Update: Caylee Anthony disappearance *Bond reduction hearing denied again; Are the psychics helping? Above all, WHERE is Caylee?*

Rumors and drama. That is all this case seems to have, but yet, no real answers. casey can’t decide what is the truth and what isn’t. The grandfather says Caylee has been kidnapped, but where is the ransom demand? Or any proof? Any phone calls? Any letters? And now the psychics are joining the circus and at least one believes she is dead. And of course, the Anthonys are looking for personal assistants, volunteers of course, since everyone can afford to spend all of their time helping them with their personal issues (because the ad specifically states that the person will be doing other things besides helping with the search for Caylee). And family visits have been cancelled left and right. People are paranoid about being recorded apparently. What could they have to say while Casey is in jail that they could not have overheard? Hmmm, I think there is more to this than meets the eye. But it seems like all this is about for the family (in my opinion) is covering Casey’s ass. It needs to be about CAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY. I know that they are carting around the sign, which is good, but what took them so long to do that? It seems like an afterthought to me. I am very interested to see what comes back from the forensic experts from The Body Farm. I hope they can help.

Caylee Search: Psychics, Jail Visits Refused, ‘Body Farm’ Techniques
Caylee Anthony’s Grandfather Says 3-Year-Old Has Been Kidnapped
Missing Florida Tot’s Uncle Cancels Another Jail Visit With Child’s Mom
Casey Anthony’s Brother Cancels Jail Visit Again
A Closer Look at the Caylee Anthony Disappearance Timeline
2nd Search In Two Days For Missing 3-Year-Old Orlando Girl Called Off
Caylee Anthony Missing: Mom Ignores Family, Bond Stays, Psychic Search
Forensic experts at “Body Farm” test trunk air samples

1,023 Responses

  1. If she was kidnapped, why then are they asking for donations???? for what. Why are you asking us to find her if the police already know where she is…..what’s with driving around with the billboard????? None of this makes any sense. Why are you all over the media. Why tip off the kidnappers letting them know their being watched…WHAT?


  2. I just googled Casey’s attrny, Baez and found this :

    Sems that 2 of Baez’s big cases were for people accused of MURDERING YOUNG CHILDREN.

    Supposedly, Casey heard about him when she was being booked into the jail. She asks around for a lawyer and so happens to get the name of someone wihth background defending child murders? This ran chills up my spine.


  3. Thanks for the site….I have no words! I just want to throw up! I guess the good news is his other client was convicted.


  4. Sick,
    Woooooow. Your comment is really disturbing. So the lawyer/loser defends child murderers??? Now why would she request him unless……….she killed Caylee? Her denying visits from family says to me that she will crack VERY soon. I saw the tears last night on NG, only they weren’t for Caylee. Casey is crying because she knows her ass is in a MAJOR sling. She thought she could lie her way outta this like she does everything else, but the world AND the media will NOT let Caylee’s disappearence just go away. (thank God) Maybe in her sick mind she thought no one would care. She should realize that Caylee is now everybodys


  5. If the police thought at all that Caylee was kidnapped and still alive, don’t you think there would have been an amber alert? All the evidence points to her being dead. If the theory of an accidental drowning was true and Casey came up with this elaborate lie in hopes of not looking like a bad parent…I got news for you Casey, you look far worse now than you would have if you called 911 the instant you saw her in the pool. You wouldn’t be putting your family through all this, you wouldn’t be putting the community an much of the country through all this. You are quickly becoming old news. I’ve been following this for 3 weeks now and the only “new” news I see or hear is that you rejected a visit from your brother or family. We are tired of your lies and your spotlight is fadding. You need to come clean and tell us were Caylee is and if you are lucky, maybe they CAN prove it was an accident.


  6. Hi Guys~I found you!!!! Can’t wait to see Nancy tonight. LaVonna, how’s my baby fund coming?


  7. Jimmy,
    Very good points. You are right on. If it was an accident, just SAY so.
    If your having a girl, I heard Shauncey was a beautiful name! Let me just throw that out there!!


  8. Angela, that baby fund is not doing real good (just give me more time please) 🙂

    Donna, the donations are going toward her defense.

    Jimmy, so true

    Well guys it’s 7:43 I need to get my dishes done so I can sit and watch Nancy Grace, I don’t get to watch her when hubby is home so I have to hurry…,


  9. Shauncey,

    I totally agree with you. I think Casey is beginning to crack. She realizes that her ass is in a sling and that the cops aren’t going to listen to her lies and whining. From what I read on the local stations news her day in jail is spent alone for 23 hours. She has one hour to take shower, have some rec time, etc. Other than that she is in her cell alone with only a radio. That gives her lots of time to think and worry. No friends to talk to on cell phones, or land lines, no tv to watch, no family to talk to, just that crazy loon of a baby killer lawyer of her.

    I think that if they keep up the pressure long enough she’s gonna crack. She is used to being party girl, dressing up, going out partying, talking incessantly on the phone, on the Internet – she has none of that NOW! I say just keep up the hard work investigators and let her sit in there and stew. I think its good that she’s not talking to her family. She’s gonna blow soon – I can see and feel it coming.

    I have attached a link to one of the local Tv stations below at the end of this posting. They reported at 6:00 tonight (the sgt on the police team) that they are looking to file more charges against Casey in the hopes that will make her talk. They are thinking about adding theft charges and credit card fraud to her conviction. I say “go for it guys. Throw everything that you’ve got at her.”

    Also, I read on the TV posting that the police do not think that Casey is kidnapped and that George and Cindy know who did it. I swear thosehttppeople are idiots! What flakes.


    Here’s the TV station link:


  10. Lavonna,
    who’s defence casey’s or angela’s??? I would’nt donate one red cent to crazy.


  11. Sorry – here’s that website:


  12. This poor little girl, having to endure living with these morons. Some one has to crack soon. It’s only a matter of time. Just waiting for the lies to end!! oh gotta go Nancy on.


  13. jane,
    Right on for that info. Yeah, she’s gonna crack soon, I can FEEL it. The sad part is when she starts confessing, it won’t be anything we probably don’t ALREADY know. Casey seems like the type to deny deny deny till the end, even when the truth is slapping her and everyone else in the face.


  14. Kay, I wrote that the other day as well and have been wondering about that from the very begining. I’m watching NG right now to see what’s new on the case. Seems like there was a lot going on today…..now if it’s of any help I don’t know.


  15. I still think that Cindy and George are playing along in the media about Caylee being kidnapped because they know Casey watches the news. George used to be a detective for crying out loud, there is absolutely no sliver of evidence pointing towards a kidnapping other than Casey’s fabricated story. If George truely is that naive, maybe thats why he is no longer a detective

    Gail St John, the psychic, while I don’t really believe psychics I do applaud her coming from Ohio to try and look for Caylee. She came down here on donations and if she does happen to find Caylee’s remains with her registered cadaver dogs, she stands to benefit from a great deal of publicity.

    That dumbass Baez has a habit of defending garbage but it seems he has lost more than he won. Who is paying for his legal services? George and Cindy? What’s going to happen when they find out Casey actually did kill her, who’s going to pay for Baez then? On the other hand, Baez could do it pro bono for the publicity, it is after all national media coverage.

    I’m sure that Nancy Grace has ratings going through the roof right now too. An awful lot of people all over the country sitting on the edge of their seats waiting to see something new about the case and get disappointed when it’s the same shit every night…Casey not talking to anyone and Caylee is still missing and the grandparents still in denial…absolutely nothing new for 3 weeks.

    I want closure so I can get on with my life (lol) Seriously though, in my 38 years, I have never followed or cared so much about a news story as I have about this one and I really don’t know why, I just want it to end.


  16. Donna I was talking about the Anthony’s raising money for Crazy’s defense. haha
    Everyone……… we can stop worrying about this because George says that they know who has her and they have been watching them……… what a crock of poop


  17. You know I don’t recall ever hearing anything about looking at the computers in the Grandparents house. Crazy had a myspace page, so I’d assume there was a computer in the home with internet access. Has anyone heard if investigators have looked or taken computers to see what things she (or her family members) might have searched for between the day she supposedly last saw her? She seems pretty ignorant with all her lies, so I could see her doing something like searching for terms like dispose of body, drowning, death from leaving a child in the car…or possibly she ran searches on nearby parks, dumps, or mapped driving directions to a nearby place.


  18. Hey CB,

    As a matter of fact in on of Greta’s interviews with Cindy and George last week, Cindy said that the police had taken their computer and that they were “happy to let them have it if it will help Caylee.” Yeah right!

    I’m very interested in what the psychic had to say on NG tonight. DId you hear her say that her cadaver dogs were acting very interested in one area, but that it was getting too dark and they decided to quit. Obviously, they will be back at that site tomorrow.

    Don’t know about the rest of you, but I am getting pretty tired of Greta Van Susteren. She was on the “poor” Cindy and George bandwagon tonight even though most of her panel of experts believe that they are lying like crazy. Somehow they have suckered Greta in and I think it is affecting her reporting of the case. Too bad, I”ve always liked Greta.


  19. George says that they know who has her and they have been watching them……
    Lavonna where did you hear this?


  20. Hawk,

    They have been reporting it on the Orlando local channels. George’s obviously nuts. I think the whole darn family is. The report says that the investigators don’t buy his theory. Here’s a link to one of the stations reporting it.


  21. Jimmy,
    That’s very true about the parents maybe playing into her story just so she will think they believe her. When grandpa was asked if he believed that casey had anything to do with caylee’s death he responded by saying that he didn’t want to ever hear anyone ask him that question again, and he didn’t want to think about it. SOoo maybe the truth is sinking into him.

    Something else that I was wondering about tonight and thought maybe someone else might have something to add. I do believe in psychics (however not too sure about this one but that’s neither here nor there) and I hope that they can help with this case. However, I THOUGHT I remembered hearing this woman say that she was asked there by the family OR she was working with the family (this was last night) and THOUGHT that I heard grandpa mention working with this group as well. Then tonight this woman says she isn’t working with the family or police??? Ok then who in the heck is she working with????

    Back a few days or weeks ago (whatever the case may be) gift cards, gas cards, and other items were being donated (or at least asked for). We all (here on this blog) couldn’t believe they would ask for these things, what did they need these items for??? Well, this psychic reported that her group doesn’t have much money and whoever asked her here had donated gas cards and such to help cover the cost.

    Where I’m going with this is just this. If the donations were used to help pay or get this group down here I’m all for it, if it will help find this little girl. However, it seems a little fishie to me that each side is saying something different on two different days??? I mean what’s the big deal if the family was the one to contact this group and why lie about if they are working with each other???

    I think it goes back to what Jimmy said. I think they (grandma and granny) are saying things (as crazy as they seem) in public so casey will think all is still going her way on the outside.

    Does anyone else see this, or am I just seeing things that aren’t there. Jimmy, I also agree with you as I am sure most do. We all just want this story to end. When I go to sleep tonight I will say a little prayer that tomorrow we can put this story and little girl to rest.


  22. With all the times Casey getting pissy on the phone and then demanding Tony’s phone # has any one heard anything about those phone conversations? Were there any? and if so, were they /or why not released? Maybe she has said something to him. I personally would like to know if Tony considers himself crazy’s boyfriend. I don’t know about that psychic, she seemed to skirt ?’s the same as the whole crazy family.


  23. I have to say that I think the grandparents should also be “people of interest”. Why did they not question Caylee being gone suddenly for 5 weeks? I have a 5, 3 and 2 year old,and I know that if my mom and dad didn’t see them or talk to them for a few days, let alone weeks, they would be on my door step asking questions. And we don’t even live with them! Not to mention that as a parent, I know where my children are at all times, regardless of who may be watching them. People have mentioned that Casey may be fearful of someone, but come on, as a mother your first instinct is to protect your children at all costs, and that means going to the authorities IMMEDIATELY if anything like this happened.
    As someone mentioned earlier, if the mother is innocent she should at least be showing emotions over being in jail and not being able to help find her daughter. If this were one of my sons,I would be fighting with every breath I took to get the truth and bring them home. The entire family seems dillusional, and I pray that when they find Caylee, this family never sees her again. If they did have someone ‘safe’ take her, then they never thought about the emotional and phsycological damage this little girl is going to live with now, and that is theworst part. I refuse to believe she is dead, because I can not and will never be able to understand how Caylee’s own family could ever let this fate be thrown apon this beautiful little girl.
    They need to find Caylee and find a safe,stable,loving home for her, before it’s too late for this girl to have a normal life.
    I also can’t help but wondering if Cindy and George are going to get Caylee when she is found (again I have to hope she is alive)? How could she go back to people who also never thought to look for her and call the police after the first week (at the absolute most), that she was missing.
    Caylee could have been taken across the world and back long before she was even reported missing.

    This makes me sick and I just hope that there is someone out there that actually loves this little girl enough to actually focus on finding her and bring her back. She needs a hero – and the people that should be her hero, seem to be the ones hiding information in regards to her disappearence.

    This entire tragedy has me so angry with the Anthony’s and has made me want to find this little girl and wrap her in my arms so I can tell her that she is safe.

    Someone needs to start getting answers,and very quickly, and end this tragedy so that Caylee can be found, and all parties invovled in her disappearence be brought to justice.


  24. Did anyone else see these pics?



  25. Nikka – had not seen the pictures – thanks for sharing.

    what is the deal with her? Everyone gets to be wild and crazy sometimes – but if they were actually taken when Caylee was missing – then wow – this woman needs more than meds if you ask me.


  26. Nads,
    needs serious meds – all of them. I agree everyone gets a little wild sometimes, but most people don’t lose their kids. I don’t know when they (pics) were taken. This granpa thing – who r THEY? that have the little girl and r being watched? But no one is doin anything with this info? Smells like BS to me. And the Grandma – when everything comes out Casey will deserve mother of the year award? MOTHER OF THE YEAR? R u kidding me with this shit?


  27. hey guys…..
    ok here’s the scoop on the psyic..i read theie blog a couple of weeks ago. they had several local citizens asking them to com to fl and look for caylee. she responded tot hem that she was not financially able to travel at this time. she also disclosed that her home was in forclosure and she just coul dnot leave at this time. there was several people offering to send money for the trip. finally she agreed that they woul dcome if the could raise the funds…when she started getting offerings she made it very plan that she did not want any pay or any type of restitution..only travel money. she told that any funds needed to be in the lines of gift cards and that they must be sent with a full name and address and contact number of the person sending them so that she could record all donations. she did not want anyone to think that she was taking these donations to go on her private affairs of her home foreclosure……..
    she said tht she started having dreams about caylee befor she seen anything on the news about it. did not know it was caylee until she talked with someone on her team and they asked her to check the link out about it.
    i don’t think they came here for the anthony family. i think they came here from request from concerned citizens..
    and back to my original questions…
    if grampa knows who has her what they hell are they waiting on…GO GET HER…..don’t wait for them to kill her because he put it out on the news they are being watched…how stupid was that. if someone has her does he think they are not watching every pc of news like us to see what is going on…come on…that is so stupid……..funny how grampa knows who has her and has someone watching “THEM” but yet the FBI don’t know anything about it….


  28. Hawk, I heard it come out of George’s big mouth on Nancy Grace last night. Why?


  29. In my opinion, Casey accidentally killed Caylee, perhaps as a result of leaving her in the car in the Florida heat during her $45,000 shopping spree. When she found Caylee’s body, she panicked and tried contacting both of her parents. This would explain the “flurry” of phone calls to Cindy and George on the 16th. Not knowing what to do, she either buried or burned the child and took the next month or so to concoct a ridiculous story about a non-existent nanny kidnapping her daughter. Casey has dug herself deeper and deeper into her web of lies. Once she told the initial lie that her daughter was kidnapped by Zenaida, cops started sniffing around, thus causing her to tell another lie and another and another and so on and so forth. She can no longer keep the lies straight.

    I feel that she has confessed the crime to her attorney. Last week, she mad a frantic call to Lee, indicating that she needed to speak to her attorney and has declined to speak with her family since then, as probably advised by Baez. It’s only a matter of time before the detectives have concrete evidence that Caylee’s body was in the trunk of the car at one time, and Casey knows this. It wouldn’t surprise me if Baez pulls the insanity card, since Casey is clearly mentally ill.

    That being said, Cindy Anthony is probably the wackiest of all. I have never seen a more ungrateful woman. The media has given this case the exposure that the parents/grandparents of other missing children can only pray for, yet she has done nothing but complain about the type of exposure and criticize those who are searching for information. Cindy knows that Casey had something to do with Caylee’s disappearance but is in denial. On July 3rd, a week before Cindy contacted authorities, she posted a Myspace blog about Casey and Caylee. She basically stated that Casey was an ungrateful monster and that she had taken Caylee away from her. She said that she was in mourning. Of course, the blog has since been removed but, clearly, Cindy knew that something was fishy long before she called the police. I don’t think that George is in denial. He knows that Casey was involved but, in order to protect his wife and daughter, he continues to go along with their shenanigans.

    It is my prediction that, once the police have the evidence they’re looking for, Casey will say that Cindy was involved from the beginning. Of course, Cindy will feign shock, deny it, and say that she is “hurt and disappointed” that her own daughter would make such accusations after the time and energy that she has put into the search for Caylee.

    Of course, this is merely speculation, but it will be interesting to see how everything pans out. I am continuously checking for updates on this case. I’m from New York but was vacationing in Orlando when this story broke, and it is truly a fascinating case. My heart goes out to Caylee, who is the only victim in this mess. May God be with her.


  30. just noseing around..check this out.
    7 Reasons I think that there may be an insurance policy involved in Caylee Anthony’s dissapearance. It looks like these people have a history of money problems and stress. Maybe they have champagne taste on beer man’s wages. Public records do not lie:

    1. The Anthony family has taken mortgages out on several properties in Trumbull County over the past 10-15 years (after they moved to Florida).

    2. Cynthia M. Anthony of Orlando, Florida was evicted as a tenant from Pine View Apartments on 7/10/2002.

    3. George Anthony filed for dilssolution of marriage (AKA divorce) from Cynthia Anthony on 12/29/05. The order was dismissed on 11/28/2007.

    4. Cynthia Anthony took out a mortgage on 50-245 Chickawsaw Oaks with Bank of America on 1/6/1999. After late/default payment, the Anthony’s and Bank of America finally came to a financial “agreement” 50-245 Chickasaw Oaks (Phase 3) on 7/14/2005.

    5. Action is filed by MBNA AMERICA BANK NA against George Anthony on 12/11/2006. There was an order of dismissal after a hearing on 8/4/2008 (while Caylee was missing).

    6. Action is filed by FIA CARD SERVICES NA against George Anthony on 11/28/2007. The case is unresolved and currently open.

    7. A woman named Cindy Anthony of Orlando, Florida filed bankruptcy on May 12, 2008.





  31. Nikka Says:
    August 13, 2008 at 12:10 am
    With all the times Casey getting pissy on the phone and then demanding Tony’s phone # has any one heard anything about those phone conversations? Were there any? and if so, were they /or why not released? Maybe she has said something to him. I personally would like to know if Tony considers himself crazy’s boyfriend. I don’t know about that psychic, she seemed to skirt ?’s the same as the whole crazy family.


  32. Nikka Says:
    August 13, 2008 at 1:17 am
    Did anyone else see these pics?



  33. NIKKA,
    i looked at those pic also…that is actually where i got the info about the financial situation of the anthonys it was all listed in that blog……….
    she is such a pc of trash…….and she sure does not look like she was 17-18 there ….those were pretty recent photo’s i would think expecially the one with the flag….i was raised to respect the flag and i sure did not see any respect in wearing it like that…i guess that is what she was doing that day while mom and pop poured the cement pad in the backyard….she she does not look very upset over her baby missing……………..as far as tony goes…they say he is fully cooperating with the police and has opened his home, car and computer to the police without any problems. i don’t think he thinks of himself as her boyfriend anymore…they say that he was very upset when he found out about caylee being gone………..and i would think if he thought of her a his “GIRLFRIEND” that he would be on the visitation list some time or another but according to the police he wants to distant himself from this whole thing…


  34. LaVonna~ What do you mean no one is donating to my fund? Maybe I need to brush up on my crazy skills…do you think it would make a difference if I got a bowl haircut, taped my ears up elf-style, put on a white tank top and threw a prozac-withdrawl tantrum on TV, that people would see how desperate I am and give me lots of goodies?

    Shauncey~ Sorry, her name will be Maggie.

    Serious question:
    Does anyone know if the Anthony’s called in the psychic team and if they are paying them, or are they volunteers? And since the family is saying that they KNOW who has Caylee and are watching them, why not call their bluff? I say leave the search efforts, stop waiting outside of their house for an interview, just stop covering the case–they obviously don’t need anyone else! These people are seriously jacked, and clearly they are Casey’s real parents, because you don’t become that much of a freak without proper parentage. If I were her defense attorney I’d blame it on the DNA chain.


  35. Angela,

    From what I remember, the one psychic woman (can’t think of her name right now) is not being paid and is looking for donations to help her with travel expenses. So, the Anthony’s may not be paying them, but maybe they asked them to come down.


  36. Angela;
    no, the family did not call in the psychic team. the leading psychic from the team was on NG last night and made it clear that they are not working with the police or the family. they are working alone and have accepted donations for travel expenses only. They are doing this on their own time with no payment for their work.
    I commend them for trying and doing something, it is more than we can say for the family.


  37. angela,
    i was following the psychic’s web page for the last 2-3 weeks and there were several blods inthere where people who thought they were psychic also and from florida was asking her to come to fla. and search the area they the team had zeroed in on. i think they even contacted the police in the case and told them who they were etc…and that she had been having these vixions and told them where to look. it was really intersteing. they have maps and pictures and all sorts of stuff to back up their visions. and if you read all of them and look at al the info they have there it really can make a believer out of you. i really hope this lady does find the baby. i don’t hink she was giving aout any of the information about the locations they were going to look to keep the press away. all of that is on the blog

    check it out it really is interesting


  38. Statement made by whack job/grandma last night:
    “Casey is a very loving mother. If it takes for her to sit in jail to protect her child then she is prepared to do that”.
    I don’t have to tell you guys how many bald spots I have in my head from pulling my hair out by the ROOTS.
    Jimmy, I’m really feeling what you said. This case is consuming my life, and I won’t get past it until I get an answer.
    Angela, I can roll with Maggie. Very sweet name. Good luck.


  39. Kelly: If she confessed her crime to her attorney, that goes beyond the attorney-client priveledge and he would be obligated to tell police, otherwise he could be considered and accomplice after the fact.

    The first couple of pictures had to have been taken long before Caylee was missing, her hair is too short to be 1 or 2 months ago. Interesting pics of her lifestyle though, real classy…peeing in the parking lot.

    As for the psychic, I’ve read the website and sort of interesting but I’m not a psychic and I believe Caylee is close to home too, I just don’t have the cadaver dogs or time to go searching like she does. I am a skeptic but hey, if she finds Caylee thats great.


  40. at least someone is looking for her….if you can’t find her little precious body then GREAT….maybe she is alive but at least someone is looking for something other than waiting on lab reports and the mom to tell them what she did to her baby………..


  41. Kay,

    I have received some emails from psychics and such wanting to help too. I do not know why people think I would be the one to contact! AND I get emails from people thinking I am Cindy Anthony! Wow was that offensive!


  42. Bonnie, give Donna and us the email address and we will beatdown on them too!!!!!!! We don’t want them insulting you like that. 🙂
    Hope you are feeling better?

    note from blog owner

    I usually send out a scathing email on stuff like that and never hear back!

    Yes, I am feeling better, thank you! However, I have to have another surgery soon, so it is only for a little while I will feel fine! But it is nothing serious! I will live. So my husband can pamper me some more!!! (I am a lucky woman to have my husband who really doted on me!)


  43. mylife od crime,
    i am sure it was offensive…..what do you say to them when they send you these emails….i bet you ahve seen a really different side of the subject than what we are seeing…i can imagine some of the hate mail your getting.
    why would anyone contact you? it’s been a while since i located your blog and i can’t even remember how i found it…i can tell you that i have really enjoyed it. pretty wild bunch, at times but it is only for fun and venting….i really like these guys in here……..thank you
    do you respond to these emails your getting?


  44. bonnie,
    i check this out just now this is how i found your blog and could be why they are contacting you.
    when i put caylee anthony update in my search bar on aol your blod is the first link that comes up.
    we’ll protect ya…….just refer them to us…………..


  45. Yeah! We promise you that we have your back girlfriend 🙂


  46. I’ve been following this murderous motha’ from the get go and she’s nothing but a parasite stain on the fabric of humanity. unlike some of u, I have no hope of finding this little angel alive. I think this psychopath “mother” new that her grandparents were tired of raising her daughter and had told her so. Realizing that she was going to have to step up and actually take some responsibility for her child she freaked out and murdered her daughter in cold blood. She also thought “this will teach my mother, I will hurt her in the worst way possible for treating me this way” I know it sounds sicko to any of us, but keep in mind this girl isn’t like any other human being. Her mind is constantly on what is best for ME?! She has no thought for anyone but her own wicked self. I bet you a million dollars that she loved TALKING about her daughter, and used her daughter to get what she wanted, sympathy, etc… Showed off pictures to everyone and had “acting like the perfect parent” down to an art form. Life, until now, was just a movie playing in her head, her the leading actress. No consequences to any of her actions. Which from what I’ve seen of her parents, they are looney tunes, so no wonder. They don’t live in reality either. This poor soul of Caylee is hopefully free from their grasp forever and is now somewhere on the otherside being cared for by loving people and will direct people who care here to her body and the truth. Lord help us all, to think this monster was out freely in the world weaving her deceitful web is scary. I hope she spends the rest of her days behind bars with only her own sick stupid mind to drive her completely mad. As for Cindy and George An”phonie” , well, I don’t know. They will get what they deserve too people, the universe is a very balanced place that way. (even when it doesn’t seem that way) I know that truth and justice will prevail, in the meantime I will be glued to this case I just can’t help it!! Peace and Love to everyone, especially those actively looking for little Caylee, may you be lifted up by the prevailing good thoughts of everyone who fell in love with this little girl.


  47. Hey ladies, I see nothing new today….hum, just like yesterday and the day before. I’m so sick of the run around and the outragous things that come out of their mouths.
    I’m starting to wonder if they have the DNA and its not a match. Raaaaaaah!!!!!! (a lot of scraming and cursing).


  48. Kristi from ks, I feel the same way! Cold blooded witch…I really think she did it out of spite, I can hear her saying to her brain dead parents…(look what YOU made me do).


  49. hey donna……….absolutley nothing new out there. i have watched the same news reel over and over.i do think that the police are tightening the screws a little bit…..it is getting close the the 21st that’s the next hearing and i think that is why they are holding these charges over her head….talk or we’ll charge you with even more…you know what sane person could not handle being in a little cell with no human contact at all except when they bring meals and the ocassional visit from dorkee dork attorney. she had turkey sandwich for lunch today and will have turkey gravey for supper tonight….(sounds good to me) but yesterday she had bologna..i wonder if it was ocsar meyer………anyway she is in an isolation cell and spends all her time according to the jailer reading or sleeping, how can she sleep that much………….i guess if your nuts and don’t have a concious it would not bother you….i know i jsut would not want to crap in the same room i eat my meals in…….


