Poll: Have you ever experienced domestic violence?

Since this month’s theme is Domestic Violence, I thought I would add this new feature from WordPress.

13 Responses

  1. a peace fulled loving environment – a ‘soft place to fall’ – as dr phil would say [i wonder who coined that phrase?] the other thing that i find myself using when i come accross aggressive types – how much fun are you to live with?
    i use it on myself all the time! helps to be more tollerant

    for some reason this window is spilling over into yr right colomn
    support will help you sort that out
    and yr popup ads are on! they pop up rite over yr text and take an age to dissapear – you can only see them on someone elses machine – to turn them off if you want to is
    dashboard themes extras


  2. hoh-

    None of that happpens to me, even when I am logged out and using a different computer in a different location then where I posted that from.


  3. Doesn’t happen to me either.. I have never seen a pop-up and the page is fine.. Good job Bonnie


  4. I don’t get them either. When I did it was due to a problem with my computer not your site. I had to use spy doctor and it fixed the problem.


  5. Your popup ads are gone but this comment window – i’m writing in – is still way over into yr right colomn – not when viewing yr post though – only in edit mode
    i’m using opera – this could have something to do with it
    it’s hard to see what i’m writing on the right side as it gets mixed with the text in the colomn


  6. Hoh, I have been on this site weekly if not almost daily for over a year and I have never had a pop up ad so I don’t think yours was because of this blog could be your computer?


  7. Yes, it has to do with Opera. My blog shows up wierd in Firefox as well.


  8. Y kived wirg a person who hut- Beat me, really, threw thing at me, kulled my cat, and okayed the suicide game0 U would come in and find him crashed and he wouldn’t tell ehat he had taken… U never knew how much of these episodes were faked, Before that, U had a father who was shirt, stringm insecure, and a mean drunk0 it adds up to an inyrtrsying adolescebce abd toyng adukyhood.


  9. Mare,

    I am sorry but your comment is not in plain English, so I do not understand it. Sorry.


  10. I thought it was normal for most of my life. My father was abusive, my first boyfriend, my husband, my boyfriend after that and the last one. I am not in a relationship right now because I just can’t do it again. I would rather be alone and happy than in pain and miserable. Never again!


  11. Yes, my son’s father. I was very young when I met him. (15 yrs) The abuse started after I had his son, I was 18. I couldn’t wear skirts, and he hated it when I went out with friends. He was more emotionally abusive than physical. Then he started doing coke, and it went all downhill from there. I refuse to let my son live like that, thinking thats how relationships are supposed to be. My son gave me the purpose I needed to leave his ass, and I’ve NEVER went back. I left him in 1993. Though it definately affected my son because they were so close, I know I did the right thing. No other man has EVER laid their hands on me in a violent way since. And if they try, I have 187 reasons why they will always fail.


  12. Noelle,
    That’s right girl. Don’t you EVER put up with that shit again.


  13. I have been in an abusive marriage for 35 years. I know it sounds so crazy. I got married very young and had our first baby at 18 years old. My husband has stepped out on me many times. He has broken my nose, cracked ribs, given me a concussion and everything in between. I have been scared to death of him. He accuses me of stepping out on him and monitors everything I do. I have been working hard to get to a point where I can support myself. I am there and now looking for a good divorce attorney to help me since I have no idea where our money goes and where our savings, retirement etc are. I do know that we always had a savings and all of a sudden he says we don’t have one anymore. We spent it. I made the mistake of asking what we spent it on and all hell broke loose. He told me he would kill me if I ever left him. I am afraid he will. I am treading on thin ice, but tired of walking on eggshells all the time. Help!


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