nimrod Goring for speeding and then told him that his family was killed. From what I heard the house was covered in blood. Eric, bless his soul, was a year behind me in school and took the worst of it. Ronnie was stuffed in a chest in the attic and Harry said he was on the run. The house is original but remodeled. Anyone that has mercy for this creep doesn’t know what happened. A day I will never forget.


  18. wow ppl can talk but u have to be a family member to know exactly what happened. i wish ppl would stop talking about my family and let them rest in peace.


  19. As a family memeber it is not easy for us to sit back and see others write things about our dead family memebrs, that are not true. Its easy for other people to speculate on what they believe is the truth. But for our family knowing the truth brings little comfort for the rest of us. We just want our family to rest in peace.


  20. Wow ppl can talk about my family like they know them. But you don’t know everything. Some of the stuff I am reading that ppl put on this blog is so not true.


  21. I am a family mamber and not surprised by what outsiders have to say, as if they were there. People can only speculate about things when they are told secondhand stories. I can only tell you that this is an ugly thing that happened to MY family. One bad egg doesn’t spoil the rest.


  22. It has been 32 years and people just can’t let our family rest. A comment to those of you who must know, all of the caskets were kept closed until the funerals were over and then opened for family only. Even still, Eric’s was just to painful to open and we deliberately left it closed. And to those of you asking for pictures, “Are you serious?”


  23. I continue to be appalled at the off-the-charts speculations regarding this sad case. I was in Hills, one year ahead of Harry, and remember him well. This case was handled in the courts in a most bizarre way. This case, in today’s courts, would be handled differently. I did not know about any surviving family members, and can only wonder how tough this must be for them.
    What are thoughts on the movie that is soon to be in production, titled “Anyone’s Son” like the book of the same name?


  24. I grew up in Montvale not far from where this took place. We did not know the family and I will not make judgements. However, what I will say is that I heard about this back in the mid-80’s. It saddened me then and it makes me even sadder today.


  25. What house is this??? cuz there are two abandon houses in Montvale and i really want to know which one it is!!!


  26. Hey Abbie, The house is not abandoned. The house is on the corner of Forest Ave and E Grand Ave. It has been remodeled and is still occupied. I knew the family fairly well and I don’t think we’ll ever know what really happened. If Harry did do it you can partially blame the gutless bullies who unmercifully picked on him. I hope these cowards are happy with the role they may have played in these deaths by repeatedly tormenting Harry. I can only hope what goes around comes around.


  27. I went to the Citadel with Harry in 1976. He was subjected to much hazing by the November Company upperclassmen and from regimental staff. I dont think he fit in well with his classmates either. He lied to the Citadel officials to go home early that thanksiving saying that his mother had been diagnosed with cancer. If he returned he faced an honor violation and trial by the honor court and he knew that the hazing would be even worse. I dont doubt that Harry was guilty and I dont make excuses for his criminal acts. This is one side of this story that very few people know. I graduated from the Citadel and knew Harry personally. I personally observed some of the hazing and ill treatment he received there.
    To be truthful his parents should have let him come home.


  28. I think it was a big conspiracy. The liberal prosecutor had it in for him because he was a military guy and went to the Citadel. The house is not abandoned, they built a pizzeriz there. It has good food too but the crust is too thin.


  29. jack, you really are an a**! You have no idea what your talking about.


  30. Jake are you serious. You have no idea what you are saying. This is my family you are talking about not some goverment conspiracy. Are you out of your D*** mind, for crying out loud. For the rest you who have retarded comments to make PLEASE KEEP THEM TO YOURSELF. As for Harry thats on him.


  31. Jack, I was shocked to see what you wrote about my family member (it being a goverment conspiracy) that could not be further from the truth. In truth he is guilty of what he was accused of, killing our other family members. We as a family know the truth behind the killings, but it doesn’t change the fact that he did it. It is a sad story for our family but a true one. Try to keep in mind when you write comments that he still has many of us family members alive and well.


  32. I was a year or two ahead of Harry in HS. He was bullied and beat up on a regular basis. I stopped others at least twice while they were beating on him. Wasn’t a friend, just didn’t believe in bullying. I don’t know if he wouldn’t or couldn’t defend himself at all. Nor do I know what it is that triggered the bullying impulse in others to pick on him.

    I know nothing sabout his family. I did once meet a Citadel classmate of his, a supply officer in the Navy. Said he was a loner who didn’t fit at the Citadel either.


  33. As a family member of Harry’s I can tell you that Harry has and had a great family all around him growing up. His grandmother was a wonderful woman whom Harry was very close to as well. Just a little info for H out there. And thank you for being kind to him H.