  50. Bonnie~ How insulting, mistaking you for that piece of…

    Anyway, I missed the news conference today, but something was said about a sheriff deputy believing Caylee is dead. Now there’s a newsflash! And granny was complaining about the 50 death threats they get every day, as if it never occured to them why people would find them so vile!


  51. Jimmy, that would not go beyond attorney/client privilege, and no way he could be charged with anything for not speaking up. In fact he could not say anything.

    Things like that is exactly why the privilege is there, so someone can be totally honest with their attorney and for that info not to be used against them.


  52. fianlly something a little bit different

    Investigators Say They Need Casey To Talk
    Investigators sent a clear message on Wednesday that they have all resources at
    their disposal to go get Caylee, rescue her if necessary, but it’s up to the
    last person who saw her to provide more information — her mother Casey.


  53. It is obvious the investigators and everyone conducting official investigations of this case with the ability to know “what’s going on inside” obvioulsy do not believe this is a kidnapping. This is pretty apparent because:

    1. No Amber alert has ever been issued
    2. No official search parties are underway
    3. No ransom notes
    4. No efforts to “bargain” to get Caylee back by the family
    5. No emotions on the part of any family member
    6. Driving around with that big stupid billboard as if someone will run up with Caylee in tow
    7. No emotional pleas from any family member to bring her back

    It seems pretty apparent to me and most others, who have been glued to this case since it broke, that Casee is lying, that Caylee is dead (either accidentally or intentionally), and that Cindy and George know all about it to protect Casey.

    It is pretty pathetic and I think they are making it all about themselves in the hopes of signing a book deal, movie deal, tv deal, whatever – to gain fortune when its all over. They all make me ill. Of course, the real tragedy in all of this is that poor baby, Caylee. Let’s not loose focus on who it’s all about – Caylee and only Caylee. I know I won’t buy into their lies and deceit – I will never buy a book of theirs or see a movie. They make me ill.


  54. jane,
    you go girl…your so right……after seeing what a real financial mess the family is in and have been in for such a long time i would never ever buy into anything for them…
    and then to think that cindy said the other day…$500000 for the bond money is not a problem…if and when we need it we can get our hands on it just like that. what are they planning on doing cashing in life insurance on the great grand parents.. and then one day george said we’re almost there. we have raised almost enough to get her out on bond without anyone having to put up anything…ARE THEY REALLY CRAZY ???????now they have come up with the great grandmother talked to caylee after this time line they have given …..how did she talk to that baby. she lives in oh. and i’m sure that caylee knows how to call long distance to talk to the great grandmother….the parents are covering this up so bad…..and they are beginning to get really bad at it also


  55. Hey Kay,

    Thanks for the info. It’s nice to know she’s eating and sleeping. What a wonderful mother.

    I don’t think you’ll be seein any books or movies unless Caylee is found alive. We will see the story on forensic files,City Confidential, Notorious and probably Snapped.
    and maybe nanny 911


  56. donna that was cold..but true……………
    it looks likje to me that the grandparents woudl realize how stupid they look out in front of the cameras. i think that is why you do not see lee any more…..he finally realized what is going on………hell, even susan smith begged for someone to bring her boys back…..knowing full well what she had done…at least make it lookgood….i guess this way they can not charge her for lieing tot he public


  57. You know, I am starting to ponder if Cindy thinks, well I cannot save Caylee…she’s already dead, now I have to keep my daughter from facing the same fate on death row. Possibly..?? Does anyone know if Cindy had any type of custody over Caylee? Was there some type of war between Cindy and Casey about Caylee and who she would reside with? I know Cindy was primary care….but was Casey so reckless Cindy wanted custody of Caylee? Was Casey this little spoiled brat that told mommy she could not have custody? Why the big mystery on who daddy is? Why would her parents not question their own daughter about baby-daddy? Somthing stinks about all this and I don’t mean the fish special. Casey honey u are goin’ down………it’s only a matter of time before everything comes out in the wash. We have a saying here in Texas….”Your stupid, and here’s your sign” “M” for moron and “M” for murderer…!! My nickname for you Casey is M&M……and maybe just maybe you will meltdown in jail.


  58. Sometimes it seems like all of us are doing more research and investigating that anyone else involved with this case. I found the following on the website for the psychic who is looking for Caylee, Gale St. John. Someone left the posting on the website and if it is true, it could explain where Casey and/or her accomplices, if any, came up with the name and info on Zanieda Gonzales.

    Here is it:

    I found this on the website http://www.brianspredictions.com. It is the website used by the psychic Gail St. John who is in Orlando looking for Caylee along with her cadaver dogs – at her own expense, I might add. I think it is a very interesting posting and I am wondering if the the Orlando Sheriff’s department knows about it. It could explain how Casey came up with the name Zaniedda Gonzales. The posting follows below:

    I was searching the internet & came across a website called brevardcountymoms (which is about an hour away from the orlando area) in which a Zenaida Gonzales had her office broken into and laptops & possible social security number stole on the 9th of June. I strongly feel that Casey or someone she knows might have done this so the police need to look into the possibility of the computer, they have as evidence, is linked to this womans IP address. Also, if she little caylee is not found in the areas you all are looking at you all might need to look into this area because she might have put her in the ocean.

    I found this on the website http://www.brianspredictions.com. It is the website used by the psychic Gail St. John who is in Orlando looking for Caylee along with her cadaver dogs – at her own expense, I might add. I think it is a very interesting posting and I am wondering if the the Orlando Sheriff’s department knows about it. It could explain how Casey came up with the name Zaniedda Gonzales. The posting follows below:

    I was searching the internet & came across a website called brevardcountymoms (which is about an hour away from the orlando area) in which a Zenaida Gonzales had her office broken into and laptops & possible social security number stole on the 9th of June. I strongly feel that Casey or someone she knows might have done this so the police need to look into the possibility of the computer, they have as evidence, is linked to this womans IP address. Also, if she little caylee is not found in the areas you all are looking at you all might need to look into this area because she might have put her in the ocean.


  59. Sorry about that last entry, don’t know why it duplicated it so many times.


  60. christina tx-
    take a bow…i like that new name m&m…..sums it up short and sweet……
    i think there was always a fight between them about the care of the baby. and i think casey new that she could push buttons with her mom over the baby. i read int he early days of this that whenthe baby was born she was handed to cindy first and not to casey…….then cindy said that she had taken her on a mini vacation to BOND with her
    as for the daddy of caylee….who knows. sound likes she just came up with a name and told that to someone jsut like she did the name of the baby sitter. the parnts of this person that she named has gotten an attorney to help clear their sons name of this. he ws killed in a car accident last year i think. and casey told someone his name and said that he was killed in a car accident (that was true) on his way to caylee’s 1st birthday party. so who knows who he is..i’m with you looks like her parents would know who he was. cindy sid i dont know his name i forget it..well, if she did know i’m sure she did not forget it….that is a bunch of bull and this lie about the car accident surfaced from one of her boy friends…….
    also onthe 911 call when cindy called in and they were switching her to another dept int he police dept she told her that she was going to call child services and get custody of that baby whenthey found her…that was recorded and release by 911


  61. Keith~
    And that is why I HATE Defense Attorneys, they KNOW that their client is guilty! It isn’t about justice with them, it’s about winning the game, but who really wins when someone like Ted Bundy goes free? These lawyers don’t realize that they have blood on THEIR hands, too, they are determined to get their client off…by any means necessary! Qualifications for a career as a Defense Attorney: Must be able to lie through your teeth without conscience or fear of consequence, and without batting an eyelash. If Casey gets off, she will make a terrific one.


  62. I don’t think Casey even knows WHO the father is/was. She’s obviously a total slut, and has probably been one since her early teens.

    All the time she spends sleeping in jail and relaxing is a good indicator that she’s guilty of doing something not good with that child. She knows this kid is dead, there’s nothing anyone can do (as she has said), so she’s getting some rest. She’s going to have a big, long trial ahead of her if the body is found. Heck, even if it isn’t, she could still be convicted of murder. Though it hasn’t happened often, there have been murder convictions without bodies–just enormously overwhelming circumstancial evidence, which it seems Florida investigators already have.


  63. I would bet their will be a murder trail without a body. I’ve watched so many crime show’s (the real one’s) not the csi on tv ones. I’ve seen enough cases regarding children and it always seems the jury hears “a child was murdered” and that’s all they know. So I think she will be tried and convicted on what they have already. I’ve seen it alot. If I was on a jury those pics of her alone would have made my mind up. I’m not proud to say that but, I think it would.


  64. about the call to the greatgrandmother…now that would imply that The great gm new Zanieda. How else would she have her phone #. So why isn’t great gm on this crazy train of “casey is a good mother” I’d like to see an interveiw with great gm. That would be interesting.


  65. Hey guys,

    I just wanted to let you know that on Greta’s On the Record blog she is back in Orlando tonight. Just went back this afternoon. She says she has an EXPLOSIVE show tonight and that many lies are exposed. I’m gonna be watching. Thought you might want to watch too.

    Here’s the promo for the show tonight from Greta:
    You don’t want to miss ON THE RECORD at 10Epm tonight!!

    We just taped an interview that is explosive…..lies exposed!!

    Do not miss this interview about missing Caylee!!


  66. Thanks for the info Jane, I hope to watch it. Although that is close to bedtime for me. Maybe NG will have something on in 12 minutes.

    Maybe George or Lee is the daddy and that is why they don’t want to tell who the daddy is ( I know that was mean but hey as much as they have all lied who really knows?)
    Dysfunctional family for sure.

    Christina I too like the new name for crazy M&M.. Funny

    Hello Donna.. You still got them crampons (cleats) on?

    Angela, still working on that baby donation.. Have to go steal me some gas cans first and then try to get about $40,000 off mommy but she has never had a credit card so I have to think of another way.

    Shauncey, you still working?

    Kay you are still on top of things and that is cool.


  67. Keith: So what you’re saying is that Casey could have told Baez a month ago that she killed Caylee and he has to keep his mouth shut while the police and whoever else are out there searching for Caylee? I don’t think so. Attorney-client and doctor-patient priveledges have limitations, if you admit a crime, threaten to do bodily harm to yourself or threaten bodily harm of another then doctors or attorneys are required to notify authorities. Baez was hired to provide defense from any charges filed against her and right now there are only 2, child neglect and lying to police.


  68. i wish this crazy ass wackjob family would just tell someone where caylee is so she can be brought home for a decent burial.

    to the anthony animals- if you’re not going to cooperate with the police investigation or reveal the information you know, then shut your mouths and keep your faces off t.v. we (and i think i speak for everyone when i say this) are over you and your ignorant publicity-seeking lies. have some compassion and human decency and bring your family member home so she can rest in peace as she deserves.

    it’s a damn shame you have to have a license to drive and catch fish, but not to have babies.


  69. I am getting ready to flip from Greta to Nancy at 10:00 just to keep up on everything…but the thought that crossed Lavonna’s mind about either George or Lee maybe being the father has crossed my mind also. I don’t think it sounds cruel, just honest.
    You can’t trust anything the family says and they are not in their right minds anytime they are interviewed. Last night George said he knows the kidnappers are watching everything. It seems if he was a good police officer he could deal in appropriate measures and get that daughter of his to open her mouth and try to be truthful. Bless you Caylee, we are praying for you.


  70. Amen Brianna!


  71. For some reason George Anthony reminds me of Frédéric Prinz von Anhalt.


  72. This is completely crazy – if they know who has Caylee and are watching them – then why haven’t the authorities moved in yet. They wouldn’t wait a second if they knew where Caylee was – what crap. I have rewatched the interviews the grandmother has done so far – and she doesn’t seem all that tired to me (still had enough energy to do makeup), rather she seems flustered at having to cover up all this family’s lies with more lies. She seems to think the world will accept whatever she says – no matter how odd – and not doubt it. Getting Caylee’s information out there is important, but so are the other details that can lead police to this little girl – and she’s calling those questions stupid?? – is she actually completely insane??. The police need to crack down on this entire family – and soon – because let’s face it – if Caylee hasn’t already been harmed, they don’t have much time left before she is.


  73. My thoughts exactly Nads…they are crazy and make no sense! Glad he was not an officer around here….oh so much trust for George!


  74. Anyone else see this?

    The truth about Caylee

    Ronald F. Morgan August 13th, 2008 4:30 pm ET

    “Caylee Anthony was introduced to myself on a construction job as being the daughter of another woman in march of this year. At the time I ask her how old she was and she said 2&1/2. I commented about the tattoo on her hand and her mother said she loves them. This job was in tampa and this woman lives in pinellas county, I think clearwater. A couple of days before she brought the little girl to the job site she showed me two pictures on her cell phone of caylee two of the same photoes seen on t.v. and said this is my daughter. If somebody will contact me I will be glad to tell them where to find this woman.”

    If you look up his name with quotation marks around it, you don’t get a lot of hits on Google–but most of the hits you do get are for a guy who does construction. Wonder how credible this is? Or if the police know about it?


  75. How could you submit this information to someone to find out how credible it is? It seems as if he would have called the police himself. ?????????????? It may be one of those things they are holding back from the public, as they seem to have info they are not giving out.


  76. I agree – if he really knew something – he would have called the police himself. If he had already done that – the police would never have allowed it to get out like this, it just doesn’t add up. I have relatives in law enforcement – and while I understand how difficult their jobs are and how often their hands are tied by the law – I still have to question all of the unfinished details in this case thus far. They either know a lot more than we do (COMPLETELY POSSIBLE), or someone screwed this up good from the beginning.

    Did I hear right that the police did not cease the car until 2 days ofter the grandmother reported it smelled like a decaying body????????????????????


  77. Yes, 2 days after…then again, Grandmother Cindy was also the same woman who washed pants that smelled like decomp she found in Casey’s car. Yes, there seems to be an awful lot of details that have been left hanging. What is the hold up on the DNA…howcome it never seems to come thru? They could finally charge her with something more to hold her.


  78. Found you guys! I was taking a break from the whole Caylee Anthony case. I’m writing a children’s book and I have been trying to polish it up before submission but still through all of it, I’ve had nothing on my mind but this little girl.

    I am so sick of the lies and the denials. I’m sick of the grandparents and at a time I felt pity for them but now despise them. I think they are all a bunch of losers. I understand the whole “wantin!g to protect your daughter” thing but this is sickingly ridiculous and I think that they should all be put in jail.

    How dare they think, the public who has fallen in love with this little missing girl, we are so naive to think they can continually blow smoke up our butts or better yet, piss in our faces and tell us it’s raining. BS. They are all criminal at this point. The grandfather talking about how they are receiving death threats, etc. Not that I condone a death threat, but I don’t think they have any idea how this case has affected us, as a nation, world, etc.

    I joked one time about a Caylee’s Law and the reasoning behind it was tongue in cheek but I think they should make a Caylee’s Law (if in fact, as we all probably think at this point, she is dead) that if a child is missing and later found dead….and it is an accidental death but the mom/dad or parents keep silent, or lie or whatever and not admit the truth, it should still be charged as murder.

    I wish this would just all end.


  79. That is absurd, and why would she wash these pants – after all – she is a nurse – and it is near impossible to mistake the smell of decaying flesh for the smell of rotting pizza. If she really had no idea what was going on – I think doing the laundry would have been the furthest thing from her mind. What is the story with this DNA?


  80. Good point Nads…doing laundry??????? then again, she looks perfect for the camera everytime she is on and as a mom of 2, the last thing I would be worried about is my appearance in front of a camera hunting for my children!!! I was truly hoping he DNA issue woul be solved a few days ago!


  81. And yes Andrea…pray this all ends for Caylee’s sake.


  82. Andrea – you are so right – and I am sure that if this little girl is dead and the grandparents are covering (I think there covering whatever is going on here) – they can be charged and I hope will be charged. It may not be murder, but there are enough things to throw the book at them for to get a serious amount of jail time there.

    I noticed there was a discussion earlier about whether Casey’s attorney has the obligation to reveal if she has confessed to murder or the obligation to keep confidentiality. The truth is that he must only report information that can lead to a death – he is obligated to respect the confidentiality agreement if she has confessed to a murder that was already committed. If she has confessed to him – it is sick I know – and he reveals this information, he will be disbarred and the information will be inadmissable in any court of law. Even if he recuses himself (fat chance) after a confession – it still would do no good in bringing the guilty parties to justice.

    Weird world we live in where a confessed murderer can have more rights than the victim.


  83. I am not sure weird is the correct word…sick is more fitting.


  84. I hear what you’re saying Nellie – I have 3 boys 5,3 and 2 and if god forbid anything ever happened to one of them – I wouldn’t be able to pee without feeling like I was wasting time instead of finding them, let alone showering and applying make up. Not too mention that if I was in jail as a suspect – they wold have to load me up with enough tranquilizers for an elephant to get me to calm down. As a mother (and I am 25 – so her age is no excuse in this case)- I can’t fathom her reaction to this situation. Makes me sick to think about it. I NEVER follow the news – but this little girl has me.


  85. Bless this baby girl…pray for her. G’night!


  86. Just wondering if anyone knew anything about this big shopping spree Casey went on after Caylee went missing …. I heard she spent $40000 …. is this true????????


  87. From A professional’s point of view it very much appears that Casey Anthony is a sociopath and a narcissist. Sociopathic people are not like you and me. They are completely devoid of genuine remorse, guilt or empathy for anyone but themselves. Scott Peterson (murdering his wife Lacy and son Connor) and also Susan Smith (Who drowned her two sons and lied saying a “Black man had carjacked her car” committed murder for completely selfish reasons; to get them out of the way for their boy/girlfriend. I am so saddened by Caylee’s disappearance but have known in my heart, for weeks, that the poor little girl is no longer alive. Sociopaths worlds revolve around “ME, ME, ME.” Hence, note Casey’s jail calls; profanity and anger towards the (poor) Grandmother. My heart really goes out to George and Cindy Anthony; they did the absolute right thing in reporting Caylees disappearance (911 calls) and are, at present time, trying to believe that their granddaughter has been kidnapped and is still alive. They are role models for terriffic grandparents. No one can predict having a son, daughter (Or in my case, brother) who is a sociopath. They are quintessential con artists and liars..


  88. Anne – you raise good points – and I completely agree that she must be a sociopath- but at some point the family has to clue in and take a good hard look at everything – and I think we have passed that point. If Casey was a family member of mine – I would be having some serious doubts right now – as hard as that may be to do.


  89. Let’s not “Kill the messenger” (So to speak.) Regarding Cindy and George Anthony. Please show some empathy and compassion for them. They adore and love their granddaughter and are trying to find Caylee. If anyone needs to be bad-mouthed or punished, it is Casey Anthony. Remember, Cindy called 911, drove Casey to the police station and turned her daughter in to the police. Being a parent, how would you cope? What if it were you? Show some compassion, these grandparents are in horrible pain. Cindy and George are committed to finding Caylee and are under terrible pressure. PLEASE DON’T PUNISH THE WHOLE FAMILY.
    I wish them the best, and their daughter–the worst; yea, I think Scott Peterson and Casey Anthony would make a good pair, eh?


  90. Cindy Anthony is also the one recanting everything she said when she called 911 and acting like her daughter doesn’t deserve to be in the jail cell she drove her to. Come on here, I am sure that they love Caylee very much, and I have no doubt that this is probably a very painful time for them, but where were they in the weeks before they reported Caylee missing? Why had they not demanded to see thelittle girl that they pretty much raised for the last 3 years. I hope as much as anyone else that they find Caylee alive and well, but if they don’t, these grandparents will have their share of blame in this.

    Honestly though – I think I can say for everyone – that we all just want some closure for this little girl – whatever closure that may come.

    And I might also add that the best part of these forums is the simple fact that every one has an opportunity to share their opinion and maybe gain a little insight from someone else’s thoughts. i know that I have looked at this from a few different angles that I would not have without every one else’s opinions here.


  91. Bonnie, glad to hear that it isn’t something serious. Glad your husband pampers you. There are still good men out there, including mine 😉

    Linda, I for one am sick and tired of listening to the Anthony’s and I am sure they love Caylee and want her home but really this getting on TV and lying and acting stupid has gone to far. At first my heart ached for them but now it is like crying wolf and it is getting on my last nerve. We are not punishing the whole family but we (at least I am) are tired of the bull.


  92. Ronald F. Morgan-

    Clearly you are just another crackpot…the kind who come out of the woodwork in high profile cases. Well guess what? This case has enough crackpots already, so get to the back of the line! I can’t stand people like you, who crave attention in times of tragedy. You’re like that “mystery woman” who claimed to have talked to Caylee at the airport, watched her board a plane, but said NOTHING about it until afterward! Do us all a favor, go get yourself a psych evaluation…and take the Anthony clan with you!


  93. I agree with you Angela…Ronald Morgan is looking for the same attention Casey is seeking…and as a psychopath, she is swimming in her glory of all this media crap.


  94. Ronald Morgan, Only in “Penthouse Letters” do women just walk into a construction site and start chatting it up with the workers. What a loser.


  95. Hey Ladies/Gents

    What channel can I fine Gretta?

    Kay~ where are my updates? I didn’t get to see Nancy last night I had to rush my little girl to the ER. She had an alergic reaction to a bug bite….She’s fine now.

    Who is Ronald Morgan-is he the guy saying he saw Caylee with another mother???? He noticed she had a tatoo on her hand…..Ronald we all noticed that in the picture posted all over the NEWS.

    Lavonna~ the cleats are on!!!!! Looks like Ronald needs to be introduced to them…LOL


  96. MR MORGAN…………..
    what sort of an idiot are you.????????what do you want money???fame???have someone call me and i can tell you where this lady is………..if you really tink that was the baby you would be calling the officials yourself…………..OR…do you have something to HIDE…………………clearly you do not have the childs best interest at heart here……………..you call the officials ………………..of course unless you have something to hide……….


  97. donna,
    here you go..all i can find this morning……..
    Baez Files Motion Demanding Cadaver Dog Inspection
    Casey Anthony’s attorney, Jose Baez, has filed a demand for discovery motion
    relating to cadaver dogs used in the case of missing toddler Caylee Anthony.


  98. Donna,
    Greta is on FOX news channel at 10:00, same slot as Nancy Grace. Her update last night was with the friend and roomate of Casey’s boyfriend. He could end up being an important witness if this crap ever gets to the actual court to put her butt away for good!


  99. I think the should cover Baez in meat and let him test the cadaver dogs himself. OH yeah the dogs should wear cleats while he’s inspecting them.


  100. Baez is soooooooooooo covering for the spoiled rotten Casey. Once again, the victim is screwed due to attorney client privelage.


  101. Thanks Nellie,
    Thanks Kay,

    I think she’ll be charged with murder at some point. I just hope its soon. (still praying for caylee to be alive though)
    I still can’t come to grips about crazy’s non-caring attitude.
    Im shocked and appalled at her behavior. My stocach turns evertime I see her smiling in court and on those video tapped phone calls.


  102. update…this just came in
    The grandfather of missing 3-year-old Caylee Marie Anthony lost his temper and yelled at reporters this morning before visiting his daughter at the jail.

    “Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” George Anthony bellowed outside the Orange County Jail after a reporter asked if Caylee died in an accident. He then screamed, “Move out of my way, unless you want to get knocked over.”

    Today’s meeting is the first time Casey Anthony’s family visits her in more than a week.

    On Monday, Casey Anthony canceled a jail visit with her parents, who are towing a portable billboard of the missing child around Orlando. Last week, she refused a visit from her brother Lee Anthony.

    Related links
    Caylee Marie Anthony videos Video
    The Caylee Anthony case: From the beginning
    Caylee Anthony goes missing Photos
    DOCUMENTS: Caylee Anthony case Multimedia
    Missing Flier: Caylee Anthony “Have You Seen Me” flier
    Document: Search warrant for Cindy and George Anthony’s home [PDF]
    Arrest Report: Casey Anthony’s arrest report
    Letter: Anthony’s assistance to be used for finding daughter, not prosecution
    Brief: Defense asks appeal court to order Anthony’s bond reduction to $10,000
    Prosecutors’ Brief: Lower court did not abuse discretion when setting Anthony’s $500,000 bond
    Complete coverage of missing Caylee Marie Anthony This morning, the Anthonys will spend 45 minutes — the time allowed by the jail — talking to their daughter via a video conference.

    Before stepping into the visitation center, Cindy Anthony told reporters she had received another tip about Caylee. She said a woman called her at 11 p.m. and told her she had seen the missing girl.

    Cindy Anthony’s comment comes a day after Orange County investigators stepped to douse rumors circulating in the Caylee Marie Anthony disappearance, saying if it doesn’t come from them, it’s not true.

    The unusual declaration came four weeks into the official search for the toddler, who was last seen in June but not reported missing until July 15.

    Anthony, has been jailed since July 16, charged with child neglect and filing a false statement with authorities. Although investigators accuse her of lying about the child’s whereabouts, family members support her story that she left Caylee with a baby sitter who has vanished.

    Those responsible for the investigation refused to corroborate theories about the case spawned by Web sleuths, media consultants, TV hosts and even the Anthony family.

    “The Orange County Sheriff’s Office is not going to put information out there that’s not going to benefit finding the child,” Chief Mark Strobridge said. “We are not going to try this case everywhere else but in a courtroom.”

    Asked about Thursday’s statement, Caylee’s grandmother, Cindy Anthony, said that her family is as trustworthy a source of information as the Sheriff’s Office.

    “Unless you hear it from us or the police, it’s not true,” Cindy Anthony said. “We are only going to state the facts. Anything else is speculation.”

    Police share few details

    Detectives have revealed little of their investigation during the past month. Among the bits disclosed so far:

    *Caylee was last seen alive June 16.

    *Anthony borrowed a shovel from her neighbor several days later.

    *She and her mother reported the toddler missing a month later.

    Investigators also have taken hair and other evidence from the trunk of the family’s white Pontiac Sunfire. The car had a rancid odor that trained dogs identified as human decomposition. Sheriff’s officials would not say Wednesday whether they have learned anything from that evidence.

    Strobridge reiterated that the Sheriff’s Office continues to treat the case as a missing-person investigation and has not transferred it to homicide detectives.


  103. I really think Cindy has lost her mind!!! ( you can believe us). Ok crazy I think I’ll pass on that one. You keep watching the kidnappers and let the police handle the true invetigation.


  104. mylifeofcrime,
    You know how to reach me and Lavonna personally if you really need us. Now, do NOT even try to be modest right now. You know you have the #1 crime blog (in my opinion) in the world. I don’t even bother going to other blogs, you give us everything we need here. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Even Nancy Grace is aware of your blog. If I can ever get thru when she’s taking calls, I will definately give shouts out to Bonnie’s Blog of Crime, AND my blog family. Yeah, we argue and fight sometimes, but what family doesn’t?? We meet people from all over because of this blog. We laugh AND cry and grieve together. It’s a beautiful thing. Sorry for being mushy, but I really appreciate you guys.
    Brianna, tell it like you know how girl!! Right on.
    Thanks for the info Jane.

    LOL!!! Too funny!


  105. I’m interested in learning whether pool chemicals mixed with the biological matter removed from the trunk of the car might have been evident in the DNA report. The chemicals, in and of themselves, could be present quite innocently if a floating device or beach ball were placed there at one time or another. However, a mixture of decomposing flesh and pool chemicals would seem to tell a different story. Has Caylee’s swimsuit been accounted for?


  106. Excellent question about the suit, and it was asked last night on Nancy Grace, but of course, never got a straight answer. maybe they need to ask Cindy if she washed it…


  107. LOL…nellie, great question Mr.Lee


  108. Morgan“If somebody will contact me I will be glad to tell them where to find this woman.”

    Give me a break, you know crucial information about a highly profiled case and you say something this ludicrous? How bout picking up the phone you ass and contacting the police? :::shaking head:::

    IMO, if someone knows anything relevant to this case, even if it may not seem plausible, has the responsibility to contact LE and report it….including the grandparents, Lee, friends, strangers, etc. OR you should go right to jail for obstruction of justice.

    You know, this just might be the thing to break me out of my agoraphobia….cause I’m itching to get down to Florida and start kicking ass and taking names.


  109. GO Andrea GO! Just don’t bother taking names…they have made fools of themselves enough that you should already know everyone’s alias…LOL


  110. calm down andrea,…..
    if you read on past his comment someone did report it to the local police dept and they referrred them to the hotline and she gave them all the information about his comment. she said they wrote it down word for word….
    i don’t think we should give MR MORGAN his minute of fame. let the authorities do that…
    but, then again if you go back and read it this was back a few months ago BEFOR there was any problems…who knows maybe it was Zanadia…taking her to work with ehr on a construction job……..he’s so lame………


  111. Maybe he is part of the screwed up family…and that is why he wants his fame along with the others.


  112. I just read the info on the psychics that are down in Florida – and I have to admit that I don’t believe in any of that stuff – but I do have to commend them for doing something. Why were the Anthony’s not doing a ground search from the moment that they found out Caylee was missing????? I am sorry – but driving around with a billboard 2 months after Caylee was last seen is awfully naive – especially considering the media attention this little girl is commanding. We have all seen her pictures already – they need to find her now – and you have to look to find her. The grandparents are upset about being accused of things they ‘haven’t done’- while I think theproblem lies with exactly that – THE THINGS THEY HAVE NOT DONE – including finding Caylee at all costs. I finally mentioned this case to my mom this morning (she also usually does not follow the news as well) – and she said that as a grandparent – she would in no way protect me if this were the case. For everyone who says they are just trying to protect their daughter – I ask who was protecting Caylee?? The police MUST know a lot more – and I have a feeling that when this case breaks – it will break fast and be over and done with in mere hours.


  113. WOW…such rage we are seeing fro the Anthony’s lately! Too bad they don’t take it down to the jailhouse and direct it where it belongs!!!!!!


  114. Yea, and let us go down to the jail house with them.


  115. Hey Nads,
    I think you are right in the thought that the police and investigators know so much more than we are allowed to hear. Funny, but my mom and I discussed the same situation and she agrees, there is no protecting the guilty. On your comment about the case breaking and finishing out fast is very true. For if they know so much more, they are truly building this case to slam right in craz girls face. They will drag her butt into the courtroom and she will be in shock..then again, she shows no emotion any other time, as a sociopath, so she may just sit there and smile even with all the evidence in her face!


  116. Rage is what we see out of George…but Cindy just makes an a** out of herself whenever there is a camera in her face. She is without a doubt “Crazy’s”mom..like mother, like daughter. Baby Caylee does not deserve to back to that family either way!


  117. Oh she will be upset when it all comes out – but it won’t be about Caylee – it will be about what is going to happen to her. The thing that really bugs me about where this case seems to not be going – is the simple fact that no one is searching for Caylee – including law enforcement. The only logical conclusion I can draw from the fact that law enforcement doesn’t appear to be looking for her is because she has been murdered and they know this. We all know that is the most probable out come – but until they find a body – I for one would like to believe that she is still alive.
    Also just a side note for those that seem to be stuck on the idea that Casey is a narcissistic sociopath, it is my understanding that while these people do not have the ability to have basic human emotions for other individuals, they still know right from wrong. Murdering a baby is wrong – no matter the case – and she knew this – or else she would not be trying to cover it up.


  118. At least there is somewhat of a timeline now, so we can start to put the pieces of the puzzle together! Caylee spent June 15th Father’s Day with her grandma and great grandfather. She was last seen June 16th bu George as he left for work. On the 16th Casey appears to have made several frantic calls to Cindy and George. This is when I believe Caylee died…maybe an accident, but why not call 911? Maybe on purpose and Casey was calling them to make sure no one was coming home right then. Casey panicked and buried her in the backyard (where the dogs picked up the smell of decomp.) until she could figure out what else to do with her. (The body would smell in just 24+ hours.) The next day, June 17th, she went to the Anthony home when no one was there and borrowed the neighbors shovel to dig Caylee’s body up, put it in the trunk (dogs picked up smell of decomp there) and got rid of the body. The accident theory doesn’t really wash with me because of her actions in the days following…she seemed too happy in her partying lifestyle. I hope they are close to murder charges.


  119. I totally agree Angela – if it was an accident why not call 911, and even if someone can somehow reason why not to call 911 – you wouldn’t be able to ‘fake’ a normal life that well afterwards. I couldn’t imagine moving on with life if anything happened to one of my kids, let alone living with myself if I had hid any part of any truth of any accident.
    Again this is my personal opinion of Casey – but it seems to me like if this was an accident she would rather get the sympathy and attention of having her child die accidentaly, then the attention she is getting now. Just my thoughts.


  120. One thing just occured to me…since Casey and Caylee were at the Anthony home on June 16, why didn’t she dig up the bamboo that day (her excuse for borrowing the shovel)? Cindy said she was tending to the bamboo to keep it from taking over the yard. She could have just used her dad’s shovel on the 16th…but instead, chose to go next door to borrow one the very next day?

    Her lies are juvenile…the sort of lies a small child would tell. They are quite transparent. Does she honestly believe that people are too vapid to question her stories, or is it perhaps that she is just used to people being so frustrated with her, that they don’t even bother to question her anymore??? She is so evil.


  121. A person like Casey, from all that we know about her, would not call 911. First, if it were accidental, I’m sure it was due to neglect and not just that she found her innocent child unconscious or that perhaps Caylee choked or something. Because the guilt of neglect would be enough not to admit to an accident. Especially since it’s obvious that she lies about everything, someone like that will lie about the truth even if it’s an innocent truth. She’s too egocentric to ever admit that she could be at fault. No way. She would rather make up a sensational story because that’s what she does. She’s sure or atleast hoping that once they find her body, there won’t be enough left to determine cause or time of death and then she can continue with the lie that someone else is responsible.

    Two very important questions that I heard on Nancy Grace or maybe it was Greta….one was in reference to finding Caylee’s bathing suit(s) to see if one were missing, pointing to a drowning and the other was about Grandpa George mentioning that when he last saw Casey and Caylee, they had on their backpacks….Caylee’s had a monkey design I believe he said and had police found that backpack. You know that was Nancy Grace because the guy who is on their, the older guy that does commentary and is an expert said an assine thing about how he hadn’t heard of those comments. I hate when someone is an expert but then doesn’t know the things that we, the public, already know.

    I digress, anyway, those were really good questions and ones I’m sure have already been asked and investigated.


  122. This whole thing is our own personal opinions of Casey and the entire family…but in the long run we can all keep up on the speculation until the truth comes out and this is settled. Sadly, Casey has already gotten too much attention. Turns my stomach.


  123. nads-angela,
    your leaving out one big pc of the puzzle that i feel is very important here….don’t forget about the neighbor (the one she borrowed the shovel from)stating that he heard a very very loud argument coming from the anthony’s house that morning. he told that he had heard them arguing befor but never this bad. and that he had never heard her(casey) being so disrepctful to her mom as that morning.


  124. Those are good questions – especially about the bathing suit – but let’s face it – it would be really easy for Cindy to lie about a bathing suit if she is already lieing about other things.
    Andrea – I never thought about what seems to be Casey’s need to sensationalize everything – great point. I suppose I keep reasoning this as a mother – and I keep forgetting that Casey is not a ‘mother’ in the sense that most sane people are. none of this should make sense.
    Nellie – also have to agree with you that Casey has already gotten far too much attention. And I should mention that it is great to be able to share our opinions here with everyone. I love the fact that while not everyone agrees with everything posted here, everyone still respects each other. Really glad I found this site and can see that other people are as consumed by this case as I am.


  125. Kay – I hadn’t heard about that – honestly I just read about this case a few days ago and have been going back over the interviews and what not that i could find. i live up in Canada – and only really read the local paper – which has has no coverage on Caylee. Anyway – that is really interesting. This neighbor seems to know quite a bit about this case – what were they fighting about (anyone know)?, and how often did they have these screaming fights??


  126. We are all looking at this as rational, logical people and we are also emotional. What we are seeing is not a rational, logical person who lacks emotion. Casey is a a classic sociopath. Manipulative, self-centeredness (narcissism), lacks empathy and the ability to feel things emotionally, doesn’t rationalize normally.

    We, of course, would call 911, panicked and report our child hurt or worse and beg for help. A sociopath would think, “how would this affect me?” and use only the skills they have, which are for them to seek self-preservation.


  127. Kay~
    I didn’t forget about the fight, but I thought it happened on June 15th in the evening?


  128. Jimmy


    “FINALLY, it is important to note that the attorney-client privilege affords absolute protection to privileged communications. As the Ninth Circuit explained in Admiral Insurance Co. v. U.S. District Court, 881 F.2d 1486 (9th Cir. 1989), “the principal difference between the attorney-client privilege and the work-product doctrine, in terms of the
    protections each provides, is that the privilege cannot be overcome by a showing of need, whereas a showing of need may justify discovery of an attorney’s work product. Id. at 1494. The attorney-client privilege cannot be vitiated by a claim that the information sought is unavailable from any other source. Id. at 1495. “Such an exception would either
    destroy the privilege or render it so tenuous and uncertain that it would be little better than no privilege at all.” Id.”

    It is so privileged that if I admit to you and an attorney representing me in a case that I committed the crime, the attorney could still not say anything.

    This is just one of many many documents regarding the privilege, there are cases where an attorney saying what the client told them caused the case to be dismissed once all the evidence obtained from them doing so was thrown out by the court. There are cases where innocent people have went to prison, and stayed in prison due to the privilege when someone else’s attorney’s knew their client was guilty of the crime the innocent person was in prison for.

    Yes doctors, psychiatrist etc… privileges do not cover certain future actions and are even required by law to speak up.


  129. Nads,
    not really sure how oftern the fighting happened, but according to the neighbor he had heard them several times over the years but never this loud and never so disrepectful to her mother.


  130. Remember though that a sociopath still knows right from wrong (not that they care about how it affects anyone but themselves as you said Andrea) but they still know right from wrong- that is all that will matter in a murder trial. I can not think of a reason why a sociopath has gotten off because they are a sociopath, but I don’t know much about cases like that down there. Any thoughts on that Andrea?? Think they will have trouble prosecuting her??

    Keith – it’s sad but true. If her attorney did reveal any information about a confession it would be damn near impossible to convict her after the fact without proving they have a case completely uninvolved with the confession and any evidence found there after. It seems really messed up – but I suppose that has to be as it is to perserve confidentiality.


  131. oh no, I don’t think she should get off on some insanity plea…certainly a sociopath does know right from wrong (in most cases and certainly in regards to Casey Anthony), they just think of themselves when committing a crime or even covering up an accident.

    I don’t believe they’ll have a problem prosecuting her but I bet they (Casey and Baez and Family) are all hoping to not be able to get a “fair trial” with all the media circumstances…..probably working on the appeal already! LOL

    What a pleasant place for her to have done such a thing, they like to fry’em in Florida! 🙂 AND I’m also thinking that when this does go to trial, it will be on CourtTV or we can hope anyway, I believe Florida allows the cameras in the courtroom. They have very open information laws.


  132. You know, we all think Baez is a total waste of a suit but if we were in those circumstances, we’d want an attorney like him. You have to remember that this is his job and his only concern is to be sure that Casey’s rights are upheld.

    Johnny Cochran, was a BAD-ASS defense attorney, one in which we’d all hope to have afforded if we were in trouble but he knew OJ Simpson was guilty but that’s not his job to condemn, it’s to defend and to be sure that his client gets a fair trial and that his rights as American Citizen are respected.

    Of course, there are ones that come across as mere ambulance chasers, Baez being one of them.


  133. That’s funny because I was just thinking about how they think they are going to get an impartial jury?!! The whole reason that I got thinking about that was because of Baez’s history of defending child murderers. The simple fact is that everyone will form a judgement on this case based on what they know – whether it be quite a bit or very little – and I have to wonder why they would retain a lawyer with that background if she is innocent. I mean for appearances alone you think they would have avoided him after a little research. i was never here nor there on the death penalty – but if there was ever a case for it – I think this is it.

    I was also wondering if anyone else saw that clip of George Anthony making the comment about ‘simple people out there who have limited inteligence forming speculations’? Really? We are all intelligent enough to see something is wrong here – and he can’t see how this is coming across? Really??????


  134. I totally agree with you that this is Baez’a job. Everyone has a right to a fair trial and most of the time the truth prevails and the guilty are convicted and the innocent set free. As much as I wholy believe that Casey is guilty – we would all hate to be in that situation if innocent – and not afforded the right to have an attorney that will defend us to the ends of the earth. She will have her day in court and Caylee will have her day of justice – so it is far better to cross the t’s and dot the i’s now, then to have her get off on a technicality.


  135. More and more each day, George Anthony is looking more and more guilty of something. I think he helped Casey cover something up. Not just based on his actions of late, but all due to the gas cans. He reported those gas cans missing as a break-in….I believe to extend even further a paper trail in covering for Casey. She’d stolen gas in the past so why did he even raise an eyebrow that time. He stated that after making the police report, that the person came to him and admitted of the purported crime and that all was ok. But in his interview with Greta he went on about how he wanted this wedge that you put under the car as to not let it roll, because he wanted to change the oil in his wife’s car. Asked Casey about the wedge, she said she’d get it. He said he would. Casey was adamant, even as they walked to the car to retrieve it and lo and behold, his missing gas cans. This was all on and around June 24th. Just seems a bit tall-tale’ish to me.


  136. Oh yes Nads, I did see that about “our” limited intelligence and forming speculation…I teach, and consider myself intelligent… not an idiot. If that is his assumption about everyone seeing all facts and cold hard evidence that’s been shown, I wouldn’t give him too much credit for his intelligence. He was supposed be an officer at one time….like I have said before, I would not want him working on a case for me. Maybe he doesn’t see how his whole family has come across to the public.


  137. I still have trouble believing he was an officer at one time – come on here. Regardless of how it actually is or isn’t -he’s a fool to not see what the public is seeing. Especially as a former officer. He should at least be able to say that while he understands how the facts may appear at this time that not all facts are released to maintain the integrity of this investigation. Something where he can admit itlooks bad and defend his daughter in not such a suspicious way. I would still believe she was guilty – but I might not be questioning his innocence as much.


  138. I think the problem is, George Anthony, may very well be sociopathic too and an habitual liar, to boot. He said one time on camera, in talking with Geraldo’s brother (forgot his name) that when he was young, he didn’t always tell his parents things…and he seemed to imply that it was ok that children don’t tell the truth and do things and lie to their parents about it…..he had done it so why wouldn’t it be ok for Casey to do it. CRAZY! Apples & Oranges. I mean, we’re talking about the difference between being late on curfew and telling your parents an untruth and where a missing granddaugther is. But it all seems ok with George. I wonder if Cindy is mixed up in between two bullying, control freaks…..because to be honest, Cindy is the only one that we’ve heard any kind of truth from and that was in her initial 911 calls. I wonder if she does believe something horrible has become of Caylee but the two lying idiots convince her of something different and even more sinister. It’s probably the way she’s been manipulated by them for many years. Like a battered woman syndrome…..believing everything, being victimized because you’ve been conditioned to do so. A stretch but thought-provoking.


  139. I am not sure that is much of a stretch. why would she be so candid on the 911 call and then recant? She may very well be caught in the middle of these two and feel the need to continue the lies. Not to say that it would be right or forgivable – but it may not be as far from the truth as we think.


  140. You two have said a mouthful of good old fashion common sense! :o) Thanks! You may not be too far off the mark!


  141. I don’t know. Cindy doesn’t strike me as a victim. Plus in the past interviews it was her doing all the crazy yelling and george try’n to quit her up. I think they are both enablers. They each had a part in making this monster.


  142. beats all i have ever seen………
    every time i try to watch the footage of Baez doing something my computer locks up….see even the stupid box knows that he’s a real snake………….
    they say that she got his name when she was booked into the jail someone there told her that he was an attorney that had handles some cases involved with children that is why she called him………….


  143. * quit should be quiet


  144. Andrea~

    I have to disagree with you on one point with reference to Baez and Defense Attorney’s in general. You stated that if we were in Casey’s shoes, we would want an attorney like that.

    I can assure you that I will never be in Casey’s shoes. I will never kill my child. But if I did, I would most certainly NOT want Baez, or any other “lying, slimeball defense attorney”, to try to get me off the hook! I would be a big enough person to admit what I had done, and take the punishment I deserved. I would not pay someone to deceive 12 jurors and a judge in order to cover for my butt, so that I could be free to go on living my life as if I had done no wrong. God hates lying, and I believe He has a very special place in hell for Defense Attorneys. I would rather swallow pig vomit, than to ever have one of them lie on my behalf…to do so would be a grievous sin.


  145. Did anyone see the video of them going into the jail today, and them coming out? He threw a fit this morning “shut up, shut up, shut …!”and she was blabbing right in the camera about a call on a tip she received last night @ 11:00.
    On their way out, they were tight mouthed, not saying a word…and it was killing Cindy to not start talking to the camera…she may be on the hush- hush mode from Casey and George. And yes, they created that brat…and they just keep protecting her. UGH!


  146. Angela, I am with you. If I ever killed my child accidentaly or out of rage. I would be begging for death. I would waive any rights I had. I wouldn’t want anyone on my behalf. I would just want the death penalty. I know I could not live on this earth without my children.


  147. One other thing to remember everyone is that George was once a HOMICIDE detective. My guess is that he was not very good, or he would be steering his family to be more honest. And he is the one who got so upset when it was asked about Caylee dying accidentally. If it is found that Caylee is dead (accidental or otherwise) and the parents knew, they better be charged. ESPECIALLY George. Otherwise it is a disgrace to all LE.


  148. I think they should be charged already! I mean they keep saying the know where she is and they are being watched. Why are the police not intergating them?


  149. You can find links to the in-depth coverage from local Orlando media outlets covering this story on http://www.USAMediaGuide.com


  150. Donna~

    I know what you mean. I HATE Defense Attorneys, I know I have said it before, but it bears repeating until the day I die.

    Just imagine if Jeffrey Dahmer’s lawyer got him off…or Charles Manson…or Gary Ridgeway (The Green River Killer)???? They won’t admit what they’ve done, in fact they expect to be found not guilty! Their lawyer is their key to freedom, and it is unconscionable!

    Having gone to college for Criminal Justice, and being the daughter of a Police Officer, as well as the niece of a sheriff, I don’t have the mindset of a person who seeks the freedom of a vile criminal.


  151. My comment was not to imply that you, Angela, or anyone here would do anything like Casey is doing. I’ve lost a child and I know the grief and the sorrow and by no fault of my own, but had it been, I would be as honest and forthcoming as possible.

    I was simply stating that defense attorneys serve a purpose.


  152. And, Angela, you are looking at the situation as a sane, normal person…..I said “in Casey’s shoes”….no explanation needed 🙂


  153. Look @ this crime from 1994 about the Philadelpiha “Boy in the Bag” (Jerell Willis) for years the murder went unsolved, but with DNA advances and hard work they finally busted the childs mother and scumbag boyfriend who BEAT the child TO DEATH in the head and chest. Family begged their Child Protective Services to intervene….and they did nothing. Below are comments the family made when questioning the mother on where the son was…

    *****For more than 10 years, relatives who had asked the Robinsons about the boy’s disappearance were given the runaround, Sarubbi said.*****

    Hmmm…..sound familiar?

    I think that if Cindy would have never asked about Caylee….Casey would have never mentioned her…..let me ask, what in the hell kind of stupidity does Casey have to leave a car in another parking lot for? What was her motive on that? If you left a childs body in a car, would u not find a better place to hide that car where NO ONE could find it? Would you also maybe tell ur grandparents it was stolen? Is it me….or does it sound like she wants to get caught?


  154. I agree that there are some questionable defense attorny’s out there – many actually- but there are some good ones. (Not saying Baez is one!) Like I said earlier and Andrea noted – defense attorney’s need to be there to have the legal system work. It is all about crossing the t’s and dotting the i’s to make sure that people like Casey Anthony don’t get off. I can’t imagine ever defending her, but someone has to.

    I can’t believe that George was a homicide detective- are you kidding me?? How much worse can this get? This will sound terrible – but I don’t know how this little girl stayed safe for as long as she did with this family.

    Another question – why is the familyfollowing up on these ‘great tips’ and not the officials? Sounds like more smoke if you ask me. If there was a promising lead – rest assured we would not be hearing the updates from the family if anyone. At least not if they truly have Caylee’s best interests at heart.


  155. As parents we’d all like to think we’d stand behind our children when they’ve made a serious mistake. However, what these parents are doing is insane. Responsible parents would tell her “we love you, but you need to tell the truth now”. Then the parents need to tell the public “We love our daughter, she’s made a serious mistake (whatever it turns out to be, ie accident or murder), but we will stand behind her. As it is, by continuing to stonewall the police they are only enabling her to not take responsibility for her actions and bring peace to the poor little baby who is most likely dead. As a grandmother myself their actions disgust me. I can’t imagine my daughter hurting her daughter, be it accidentally or otherwise, and covering it up. By the same token, I can’t imagine myself helping her to do so. The callousness and sheer heartlessness of these people who profess to love their grandchild so much is beyond imagination. Should it be proven in the future that they are indeed part of a cover up in the death of that precious child, I hope they are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. It goes without saying that their spoiled brat of a daughter should be locked up forever.

    I wonder if George and Cindy realize how ridiculous they and their rantings are. Listen to the news, the investigators, —- everyone else knows that Casey is a pathological liar. You are just aiding and abetting her ability to extend this game forever. For the sake of your granddaughter and the love you profess to have her – step forward and quit making excuses for Casey. It is time Casey take responsibility for her actions!


  156. GUYS!

    This is just coming out on the local station in FLorida (see link below). Apparently they have identified a remote location near the Orlando airport where Casey’s cell phone pinged towers on – the day after Caylee disappeared.! It is a very remote heavily wooded area. It may be the first major break in the case.



  157. Christina, I live in philadelphia and that was horrible. Unfortunatly that shits on the news here everday. We just lost another child…..the mother starved the little girl to death. Two case workers are being tried. Finally they’re starting to hold these people accountable.

    Andrea, I’m so sorry to hear of your loss.


  158. Eyewitness News Reveals Remote Area Casey Anthony Made Call From
    POSTED: 5:11 pm EDT August 14, 2008
    UPDATED: 5:23 pm EDT August 14, 2008
    ORLANDO, Fla. — Woods and water are the perfect place to hide a body and the one place no one reported Casey Anthony ever visited until now. Channel 9 uncovered what could be a major break in the Caylee Anthony case.

    June 17 is the day after little Caylee was last seen alive and it’s the same date that Eyewitness News tracked Casey Anthony’s location to an area near the Orlando International Airport. From a satellite map the dense woods and ponds around the airport. The more information investigators get, the more locations come into the picture.

    Channel 9 has learned that the day after Caylee disappeared, Casey was in a somewhat remote area just a few miles from the Anthonys’ home. Channel 9 has learned doc uments show that, for some reason, Casey Anthony came to the area less than ten minutes and less than five miles from her parents’ Lee Vista home. There are acres of woods and scrub and there’s lots of water. By day, there’s very little traffic that comes through the area and not much lighting at night.

    Channel 9 has obtained maps showing how many AT&T cell phone towers there are in two key areas investigators are focused on. There are 15 cell towers within a ten mile radius of Caylee Anthony’s grandparents’ house, where Caylee’s grandfather said he last saw her alive on the afternoon of June 16.

    There are 37 AT&T cell phone towers within ten miles of the apartment where Casey said she last saw Caylee alive on June 9, sometime between 9:00am and 1:00pm when she dropped Caylee off with the babysitter on her way to work.

    It’s known that Casey had no job and that Caylee did not disappear on June 9. Caylee’s grandmother had stuck with Casey’s version about June 9 until detectives confronted Cindy Anthony with video she herself had taken of Caylee during a visit with her great-grandfather in Mt. Dora on Father’s Day, June 15.

    “I couldn’t remember going on father’s day because I go almost every week but I don’t take Caylee that often,” Cindy Anthony said during Casey’s bond hearing.

    “Are you lying to investigators? Purposely misleading them?” WFTV reporter Kathi Belich asked Cindy on Thursday.

    Cindy didn’t reply verbally, but shook her head.


  159. Please God – let this almost be over.


  160. Jane, thank you. I wonder if the psychics are on their way there.


  161. Hey Donna, thanks….my loss occurred over 20 years ago, I only brought it up because it was relevant. You live in Philly? I’m in South Jersey, almost at the base of Commodore Barry. :::::waving::::::
    Yes, seems like children die everyday here, either from child neglect or in crossfire. It’s very sad, but sadly nothing knew around here.


  162. I bet you the Bodyhunters are there already. Although I don’t know how long Gale St. John and her team were going to be there. I hope someone is there right now! This could be it…the first BIG break, but I’ve learned not to get too excited over the possibility, we all know how these things have turned into nothing in the past.


  163. Andrea – 20 years ago or not you have been through a nightmare we all can’t begin to fathom – I am also very sorry to hear you have endured that.


  164. Andrea~
    I’m up in the northeast….even though on the news they sometimes say northphilly!!!! I’m close to the Tycony Bridge. I hear ya its always neglect or shootings. I want to move to Alsaka. It’s to cold to go out killen. I used to go clubing over in depford NJ. No pics of me though 🙂


  165. I’m try’n not to get excited, my heart wants so bad for caylee to be alive. I just want justice for her and quick!


  166. WHo ever watches Greta please fill me in. Apparently I don’t have that channel. I checked everywhere. Is it a syndicated show?


  167. Awww, thanks Nads, it was quite horrific, but time does heal. I so appreciate the words of kindness.

    Donna, let me guess….Adelphia’s? I’m about 20-25mins from Deptford Mall.