  34. i wish we could have known what drove him to kill his family. i hope Harry can find some kind of inner solace and peace. all those years ago. i never new the family, but to see this, i was some what bullied as well but it must not have been as bad. Susan and fellow members of the family, i am so sorry for the loss. You have my condolences. a complete stranger i am. but i do believe that one day he will see the error in his mistakes. again i am sorry for your families loss. I hope no one judges someone for the mistakes they have made in life. WE ALL have made mistakes. No sin is greater than the other.


    • Dear Bane thank you for your comments on December 15th 2009. As a family member we aren’t on here much as it hurts to remember. We try to quell some of the untrue statements that are made by others. Will try to be on more often.


  35. I live in Montvale, I know the house, and I know a teacher who taught Harry when he was in High School.


  36. Hey illmatic, so do thousands of other people so what’s your point? The real moral to this story might be, that if you push someone far enough you may not like the end result. You just need to look at the numerous Columbine type incidents and teen suicides to see what the majority of the underlying causes are. These kids are fed up with the abuse and feel like they have no other option but to act out themselves because no one seems to care. Bullying that is left unchecked will eventually leave a lifetime of scars in many different ways. Educators, law enforcement and parents need to start taking bullying seriously or history will continue to repeat itself. The problem is that kids learn how to treat and respect others by their example. Unfortunately the lack of good examples has continued to increase. Don’t blame the person who’s pushed too far, blame the ones who enable them. I can tell you from first hand experience that some Montvale educators, parents and the animals they raise have blood on their hands.


  37. So when is Harry getting paroled, he’s been locked up a long time. The guy needs a second chance, he was only 18 at the time. I’m sure it hasn’t been fun getting locked up with the NJ state prison population. So Susan, do you ever visit or write to him? Is he rehabilitated yet? If it was a heat of the moment thing, then he probably won’t do it again.


  38. I was one of this giy’s “keepers” & he is a total P.O.S.


    • Hey Turk I agree, I spent 8hrs a day with him while he was in PC. The guy never left his cell and when he did it was when they brought the food in and he was always in his underwear, T-shirt and boxer shorts and all he ate was candy bars. This was right after he was sentenced .
      From what I could see he seemed like a real weird kind of person. Definetly seemed like he had mental issues.
      From what I remember he was a tall lanky guy with dark hair and creepy looking eyes.


  39. My fathers partner was Harry’s lawyer. The whole truth has never been said! just leave it at that! You guys have no idea what you are talking about. There was some injustice done to all!


    • Debbie,

      Whatever was told to your father’s partner, you should not know either. If you do and it came from him, that is wrong and he could and should lose his law license for that. Your father should not even know. Attorney/client privilege is not a group thing.


  40. Thank you Bonnie. Also for one as a family member no injustice was done to him. He got everything he deserved. If you people dont like that fact tuff crap. Also know what you are talking about before putting something not true on this board, gossiping gets you know where.


  41. Why do people shotgun whole families? It has to be either drugs or some sick hope of getting on reality tv. He might get a show some day.


    • I seriously doubt Harry will get a reality show of his own ever. He is still in prison, and has no parole date. And it would be profitting off of his crime, which I am sure the State of New Jersey would and should put an end to. From what I also gather, I don’t think that Harry would like that much attention on himself.


  42. I wonder if he has reformed in jail, you know got religion, education, psychiatric treatment. They probably won’t let him out because he won’t fess up and admit he did the whole thing.


  43. Wow Jack you talk like a weirdo and sound like a creep. You must live in a fantasy world.


  44. Well Larry, what made the guy snap? Normal one day and mass murderer the next? Please.


  45. In which prison is Harry? Still “Rahway”?


  46. I worked with Harry Sr. for many many years and the last day of work he was so proud of his son and was excited that Harry Jr. would be home for Thanksgiving. I have been on company picnics and Christmas parties for the children with the family there .. and never saw the abuse that
    people claimed. Yes, Harry Sr. was strict but so many other fathers are strict. That is no reason for what happened. Harry Jr. lied to the school to be home. Apparently he planned on doing this to his family.