  168. LOL…yes it sure was Adelphia’s….. Did you go there?


  169. Anyone else lacking on their house work???? I think my husband might hide this computer.


  170. For dinner a few times and a wedding reception. I never partied there…but again, I’m 40 and I don’t know how long Adelphia’s has been a party spot. LOL

    How about when the owner of Adelphia’s was killed….breaking up a fight in the parking lot? Very tragic, he was big force in the community.


  171. lol- that’s really funny because my husband actually threatened to do that very thing!! (Jokingly of course!) – i can’t believe how much I think about this … It just feels like there was no one looking out for Caylee – ever – and I can’t seemto let it go until I know this has been put to rest.


  172. I partied there about 12 years ago….for a few years.LOL
    I know that was some crazy shit. I knew the manager and the other owner. That was tragic.


  173. Does anyone know if they are searching the area near the airport?


  174. Nads~ there’s been talk of him wanting a home cooked meal or some babble he was spewing out. I guess he’s tired of lunch meat. I cooked yesterday you’d think he’d stop cry’n about it. I think he wants clean clothes too!
    Thank God its still summer and I don’t have homework to check or lunches to make.


  175. Jane this is great news! Now I hope they can carve down the exact location of little Caylee….unfortunately, not alive. Prosecutors better hurry tho because Florida has a limitation on how long u can keep a person behind bars on a certain charge. If she remains behind bars for Child Neglect, she could go free in 5 months and even if they found Caylee’s body, they would not b able to charge Casey with murder….! LORD WE NEED YOUR INTERVENTION….PLS HELP DETECTIVES ON THIS!!!!


  176. Yes, my chores are lacking and I’ve been fighting with a 2yr old over the TV. My 8 and 10yr olds suck their teeth whenever I say, “Turn on 360″….which is the Foxnews channel and I don’t know the last time we’ve had a meal on time. I have to admit, I’m obsessed. I’ve been known to get like this but never this bad.

    I am also embarrassed to say that whenever I’m with friends and family and they bring up that “poor missing girl case in Florida”…..I become the freakin’ expert on all the details. I know they’re rolling their eyes at me, but hey….they knit and do crosswords, I immerse myself in crime investigations…..everyone has a hobby! LOL


  177. I hear ya Andrea, I have a 2,5,11 and 15 year olds looking like they want to fight me. The 11 and 15 year olds want the computer the other two want spongebob. Thank God my oldest 20 is in college. I’d never see this computer.


  178. Mine are 2,3 and 5 and thank god for TVO, because there is no way I am fighting the 3 of them for the TV!!


  179. LOL… I know, I have TVO too. I wouldn’t give it up or I’d never see TV. I will go toe to toe with them at 8 o’clock though. I have to watch Nancy G. that’s the only time I can see anything about caylee.


  180. LOL Donna & Nads…..I’m both on the computer and watching tv. Most times, I do use my DVR to tape things and then I’m up to 2-3am just for quiet time with the remote. 🙂


  181. Andrea~ my hobby is watching forensic files and city con. and all those shows. My kids and my husband think I’m morbid. I can’t get enough of them shows! One saturday I stayed in my room watching them for at least 8 hours. That’s when I knew I had a problem.


  182. I thought it was another stupid toy for my husband when he bought it a few years ago – and he reminds me of this every day because I couldn’t live without it now! I hate watching somethinglive and not being able to skip commercials!


  183. LOL Nads, that’s the only way I’ll watch TV. Sometimes I record nancy…her commercials are way to long. Plus I swear she keeps wearing the same 3 shirts. Bright orang,bright green and bright pink. Sometimes I think I’m watching a rerun.


  184. Andrea~ You are right, Defense attorneys do serve a purpose…staring down the barrel of a shotgun.

    Nads~ It is the not the job of the Defense Attorney to cross their “T’s” and dot their “I’s” in order to make sure a client doesn’t get off. THAT IS THE JOB OF THE PROSECUTOR. A Defense Attorney spins the facts in such a way as to confuse a jury and deflect suspicion away from their client. In other words, they pull reasonable doubt out of their @$$ and serve it up, in hopes of fooling you into thinking it’s caviar.


  185. Donna~ So no hot body contest photos from your clubbing days???? LOL…..


  186. Angela~ not that I know of. Now if I ever commit a heinous crime…I’m not sure what would come out…LOL NO, I try not to rub up against chicks and pee by my car. So I’m sure there’s none out there.


  187. Angela – I wasn’t saying that was the defense attorney’s job – I was saying that these procedures and laws are inplace to assure that every party on trial for a crime was afforded a fair trial and a reasonable defense. If the accused isn’t not allowed basic human rights such as the right to councel – an entire case can be thrown out regardless of their innocence or guilt. That is why these people need to be represented – so that it is about the crime.

    We are all frustrated that Casey has these rights – but that is the wonderful and sometimes terrible part of America and Canada – we are all afforded equal rights.


  188. I have to say though Angela – you would make one hell of a prosecutor – definately would not want to go up against you as a defense attorney!! LOL


  189. I wouldn’t want to be in Casey shoes either especially when Donna has on her shoes 🙂


  190. Donna~ LOL….WHAT, no public urination? You mean you aren’t a pig?

    Nads~ I do not begrudge Casey of her rights to a fair trial, those rights have been afforded us. My problem lies with the way the system is abused. Such is the case when a lawyer KNOWS that their client is guilty, yet lies through their teeth to convince a jury that they are NOT GUILTY, because that is what they are PAID to do. Often this results in an innocent person paying for the crime, or worse yet, affording the client the freedom to commit further horrendous acts. My argument also lies with clients like Casey, who lie as easily as they breathe, and rather than take responsibility for what they have done, they hire someone to lie FOR them. The entire justice system is reduced to nothing more than a circus! The Defense Attorney plays the game, the men and women of the jury are merely pawns. He and his client are all the while reading and studying the faces of those jurors, thinking “I hope they are buying this load of crap I’m shoveling.” If you are a smooth enough slimeball, if you lie convincingly enough, (like Johnnie Cochran), you win the battle of wits. And the rest of us get stuck with OJ.

    I have long wanted to be a Prosecutor. I would eat Defense Attorneys for breakfast.


  191. LOL….Lavonna, The shoes only come out when necessary.
    I’m watching Nancy and the only the body hunter and two PI’s are at the airport….why not CSI?


  192. Here is an email I received this week. Normally I don’t post them, but the sender did so from an account that is apparently not valid:

    FROM: V1111LIVES@aol.com

    So, who exactly needs to return to reality? This is the person who is accusing me of being Cindy Anthony! Crazy huh??!!!


  193. Bonnie, you poor thing. I thought us girls were crazy…LOL


  194. I think Angela’s theory is the most accurate.
    I do think the “accident” was drowning in the pool.
    Last night I watched Greta & was disappointed with the interview of the roommate because he basically just said what a great mother Crazy seemed to be. Then today I started thinking about that interview again. At one point Greta seemed to be trying to find out if Crazy was a bad parent. The roommate mentioned she was not short-tempered except for maybe yelling at Caylee to not go outside because Caylee would always try running out the door. (The full transcript is at http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,403801,00.html.)
    So, if Caylee was always trying to run out the door, she probably tried doing that at the Grandparents house too.
    So the swimsuit question is a very good one. (Was it found at the house.)
    I also wonder if Caylee could put her swimsuit on by herself.
    If the swimsuit is at the house, then Crazy might try leaning towards the defense that it was an accident that Caylee just wondered outside in her regular clothes & drowned without her knowing she had gone outside.
    If the swimsuit is not at the house and Caylee couldn’t put it on herself, then that means Crazy had to help her put it on & intentionally knew she was going to play in the pool, but neglected her.
    I sure hope she doesn’t get away with this. Either way she’s guilty of neglect that lead to the death of this child & then she acts as though she doesn’t have a care in the world.
    After doing who knows what to that baby & rather than giving the child a proper burial and having some respect for her body she instead disposes of it to rot somewhere like it’s trash and leads everyone on a wild goose chase.
    I do find it ironic that shortly after whatever she did she entered a hot body contest…her body will be plenty hot while it’s sitting in hell for what she’s done.


  195. Watching Nancy Grace right now. Granny is saying in a Larry King interview: [“I didn’t lie when I said My car had been stolen, I just stretched the truth to get the police to come to the house! That doesn’t make me a liar!”]

    Ummm…it makes you a criminal! It is illegal to file a false police report, granny! It is illegal to call 911 and report a crime that NEVER occured, just to get police attention! And it most certainly DOES make you a liar. What is more telling, however, is that now we see just where Casey gets her propensity for “stretching the truth”.


  196. I totally agree with you Angela. I have a hard time stomaching the thought of Baez trying to convince a jury that Casey is innocent.

    And Cindy is saying she just stretched the truth – are you fricking kidding me? This lady needs to be locked up next to her daughter – what a mess.


  197. I have two questions in regards to the Caylee Anthoy case.
    Did Casey Anthony submit to a polygraph test and have the authorities checked out the local land fill in their area to see if dumped anything there. I know out where I live they take down your license plate number.


  198. I had not heard of that comment from Cindy about lying about a stolen car until tonight. I can’t believe I actually missed something that crucial. LOL But then again, I don’t watch LKL very often.

    And the comment about the Tivo or DVR being a toy for the husband…my husband had wanted the DVR for months and I kept saying, no, we don’t need it, what are you going to tape??? We finally did get it and my husband never uses it. I would never have guessed that I would love it so much and I couldn’t imagine my life without it. I can’t block out commercials but I sure can FF thru them. 🙂


  199. Human urine, blood & sweat could alert cadaver dogs to a scent of decomposition???? Are these people for real????? I don’t know how true that is but I would think that not true because if that were the case cadaver dogs would alert everywhere.


  200. Bonnie, just curious….is the most heavily used section of your site?


  201. Sorry…is this the most heavily used section of your site?


  202. Andrea – who said cadaver dogs respond to human blood, urine and/or sweat??? My understanding – and please correct me if I am wrong – is that they are trained to smell out specific gases that are released during decomp. I agree Andrea – where wouldn’t they hit??


  203. That was some more of Cindy spew….while being interviewed by Greta.


  204. Just saw that – she’s nuts – and obviously not very smart. Come on here – if she is going to lie – she should at least try to make it believable.


  205. It can stay for days or years or whatever? Did she really just say that????? Pretty big difference between days and years.


  206. AND let’s keep in mind, George was a detective in homicide and surely he’s worked with a cadaver dog in his career, at least once…..or at the least kjnow what they are capable of.

    See, that’s the sign of pathological lying when you say stuff so stupid and expect that people will believe it because they think they are smarter than the “average bear” and she probably believes it too.


  207. Another thought about Cindy’s theory about cadaver dogs alerting to human urine, sweat and blood. How in the world did they ever find some of those bodies in the rubble of the World Trade Center without the dogs actually alerting to decomposition. Because with all the fear and the hard work of the rescue people, sweat would have been everywhere, not to mention the blood and probably urine. Just an example of how Cindy is sooooo wrong.


  208. Nellie – thought you might find this particulary interesting – just read that the bags of evidence that were recently removed from the Anthony home were items of clothing belonging to Caylee – some of which were in the car. Not really a surprise I know – but this news station (Central Florida 13 News) – claims that the grandmother admitted to washing some of the items found in the car prior to seizure because they had a funny smell. Again with the laundry???


  209. Absolutely Andrea – they would be hitting everywhere – literally everywhere – and she made the comment about ‘that stuff’ (sweat) staying around for years – if that were true and that was what the cadaver dogs were trained to pick up – they would be a completely useless resource. Ugh… so stupid!!!!!


  210. Has anyone seen the disolution of marriage between George and Cynthia? CHeck out the website of Orange County Clerk of Courts. Search records…it is under family courts.
    Thanks for the info Nads…I traveled 2 hours to my best friends and now I am back to check the blogs. She and I found this…hmmmmmmmmm Maybe I am not too off for thinking George could be Caylee’s bio father. It was a good time line for Casey to be pregnant.


  211. Just wondering – from what I can piece together – and please help me fill in the blanks here if you are able – Cindy and George picked up the abandoned car on July 15, the same day that they found Casey and Cindy phoned 911 claiming the car smelled like a dead body – then before the police arrived and searched the car she removed clothing and washed it because of the smell?
    Does that make sense. If she thought there had been a dead body in the car – wouldn’t that be considered tampering with evidence?
    Andrea – you probably know best here – thoughts?


  212. How does that work…it seems like the perfect “cover up” and would be considered tampering with evidence…good thought Nads!


  213. I think it would be considered tampering with evidence if the LE could prove that they (Cindy, George) knew a crime had been committed. The problem is that Cindy still says that what she assumed was the smell of a dead body was really maggot infested pizza that had been in the car for some odd number of days and because she isn’t a forensics expert, detective, etc. she could use the defense that using the term dead body was just in reference to a foul smell and not necessary an indicator to her that indeed a dead body had been in there. BUT before she made that comment to 911, she said “I think something is wrong”…and that sort of makes her statement about smelling a dead body more sinister. Also, she was a nurse, it has been assumed that she would know what death smelled like. But we don’t know the extent of her nursing and death, in a controlled environment vs. a decomposing body, possibly in heat or some other extreme conditions would be different.

    I hope I explained that in a comprehensive way. I think Angela may be able to answer better than I, on this.


  214. Thank you…you explained it well. :o) G’night kids!


  215. I would like to know and maybe I’m off a bit on the timeline because there is, afterall, so many components to it, but wouldn’t George have smelled something in the car when he removed the supposedly stolen gas cans and the wedge he was looking for? Surely, his career experience has led him to smell a dead body and therefore know that particular stench, right?

    G’nite Nellie.


  216. It’s so hard to tell Andrea – but it is possible. He went into the trunk of the car June 24 and the car was not abandoned until June 27 – so there is the possibility that Caylee (if at all) may not have been placed in the trunk until even later that same day. Then again – how would the parents not notice a shallow grave in their backyard – at any point? I would be interested in knowing how long the scent would remain in the car if a body was only in there for 2 or 3 days at most. I am sure that cadaver dogs could pick it up for quite some time after – but I don’t know if you or I could. George Anthony however was a homocide detective and I would think he could pick that smell out before his wife. This is just a mess.


  217. The more I try to make sense of it – the less sense it makes. Especially now that they have this ‘ping’ off of the cell towers near the airport. If she disposed of the body on June 17, and Caylee was last seen on June 16, the body would be in decomp for less than say 36 hours – so how much of a smell would it make to remain in the car until July 15. And did she have anyone else in the car after the 16 of June – because they should have smelt something.


  218. Can you recall when this ‘flurry’ of calls occured – was it the 17 or 18?


  219. Anymore, if I am not looking right at a timeline, I’m lost. 😦

    I thought that the flurry of calls were on the 16th….the 17th’s phone info hadn’t been disclosed and then again a flurry on the 18th. But I could be totally wrong. If I can find the really good timeline I’ve seen posted, I’ll let you know….not sure which site, off hand.


  220. The smell of decomp. can be picked up by trained cadaver dogs WELL in advance of humans being able to pick up the scent. Had Caylee been buried in the backyard for 24 hours, the dogs would pick up on it. Had her body been in the trunk for an hour or more, they would hit on that as well. Keep in mind that once she was removed from the ground to the trunk, she would be leaking body fluids. Sorry TMI, but vital. Once those body fluids penetrate the carpeting in the trunk, they will continue to putrefy and accumulate bacteria, causing the stench. Add to that the heat and humidity in Florida, and you’ve got yourself one stinky car!

    As for Cindy obstructing justice by washing the pants, I believe she knew exactly what she was doing (protecting Casey) but try to prove it…given the way she twists things and “stretches the truth”!


  221. Linda, yes I do think the grandparents are suffering right now……suffering because THEY helped to create this problem! I’m not saying that they don’t love their granddaughter (i’m sure they do). However, look at all the lies and half truths they themselves have told! You have to admit that it looks bad when granny goes and washes pants from the car! Not one of them can get their stories straight about times and dates, they are leaving out a lot of information (like the argument that took place at the Anthony home with mom and granny), dates of pictures, and so on and so on.
    I’m sure that part of it is they want to believe what casey is telling them. They don’t want to think that she could or would ever do something like this. If so, they will have to sit and think about all the things they did that allowed her to get to that point.
    I think it’s starting to become clear to them (as much as they might not like it) and that’s why grandpa is “going off” so much lately. I mean, they can try to explaine somethings away. However, you can’t explaine the dogs, the smell in the car, the lies, the phone record, the pings from the cell towers, and the pictures. You just can’t!
    As for this person claiming to “know” a person that showed pics of this little girl claiming to be her mother??? First, why would he/she have gone right to the police?? That’s not something that you post on a blog! Second, I would hope that someone turned in his AOL account to the propper people and this person is investigated!! If it was someone just posting BS then I feel they should be charged with something? Does anyone know if there is anything that someone can be charged with for posting false information like that?? I will have to do a little research into that and find out. There is enough going on with this case, we don’t need crack pots making BS remarks like that!!! If nothing else this person should have enough respect to this child!
    Ok, that’s my little rant for now…lol! With any luck the police will contine to search the areas around the airport today (wooded areas, wildflowers, and water just like the “body hunters” said) and find this little girl so she can be put to rest. You all have a wonderful day!!!


  222. LOOK! That HOOKER VOTES!! LOL! I have a website I refer to for a lot of things…(I do some private investigating on the side) and this is what I found *The website is http://www.publicdata.com* For $9.00 a month, you can look up just about anything on a person…….here is Casey voting info below….the hooker….

    Orange Voter ID
    112955854 Last Name
    ANTHONY Suffix

    First Name
    CASEY Middle Name
    M Suppress Address (Y/N)
    N Residence Address Line 1
    Residence Address Line 2
    Residence City
    ORLANDO Residence State
    Residence ZIP Code
    Mailing Address Line 1
    Mailing Address Line 2
    Mailing Address Line 3
    Mailing City

    Mailing State
    Mailing ZIP Code
    Mailing Country
    White (not Hispanic) Date of Birth
    Mar 19 1986 Registration Date
    Jun 12 2004 Party Affiliation
    Florida Democratic Party
    442 Precinct Group
    Precinct Split
    Precinct Suffix
    Voter Status
    Active Congressional District
    8 House District
    32 Senate District
    County Commission District
    4 School Board District
    2 Daytime Area Code
    Daytime Phone Number

    Daytime Phone Extension

    Above information as provided by state – Our annotations are below

    Address (click to find others)
    4937 Hopespring Dr City/State/ZIP (click to find others)
    Orlando ,FL 32829-8646

    Voter History

    Orange Voter ID
    112955854 Election Date
    11/02/2004 Election Type
    Voted at Polls

    Orange Voter ID
    112955854 Election Date
    01/29/2008 Election Type
    Voted at Polls

    The detail view of this record will be recorded as one ‘Detail look-up’.


  223. And she voted for Obama….now we KNOW there is somthing wrong with her!!! LOL! (Just joking to all of those who like him….hehehe)


  224. Figures ho would be a Democrat.


  225. Hi,
    have been reading and following this story since day one. Sorry, but I find the comments about politics completely unnecessary and offensive to those whose political offiliation doesn’t make us ho’s!
    I think we need to concentrate on finding this poor baby who’s mother was no mom.


  226. Watching “Little House on the Prairie”.
    Quote: “You didn’t think I did it on purpose, did you? You’re like all the others…you’re against me…you hate me!” *Runs off crying* ~Nancy Oleson (Nellie’s adopted sister)

    Sound like anyone we know??????????


  227. Yeah Angela!!! HAHAHA, I just wet myself…LOL!


  228. Steph~ Lighten up, it was a joke. If you have been follwing this blog for any length of time, you know we like to have a laugh now and then. Who can blame us? If not for humor, the Anthony’s would drive us all to a padded cell.


  229. I agree Angela, not only that Steph…we were stating Casey was a ho….not the Democratic Party….lol. Wow.


  230. LOL…Angela, did she pee by her horse and buggy too!


  231. Christina, I was not offended by your politics….then again I’m Republican so I guess I wouldn’t be…LOL anyway wanna talk religion….LOL


  232. I’ll just go back to praying that Caylee is found.


  233. I don’t want to step on any toes and this is soooo unrelated to Caylee but it’s my last hope in asking this question to someone who may know…..Donna, that would be you.

    For days now, I’ve been wracking my brain about some I’ve seen on the news in the past. He is usually talking on camera to a newstation and I think he might be affiliated with some sort of civil rights group, though he doesn’t seem to be radical, or maybe from NAACP or some other organization in Philly. I can only describe him as a light skinned black man, perhaps of hispanic or a mix. He wears a cowboy type hat. He has a moustache. Any idea who I’m talking about? It’s driving me nuts! Thank you.


  234. Donna~Back then I think girls were much more ladylike. They did their peeing in private (they didn’t wear skin tight dresses up to their hoo~ha, either.)

    Steph~You do that. Just don’t get “OFFENDED” when the rest of us have a laugh.


  235. Not taking offense, just think maybe we should be concentrating more on praying for Caylee then for cutting other’s down over their policitical belief’s. As someone who recently lost the closest thing to a child as i can get without actually losing one of my three children, I can not imagine someone purposely harming an innocent. I read everything I can get my hands on daily/hourly and am disgusted by the lack of concern that this case is getting from the officials. To say that I have become obbsessed is an understatement I pray and cry daily for this poor little soul. And so if I do take offense to being called a ho for my political belief’s it’s just that my emotions are on the surface over this case. Please laugh it’s the best medicine.


  236. Hey Donna, Angela!! And Steph

    (Go McCain) lol, however yes it does not pertain to Caylee, but sometimes you just HAVE to vent. I just got thru watching Nancy Grace tear Casey’s attorney a new one…and I got a hugh kick off of it! I mean, all I want it justice for this little girl. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE has that gift from out Lord where we just know when something is not right….and deeeeeeeep down inside it gets a hold of you and pulls you in….to where you cannot think about anything else, you are always thinking about it and you just want to be apart of the efforts is helping piece together the puzzle. We all know Casey is covering up her tracks….and her attorney is ADVISING her to KEEP HER MOUTH SHUT! He knows if she does, then she may only serve what she already serving. She is being ADVISED by Jose Baez to KEEP her family from visiting her in fear it may incriminate her. Think about it! Maybe he KNOWS how unstable Casey is and knows that she could crack if influenced by outsiders….how would that make him look??? He does not care about Caylee, he knows she is dead….he cares about that recognition…..the money…..the clients. He is a POS dirtbag that deserves nothing but a swift kick in the cornhole with a metal tipped western boot….with spurs that go jingle jangle jingle. You know, Lord forgive me….but if I were face to face with her…..I would be in jail right beside her. This feeling that I have….the look in her very callous evil eyes……that gift you all have….the gift that I have, tells me she is a LIAR, and she KNOWS where that baby’s body is. I am telling you folks….it is a MATTER of just DAYS before this takes a wild WILD turn. Everything that you feel in your gut…..you have seen in the media, guess what, it is going to establish what we have all felt and thought along…..that Casey INTENTIONALLY HID that childs body after her death accident or not, and the grandparents are in MAJOR denile, however they did help in the AIDE of getting rid of circustantial evidence KNOWING that there was this possibility that Casey murdered/hid Caylee’s body while they parade around with donations holding fake MISSING CHILD parades….knowing that all along…..Caylee is dead. Thay HAVE TO MAINTAIN THEY ARE STILL LOOKING FOR A CHILD THAT IS MISSING….the grandparents CANNOT crack! Otherwise…..Casey is a GONER. Maybe the attorney told the grandparents the same thing….that if police held on to Casey long enough for that charge….that they would have to let her go under time served. They have to keep a public profile that they are on the hunt for that little girl….why ELSE would George get SOOOO enraged? Either he is in denial….or THE TRUTH HURTS! Sound strangly correct?


  237. Someone posted about a dissolution of marriage in the Orlando Clerks Files and I went there and I saw that, filed 12/29/05….does that mean they are divorced? Dissolution of Marriage is fancy terms for divorce. My system froze up so I wasn’t able to read the whole file. I’ll try later. But they have a really cool search feature on the site. Myclerk.com or something similar sounding.

    I even saw that Lee had 4 traffic offenses 7/18 of, can’t remember the year…wasn’t this year. And financial filings against George, etc.

    You guys should check it out, google Orlando County Clerks Office.


  238. Steph – relax a little – smile! We all feel the same way about finding Caylee, but the girls are right- if we didn’t laugh once in a while – we would all be insane by now. This blog helps to put us in touch whith people that are as heartbroken and angry about this situation as we are – and with that comes the understanding that we all need to have a little light hearted fun at the same time. I am sure I can speak for the others when I say it was a joke – we don’t care what each other’s political views are – we like to debate and share our thoughts with others and that is why we all love to come here day after day. Sorry if I am speaking for everyone here.


  239. Christina – I haveto say that I agree. This ‘search’ is only for appearence – I mean have any of them actually gone and walked through these areas looking for her???? They seem to mention new ‘tips’ of people seeing Caylee at the exact moments that the pressure increases – if you ask me. Seems a little odd to have someone call them every couple weeks with a ‘sighting’ and then have no follow up what so ever. They know that their daughter has done something terrible – and they will never admit it. This entire family will deny everything when it comes out. I don’t thinnk we will ever hear the truth from their mouths or see a single ounce of sincere remorse from them.


  240. Yes it means that they are not married. We also checked the court records to see if there was a marriage license issued after the divorce, couldn’t find one.

    The whole family is lying. The thing that makes me wonder too is that Lee is NEVER seen with the family? why is that? does he know what psycho’s they are and doesn’t want to be a part of them? and what about extended family member’s? for all intense purposes we have had no word of there being extended family members. Aunt’s? Uncle’s? cousins? wouldn’t you think if there were other members that they would be there to support the family? Maybe they know something we don’t know.
    Thanks NADS, not taking offense, just would like to see a spade called a spade and not get off track of why we all are here. Justice for Caylee.


  241. Nads I cannot wait ’til that day lil Caylee is found. Alive or not…..it will be a solumn…but a bit happier day, we could all put it in our hearts that finally, this little girl can go “home” knowing that finally justice has been served, and she can rest. It is just a matter of time.


  242. From what I gathered from the comments from Casey to Lee over the past couple of years, and keep in mind they are only one-sided since Casey’s have been deleted, that Lee may not have gotten along with the family all that well or that he didn’t really want to be around all that much. Not that anything stood out strong, but it seemed that Casey always, in almost a begging way, wanted Lee to come by. For dinner, to see Caylee and there were times when she would state things like, I asked mom about you coming over…..once she said something about him coming over at a certain time and that dad would be leaving at work at 2 and “giving you a heads up”. That has all lead me to believe that Lee was distant.


  243. Thank you Andrea that answers some of my questions about Lee’s involvement with the family. As stated before WHAT a messed up group they are! It seems as though dysfunctional is the norm for them.


  244. I was thinking about the missing extended family members the other night – it definately seems off to me. I heard – and I forget where now- that the speculation about Lee was that he started to realize what asses his family looks like on camera and where this is heading fast – so he has chosen to remove himself from the spotlight and focus on Caylee. But who knows right?
    I have said this before and I will say it again- if they do find Caylee alive (I know it’s unlikely – but until there is a body -I have to hope), that she will never be given back to this family. I hope that when they do find her – we must be close – that this entire family shares a cell and has plenty of time to think about what they have done. Not that I think they care – they just want to cover their asses.
    Sometimes I wonder if they say to each other at night that they never should have reported Caylee missing. Sick – I know – but they are truly disturbed people.


  245. Steph~ Nobody was cutting down anyone for their political beliefs! SHEESH! Can we say anything today without somebody taking it personally? You call a spade a spade, I’ll call a ho a ho. Fair enough?


  246. Very interesting Andrea….maybe we might see the whole family fall apart with ALL of their lies…..have u not noticed ladies….the MEDIA of ALL PEOPLE have not dug this type of info up to discredit the family??? Why is that? Normally they would have investigators that worked in the media looking this type of info up. Why have we not heard about these indicators that the family is ALL jacked up in many ways? Is that not a good reason to crack them open like the nuts they are? Anyone think that is strange? What is the MEDIA/POLICE/FAMILY hiding from all of us? Are the Anthony’s high profile people in sheep’s clothing? Does George have ties to something much MUCH larger than we all know??


  247. ANGELA!!! TOOOOOO FUNNY!!! A HO A HO!!!!ROTFLMFAO!!!!! OMG that is the funniest quirk I have heard in a while…it puts a smile on my face, and a spot in my chair….! Now I must release the rest…lol!


  248. I would take a guess that the whole family revolved around Casey. Spoiled brat, never had to work/or keep a job, parents supported her, she was probably the cause of a lot of animosity between her parents and with Lee. Lee probably was the golden child but most likely slighted by all the attention towards her sister. Casey used all of this to bully them, her friends, probably Caylee.

    And if anyone really knows her, it’s Lee.


  249. Christina~ You sure have to pee a lot today! Remember, if you get in a jam, you can always go next to your car….=D


  250. All very interesting points Christina – I hadn’t ever thought about it that way. Why HAVEN’T they dug into this at all?? There has to be something there. Maybe the media is afraid of getting too far away from Caylee and angering viewers (probably not likely)?
    So George and Cindy are not married? I heard they had begun divorce proceedings back then, but it was never finalized. Interesting – because if they are legally divorced, why are they living together and acting like a big happy insane family these past few years? Trying to keep the secrets in the family perhaps?? I would also be interested to know what the reason for divorce was they claimed, and why it never happened if it isn’t finalized?


  251. hey gang………so what is going on today? i have had to work today boss is out….have not seen any updates. all i can find is the same thing i found yesterday…..anything new? did they ever release the visitation film from yesterday? i wanted to see that. kept waiting on nancy last night but they never showed it. did not matter if i even heard the words i just wanted t see the expression in crazy’s eyes…see if they were still blank…
    been following your comments this am as much as i can. has anyone noticed that brother lee has not been present in the last few days at all……?


  252. here’s some more trash on them that has not been mentioned1. The Anthony family has taken mortgages out on several properties in Trumbull County over the past 10-15 years (after they moved to Florida).

    2. Cynthia M. Anthony of Orlando, Florida was evicted as a tenant from Pine View Apartments on 7/10/2002.

    3. George Anthony filed for dilssolution of marriage (AKA divorce) from Cynthia Anthony on 12/29/05. The order was dismissed on 11/28/2007.

    4. Cynthia Anthony took out a mortgage on 50-245 Chickawsaw Oaks with Bank of America on 1/6/1999. After late/default payment, the Anthony’s and Bank of America finally came to a financial “agreement” 50-245 Chickasaw Oaks (Phase 3) on 7/14/2005.

    5. Action is filed by MBNA AMERICA BANK NA against George Anthony on 12/11/2006. There was an order of dismissal after a hearing on 8/4/2008 (while Caylee was missing).

    6. Action is filed by FIA CARD SERVICES NA against George Anthony on 11/28/2007. The case is unresolved and currently open.

    7. A woman named Cindy Anthony of Orlando, Florida filed bankruptcy on May 12, 2008.





  253. Nothing new Kay…waited like you did for jailhouse tape, but nothing…UGH!


  254. I could pee by my car…lol, better yet, how about in the trunk! Ooops, had a Casey moment! lol @ Angela


  255. Cynthia M. Anthony Defendant in Civil case by Pine View Apts Plaintiff
    Eviction Filed 6/18/2002

    Criminal Defendant Cynthia M, 2 Counts, was arrested (inmate# 04046747) had public defender…Misdemeanor charges Filed 3/11/2005
    Fines violation?

    Criminal Defendant Cynthia M, Must be same case as above, same inmate number, filed 11/17/2004. Mention of suspended driving priviliges.

    Criminal Defendant Cynthia Marie, 4 counts criminal, arrested, public defender (inmate# 06042344) Violation of probation, other stuff. Had Bond Filed 11/17/2004

    Criminal Defendant Cynthia Anthony, 1 count criminal, (inmate# 07037606), warrant for fiolation of parole, filed 9/24/2004
    Had Bond

    George A. Anthony Defendant in Civil case by FIA Card Services (formerly MBNA)Plaintiff
    Default Filed 11/28/2007 (Case is currently open)

    George A. Anthony Defendant in Civil case by Citibank Plaintiff
    Final Default Judgement Filed 4/30/2007

    George A. Anthony Defendant in Civil case by MBNA Plaintiff
    Default/Closed Filed 12/11/2006

    I just jotted stuff down hastily, so I’ve left out details and there is a lot of detail on some of the mentioned cases. If that is, indeed, the same Cynthia Anthony as Casey’s mom, she’s a mess.


  256. You know Nads…ladies, I think all of us are SUPER smart and have great theories….we should set up our OWN investigation team!!! Woo hooo I am not SCARED of the Anthony’s!! Bring it!


  257. Hey, not only that….what is the deal with the police HIDING the jailhouse videos? Hmm…stranger by the minute


  258. As with many families, there is so much more than meets the eye here and it’s quite telling of the inner workings of this family that has conveyed itself as a happy, stable environment when it does seem to have some skeletons…and these are only PUBLIC skeletons revealed, imagine what we don’t know! It’s very sad.


  259. Whoa…they were EVICTED in 2002!!!! I think it is time to EXPOSE their dirty laundry….now what media outlet will listen???


  260. How in the world are you all getting this info? I got to the Orlando site http://www.cityoforlando.net/cityclerk/index.htm but couldn’t find any information.
    Is George being sued by credit cards?
    Cindy has how many charges?
    Could this be why they are taking donations?
    Wonder if Caylee had an insurance policy and they are waiting to get her body to file it?
    Anyone heard?


  261. I just came across this on chanel 9 from the noon news posting:

    A loophole could allow Caylee Anthony’s mother to beat the system. She’s still only facing charges of child neglect and giving false statements.

    If her attorney asks for a speedy trial, they could be the only charges she ever faces. Florida law prohibits a person from being tried on more serious charges at a later date if the person stands trial for something that’s related.

    “If you lose a kid and that results in a child’s death, that’s one and the same case, because those are manslaughter charges,” said board-certified trial attorney Richard Hornsby.

    If Casey was found guilty of child neglect, she would only serve up to five years in prison versus a maximum of life for murder. Still, detectives have never said that Caylee Anthony is dead or that Casey is under investigation for murder or manslaughter.


  262. VERY GOOD POINT LAVONNA! Maybe this “$40,000” shopping spree is a way to “ward” off detectives…..maybe that was NOT a Casey charge….


  263. Oh by the way, if you were scared for Casey, and she is getting death threats….why have her released from jail? Don’t u KNOW someone will KILL her? The parents/police are protecting her behind bars….what makes her think she will be safer outside of jail….there are FAR worse animals out there….LIKE ANGRY MOTHERS!!!!


  264. Kay, that is why I think Casey’s attorney is telling her to “hush hush” that is why she is giving NO info….


  265. Oh Dear God, Please don’t let her off so easy.. Please bring this to an end by bringing baby home or show them where to find her little body. Show them that you are mighthy and awesome and all evil that is done in darkness will be brought to light and nothing is done that you don’t know about and show them that you are the one in control.
    I ask this all in Jesus’ name amen


  266. You know, speaking of tapes being hidden. Did anyone see on Nancy Grace, on the bottom of the screen…something about the jailhouse video to be released. It sounded like she was going to have it on…did I miss it? Was it mentioned again on there?


  267. mighty*


  268. Hey, I’m game for our own investigation. We could set up our own information website. All the information we’ve gathered plus all the media information, timeline, jailhouse call transcripts, etc. Then we could expose them all.


  269. Oh, silly Christina…you know you don’t pee in the trunk! That’s where you eat your pizza!


  270. And what is the significance behind Caylee being “missing” on June 9th??? Hmmm…??


  271. LMAO Angela. Come on, any good redblooded American can eat pizza and write names with their piss in any good sized trunk…….while sweating profusely!


  272. Careful LaVonna…someone might get offended if you say Jesus!=O


  273. i also seen somewhere that george had to go to court on one of those things i think on the 4th and it was postponed due to the circumstances of what was going on. maybe mama cindy is blaming casey for running up this $40,000 of credit cards and she is the one that has does it instead…her financial records do not look too good.
    i forgot where i found that at. it was on another blog that i was reading and then i went to the link…but i can’t remember where because i have read so many of them


  274. Is anyone else sick and tired of self-proclaimed “psychics” worming their way into the middle of a high profile case? Call me a pragmatist, a realist, a hard core scientist, or just plain stubborn .. whatever you like … but seriously, my friends, let’s be reasonable. I appreciate all of the volunteers who have searched for Caylee, but these “psychics” are gunning for a reality-based television series featuring – you guessed it – themselves. And what do they lack? 1. Money (hence, the begging.) 2. Media exposure. They’re nothing but self-serving, opportunistic charlatans. I’ll close with this: Why in the heck would a “psychic” need a trained cadaver dog?


  275. Has this family always lived in Florida, or am I mistaken and heard that they are originally from Ohio? Too many secrets in this family tree of nuts!


  276. Where was he an officer ..Mars?


  277. christina, when all this started that is what crazy granny was saying that hse had not seen her since june 9th. and then casey told bubba lee that she ahd not seen casey in 31 days the days her mom clled the cops. then the detectives were watching the video that cindy took of her fater and they noticed the date of it was on fathers day and realized that was later thatn june 9th sothe changed the story the night befor the bond hearing that it was june 15th i think. day after fathers day…


  278. Ladies, Christina, Andrea

    I think it can’t hurt to put everything we have found and put together out there. Angry moms should not be messed with – if no one will bring Caylee to rest – we will. I wish so bad I could be down there (my husband thinks I am NUTS! – he feels about about this – but he doesn’t think he can save all the babies in the world – unlike me!!). I have put together a timeline from all of the various news reports and police records, and it just doesn’t make sense. If you guys want – I can post it in a bit when my babies are napping. I would love to hear your thoughtts on it – because I’m at a loss right now. This is ridiculous that we seem to be able to come up with more plausible theories and better background information than what is already out there. I know the police are holding back information – but come on here……
    I also wanted to mention what a relief it is to find out that other people eat their pizza in the trunk of the car!!!! I thought I was the only one!! lol


  279. LOL Angela, I really don’t want to offend anyone but the one that I don’t want offend is Jesus 😉
    Mr. Lee I so agree with you.
    Girls, You have made me laugh all morning. I need to get to work but every few minutes I am back on here seeing what is new.


  280. Well, Mr. Lee…..you pragmatist, realist, hard core scientist, or just plain stubborn man…..did you ever once think that the cadaver dogs are psychic???? LMAO

    Honestly, I don’t mind psychics being on the case, I know that police, historically, have used them and have had a lot of help from them. Gale St. JOhn is affliated with Brian Ladd, who is a lucid dreamer and has helped a lot of cases and plenty of his dreams have occurred and he does it all on donations….he doesn’t exploit. I think that’s why this particular psychic doesn’t much bother me.


  281. All the areas they are searching by the airport seems like they could find something…but then again, maybe she had to pee, and ran into the woods…wait, it is not public enough for Crazy…forget that thought :o)
    I also agree with you Mr. Lee.
    If someone is offended by the name of Jesus…it is their problem! We are praying for this baby…get over it!


  282. GO LAVONNA! HECK OF A PRAYER! Alrighty Angela…here we go lets investigate!


  283. Hey ladies on Fox website on “Greta” they are in the backyard with the grandparents showing where the cadaver dogs hit. It is a very big CLOSEUP to where Caylee lived and played. Very interesting…..


  284. I will pray with you anytime Lavonna! :o)
    I am with you ladies all the way…let the investigations begin.


  285. I don’t believe in psychics, but I say – who cares why she is down there – she is down there. I like the fact that she has cadaver dogs because it makes me feel like she goes off of more than just her ‘abilities’ to achieve the desired result.
    Maybe these psychic dogs know exactly who’s sweat they are smelling??!! Cadaver dogs trained to pick up sweat???? – I still can’t comprehend saying that out loud let alone believing it makes sense!!


  286. they are from ohio. moved to fl when cayce was 3 yrs old. papa george was suspose to be a homicide detective but i heard the reporter ask him with “with your training as a deputy sheriff in ohio”…..so i’m not so sure he was a homicide detective…he did not correct the reporter when he said . he just answered his questions and said tht he had clled in friends and associates from long ago and talked to them aou tthe case. this was in the interview when he said that the kidnappers were being watched……….


  287. Hey Angela…..on the Bamboo thing, what kind of person who could not keep a job, wont work, steals money and gas, lies, and wants to party…would dig up bamboo????? What is Cindy hiding????? If I was an out of work hooker that was lazy and wanted to party….why in the hell would I be in my backyard in the Florida heat diggin up bamboo??? Hmm…another stinky story….


  288. Hey, friends –
    One more brief note, since we’re all becoming so well-acquainted. My initials are M. R. I’m actually a woman, but it’s understandable that you guys have come to know me as Mr. Lee. Okay, that’s all. ::Climbs down off of soapbox:: Hey, can someone help me carry this thing?


  289. MR LEE……….
    this lady (right or wrong) seems to be doing a hell of lot more than the family or the law officials are doing….she’s doing SOMETHING………..and unless you donated to the cause or she took money out of your checking account hwo are you to blame her for coming down…so what she wants a t.v. show…..so does casey…………..and at least the psychic is making an effort to look for her…..any you know…sometime GOD works in mysterios ways and thsi might be one of those mysterios way……….
    Lavonna……….i’ll pray with you anytime……….if someone is offended they can leave……


  290. LOL Sorry M. R. but that was funny.
    I will help you carry it 🙂


  291. Just a crazy theory about the bamboo story ……
    Maybe this is a lot more premeditated than we think. Maybe all of these things that don’t make sense and don’t add up in the time line are because they did these things for that purpose. Casey may have borrowed the shovel prior to murdering Caylee and was thinking the whole time, let’s f*** with them good. Go into the woods here or there,make a phone call. Borrow a shovel, place a ladder back at the pool. Lie about the nanny, and this whole time, being the sociopath she is, all she is thinking is how great this is going to work out for her.
    Maybe I AM going nuts with this!


  292. Andrea~

    Very American, indeed! But how many people can eat rotten pizza, take a leak, fight with mom (use lots of profanity!), steal a credit card, go on a $40,000 shopping spree, bust into dad’s shed, steal gas cans, borrow a shovel from the neighbor, dig up a body (errr…I mean “bamboo”), find someone, ANYONE(!) who knows Tony’s phone number, find a nanny to use as an alibi, get drunk, enter a sexy body contest, grope a female, drive your daughter a hundred times~from grandma’s house, to the amusement park, to Cocoa Beach, to the nanny’s house
    and back again (WHEW!!!! Some bonding trip!), pretend to have a job, drive out to woodsy/swamp area (note to self*ditch cell phone ASAP), AND be a pathological liar…ALL WHILE CONDUCTING YOUR OWN PRIVATE INVESTIGATION TO FIND YOUR DAUGHTERS KIDNAPPERS!!!! Now, that’s what I call REAL red-blooded American talent. Followed closely by smarmy Defense Attorney who will find a “reasonable” explanation for all of this.


  293. Prayer if powerful ladies and we can all use it daily. I really do wish that this was over because the not knowing is hard to deal with. I still cook and clean and go to work but when I can I am on here and my kids think I am weird that for always being on this site.


  294. Glad you straightened us out on your gender M R Lee…LOL and let me get that soapbox for your darlin’. As one of you said earlier…we have to laugh at some point…or we will all be in a padded room together trying to figure this out. :o)


  295. I like Angela….I like…lol


  296. Andrea, I have no idea who your talking about. I don’t watch the news. This case caught my eye passing by nancy gracy the first day it aired. I haven’t stopped watching since. My local news never talks about it. Sorry. Go to nbc10.com or 6abc.com or cbs3.com that’s our local news maybe they’ll have a story about it.

    Ladies, I too enjoy the occasional “pizza in the trunk” and peeing in a depends. Oh yeah I once puked out my window and it landed on my back passenger window. (there might be pics of that on Angela.)


  297. and Lavonna, I love Jesus!!!!:)


  298. Jesus Rocks!


  299. Not to offend anyone…but being brought up Baptist, He is in my life, and I am thankful!


  300. I know may not have anything to do with Caylee (at the moment), just gave me the shivers reading it……from Fox News.

    HOUSTON — Harris County sheriff’s deputies in Texas say a 3-year-old boy struggled to escape his mother’s hot truck before dying.

    Cameron Thomas Boone is the second child to die in a locked, hot vehicle in the Houston area within less than 24 hours.

    Investigators say the boy was able to get free of his car seat in a back seat and climb into the front before losing consciousness yesterday. Sheriff’s Lt. John Denholm says it appears the child tried to start the engine or open the windows. The key was found in the truck ignition.

    Denholm says the boy’s mother found him unconscious when she returned to the truck after her shift at North Cypress Medical Center about 3:30 p.m. Thursday.

    She broke the back windshield and called for help, but the child was dead when she brought him into the hospital emergency room. Denholm says the woman had meant to drop the child off at day care but had forgotten he was in the truck.

    Another 3-year-old boy died in a hot vehicle in Houston late Wednesday afternoon. No charges have been filed in either case.


  301. 🙂 Jesus loves you all too!


  302. MR Lee~ Pardon me for saying so, but I believe we have had about all we can take of people named Lee…and Casey…and Cindy…and Georgie…and………………..

    Christina~She didn’t dig up no stinkin’ bamboo. Cindy says “I know my daughter!!!!!!!”~ Oh yea, granny? Since when is your daughter “little miss green thumbs”? Get your head out from your backside, your breath is really starting to stink up the place!

    Nads~Everybody knows pizza tastes better in the trunk… but only when it sits in there for 20 days, starts smelling like a dead body and develops maggots. YUUUMMMYYY!!!!! =P


  303. Pops, thanks for making me full of rage and sadness. It breaks my heart to think that people forget their kids..


  304. Pops! That is the 2ND child to die here locally were I am in Texas in 2 days!!!!! Both…..3 yrs old.


  305. Hehehe @ Angela…!! Hey, pizza also tastes better after digging up a nice helping of BAMBOO……!!! How about a hooker shake with that slice???!!!! Sorry….. =( I am being bad…..


  306. POPS, wow….. at least this mother didn’t hide the body. Charged or not she will feel that aweful pain the rest of her life. We had a few cases her in Philly with the same excuse. I forgot they were in the car. We had two this summer with that very excuse. I mean the first thing you do when you get in the car is drive to the baby sitter or daycare. It should be routine not even a thought. What a horrible thing.


  307. I only eat trunk pizza if I’m wearing a short short tight blue dress and black hooker boots. I also like to be rubbing on ladies when I heat the 20 day old stink pie.


  308. *eat ladies not heat the 20 day old stink pie


  309. I agree with MR Lee…I don’t buy into psychic bull. I wondered that same thing…what kind of psychic needs a cadaver dog? And did you ever hear of a psychic who won the lottery???? Hmmmmmm…. anyhoo…get your undies out of a bunch. Nobody has to agree 100% of the time. Oh, and yes, I love Jesus, too. {Ducking under table to avoid tongue lashing from offended Satanist}


  310. LOL @ Donna…..hooker boots…lol


  311. Christina, I had to steal the gas from my fathers car and sell it to buy those hooker boots! When he found out he said I’m deffinatly never using his shovel.


  312. How do you forget your kids????????
    I mentioned before that I am from Canada – and this winter we had a lot of the opposite sort of tragedy. The one that got me was when a young father took his 1 and 2 year old daughters outside in diapers when it was -40’C plus windchill and lost them. Those babies froze to death and no one even knew they were gone until the father sobered up the next day.


  313. I agree…why would a psychic need a cadaver dog….hmmm

    note from blog owner

    Shouldn’t the psychic be able to see without the dog???? sorry 🙂


  314. anyone know if the airport area is being searched more aggressively today??


  315. I would love to know how it is that the Anthonys were so far in debt that it had gone to collections, yet had $45,000 worth of credit on a single card. I don’t get it.

    Also, and I know that this has been mentioned numerous times but, if Casey didn’t work and the Anthonys were supporting her, where did they come up with the money to pay for this nanny? On that note, how did they pay her? Cash? Check? I doubt that they would have paid her in cash, seeing as how they’ve never seen her in person. If they paid by check, shouldn’t there be proof of these payments? I know that “Zenaida the nanny” does not exist, but I think that these would be interesting points to bring to the Cindy’s attention. I’d love to see how she’d weasel her way out of that one.

    Lastly, was it ever established WHY Casey needed a nanny in the first place?


  316. LOL @ Donna! Hey, I had to dig up bamboo with a shovel I traded my hooker boots for after eating pizza in the trunk while peeing on the driveway….when I did that I got the urge to steal gas cans and then go shopping for $40,000 in the latest hooker fashion. After that, I had to stop by the Orlando Airport to see the tree’s flowing in the wind…suddenly I had another urge to call a bunch of people and hang up, then I got a wild hair to go to the club and feel some hair pie….after that, I wanted to go swimming but I forgot that I had to return the shovel, so I took my car and hid and and stripped down naked taking off some stinky clothes…I called my momma and told her that I needed her to wash my hooker clothes. She said “Sure honey….anything for my special hookin’ sociopath”. So the POPO’s picked me up and I lost my toungue…..now all I want is a slice of rotten pizza while I sit under the bamboo in my hooker boots with my attorney massaging my left butt cheek….!!!!

    Thank you very much,

    Casey AKA *Tha Hooka* Anthony….


  317. You know Kelly – I never even considered how this nanny was getting paid. That would be a great point to bring up with her.


  318. With all the peeing and creeping around in the trunk eating rotten pizza, I can’t help but picture Casey Anthony as a snorting troll! LOL…….snort, snort


  319. TO ALL THE FUNNY LADIES……THE STORY THRU CASEY’S EYES (Those who offend easily, do not look) he he he

    LOL @ Donna! Hey, I had to dig up bamboo with a shovel I traded my hooker boots for after eating pizza in the trunk while peeing on the driveway….when I did that I got the urge to steal gas cans and then go shopping for $40,000 in the latest hooker fashion. After that, I had to stop by the Orlando Airport to see the tree’s flowing in the wind…suddenly I had another urge to call a bunch of people and hang up, then I got a wild hair to go to the club and feel some hair pie….after that, I wanted to go swimming but I forgot that I had to return the shovel, so I took my car and hid and and stripped down naked taking off some stinky clothes…I called my momma and told her that I needed her to wash my hooker clothes. She said “Sure honey….anything for my special hookin’ sociopath”. So the POPO’s picked me up and I lost my toungue…..now all I want is a slice of rotten pizza while I sit under the bamboo in my hooker boots with my attorney massaging my left butt cheek….!!!!

    Thank you very much,

    Casey AKA *Tha Hooka* Anthony….


  320. Not just who the checks were made out to – but let’s say they were giving Casey cash to give to the nanny (crazier things have happened) – was Casey spending money that she shouldn’t have had after mid June – I assume the parents were paying until they found out she was missing. Even though being the thief she is it would probably be near impossible to track her in and out cash.


  321. Casey AKA *Tha Hooka* Anthony
    and M&M


  322. A psychic may need a cadaver dog so that if she died in the woods, they’d be able to find her. LMAO


  323. LOL@ Angela, hey maybe that wee lil’ house in the backyard was her lil Troll castle….


  324. Hehehe Lavonna, I thought it fit her juuuuust fine…


  325. I had a few other things that seem to not have been answered but I don’t know why they wouldn’t have been asked…..

    1. Does the neighbour know if casey left and came back in between the time she borrowed the shovel and brought it back – or did she stay at her house the entire time? How did she seem when she returned the shovel???

    2. Casey abandoned the car on June 27, how was she getting around until her mom found her on the 15th?? Anyone notice she seemed to be needing transportation suddenly? When (IF) asked by others where her car was – did she give the same story every time – if not what were her stories??

    3. This fight the neighbour heard- around what time did it take place and about how long did it last?? If they were being loud enough for him to hear Casey being disrespectful, what else did he hear them saying?


  326. ok finally got an update. fox news.com
    the visit from yesterday will not be release to the public.
    detectives int he case have asked the anthony’s to stop talking to the press. to see if they could get this case to calm down some and then maybe they might be able to get some help from cayce.
    granny was questioned again by the sheriff dept.
    sheriff dept denies tracking the phone calls to the orlando airport area.
    if you go to fox news .com…there is a blue box on the far right at the top of the page. it will have a link to the anthonys there and that is where i got this little tid bit of news


  327. nads,
    she had her friend amy’s car for a week. not sure exactly when she got it. amy told authorities that she had to go out of town on business and needed a way to get to the airport so she asked casey to take her and casey took her to th airport and picked her up the next week when she got in alte at night. that is how granny found out where casey was. she called amy and asked her if she new where casey was and she said yes because she had dropped her off (at tony’s apt)there the night befor when she picked her up at the airport and she told granny where to go find her.


  328. Stop talking to the press to see if Casey will assist?? Strange, why would they do that? What does Casey see in jail? Rather or not the grandparents are talking to the press or not….I wonder how that would “technically” tie into Casey’s piehole….if she aint talking….she aint talking! The POPO’s are starting to get on my nerves….!


  329. that is also suspose to be when she stole the checks of amy’s.


  330. It might not be a bad idea to cut of contact with thepress to put pressure on Casey. I mean – she is a narcissistic sociopath -so she probably loves having the whole world watching her every move right now. What if that were to suddenly stop, she might start talking (whether honestly or not is questionable) just to get the spotlight back on her. It’s funnybecause in all of this I have not heard one piece of evidence that Casey wants to know what is going on with Caylee, wants to know if they have found her, has asked her family how everyone is holding up – really any comment directed at anyone or thing besides herself and her current situation.


  331. feast your eyes on this that just came in**********

    Casey Anthony To Be Bailed Out Of Jail On Monday
    BREAKING NEWS: Eyewitness News learned Friday from an investigative source that
    Casey Anthony will be bonded out on Monday by a California-based bail bondsman
    who isn’t shy of the media.