  47. We lived in Montvale on Penn Ave, a few blocks away from Harry when we were kids. Used to cut through the yards while walking to 7-11 for candy/slurpees, the library, etc. Knew the house, which was like a Michael Myers house to us kids, scared us even cutting through the yard. We would dare each other to peek through the windows, even though it was deserted at this point. Years later, I met Harry while doing a stint in South Jersey. He was there for a long time already, crazy thing was he had this old stereo with 8 track tapes and big stereo speakers that was grandfathered in as he had it before they changed the rules. His room was custom painted, he actually had many odd items which any normal inmate would not have. He also had many privledges that other inmates did not have as well, since he was there for so long. He could basically go where and do what he wanted, more or less, besides open the front door. He could even walk into the main officer’s rooms and just sit down and put his feet on the desk, chatting away like he was home. He didnt have it too bad, all things considered, as he was there longer than most of the guards. He wrote that book before they changed the laws about proffiting from crimes, and used the money through the years for commisary and keeping friends around the jail. We became aquainted after while and had some stange talks, though he wasnt fond of talking about it, he told me many a crazy thing about that night. All I can say was he was a strange dude indeed. Always had it in my mind that he could easily snap again. Obviously, his craziness was perpetuated by his many years behind bars. He did however, give me an autographed copy of his book when I was leaving…I thought that was kind of nice. I still wouldnt have turned my back on him. Once someone has the capacity to kill, they can easily do it again. So, I can attest first hand, he was one crazy dude. Even though I have been on the same side of the bars as he was and detest just about all forms of imprisonment and believe in second and even third chances, I just dont know if I would let him out if I was on his parole board. For all he has done and been through, I just wouldnt trust it. Wouldnt want to be the one living next door to him on the outside, that is for sure.


  48. Well I see Jack is still at it with his reckless rabbles. Charlie, I must say you have hit the nail on the head, what you have said about him. Marna you right you would have never seen abuse, because he wasnt abuse at all. That is just a front for his reckless, selfish behavior. He had a loving, warm family until he decide to ruin it all. As a family member I hope he never gets out. For all of you who believe his line of crap, I feel sorry for you that he pulled you into his crazy mind of lies.


  49. I should also add, he was apparently a model inmate, getting only a few disiplnary reports since his incarceration began. And he also had that 1000 mile stare like someone that has been through a long war…sometimes if you asked him something he didnt like, he would just look at you and you would wonder what he was about to do. Luckily, in my case, he would just answer that he didnt want to talk about it…which was just fine with me.


  50. The house is on Grand Avenue 2 streets up from the library right on the corner. no the house was not torn down it was remodeled. The garage is original. Tare it down will you its an eyesore. Ha I know the guy that lives there he purchased the house in late 78 no one would buy it him and a bunch of friends brought it, he still remains there. Bullet holes in the wall under the wallpaper. This was a terrible crime Eric went to school with my older brother Fieldstone middle school. Someone had a garage sale at the house one day and my Grandfather brought stuff My Grandmother would not let him bring it in the house.


  51. i went to fieldstone middle school in montvale w/harry. i also rode the same schoolbus. i recall he was teased/made fun of daily. i seems he was picked on by all sides including his family/dad….sooner or later with a scenario like this a tragic incident is bound to happen. so when i heard of the happenings in 1976, i was not at all surprised.


  52. I first heard of this tragedy years ago when I found the book “Anyone’s Son” in my mom’s bookcase. I have always been fascinated by “true crime” and now have a copy of my own…I often wonder is my mother read this book since my brother was a “probelm” child as a teenager and was worried that perhaps he would cause these kinds of horrendous crimes…I think she may have been a little afraid of my brother at timesthat was in the early 80’s…anyway my heart goes out to the family of the victims, I wish you peace…


  53. As a family memeber I find it very hard to understand why people would want pictures of the crime scene. We as family members still have to live and endure this terrible scene in our hearts and minds everyday. Our dead family members need to rest in peace for eternity same as everyone else’s loved ones, so before you ask for things like this picture your own beloved family members being splashed all over god knows where.


  54. when i read the book i thought at first he didn’t do it.. then as i read on it became clear he did it…. i was only 2 when this happen…. 12 ppl found him gulity…. but only GOD can judge him…. i pray that one day the family can forgive him…. if u carry hate the u can’t heal……


  55. I live in Canada and read the book. The address is on the very first page of chapter one. 23 East Grand Avenue, Montvale, New Jersey. There is a black and white picture of the house with a crime scene keep out sign roped between the trees in the front yard.


  56. I read this book years ago and felt so sorry for Harry Jr. and his whole family. What a tragedy. Anyone can speculate what really happened, even extended family members, but no one really knows unless you are there every day experiencing the abuse or the constant bullying. Who are we to judge?! I just pray for Harry Jr., his family, and his extended family to find peace.


  57. Its just like the Menendez brothers. Over bearing, over disciplining father pushes a kid with a weak psyche thinking it will toughen him up and BOOM. NJ Parole is not letting him out till he admits his wrong and deals with it. They said he is a threat once he gets out.


  58. Had I sat on this jury, I would heavily weigh the FACT that the Senior push Junior to far as a child and he snapped Somewhere, parents need to held responsible for events of this matter. Tired of listening to the norm of “other children are abused and rarely commit crimes. Well, mental illness, abuse, or a combination of both can drive the most vulnerable and the strong to criminal behavior.


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