  332. Nads-very good and interesting point. Grandma said she would sit in jail to make sure harm did not come to Caylee…..however, why the bond reduction hearings do frequently? Do they want Casey out before Murder charges are filed?


  333. WHAT??????

    I hope she doesn’t something really stupid to lead us to Caylee.


  334. Now I am seeing that the family appointed a spokesman…..what in the world?? What is going on??


  335. You would almost think that the family would want Casey in jail – so she wouldn’t continue to do stupid things and making the situation worse and worse.
    The more I think about it- the more interested I am to see what she will do when she gets out…..


  336. ok you ahve to check out his bailbondsman site



  337. What the hell does she want/need out so badly for??? So she can take flight??? NO ONE and I MEAN NO ONE is going to befriend Casey Anthony at this point after her return to freedom…..and lets hope there are advocates out there like NANCY GRACE that will break Casey’s little EGO down on LIVE TV like momma Duckett and maybe Casey will off-herself…good riddance to BAD STINKIN’ HOOKA RUBBISH! Sorry ladies but this just lights my A$$ fires to NO END…THANKS CALIFORNIA….WHO is it?? Kenny Rogers?? Donald Trumph? One of those nutbags out of Hollywood???


  338. If she is getting out – doesn’t make sense to cut off contact with the press – hell they will be (already are) in her front yard waiting for her every morning. She will be like a pig in s**t.


  339. according to his web page he is a BOUNTY HUNTER/BAILBONDSMAN………………
    strange dont you think that someone hired him to come get her out of jail when granny cindy said inthe beginning that when they decided to get her out of jail that it would be nothing to get the $500,000 up………..
    this is gonna be cool. said that he and his son would be flying in on sunday in order to make her bond and get her out on monday………..he handles HIGH PROFILE cases


  340. Jose looks like a real cowboy!


  341. This bounty hunter sounds like a cooke…!


  342. can’t you see him chasing her around like DOG does his fugitives……….you know she will be on house arrest cant go out in the yard


  343. guys….do you think maybe George is the father of the Caylee? Something’s not right. He seems creepy. How can your daughter get knocked up and not want to say who the dad is? Casey’s always hard up for cash…she could use the child support. Why does Cindy seem afraid of Casey? Maybe she’s afread Casey will leak out some sort of deep dark secret!

    Also, where would Casey go when she was “going to work”? Where would she leave Caylee? Or was she lugging her around for 8 hrs a day out and about.

    Where was Casey living during all of this “mini vacation”. THey mentioned she stayed with the boyfriend…but was she living there? Did she have her stuff there? Where was the boyfriend when she’s out partying at the clubs?


  344. When Casey Anthony told her father before Caylee’s 3rd birthday “She’s Close” was that an indication or “code” to George that the child was on the property or CLOSE to the property?? Hmmmm………

    note from blog owner

    I agree with you on this. And it scares me that she could get out this weekend.


  345. Gooood point Al. Yeah he looks creepy, but where I am from we call that FUGLY


  346. update wesh.com
    What’s New

    Bounty Hunter To Post Bond For Casey Anthony On Monday

    Bail bondsman and bounty hunter Leonard Padilla said his nephew Tony Padilla will post Casey Anthony’s $500,000 bond on Monday.

    Anthonys Appoint Media Spokesman In Caylee Case

    The Anthony family has appointed a spokesman to talk to the media in the case of their missing granddaughter, Caylee.

    Larry Garrison worked on the case of missing Alabama teenager Natalie Holloway, and was the spokesman for the family of John Mark Karr, the man who gained notoriety for falsely confessing to the murder of JonBenet Ramsey.

    Meanwhile, a close friend visited the Anthonys at their East Orange County home on Friday.

    “She’s very, very upbeat and that’s all that matters,” friend Janet Hraba said. “I love them to death. They deserve the best.”


  347. This is so disgusting and discouraging. Latest news – bondsman from California is bailing Casey out on Monday. Family has appointed new spokesman. Google Orlando Florida TV Stations for websites and read the latest discouraging and disgusting news. THat family makes me sick. WITH CASEY OUT THEY WILL NEVER GET TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS OR FIND CAYLEE.

    I hope the police have enough evidence to charge her with murder before she gets released on the neglect charges. They should push her bail to over a million if they can charge her with homicide. Where are those DNA results?


  348. Al, that question did come up with us 🙂 nothing is impossible with this loser family.

    I think the beatdown divas should be her bail bondswomen 🙂 What do you ladies think? Wanna be the ones to go and get the ho out? 😉


  349. Hey you guys go the money…..I got the time…lol! I am ALL up for that!


  350. lol- i was thinking they could let us have a crack at her – guarantee she would be talking (if she was still able to talk0 by the time we were done. A few hours alone in a windowless room perhaps???


  351. I’ll bring the pizza as long as Christina promises not to pee in front ofme in the jail parking lot!


  352. Oh yeah I’d be there.. but we can’t leave without Shauncey… where is she????


  353. I’m in!!! Man I took a nap and woke up to this whore going to be released!!!!!!


  354. LOL@ Nads! I will pee in front of everyone even in front of FOX NEWS!!! LOL


  355. we can have a hot body contest in front of the jail.


  356. Hell – I’ll go just to see Christina do that and enter the hot body contest!!!! (WAIT – are stretch marks hot???)


  357. Nads~ stretch marks are sexy hot!


  358. Oh – I’m so in!!!!


  359. I am scare of Casey getting out of jail. I hope they make her wear one of those electronic anklets or something. I think she will run! And flight is considered a sight of guilty legally.


  360. They would make her wear one I would imagine. If she runs though – she is far dumber than anyone of us could imagine. Not only will that solidify her guilt, but she will be running into the arms of millions of pissed off parents.


  361. Donna, your gonna have to county me out on that one….but I will pee in the parking lot and cheer u ladies on…lol


  362. I hope she runs to northeast philly, I’ll be waiting! I will welcome her with open CLEATS!


  363. lol


  364. LOL Christina, as long as your participating in some way. That’s fine. anything you could do would be great.


  365. Hehe, Donna I am willing to pee just about anywhere…lol, even on hooka’s foot!


  366. LOL, We’ll bring a potty on the bus. I dont want any unwanted accitdents.


  367. Hehehe, Pamper brand pull-up’s only…lol! Oh yeah, I think it is funny, but Lee and Cindy’s myspace pages are set to private now…hmm


  368. I cannot help but this this Padilla guy is posting Casey’s bail because either

    A. He want’s Casey
    B. He wants media attention
    C. He wants to see Casey in her Hooka’ boots
    d. All of the above


  369. I’ll say all of the above. Maybe he want’s her to rub up on his girl.


  370. Ahh, Padilla sounds like a REAL man wanting a woman who subsequently lost her child….I wonder if he ever plans on having kids…?? I think Casey should be cauderized…!!!


  371. Why would he ever want to help her out like this???? I get that is what he does – but we aren’t talking about a petty thief here. He definately wants the attention and all that will come with it – but I think more so – he wants to watch her pee…. just throwing it out there!


  372. LOL Nads, I think he does want watch her squat beside a car and let loose.


  373. L@@ky L@@ky…

    You know, the more and more I look @ little Caylee’s face….the more and more I believe that it is a certain possibility that George may have fathered this child….

    Go here


    Look at this girl then look @ her grandpappy…..VERY VERY simular….


  374. When she gets out I think the FBI should bug their house and then let us hear the tapes.


  375. Don’t fprget Donna…in her Hooka boots….


  376. All kidding aside, I can’t beleive she will be out on Monday. My stomcach is turning. I guess I’ll have to hold on to the phrase “every dog has their day”. I pray this dog’s day comes quick! I wonder if she’ll ask about Caylee. What the hell is up with the Mr. Magoo’s working on this case! I’m getting back in my “wanting to cleat everbody” mood again.
    ( I am just venting, I really will not cleat anyone)…or will I.
    I don’t even know at this point.


  377. We can have a who has the hookerest boots contest.


  378. I’m going on line to find the most hookery hook hookaroo boots I can find. Dad, I’ll need those gas cans again.
    thanks daddy.


  379. Amen Donna….I hope that we have divine intervention on this one…
    (I think Casey would win hands down)


  380. Andrea~ where you at? you writting that childrens book?
    whats the name and let me know when its out.


  381. Hey, and they need to be cheap patent leather….that way if we pee in the parking lot and it gets on the boot…it will just trickle off like rainwater….


  382. l@@KY l@@KY-You know, the more and more I look @ little Caylee’s face….the more and more I believe that it is a certain possibility that George may have fathered this child….
    Go here http://thailandgal.blogspot.com/2008/08/caylee-anthony.html
    Look at this girl then look @ her grandpappy…..VERY VERY simular….


  383. You know, the more and more I look @ little Caylee’s face….the more and more I believe that it is a certain possibility that George may have fathered this child….
    Go here Look at this girl then look @ her grandpappy…..VERY VERY simular….


  384. Christina, I don’t know. I’m going to get “in-mate” orange thigh high boots, with a 5 inch heel! I might win. As long as she don’t go feel’n up some chick and ruining my chances.


  385. I guess ugs are out….LOL “trickling pee”


  386. LOL @ DONNA!! You know….feelin’ up on people…you know, being the hooka she is just may win her that contest….!


  387. Ladies….headin’ out of work and goin’ home….but I will be on later tonight….I am hoping something developes with in 1-2 days…now the Detective’s are really going to be bustin’ their humps to try and keep Hooka behind bars….u never know what breaking news we might hear that is actually breaking news…..!


  388. If crazy comes home they better not trust that crack whore she might need a fix so bad she’ll steal the crack out of their asses.


  389. Holy Moses, I can’t keep up with you guys! Here goes:

    Kay~I’ll feel badly if Casey won’t be able to go outside…where will she take a leak?

    Al~You wonder why she would not say who the father is???? This is Casey, remember? She didn’t even know her own dog!

    Nads~ ARE STRETCH MARKS HOT????? LOL, SISTER!!!!! I don’t know, but apparantly somebody thinks a horsefaced/ bisexual/ ho is! I say LET HER RUN! I might be ready to pop a baby and second, but with Kay’s 4-wheeler she won’t get far! I hear tire tread scars are very sexy!!!

    Donna~An idea–hooker boots WITH CLEATS!


  390. Angela~ I have my kids making them right now! I love it!
    Kids-get to work or I’m calling Zanieda!


  391. LOL – hooker boots with cleats – you have my vote!!!!! I hope her parents had enough sense to at least house train her – but that seems unlikely!!

    I read an article on Fox News that says her getting out will be delayed (not long though) until she is fitted with an ankle moniter, at least we have that. Hell – she is so stupid maybe she will try to move Caylee and get caught red handed. A real far stretch i know. I think the police will definately try and get this over with quicker now.
    Another thought – does this mean it may buy us more time before she goes to trial for these lesser charges. But not be in such a rush to goto trial if she is at home. Probably won’t make a difference, but you never know.


  392. What ever became of the search near the airport? I can’t watch Nancy until 10 o’clock…please tell me her body is found soon! I can’t bear the thought of the skanky troll getting out!


  393. Whew…..I am trying to keep up on your ladies conversations….playing catch up! :o) I have been off blog too long.
    Maybe letting her out (with a dog leash and monitor, of course) will make them move faster finishing up this investigation to slam on her the next time she walks into the courtroom.


  394. I read (in the same article as the ankle moniter) that the Sheriff’s department said the claims of her cell hitting out there were not true – it sounded like they weren’t even searching the area. I also heard (not in article- forget where) that the pyschic is out there searching. Again – I don’t believe in pychics, but glad that someone is at least taking a look.


  395. Watching Nancy Grace…. I guess this bounty hunter that is bailing Casey out does’nt believe that Caylee is dead. He thinks casey just misplaced her or left her with Zenieda. Is he on crack?! He is the only one outside of the Anthony family that still belives that Zenieda has Caylee. I agree he must be in it for the media attention. I am just blown away that Casey could just walk out of jail on monday. I heard that she will be on surveilance 24/7. I just hope that is true.


  396. Great…now I am looking forward to watching Nancy at 10:00 to just get all pissed off and worked up about this bounty hunter…UGH! I find it hard to believe that he thinks Caylee is with the sitter/nanny!


  397. Unfortunately, I think this whole thing has been a scam to get a book or movie deal. All those people are interested in is financial gain. I bet this whole thing was a well-thought out scheme and Caylee will magically appear some day out of no where. I mean I hope Caylee IS ALIVE and that would be wonderful, but this family has got to be stopped. I think they have already got a deal in mind to give them a windfall financial gain. I hope George, Cindy, Casey, and Lee go to jail for a very long time.


  398. I leave work, go to the store and eat and I have missed it all and now everyone is gone.. I will be back tomorrow after I get mine and dad’s yard mowed… I hope and pray there is some good news.


  399. What time zone are you in Lavonna? I am in the Eastern…Michigan to be exact….so I am patiently waiting for Nancy @ 10:00. Of course, as I mentioned, it wll tick me off.


  400. What the hell is wrong with these people – did the bounty hunter actually say the nanny is real??


  401. Yup! Absolutely ridiculous and absurd! Are you steaming too?


  402. beyond steaming ….


  403. Everything we know in this case points to Casey’s involvement in the probable death of her daughter, Caylee. If you look at timelines and you sort the information, every connects in some way, the evidence collected (over 30 samples) are being analyzed and from what we know has been collected, again, points to a horrid ending of a little girl.

    However, I am still having a problem understanding one thing and I believe it’s too important to forget and that’s the name given by Casey Anthony. Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez as the nanny with whom Caylee was left with, just as she had been for a year and a half. How can that be? How could she have used a name of someone who would be looking at the same apartment in which Casey says she left Caylee, on the same day she says she left her? With the exception of “Where’s Caylee?”….it’s really the most crucial unanswered question and one that plagues me whenever I immerse myself in this case.

    There’s really only a few ways this could be, because I do not believe for one moment that it was just a plain coincidence.

    1. She knows Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez personally, knew she was going to be visiting that apartment.
    But if she knew her, why use her when she knows the police would check her out and find that she is not a nanny or babysitter.

    2. She knows someone at Sawgrass Apartments well enough to have gotten personal file information about Zenaida’s apartment inquiry and visit. This is the most plausible explanation, but then it allows an accomplice to be added into the crime. But Casey is a manipulator and so could have convinced someone, maybe, to provide the info…again leading to an accomplice.

    3. Casey was there herself, the day Zenaida visited, and witnessed her visiting and giving the personal information to the manager or whoever, to be placed on the guestcard. (it was told that Zenaida didn’t actually fill the card out, but rather gave information as requested)
    No one witnessed Casey there and could not identify her in a picture or denied knowing her in a picture when shown

    4. Casey infiltrated, somehow, the filing system in the Sawgrass Apartments office to obtain the information about Zenaida
    Not sure how she could have done this, but anything’s possible.

    5. Zenaida, the one who visited the apartment complex knows more than she is saying.
    Of course, if Zenaida did have something to do with it, she wouldn’t admit to it. She wouldn’t look at pictures of Casey and Caylee and admit that she knew Casey and that she had indeed kidnapped or taken possession, illegally, of Caylee. AND Casey surely would deny knowing THE Zenaida when shown the pictures of her.

    6. Casey was actually posing as a “Zenaida” to create a papertrail.
    The manager and staff in the apartment complex office said that Zenaida was clearly hispanic….and when shown pictures of Casey, LE were told that it definitely had not been Casey.

    We know Casey lies….but someone else has got to be lying…either a Sawgrass Employee or the real Zenaida, tracked down and said she had visited Sawgrass on that particular day and visited that particular apartment 210.

    I know this is old and I’ve brought it up, probably 1000 times, but I can’t just shake it off. There is something more to it….even if that something is that there is an accomplice and the real Zenaida is truly innocent of knowing or doing anything related to this case.

    Any other possibilities you gurus have on how this is absolutely not a coincidence????


  404. Andrea – you are so right – and I think it is worth mentioning 1000 more times until there is an answer. That is TOO MUCH of a coincidence. was it ever stated whether Casey knew anyone at the Sawgrass apartments or not? How easy would it be for Casey to get this information – and why go to all the trouble to track it down. I don’t believe a nanny has Caylee – but there is something missing here in regards to a nanny. Where does Zaneida Gonzalez work? That may be alink to something. i think that if there is an accomplise, even after the fact -it could only be one of Casey’s parents.


  405. Also – was a connection to Cindy or George and Zenaida ever looked into? Is there a lady with this name that may have arecord of sorts that George could find via his background?


  406. There is also something that is bugging me about Casey’s fear of going to the police. If someone else really had Caylee – and Casey was so terrified for Caylee that she didn’t go to the police – then why did she let her mom report this without a fight? Why didn’t she ask her dad (former detective) to help her look for Casey iin lieu of going to the police (not that that would be a good idea anyway). It just seems like there was too little of a fight from Casey to explain the amount of terror she claims to have had.


  407. @ shauncey and nellie-

    seriously! we should try to petition lawmakers for a babymaking license. or forced sterilization. i’m seriously srating to believe we should take away some people’s right to procreate.

    don’t agree with me? google peggy and david edenfield and come again.


  408. I think letting Casey out of jail is a huge mistake and won’t lead to finding Caylee. She isn’t talking now and she certainly won’t talk once she’s out of jail. Those bozos – Padilla and Garrison are nothing but a bunch of clowns who hope to ride the media bandwagon for a big pay out on a book or movie deal. They are totally disgusting.

    Here is something I am currently worried aboutl I know the police are poo-pooing the search that is going on by the airport related to the cell phone pings, but I know for a fact that many people are over there searching, including the psychic ladies with their cadaver dogs. My question is, with the report for the hurricane hitting the Orlando area on Tuesday of next week – if they find no remains of Caylee before then, won’t the rain hamper the search because the scent will get diluted?

    I thought that was what a forensics expert said the other night on Greta’s show regarding cadaver dogs and the scent they are after.

    I certainly hope they find that baby before then, but the hurricane situation really bothers me because I am afraid evidence will be destroyed or diluted


  409. Jane – I had missed the information about the hurricane. That is really scary – what chance do they have to find Caylee if the hurricane hits hard????? I mean – come on here – they can’t find her without a natural disaster. Maybe letting Casey walkis their last ditch attempt to get her to reveal something – whether intentionally or not….


  410. The hurricane situation would be scary…losing any other clues in the wake of the storm. I do not think her getting out is going to solve a darn thing. What?…give her an easy life at home, and she is going to talk?????????????? Who are they kidding??????????? How frustrating!


  411. Nellie, I am 2 hours ahead of the time on this blog (Central time)
    Andrea you are a very smart woman you should have been a detective.

    Ladies, have a good day and I will be back after I get my yard work and things done.

    note from blog owner
    You are only 1 hour ahead of me, as I am in Mountain Time.


  412. I don’t think that Casey is ever going to talk – but I think – could be wrong here – that by letting her out she may relax a little and feel ‘safer’ in thinking she can get away with this. I believe they may be hoping that she will do something that may tip them off. It is probably a long shot – but at this point it sounds like it is the only shot they have. i was watching Greta last night and she mentioned how the police could go in and charge her again with new charges (notmurder) to keep her in jail. I think their decision to charge her or not may be very telling in it’s own right.


  413. Andrea~ I’m going with #2 I’ve said it before, I think she know’s someone who worked there. She probably offered to pee on them so he would help her. The police need to find the connection there. I bet this person no longer works there. If I were on the case that’s where I’d be looking. Perhaps they are and they are not giving us much info. I pray with all my heart this is over soon. (with caylee) safe.
    My heart wants the theory to be Zanieda is lying and really does have her. If not for all this evidence I would love to beleive that.


  414. LOL…I can totally picture Casey taking a leak on the neighbors lawn, and when he comes out to yell at her she says “It wasn’t me! I swear I’ve never seen that troll before in my life!”


  415. LOL..Angela,


  416. LOL – that about sums it up Angela!


  417. I’m try’n to force myself to get off here and do my saturday cleaning!!!! I don’t want to. I wonder if Zanieda moonlights as a cleaning lady as well as a sitter. I’ll give her a call. She better not lie to me!


  418. lol – while you’re at it mind asking her to pop by my house???


  419. I’ll ask her, I think she does it for free. No proof of her every taking any money.


  420. PERFECT!!!!!!!!!

    Here’s a question about Andrea’s theories – has any of the Anthony’s ever tried to explain how Casey could be dropping Caylee off at an empty apartment and not notice. Who hasn’t seen the home where their children are being looked after??


  421. I don’t think the Anthony’s are asking any questions. They know in the their heart of hearts exactly what we know. They have to know with all this evidence there is at the very least a possibility that she did. I’m guessing they know the whole story. But by giving them the benifit of doubt they still have to feel that this skank did something horrible.
    How could you not. Even If I was in denial I would still have that in the back of my mind.


  422. Let’s say the parents are innocent (HA!) and in complete denial (again – HA!), you would think that they would at the very least be trying to come up with excuses for the evidence out there. If they believe Casey so much – why are they not trying to dispute this evidence? They have been all over the media (until the hired dill hole) – why not one word explaining how Casey is innocent????


  423. Nads~ I swear that’s all they do. The Pizza-that was them.
    and some other shit I blocked out. I just remember the excusses being assanine!!!!!


  424. Yeah – the pizza – that was a gem….
    They would have been better off saying she picked up road kill and forgot it- like really – who the hell believes that a pizza can smell like that???


  425. Well, I bet casey made one hell of a convincing story and they jumped on it. Or, that was georges idea. Either way she lokes peeing on people.


  426. LOL
    There is no way they don’t know something here – NO WAY.


  427. If Casey ever does get out of the pokey and has more kids I say GOOD LUCK FINDING A NANNY! And good luck getting a job (not that she would, mind you) CAN YOU SAY EMBEZZLEMENT????????????????


  428. I think they should take out her uterus!!!!!


  429. Nads, they know. They just want to ride this crazy train for as long as they can.


  430. I am so outraged at anyone making her life easy!!!! I am a grandmother of a 3 year old and have her every day…Cindy is not a “grandmother” by any means!!! Something tells me there is a book deal or possibly a movie!! If there is I think we should yell real loud to boycot it!!!! Anyone, especially the Anthonys should not be making any money off of our little angel Caylee!!!!!I real this blog every moment I get. It’s nice to know that I am not the only ones going nuts with this!!!!!

    May God Bless liittle Caylee…


  431. Albina – when I was researching this spokemen they have hired – i read that he has actually been in on book deals from a few other high profile missing child cases – totally agree with you on this. Hell – I’ll boycot anything they do right now!
    My mom said she would beat my ass to get the truth out of me! She said that by the time she was done with me I would wish i was dead! She also said she would feel as guilty as if she had done it for raising me in a way where I could even do something like this.
    Don’t get me wrong here – my mom is the nicest, most TrUSTING person you will ever meet – but mess with my sons, and watch out!


  432. Well ladies – I am off to shower (been a while! lol) – and get groceries. Talk to you all soon!!!


  433. One look at the bounty hunter’s website will reveal what an idiot he truly is. The “Lorenzo Patino Shool of Law” – what a joke.


  434. The bounty hunter says he wants Casey to live with him when she gets out!!!!=O Hope he hides his checkbook, car, credit cards, gas cans, shovel, his dog, and of course, any children!!!!

    I wonder if he knows about all of her other nasty habits??? You know, peeing in public, her love for the “F” word, giving gang gestures, rubbing down females, showing off her
    hoo-ha, eating rotten pizza in the trunk…..

    Any ideas for the movie cast, guys? I think Joey Buttafuoco would make a great angry George!!!
    Kathy Bates is CRAZY enough to play Cindy, but has the wrong ears.


  435. Oh, and we can’t forget to cast the Beatdown Gang!!!! I think Queen Latifah should play LaVonna…Angela Bassett can be Donna…Drew Barrymore has to play me because we look alike (minus the preggo belly, of course!)… Nancy Grace can play herself. So, that leaves Kay, Andrea, Christina…did I leave anyone out? And we need to get Naomi Campbell in there somewhere…we’ll let her throw a cell phone or something.

    We need a title….some ideas, ladies:
    “Junk in the Trunk”
    “Ho, Where’s My Car?”
    “Who’s Your Daddy?”
    “Nanny 911”


  436. LOL – did he really say he wanted her to live with him??? WOW

    Definately need Naomi Campbell in there – and you know- I think it might be funny to watch you pregnant, kicking Casey’s ass.
    Just a tip for the hot body contest – it has been confirmed stretch marks are hot!!!

    I think I’m leaning towards “Ho, Where’s my Car?” – great ideas!!!!!

    My husband was curious about what is making me laugh on the computer – so he read everything here – he is pretty sure we could get the job done down there – and is no longer worried about my sanity (he is a little worried there are more people like me out there though!!) LOL


  437. Nads…I couldn’t agree with your mother more!! That’s exactly what I would do and my son is 6’3″ and if he ever, ever pulled anything like this…he had better be more afraid of me than any police officer! My daughter-in-law knows that too..

    Is it me but sometimes I feel like this young generation has no value of life….especially children? They forget them in cars or that they left them outside, will kill them for a man/woman??????It’s really scary!

    Thanks for listening everyone and God Bless Caylee…


  438. It’s hard being a young mother these days (I am 25) – not hard in a parenting aspect – hard in the way that these terrifying things are becoming more andmore frequent and it is almost like society has given up. I had my first son at 19 (my husband and I were married and decided to have our children early due to my heart condition) – and I can’t begin to tell you the judgements that have been passed on me. when I went into labour with our 3rd son – a nurse actually asked me if I knew who all of the fathers were (my husband actually looked like he was about to give birth when she said it!). It is hard for me to watch women my age with children that seem to have no regard for them. I know that most people aren’t ready for 3 boys by 25 – but some are. I look at Casey – who had Caylee at the same age as I had Cameron – and it killsme. The day he was born was the first time in my life that I knew i would absolutely give upmy life for someone else, and I CAN NOT imagine ever letting any of these things happen to my kids. Forgetting them in the car, letting them freeze to death (what the hell is a baby doing outside in -40 anyway??????), even letting them drown. Every parent makes mistakes – but this????? Casey Anthony is a prime example of why some young parents these days feel they can ‘take it easy’ with parenting. I look at babies who are out at all hours of themorning with their parents, babies who haven’t seen a toothbrush before they get to kindergarten, babies with a bleeding diaper rash because no one bothered to change them all day and my heart breaks. My mom and dad taught me that having children is not a right, it is a privelage – a privelage that I must earn each and every day. And I am proud of that – I am proud to be a mom (especially to my boys), and I will never be able to do enough to deserve the honor of watching these boys grow and laugh every day, but I swear that I will try until the day I die.

    Casey clearly is disturbed – and I can’t wait forthe day when justice is served. That little girl is(was) far too good for that family – they never deserved to see her smile, and they do not deserve the privelage of calling themselves parents or grandparents.


  439. My husband and I were high school sweethearts, married at age 18, and had 3 kids by the time we were 23. I am now 33 and having baby #5. I don’t believe age is a factor in whether or not you will be a good parent. Remember, our grandparents in the 20’s and 30’s used to get maried at age 15 and 16, sometimes having 11 children or more! Casey was messed up WAY before she got pregnant. She was allowed to lie habitually without consequence. People of all ages are messed up, parents killing their children cannot be blamed on their age, that is a cop out. We can however, blame it on her gene pool!!!! =D


  440. So true Angela! I think the difference with our grandparents was that there was no one there to clean up their mistakes. Too many parents are letting their kids get away with things these days (being dishonest, murdering babies …), back then they wouldn’t dare even thinking of this. We need to go back to those times when people were taught dignity and respect just as they were taught to count.

    #5 – WOW! Do you know what you’re having???
    I have to commend you for 5 – somedays I think I am losing my mind with 3!!!!


  441. I was also wondering – how did Casey’s parents not see this behaviour in her years and years ago? You would think that they would have gotten her help long before it came to this point. If one of my kids denied their dog was theirs while walking it on a leash – I would be very concerned. If she lied that easily then – there is no way they could have missed it. Maybe this wouldn’t have happened if they had been a little more plugged in and attentive to her behaviours a long time ago.


  442. Since the Padillas haven’t even met with Cindy, George, or Casey how can they even be sure that this is what they want. I am so sure that Casey is going to be happy to go live with several complete strangers who will listen to every word she says and monitor everything she does. Does the family even have a say in this matter? I not so sure that George and Cindy are going to like having the Padillas at their house. I am sure they aren’t going to let their little “darling” Casey stay at a different location with that Padilla guy. What a joke.

    Also, Padilla said on FoxNews today that his relationship with Casey will be different and that he isn’t an agent of the law. He said that his interaction will not be from an investigative authority perspective. He followed it up by saying, this means that we won’t have to be reading her her Miranda rights every time we talk to her. In other words this says to me, he can keep confidential everything that she says to him. What good will he be if he can’t or won’t say anything or relate anything to investigators that might incriminate Casey. It seems pretty senseless to me!

    Just a ploy on his part to be the first one, besides the attorney, who will have privy to what Casey knows. I smell book deal, movie deal money, money, money! He is such a scum bag! He has no interest in finding Caylee – only in padding his pocket.

    I am sure that he and Baez have already inked a deal for the rights to all upcoming marketing attempts, i.e., books, tv, movies. They are all the lowest of the low scumbags!


  443. I don’t know what these guys are thinking or expecting. One thing is for sure though – if Casey does talk to him – it is illegal for him to with hold that information. He would be charged if he did. There is no client/attoney privilege here.
    Who is he kidding anyway – she won’t confess.
    Not only that – but I do believe – could be wrong – that the court will decide what residence Casey will be put on house arrest in. Is that right Angela??


  444. Nads~ They knew very well the kind of monster they had on their hands! They refused to spank her, teach her respect, and to honor her parents! I’m sure if they confronted her about her propensity to lie, Cindy said it was just “stretching the truth” or some such nonsense! As she grew up, Casey just started telling them to “F” off when they questioned her. She is a bully.

    Jacj~Baez had better not steal my screenplay idea! I’ve already been assembling my cast and getting equipment ready! So far, I have gas cans, cleats, a shovel, a pizza, a skin tight blue dress, gray pinstriped pants and some bamboo plants! No way a 2 bit hooka and her pimp lawyer are gonna steal my thunder!


  445. As for the house arrest, I believe the court tells her where to go, but if Casey the drama queen makes it look like her life will be in danger (which it will, thanks to us–just kidding Bonnie) she may request to live with the BIG, STRONG BOOTY…err, BOUNTY HUNTER MAN!!!! Who knows if they would let her, this case gets crazier and crazier every day! Nothing they do makes any sense to me!


  446. LOL – I suppose if someone is going to cash in on this Angela – it might as well be you!!! Hooker boots – don’t forget those. Oh, and psychic cadaver dogs.

    Anyone know why George is no longer a detective??? It would be an interesting story I bet. He was probably caught stretching the truth, or smelling out rotting pizza’s instead of bodies. Who knows he may even have been ‘watching the kidnappers’ and forgot to save the kid.


  447. Come on Angela – every ho needs a pimp!!


  448. Seriously though – does anyone think they will have a chance at solving this before Hurricane Fay? Maybe the authorities will release a little more information in hopes of solving this quicker. Either way I hope that someone recognizes that this needs to be put to rest (THE ANTHONY’S). If they love Caylee as much as they say they do – why is no one pressing on Casey harder – or even better yet – telling the world what we already know they know. They owe it to Caylee to put her to rest. (I really hope she is still alive – but I think that would be a miracle). It’s time for them to talk – I say charge the entire family – and then watch what happens. Who cares if they only sit in jail for a few months – I am sure that would be enough to break Cindy at the very least. This woman can’t keep her mouth shut – imagine if she had no one to talk to all day. She lied to the police as well – on several things – wait, sorry, she stretched the truth.
    And didn’t George say he had contacted some ‘old friends’ from his detective days a while back?? And we’re waiting – what they didn’t call him back??


  449. Nads~I intend to get SOMETHING out of this fiasco, for all the meds it’s caused me to be on! And since NO ONE has cared enough about me and my baby to donate a CENT to my fund, I guess I’m just gonna have to make my own way! It’s not like I was asking for a lot…sheesh! Anyways, I hope all of you ladies are ready to start filming ASAP…and bring your own hooker boots!!! You can’t expect me to do everything for you!


  450. I have enjoyed the good laughs from all of you.
    Angela, You left Shauncey out.. We can’t go without her ;-(
    Donna, I would have thought you would have titled it “These boots are made for walking” but “Ho, where’s my car” is good 🙂

    So nothing new today except for hearing that Ho is going to stay with her bounty hunter? She would be better off with Dog because his woman would b**th slap her when she got mouthy.


  451. Hey, it’s me Nellie, you left me out…6 foot blonde!…take me with you….wouldn’t want to miss it . And I agree Lavonna, Dog’s wife, Beth would beat her to the ground! Bit** slapping her would be too easy, Beth would not put up with her sh**.


  452. I will grab my hooker boots, but if my cleats would be more helpful, let me know…:o)


  453. I have been checking on why no George is no longer a detective…can’t find a whole lot…once again…UGH!


  454. I can’t find anything either. He is majorly creepy.

    Ang – I say we go ahead and start a line of hooker boots while we are at. I hear Donna’s kids are ok with child labour! I know mine are … we just call it arts and crafts time in my house!!!


  455. Nellie, I am so sorry that we left you out.. Shoot yeah we could use a 6 foot woman.. I’m only 5’3 and one half but I will put on some Kiss boots with some cleats and do some drop kicks (still have to practice doing them while laughing). When those hooker boots on I should be almost 6 feet. 🙂

    Nads count us in, my girls love arts and crafts 😉 They are good workers


  456. Should have said *with those hooker boots on.


  457. Lavonna – it is good to know that other people out there believe in teaching children the value of a hand crafted hooker boot! You still have 3 1/2″ on me, not sure how much ass I can kick in 12″ heels. Damn Nellie – you couldn’t be 5’6″???!!!!


  458. Independent investigators found clothing that may be relate to the Caylee Anthony case and have turned it over to the Orange County Sheriffs dept. It included size 5 women’s jeans, a small child’s clothing, and a backpack.

    The story is on several blogs and on the local Fox affiliate station in Orlando. Keep your fingers crossed that this will provide the evidence they need to keep Casey in jail.

    Here’s the link to the story:



  459. LOL….Ladies,
    Angela, I’m 5’7 and white so vivica fox can’t play me. I was hoping to play myself but in the stylings of Uma in “kill bill”
    we could call it
    – chasing casey
    -bitch you crazy
    -help I got a 5″ hooka heel in my eye
    I will bring my own boots, my kids are almost done “arts and crafts” . I need shoe sizes ladies. Also I’ve ordered the pizza. Its in my trunk as we speak. I have a kareoke machine we can use that for the “club scene”. Ladies I think Kate G. from jon and kate should play casey. Unless the real casey is all…I wanna play me. then hell yeah…we’ll call the movie “stomp the tard”. instead of stomp the yard…LOL
    Anyway- how is she able to live with the scumbag hunter?? Is she allowed to leave the state?


  460. Nellie, my kids are making cleats on the hooka boots so its two in one. They will also have spurs on them.


  461. Angela, I rented #210 at sawgrass apts. so we have a location to shoot. I used my dad’s credit card. Don’t worry he wont rat me out. I switched over from accounting to PR and hooker. I’ve also been peeing by my car (for practice). Not going over big with the neighbors but, I aked them to bare with me. Once they saw my boots they were fine with it. I also broke into my shed without anyone noticing. We need to get this started befor my husband has me commited. I also have a dog “but its not mine”. I’ll ask myself if I can bring her.


  462. jacj~ thanks for the link. I pray this info is valid and it stops crazy from getting out. I hope as soon as she walks out and thinks she’s free two detectives meet her and arrest her on the spot.


  463. All of you should write a sitcom…or one of those spoof movies! Your really good!

    Thanks for the laughs because most of the time I just want to scream listening to all these lies. If Casey were my daughter she would have been pinned up against the wall already, the heck with the police and everyone treating her with kit gloves…ahhhhhhhhh!

    God Bless Caylee…


  464. I have a good friend that looks like Chuck Norris, so we will invite him to do roundhouse kicks on Crazy’s face…:o)
    My husband is willing to donate his two gas cans…they are full. I have also been practicing my peeing outside, (up here it is referred to as “bush-broke”) LOL


  465. LOL, Nellie I actually know how to do the roundhouse kick. As well as the famous “drop kick”. I’m good at elbow drops too.


  466. You go girl! I have been lifting my weights…building up to beat her!


  467. I’ve been watching wrestling WE ofcourse and brushing up on “hard core” matches. I’ll be using trash cans, ladders, hits below the belt,although she’d probably like that one.
    And my favorite one of all the “choke slam”. I’m getting a little excited right now.


  468. I pray the clothing they found has DNA on it and leads them to little Caylee’s body…too much of a coincidence with the backpack, jeans, cild’s clothing….etc. Nail her as she walks out that gate of the jail, and put her right back in with SOLID evidence.


  469. Nellie, and when the arrest her out side of those gates, I hope they have grandma and grandpa handcuffed in the squad car as well.


  470. OH!!! Uma Thurman is a good one! (It was Angela Basset, not Vivica Fox) And that Chuck Norris guy, too. I’d still like to include Angela Basset (remember “Thin Line Between Love and Hate”??? She’s insane!!!!) And the name “Ho, Where’s My Car” was my idea, not Donna’s…everybody trying to steal my thunder! Sorry, Shauncey and Nellie…you know you are coming, too! One thing is for sure, tropical storm Fay has got nothing on the Beatdown Gang! FIERCE!!!!!!!!!!!!


  471. and Lee with a sling shot shooting rocks at them.


  472. Angela,
    when I re-read it and saw it was angela basset. I giggled. Man you really are a thunder hog!!!! She was bad assed in a thin line.


  473. Where’s my props for “stomp the tard”!!! I’m still laughing.


  474. George and Cindy are going down with “little miss spoiled brat Crazy”…they are going to find so much out on those two and what they have been hiding, and their world is going to crash in on them too. I agree Donna…cuff ’em and leave them to swim in the mess they created.


  475. You girls leave me laughing whenever I do try to walk away from being consumed with this situation…thankfully we can laugh right now, as I am afraid we will be shedding so many tears later in this tragic media frenzy of a case.


  476. Hey Steph, are you still out there?


  477. Nellie, a family that laughs together, cries together!


  478. Definitely Donna….


  479. I want to be wrong about this case with all my heart. I would gladly “eat crow” if it meant this sweet little girl was alive. That’s my heart talking. My mind say’s a whole nother story. I pray we are all wrong! I’m glad to have found ladies who handle horrible situations like I do. A little bit of joking and a whole lot of tears. But knowing how important it is to try and be light hearted or you’ll be put in a padded cell weaving baskets and drooling on your lap.


  480. Oh Donna, I have prayed and prayed that we are all wrong and that this is all a big farce with the family, and a ploy to get money and attention. It is just too hard to get that sick feeling in your stomach to go away…knowing this is going to end in tragedy for that poor innocent baby.
    Yes, it is good that we have eachother to bounce our feelings, ideas and laughter off of when we need it at our hardest moments. I want to personally thank all of you for being there to share with!


  481. Since Drew Barrymore is going to play me, I will be free to play the PROSECUTOR!!!! Baez…you’d better bring lots of clean underwear, cuz your gonna be changing them often.


  482. Angela, please play someone I’m not going to cleat in the throat!


  483. OMG, my husband wants to use the computer…what the frick!


  484. oh he has so much nerve Donna ! LOL


  485. LOL, angela, when I read I thought you wanted to play Baez, SORRY!!!!!! …..LMAO


  486. I know Nellie, I’m trying not to make eye cotact with him. I also have “headline news” on so he can’t watch tv either.


  487. LOL…I also have on Headline News…and my hubby went out in the garage, cuz’ he gave up on trying to have the computer or tv…oh we are mean!


  488. My kids are wanting to watch tv too! They better get back to “arts and crafts”


  489. He is out checking to make sure we have gas in the gas cans. :o) LOL


  490. well, he just took of headline news….let me know if you hear anything. I did see the storm is hitting south florida. (where all my family is)!!! but on a lighter note it should not hit were crazy is at so hopfully no lost evidence. I think Fey got word of the “beatdown gang”.


  491. LOL…Nellie, I almost peed my pants. I’m saving it to go in my driveway.


  492. This little bit of a conversation has been bothering me from day one…listen to the audio it’s as though Cinday does know something????? You have to listen to the tone of their voices. Or am I reading to much into it?????

    This is the audio of Cindy talking to Casey in one of their first conversations…


    This is the transcript..

    Casey: You don’t know what my involvement is and stuff?

    Cindy: Casey.

    Casey: Mom.

    Cindy: What?

    Casey: No.

    Cindy: I don’t know what your involvement is, sweetheart. You’re not telling me where she’s at.

    Casey: Because I don’t ****ing know where she’s at. Are you kidding me?

    Cindy: Casey, don’t waste your call

    Casey: No


  493. You think I would EVER play a Defense Attorney????? Sorry, I can’t even PRETEND to be that stupid.

    They don’t even HAVE to go to college, they just learn early how to lie, and hone their craft to precision. Casey is a good candidate, maybe she’ll be employable after all…


  494. LOL, I said I was SORRY.


  495. Maybe that is what Baez is doing with her…training her to be just that, a defense attorney to cover up and defend a corrupt, disgusting pig like herself.


  496. I’m here Nellie, just been reading all this crap about “Crazy”.
    I am so sick of all the worry over criminals rights, what about the victim’s rights? We soooo need to band together and hit our politicians with a total reform of the justice system. I think one based on the bible would be much more fair for everyone especially the VICTIMS. You ladies could move mountains I’m sure with those hooker boots working magic on the politicians!!!!!!!! But wouldn’t it be nice to know that “Crazy” is going to get an eye for an eye?


  497. LOL – LOL – ok so my husband let me sleep in (says he wanted to use the computer and knew I wouldn’t let him!LOL)

    Angela – You definately need to be the prosecuter, and Donna – Uma Thurman sounds great – like you said in Kill Bill form.
    I have a good friend who does UFC Fighting – he said he’ll helpme brush up on some moves. He even said he’ll teach me how to do it in 12″ hooker boots!
    Ok – so I guess I am going to look like the midget next to you all – how will that work??!! LOL

    Have they said anything more about when she will be released? And any comments about herliving with her Booty Hunter??


  498. Yes, we need a reform, but we can pray that Florida jurors will deal with her in the appropriate manner she will deserve. Florida will fry her Steph, and we will not have to support her the rest of her life. The boots will be used on those parents that are protecting her…even Cindy and her secret meeting with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office.


  499. I still don’t know why Cindy and George are free to run around as they please- I feel sorry for Lee (sounds like ke knows they’re nuts) – could you imagine coming from that gene pool and being sane?????


  500. Good Morning Nads….nothing new, more news on the Olympics than anything about Caylee.


  501. by the way Donna – I take a size 8 shoe!!!!!!!!!!


  502. We all agree that Lee is the per say “normal” one out of this circus…of course, Crazy denied his visit again…she is scared of him due to the fact that she may know that he can get more out of her….hmmmmmmmmmmmm. Cindy and George are alowed to run around and make asses out of themselves, but don’t fret…it is all going to come back to bite them in the butt.


  503. Is there another pair of hooker boots for one “pi**ed off mom? Why aren’t the news agenices being more involved? why aren’t they tracking down dirt on this psycho family? I just don’t get it!


  504. Steph – I think between Donna’s, Lavonne’s and my kids, there will be plenty of hooker boots for whoever wants them!!


  505. You guys are nuts…already casting yourselves in the movie, too funny. BTW, I believe it was Lynn Whitfield in Thin Line Between Love and Hate, not Angela Bassett. And I love the “booty hunter”

    Oh and speaking of hubby and kids, can you believe my laptop has gone on the blink, it won’t connect to my network and so that means I either have to use the desktop that is actually the one the girls use or MY hubby’s laptop. He’s not too happy about that but he also knows not to cross me! 🙂


  506. Andrea check that your network key is correct, or you might have to go into your administrator folder and restart your wireless network. Just a couple suggestions from someone who deals with that ALL the time.
    Thanks Nads, I need a size 10. I think if I’m in the move that Kathy Bates should play me! I’d love to get all psyhco on that Crazy! Anyone have a sledge hammer I can borow? lol


  507. Angela – you don’t need a baby fund now with all the cash you will be bringing in from this!


  508. Hey, I followed the link about the backpack, but I also went to the blog about Caylee on the same site. Holy Crap there is A LOT of good info in there. Did anyone see the picture of Caylee put beside JP Chatt? There is a real possibility he is the father IMO.

    And the more questions I see over there, the more I realize we really don’t know.

    George said he knew who took the gas cans and yet if he knew it was Casey, why the police report? And the day he reported it was the same day he found them and yet never called to say no one needed to waste the time on it. I also did not realize that this was the same day the ex resigned from the department. George said Casey came to the house around 2:30 or so. This was the same time her ex was on the phone with her and claimed to hear her tell Caylee to “get off the table” and yet she did not have Caylee with her that day, according to George. He also claims to have gotten the cans “from the trunk.” Was he simply trying to establish that Caylee wasn’t in there for the PD and he lied about the whole thing? Did he make up the Gas can incident after knowing what happened to Caylee and is trying to give Casey an alibi? Is or is it the ex Jesse who knows more and that’s why he quit? Or does everyone have something to hide?!


  509. Help..lost me for a minute…who is JP Chatt?


  510. yeah Nellie – I am a little lost here too. Skeptic – feel like giving is more background??? please??!


  511. Nevermind….googled his name…whoa…uncanny resemblence


  512. Google his name Nads…he is supposed to look like Caylee…he does…check out the photo


  513. Nellie are you reading the blog on the news channel? I thought we were on top of things, there are things there that I haven’t heard or found either.


  514. Still can’t dig up what the heck he would have anything to do with Crazy, whether they dated…partied…??????????????????? So confusing.


  515. Steph…not sure, keep digging….


  516. What link to a backpack? And what about JPChatt…you guys remember my early postings about him. In all the names we’ve become familiar with in the coverage of this case, we’ve never heard his name and Casey had an obvious connection with him…myspace, stumbleupon and he has/had the same address where Amy and Ricardo lived. The same address that was on a piece of paper found in Casey’s car AND across from one of the places she said she’d dropped Caylee off in the past to “the nanny”. I still can’t figure out why she had this address written down, it was obvious she’d been there before because her friends lived there, she stayed there and there’s a comment on myspace from her to JPChatt about his hospitality in allowing “them” (I assumed her AND Caylee) to spend the night and also apologies for all the screaming and crying that had occurred, again, assume that Caylee in reference.

    Plus, I had been in contact with a woman who is an officer in the missing persons unit in Orange County and I had given her some information from a few different points I’d encountered and the JPChatt info was the only info she continually was in contact with me about. I supplied URLS, messages and a host of info I’d found. I’ve often wondered if there was some sort of connection there early on but I’d pretty much given up on that link between her and JPChatt….but he’s from Puerto Rico…maybe Caylee is there. Just a thought.


  517. Let me note here, JPChatt, was from Puerto Rico….not sure if he’s originally from there but still has family there. His family has a vineyard, not sure if it’s in USA or elsewhere, just FYI.


  518. ^
    The link was posted by Jacj today. Glad you guys found the blog and saw the pictures, too! Crazy stuff huh? They are as obssessed as we are! lol


  519. OH MY GOD!


  520. Andrea – good for you for doing something girl! Do they know where JP Chatt is at this moment? Has he been interviewed. how could they not be related? I get that sometimes people look for similarities that aren’t there – but there is no way this is a coincedence. Especially with all this info I hadn’t heard about before. Why would there be such a connection to this guy if he didn’t play a role in this in some fashion? Do you think he got tired of watching Casey f*** up and took his daughter. Does he know things about Casey that have her inclined to not give him up? How could Casey’sparents not see this? They have to know something – they at least have to know who the father is – details like this are not forgotten – and why are they not saying anything? Sorry – my mind is spinning here.


  521. This is pretty interesting. I found it from a website link posted on the psychics blog – BriansDream.

    So many people are blogging and “doing their own investigating, so to speak, on the Internet. This person found a link between the Sawgrass Apartments where Casey said she left Caylee to the club scene and a company called Society Entertainment in Orlando. Very interesting. It follows below:

    “Society Entertainment” — a company like so many others that seem to be connected to this case: connected to the club scene, the music scene, DJ’s, sexy girls, alcohol/drugs. It is run by a guy named Derrick Williams. If you look at his myspace and/or Society Entertainment’s website, you will see how similar it is to some of the others. And he has a few myspace “friends” in common with others we’ve looked at in this case.

    Well, this one is particularly interesting to me, because on WhitePages. com, the business address for “Society Entertainment” is AT THE SAWGRASS APARTMENTS.

    Look up Derrick Williams on WhitePages. com, and you will see what I mean.

    The blogger did send the tip to the OCSO.


  522. Just when I thinik we have exhausted all new leads there are MORE!!! On the blog from orlando there is a side by side picture of Jc and Caylee, the resemblence is too much to be coincidence. Where is that baby? I literally want to shake the answers out of Crazy! She could end this for that baby and give her peace.


  523. I, for one, do not think JP Chatt is Caylee’s father. It seems that she might have just met him end of 2007, beginning 2008. Her comments to him were left in January, if my memory is serving me correctly. He seems to be considered a “hottie” by the comments made to him from other women and my opinion is that Casey was intrigued with him as well. And knowing what we know about Casey, her being egocentric, a liar, etc. may have felt that she could be the girl to get a chance with this guy. Nothing says this, just a gut feeling. He comes across to me like one of those “hard-to-get” guys and this falls even more into my theory about Casey may have had some inner desire for him. He’s got a great future and perhaps Casey got involved with him and directly or indirectly, it was conveyed that he wasn’t interested in someone with a child, or she may have felt that on her own. But she was involved with Anthony Lazzarro in May, so I don’t know how JP could even fit….but she could have been seeing him on the side. But now that I’ve seen so much about this case, I don’t really connect him too much to the case, but until it’s solved, anyone could be involved. Also, I don’t see a lot of connections via myspace between him and her during the timeline in question, but he has a stumbleupon account and Casey is his only fan…and he, hers. Shortly after she was arrested, I’d seen this site and she had logged in 10 days prior. So, it’s evident that they still had somewhat of a connection.

    If you go back over the postings I’ve made, in the beginning on this blog (well, the other one we used to post on, before this newer one) you’ll see all the info I posted about JPChatt…..waaaaay before there had been any mention of him anywhere.

    When I was researching all the info in the arrest affidavit, since that’s all the info we, as the public, had….I found it interesting that an address was found in her car, that the police noticed was across from one of the addresses she’d led them to in their hunt for the nanny. I later found out, as I had overlooked it in the affidavit, that this address was the address where her friends Amy and Ricardo live….however, I found JPChatt’s personal website, aside from myspace, and discovered that this was his address too. He lists it right on his website, along with phone number and email address. But, why would someone have an address in their possession, scrawled on paper, when she’d already had visited this address in the past…and I believe that this was the address in which she had been living at some point in her month away from home. Amy, who lived at that address, is the one that had accused Casey of stealing checks and/or money and also the Amy that she had dropped off or picked up from the airport…also the Amy who lent Casey her car, at some point.

    So, how does JP Chatt, fit into all of this? Who knows? Maybe in no way at all…but I would be sure that the police would have questioned him at some point, because he DOES have some connection to Casey. And Tanya, the missing person investigator was the one I brought all this up to, back in July..providing, as I mentioned, all information I’d found in my research. All based on hunches, but cases have been solved on a hunch before…I worked for the Doe Network for sometime, a couple of years ago, and just from a hunch, I was able to match up a missing person with a “doe” that had been found. So, I know that a gut feeling can lead to many things…but sometimes leads to nothing.

    I looked at that link, but I don’t see where Caylee is compared to JP….help a sista out! LOL


  524. Has anyone thought of the theory that she was partying up that month becasue she knew she was going to be in prrison for the rest of her life? That she realized after Caylee died that she was going away and she was trying to get in as much partying as she could before that happened? Just trying to figure out how she could justify not calling police for 31 days…so many questions, so few answers.


  525. Steph – she is CRAZY. I think she murdered Caylee and then just went about her life. She probably felt ‘free’ after she killed Caylee. It is really sick I know – but she is beyond insane.


  526. I also think she got rid of her baby and jsut went about her life as if nothing ever happened….SOCIOPATH!


  527. Andrea~I think you’re right! Lynn Witfield (not Angela Basset)…SHE’S A GREAT PSYCHO to play Shauncey!
    Baez will be played by Joe Pesci
    Shannon Doherty will definitely be Casey

    I’m open to suggestions for who to cast as Cindy…even I can’t think of anyone who is that crazy! Whoever we choose should have pointy ears. She must be willing to cut her hair with a bowl and wear a lot of tank tops.


  528. I think the “misfit” elf should play Cindy. He has the same hair color and ears. The only diff. is he wants to be a dentist not a crazy grandma who covers for her skank whore daughter. But if the price is right, I think he’ll do it.


  529. Andrea, it’s in the Fox Blog. But if you google JP CHATT The first things that came up for me were the links comparing him to Caylee. When you see the pictures side by side it is uncanny. I read at some point he was staying with Amy and her boyfriend. Maybe he and Casey had a one night thing once upon a time. It is interesting.


  530. I have to say this – I don’t know how detectives can work cases like these over and over again. I think that what they do is amazing- because if I knew that every morning I woke up I was going to be looking at a child that was missing- it would kill me. I’ll say it again – the authorities on this case must know a lot more than the public – and if it helps ensure that Casey Anthony will not live another free day of her life when this is over – then I say – do what you have to do.
    And ladies – if for some reason she never has to serve time for this – she won’t be able to go a moment of her life without fearing a hooker boot. Mothers around the world will haunt her every waking moment for the rest of her life.


  531. i’m thinking kathy bates for cindy. she’d have to lose weight, but cindy’s delusions kinda remind me of her role in that stephen king move… oh, what was it called? misery?

    and tyra banks could be me. no, maybe she’s not cute enough. i’ll play myself.


  532. just a thought here …
    Andrea – you don’t think that JP Chatt is Casey’s dad – what if he is related to Casey’s dad somehow (cousin or something)? I think they look very similiar, and that could mean nothing – but it could mean something. I asked my husband what he thought the relationship was between Caylee and JP by showing him the pictures (he hasn’t really seen a photo of Caylee) and he thought they were siblings. Got me thinking that maybe there is something there, but maybe not what we think. Who knows.
    Do you know how Casey and JP met, or have any ideas, Andrea?


  533. Good Morning Ladies,
    Was outta touch this weekend again….but sorta kept up with the news.
    i hear the anthony’s are not sure they want casey t come back and live there because of the press. Big bad leonard said that she would be in a un-disclosed location with his TEAM……cool………….
    check this out. we had a 4 yr old brthday party this weekend and had pizza. mom said she would take the left over’s home with her and one of the mom’s at the party said be sure to take it out of the car when you get there or your car will smell like it has a damn dead body in it……i thought i would fall out……….i was surprised that every woman at the party was keeping up with the search for caylee………


  534. Good morning Kay. Your friends are funny. I am getting ready to leave for work and watching Fox news and saw the bounty hunter talking how he believes Casey has humanity in her. “Yeah right” I thought
    Can’t believe that he would invest half million dollars to get her out. Someone would have to be pretty stupid to believe anything that comes out of her mouth.


  535. Thanks Bonnie


  536. Donna~NOooooooo..I love Herbie the elf! And he’s not quite angry enough. Although his boss sure is!!!! Hmmmmm…perhaps the Abominable Snowmonster????? Or the ‘You Tube’ divorcee! She’s crazy enough! And it sounds like she could use the money.

    Brianna~LOL, girl…Tyra too “unattractive” to play you?!?!?! HAHAHAHAHA…….

    I think we need Lucy Liu in there somewhere…who should she play?

    Sure hope the skanky ho doesn’t get bailed out this week…trust me, she’s safer in there!


  537. THIS JUST IN: Britney Spears has signed on to play a cameo role as skanky ho’s dance partner for ‘Hot Body Contest’ segment. Her only stipulation was that she be allowed to not wear underwear. She also tried to get Paris and Lindsey to be included, but I was adamant that the film already had enough ho’s.


  538. Thanks Bonnie – what a CREEP. How does he sleep at night??

    Lucy Liu can play me – (so we look NOTHING alike!) – but she can kick some serious ass! so who does that leave left to cast?
    Have you seen the photos comparison of Caylee and JP Chatt Angela?
    OK – so I don’tunderstand why they are letting her out. Not that she doesn’t deserve this – but someoneout there is going to try and kill her. We all would love to ensure justice is served ourselves – but none of us are crazy enough to actually do something. I want her to live to see the day where the world stands up and says we know what you did – and here is the proof. Death is too good for her. I want her to spend the rest of her life locked in a 5 X 7 cell, remembering every day what she did to that little girl.


  539. LOL – she will be perfect!


  540. I don’t think there’s any relation between Caylee and JP. I do agree that in one of his pictures, there are similarities with Caylee…but when you’re looking for something, you’ll usually find it, kwim? And let’s face it, everyone who is familiar with this case is desperate for there to be something, anything that might lead to Caylee coming home.

    I would imagine, just from everything I know, Casey most likely met him while attending a party…most likely through mutual friends, Amy and Ricardo or perhaps it was vice versa. The three of them lived together at 232 Glenwood. From the info on his sites, he seemed to throw really cool parties, on of which was an 80s themed costume party and he has pictures posted of the event. His personal site has not been updated for sometime so there’s no mention of a more recent party. That’s just my guess. However, I’ve wondered if JP lived at that address initially or atleast is the primary resident because the address, in the White Pages is listed to a Joseph R. Chatt and JP is John Phillip Chatt. Dad, uncle, some relative maybe. I don’t know that she’s known him for very long…they both had myspace pages for a couple of years and the initial contact with him was end of 2007/beginning of 2008.

    I really thought in the very beginning of this saga, that JP was tied to this somehow. Not necessarily involved with Caylee’s disappearance but maybe knew more about Casey’s demeanor, if Caylee had been around, etc. That’s when I found that comment to him about the hospitality and the apologies for the screaming and crying and Casey’s words “kids these days”….as if trying to explain bad behavior of Casey on the fact that this is how all kids act. Just a strange statement, IMO. I especially thought that he might have known the Zenaida Gonazalez…not being stereotypical but it just seemed odd to me that her three friends who are obviously hispanic lived together, across from one of the supposed addresses of the nanny. He has ties to Puerto Rico, Casey had been there at some point in the past year or two and Amy, I think she was her friend that mentioned going to Puerto Rico. And early on, I’d read someone inquire about how all these kids go to Puerto Rico and if it was a common thing to do. I don’t know, again…just gut feeling, hunch, something.

    Have to laugh though because when I first found JP, and posted comments about him, I felt like everyone thought I was nuts because I sorta pulled him out of thin air……but now, a month later..he’s the talk all over the place. LOL

    I bet you that they’ve already talked to him, especially with the gathering of all the information about him by investigators. Also, I’ve noticed that his myspace is now private but his personal site is still up.

    I like Kathy Bates for the role of Cindy…but there’s someone else…on the tip of my tongue that I think might play her better, but I can’t think of it right now. I’ll get back to you on that.


  541. That is pretty funny Andrea – you are probably right. If the authorities really thought there was a relation to Caylee, they probably would have asked him for a DNA sample a long time ago. They were obviously interested in him a month ago (you would know), but we would have heard SOMETHING long before now. The more I think about it, the less it makes sense, especially if you were talking to the authorities about this a while ago.


  542. Nads~We’ll get Lucy Liu for you. I don’t know who is left to find parts for…the Beatdown Gang is HUGE!!!!! Ladies, if I don’t already have someone to play you give me suggestions. I’m running out of crazy actresses here…

    I didn’t see the pictures of JP, but it sounds like he looks like Caylee. I don’t even care who her father is…Casey is such a sick ho to say Caylee’s dad died. I’ve had it with her and her lies!


  543. you know normally i would say she is gonna have to pay for saying that oneday in her life BUT………..you could care less what she says or who believes her…………..this person ( i cant call her a woman) has no concious at all


  544. Angela,
    fine….don’t use the Elf, even though he looks just like her.
    I say Satan should play Casey, and One of his demons can play Cindy.


  545. who’s playing George,Lee and the bounty hunter?


  546. I’m looking forward to her getting out of jail…cause she will slip up. Especially since she thinks that people like her mom and dad, brother and probably a few friends believe the story she tells. I wonder if George and Cindy really have given information to the police that work against Casey but have led Casey to think they believe her story. All part of a game. Pathological liars will always look for approval of their lies and confirmation that those lies are believed. Once she gets that she’ll trust whoever it is that plays into her scheme. She will let her guard down when she’s around these certain people. I also think that’s what Padilla is hoping for. I think he is feigning belief that there really is a nanny and that Caylee really was kidnapped just to gain Casey’s trust. We have nothing else at this point…and Padilla, as wacky as we may all think he is, may be smarter than we are all willing to believe. He’s not in this for nothing…I truly think he believes that Casey will do something that will lead LE to Caylee’s whereabouts. Plus, as a bountyhunter, he has connections that no one else has…underground connections AND if he does believe that “the nanny” exists (which I really don’t think he does) he may be able to her. Wouldn’t that be nice if we are all wrong, and Caylee really is alive. After the Elizabeth Smart case, anything is possible. I say, let’s not count him out yet.


  547. I read some of the blog on the Fox site the other night – and there are a few things that caught my attention.

    1.Where are all of the clothes and toys that Casey brought for Caylee on their 1 month ‘trip’? Were they in the car, are they at someone’s house?
    2.Why haven’t they given her truth serum? I am pretty sure that she would need to consent for this to happen, but why not order a psych exam, rule her insane, have her parents consent and shoot her up?? Surely Cindy and George would have no problem with this if they truly believe she is innocent and truly wanted to find their granddaughter. I know it is more complicated than this, but why not try????
    3.Doesn’t the fact that she and Baez asked for immunity prove her guilt? What the hell would she need immunity for if she did nothing????
    4.The photos of Casey at Club Fusion on June 20th. One guy made a great point, if those photos were actually taken 3 years ago when Casey was pregnant – she wouldn’t be old enough to be in the club – not that we believe that anyway. Are there photos of when Casey was actually pregnant to compare her appearances to? We all know that George is lying, but why not call him on it and watch him flounder?
    5.This just proves what we all know – there were a few people that did the ‘pizza test’ out there and every single one has said that the pizza DOES NOT EVEN SMELL. It did not produce maggots. It just turned hard.
    6.They kept saying they knew who had Casey – THEN WHERE IS SHE???
    7.Someone also made a good point that Caylee was missing for a month before anyone reported it. Casey could have easily have brought her to another state and dumped her there.
    8.There was mention that George and Cindy threw away boxes of stuffed animals. If they were so distraught over Caylee missing, the last thing they would ever do is throw away a single possession of hers. It would kill them.
    9.Last is a question. What is up with Casey’s cell phone records? Have they been acquired, and have they been analyzed? If not, why?
    Sorry this is so long, it is so hard to tell what is confirmed,denied, true, false or speculation. The only thing that is for sure is that this little girl is still missing, and that she is probably not alive.


  548. Andrea – I think it is quite possible that Padilla is playing along. He is a boutny hunter – he deals with criminals every day. He would know the reality of what people are capable of, and as CREEPY as I still think he is, I have trouble believeing that anyone not in the Anthony familly could also be that stupid. (Maybe I a have more faith in the human race than I should – but are there really other people this dumb out there – really?)


  549. what about Martin Sheen for George?


  550. Mornin’ ladies!!

    Padilla is in it for the spotlight…and that is it! You could tell when Nancy Grace was picking him apart on Friday…all these curious “tales” he was telling Nancy….and she is soooo witty to come back and immediately ask him…well how he “knew” cadaver dogs could be wrong when they search and you could just tell he was making stuff up. You can rest assure the police are going to try and do EVERYTHING they can to keep that hooka behind bars…and if she does walk free….I am really going to question Orlando Police’s actions…..and why it is taking so long to get back DNA, air samples and the “31″ pieces of evidence they have…what is the hold up guys??


  551. I heard the DNA is back and confirmed to be Caylee’s. Anyonw know if this is true?


  552. Nads if it is true they should be able to keep her from posting bail pending additional charges from obstruction of justice, to I believe Capital Murder charges. Let me tell ya tho…if Casey goes down…I think the granparents should face obstruction charges for wasing the clothing. What I WANT to know is…..what does George have over the PD to keep them from prosecuting the grandparents for those types of (what I would consider crimes)? Not only that…we all talk about how dirty the grandparents are….why in the WORLD is the media only speaking cleanly of them? You know, a physican on Nancy Grace had it right last night….that the reason Casey is not accepting jailhouse visits is because she is “stonewalling” and the grandfather lashed out because maybe he is coming to terms in what possibly has happened to his granddaughter and denies it by parading around in the streets looking for her. However you KNOW the Anthony’s are making a huge profit from this…..hmmm, makes u wonder if this was set up to be this way……???


  553. and you know we all sorta of know the financial mess they are in…it’s all public record at the courthouse……….


  554. You know, I am starting to think that maybe the clothing she took on her “mini vacay” were a distraction for the grandfather….if these items of clothing found by the independant investigator are in fact Caylee’s which just so happens to be her size found along with a backpack, then she tossed those items just driving by or KNEW where she could place them seeing as they are near a school. Now….that being said…then I think Orlando PD needs to RUSINGLY identify the items they have thru DNA…ANYTHING and get that going and after they find out that it is Caylee’s…that would be enough incriminating evidence to put her a$$ up for Murder 101! Yup….it sure would be….why because it is an indicator she is covering up for something faaaaaaar worse than a kidnapping….not only that…what kidnapper would take the time to “hide” the childs clothes….get REAL Casey! I have a deep feeling ladies this is fixing to allllll come out! Lets pray for it girls!


  555. I still can’t understand what they need a personal assistant for. Has anyone heard what they are using these ‘donations’ for? Did they really have Hooters girls at the fund raiser???????????
    I still can’t believe she told the media and the world for that matter, to get off their asses and find her granddaughter. How about she gets off her ass and finds Caylee. Let us not forget that they ‘know who has her’.


  556. I am with you 100% Christina. Why would a kidnapper dump Caylee’s stuff. If they are good enough to hide Caylee for 2 months, they are good enough to hide any evidence they wanted to dispose of. I stand by saying that the police know WAY MORE than we think and that when it does end it will be explosive and quick. Why can’t they just let Caylee be put to rest? If I am wrong about Caylee being dead, and I wish for nothing more, I will be the first to say I was an idiot. I have never wanted to be wrong so badly in my life.


  557. christina, your so right……….it think it is all fixing to blow. sorta of funny to me that this big bounty hunter was called and the parents knew nothing at all about it. makes me wonder if the parents are squirming any………i think if it was my daughter i’d be on her attorney like stink on s–t trying to stay on top of every mover he was making to clear my daughtr or to find my granddaughter. wouldn’t it be something if the bounty hunter blew this apart and granny and pawpaw was right in the middle of it. you know the news show padilla at the vigil last night talking to Lee. I think if it were me, i would have at least had the common courtsey to walk over to him no matter how emotional i was and say thank you for trying to help us find our granddaughter……not shun away from him. the minute that news broke he was coming i would be on the phone with someone finding out whaat was going on……..i sorta get the feeling that the attorney had sorts of pushed granny and pawpaw out of the picture here, probably because they are running their mouths so bad and telling all the secrets or actually telling more lies……..


  558. Kay – you just said everything I was thinking. How could they not know about this – and if they idn’t know how could they not be scambling to get every piece of information there was to get. Whether or not I think this guy is in it for alterior motives, he is still doing what he knows how to do. And if he can blow this open – then I don’t care if he is the shadiest person on this planet – at least he is doing something! i don’t want Casey out of jail, but come on, it hasn’t made a difference in the case yet, why not shake it up a little. I really feel that Casey will make a mistake at some point, and she won’t be as careful in her own home.


  559. nads,
    i agree with that. when she gets home i think she is gonna feel like she beat the case and get more and more free with her thoughts.
    i also heard ont he news last night that the anthonys were not sure they wanted her to come back there until this is finished with the press being so bad.
    and then i heaad the bounty hunter saying that she will be held in a undisclosed location with some of his people..i wonder if those people were the 2 dudes with him a at the airport that could not stop grinning for the reporters????that is just what casey needs somone that will give her a run for the money with the press spotlite…..
    i have seen some of his programs on t.v. and he is a pretty rough character….hope she dont run from him…i’ve seen him knock some folks around. he is a mean man…well maybe she should try to run….


  560. You know….where they guys from CA heading down today?? With a Tropical Storm in effect, they may not let them in OR let her go….I know here in Texas, places will not let you leave under those conditions for fear they could be sued if u injure/kill yourself in the weather….

    That would b great!! Not to mention it might bring some evidence up to light if u catch my drift….


  561. L@@k @ this…it may take Casey and her new smelly friends to get her outta hawk…..

    However, even if Anthony makes bail today, there are three holds that must be cleared before she can get out, jail officials said.

    Two of the holds, notifying Orange County Sheriff’s Office of the posting and a confidential, internal hold, could be cleared quickly.

    But the third hold, relating to the home confinement condition of her bond, could take longer to resolve. Anthony’s parents home, where she would be staying if released, must be wired with a regular land-line telephone with no special features like voicemail or call-waiting, jail spokesman Allen Moore said.

    The phone line cannot be provided through a cable or internet company. Anthony cannot be released until the phone line is installed. Once the jail receives proof of this type of phone, Anthony could then be released.

    Anthony, mother of missing 3-year-old Caylee Anthony, was arrested on July 16. She has been charged with child neglect and filing false official statements.

    Tony Padilla Bail Bonds, based in Sacramento, is affiliated with Texas-based Financial Surety, which is licensed in Florida.

    Copyright © 2008, Orlando Sentinel


  562. Oh and did u hear now Cindy Anthony is “challenging” AT&T cellular stating they are “hiding” that private call from the investigators….and that they are wrong with her whearabouts!! LOL Cindy is a NUT!


  563. Some, if not all DNA results would have been back before this. No way, it would take this long to get them back. Especially with it being such a huge case and little to go on but those results. I’ve heard Michael Baden and other forensic experts say that LE would have had those back, or at the least the preliminary. I think the air samples sent to the Body Farm are either to build even a bigger case or sadly, the evidence didn’t come back with the results they expected.

    I’m sticking to my guns about Padilla, the bounty hunter. I think he’s going to get more information than anyone. Maybe he’s related to the Sheriff Officer Padilla. He could have been the 3rd party that contacted him. LOL


  564. Goooood point Andrea….I hope that he told Nancy BS so he could get to Casey….Lord pls let that b the case…


  565. well the bounty hunter got in last night it was a big productions at the airport. the actual bondsman was suspose to arrive today. he said on his phone call to greta the other night that he had one loose end he had to tie up early monday morning in ca and then he would be on his way. But, that he office in fl. would get the process started early this am so they would have it in the works by the time he got there.


  566. Why would AT&T lie?
    The stuff I read about the DNA actually said that Baez made a statement saying that the DNA belonged to Caylee because she was in the car often. i have to tell my kids have been in all of our vehicles quite often, and I would go into shock if they ever found their DNA in one of the trunks. Come on – who would ever put their kids in the trunk. I suppose it could be from some clothing – but the trunk?


  567. By the way…..the Anthony’s new spokesman Larry Garrison….sound like he is an ultimate moron…..he takes such looooong pauses when he speaks about the story. He acts as if he does not have a CLUE about what he is speaking of…..


  568. wftv.com just posted this news update:

    ORLANDO, Fla. — It’s been 33 days since Caylee Anthony was reported missing and 32 days since her mother Casey was put in jail. Monday, she could bond out of jail because of one man.

    California Bounty Hunter Leonard Padilla said he’s convinced he can get Casey to tell him where she left Caylee. He met the Anthonys for the first time Sunday night at their weekly prayer vigil and Padilla said that he believes Caylee is still alive and said his team will work to find her in one week.

    “I just have to feel there is some humanity in that woman that would not allow her to kill that cute little girl,” said Padilla.

    If he succeeds in freeing Casey, she’ll be required to wear an ankle monitoring device. Padilla’s team will also monitor her 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to make sure they are not stuck paying the $50,000 bail.

    If Anthony does bond out, she may not go back to her parents’ home in order to avoid the media. Casey Anthony declined a scheduled visit from her parents, Monday.

    BOUNTY HUNTER TALKS: Bounty Hunter Convinced He Can Get Casey To Talk
    VIDEO: Bounty Hunter Plans To Bail Out Casey


  569. I don’t understand why the Anthony’s don’t want Casey out. If they truly believe that she is innocent – why would they want her to stay in jail. Don’t tell meit is to protect Casey… George used to be a detective, I think he could keep his daughter safe. The authorities will be watching her 24/7 – how could someone hurt her. Not to mention that she would not be able to leave the residence, so are they really thinking someone is going to get past all of these people, break into their house and hurt Casey – or worse – interview her and have her say something incriminating. I think they are afraid of Casey saying or doing something to incriminate herself and them. Casey is the one they need to be afraid of because she is the one that can rat them out. Who knows – if they start breathing down Casey’s neck hard enough – she may believe that she is going away no matter what and then start talking to teach her parents a lesson. I think that the minute Casey feels she is caught – she will tell us everything that her parents have ever done.


  570. The grandparents are afraid someone will KILL Casey when she is released….I would bet 1,000 to 1 that is the reason. You know what…..I don’t blame them cause baby…there are some mean crazy folk out there. They have already received threats against the family…what next a burning house or drive by? Come on…..because the media has put so much into this….she is pegged a killer. I will be suprized if she lives one week unscathed…..


  571. Also, Jesse Grund x-cop (possible father of Caylee) + George Anthony x-cop (Grandfather) = ONE REALLY GOOD WAY TO HIDE A BODY AND LIE ABOUT IT!!! Hmmm….


  572. I don’t think that anyone will be able to get at Casey – but there sure are some wackos out there that will try. And as far as i amconcerned- whether she killed that baby or not-she still went 5 weeks without reporting her missing. 5 weeks … if she knew who had Caylee – why wouldn’t she find a way to give them what they want and end it in days, forget weeks. If Crazy Cindy had not called 911 when she did, who knows how long Casey would have let thisgo on for. Not reporting her missing is as bad as murder as far as I am concerned. If someone had really taken Caylee – why would Casey take the chance that they were molesting or beating or whatever else Caylee for 5 weeks? I don’t buy it.


  573. You know I think Jesse Grund is baby daddy and Casey made up having the baby with this other guy just to throw PD off suspicion of Jesse’s involvement or that he is daddy…..but if he was not involved…why lie? Why did they break up?? Casey got pregnant and he did not want the baby?? Why is he an ex-cop and not a “present” cop? The little mouse on the wheel is turning in my brain…..


  574. I read on http://www.cafemom.com that Jesse Grund was proven not to be Caylee’s father through DNA. I don’t know how reliable this is. Does anyone know anything about him, I can’t find a thing…


  575. Here is my major question. With allllll of these items they are collecting…DNA/clothing in the woods/backpack…why in the world is it taking so long to make it public and why is so hushidy-hush? 31 pieces of evidence collected takes weeks to verify? Why? What does George have on the PD? Why do they walk on egg shells around the Anthony’s? Why does it take Joe Public to expose the families financial issues? Why is the media not sending out their own investigators to look into more private things in their life to expose them more….causing them all to break down? I don’t get it……anyone?


  576. Christina – it sure seems strange that none of this has come back yet, so here are my thoughts….
    I think that it all has come back and that they are not releasing ANY information to maintain the integrity of theinvestigation. I think they have evidence incriminating Cindy and George aswell as Casey, and they do not want them to know they know this. I have to believe that just from the profile of this case alone that thepolice have done everything they can and are continuing to (could you imagine they out cry if it ever came out they weren’t???!!). i really believe that they are waiting until they are 100% sure they can get a conviction on possibly all 3 of these people. I also think that the lack of information tells us that Caylee is not alive, and they KNOW this. If they were still searching for her alive, they would be a little more up front with the public in hopes of getting more information and finding Caylee quicker.
    Just my thoughts, but I can say I feel as frustrated as you sound!


  577. sorry about the lack of spaces in my typing (my almost 2 year old ripped all the keys off of the keyboard and I can’t get some of them back on properly!)


  578. c’mon guys…they don’t want casey there for one reason……..THEY DON’T WANT HER AROUND THEM…FIANLLYGOT RID OF HER AND DON’T HAVE TO TAKE HER CRAP ANYMORE………………………………


  579. Nads I am soooo hoping they put them ALL AWAY! I sure wish they would go public with everything sooon!!! I want to know so badly it almost hurts!


  580. I agree Nads, I sure hope its all three of them that go down.


  581. LOL, Kay…. I can’t blame them for that.


  582. LOL Nads…my 2yr old ripped the “1” key off of my laptop and I couldn’t get it back on! I just have to hit that one extra hard and center my finger over it just right.

    OK, now….addressing another post. I believe that Jesse Grund was swabbed for a DNA testing for the paternity of Caylee and it came back that he wasn’t. What I’d like to know is whyyyyy did they choose him? I understand that they were a couple at some point, but why a DNA test out of the blue? But I wonder if it has something to do with his being an “ex” officer now. Didn’t he lose his job or quit his job in June 24th? If that’s correct, that’s an interesting date relating to this case, that was also the date that the gas cans were reported missing and some other things that I can’t remember exactly. I would like to know why his is no longer a police officer and if it had anything to do with this case.

    Again, in regards to the bounty hunter, I’m not dismissing the idea that he’s in this for publicity, but he’s been a bounty hunter for a long time and has been in the spotlight some of that time. Although, maybe “Dog” is causing him to be pressured to promote himself. Who knows? Who cares? What I do care about is the fact that these people know how to get people talking without them even realizing it.

    It’s not going to be that easy with Casey. If she were going to crack, she would have done so by now. But people like Casey, psychopaths, think they are smarter than everyone and we’ve already experienced this with her. That, however, can be a downfall because she will become overconfident and make a mistake.

    Update: Foxnews reporting, Casey will not be leaving today, possibly tomorrow. The bondsman, Robert Dick, is on Fox talking to Shep right now.

    Being reported that Anthony Family is saying that bounty hunter is putting Anthony family in danger.

    This brings up a question, can Casey deny bond being posted???


  583. you are kidding me…putting them in danger….yes sure is..he’ll whoop the s–t out of them if they get in his way of saying the $500,000


  584. S-t, I’d whip the s-t out of someone for $50 let alone $50,000


  585. Joey Buttafuoco is set to play George…he is great at being loud and mad! Still no idea who should play Lee, but he’s rather insignificant.

    Casey’s life is in danger if she gets out…what with all the crazy, cleat wearing ninja mom’s out there! I’m just sayin’…it’s hard out there for a ho.


  586. Why do you guys think that Casey keeps canceling these visits from her parents and brother? It was reported that the Anthony’s live 25mi away. You would think they could call ahead or receive a confirmation.


  587. I’m telling you….it is because they are scared the family will be retaliated in their own home. The cops are not going to protect Casey..shoot…they probably love the idea that Casey and her family will b in harms way. I don’t get it….they claim they want Casey out…now they don’t want her out…and she CANNOT stay with anyone else that is the restriction. I cannot help but think that maybe the Anthony’s want Casey there….reason, parents have better luck collecting money off of poor schlepps if Casey is not around. Maybe they are making too much money as the “helpless” grandparents and with Casey being around they may not have that type of support anymore. Whatever financial issues they were having….all of these donations have certainly got them out of hawk.


  588. john boy walton to play lee……………he’s so innocent and confsed all the time…poor baby……….they thought they were through with casey when she got peed off and moved out a few months ago. they dont want her back int he house. sure has been peaceful with out all that crap with her gone…oh..i forgot the press…hell..just shut the door and dont answer it……….no big deal…..


  589. well ladies guess what…casey does not hold the headlines anymore…….but another woman does “FAY”…be interesteing to see what she does to get the headlines back on her again


  590. So they either don’t want her around caause they don’t want her to get hurt (yah…..) or they don’t want her around because they know she will slip up. It’s a lot harder to play innocent when you are trying to keep your daughter’s mouth shut. Why do they keep driving down there just to be declined? That makes no sense. You would think that at the very least her attorney would tell them that they don’t want any jail visits for whatever reason. I really want to know why Jesse is no longer a police officer – it may mean something, may not, I don’t know.

    Andrea – I am still missing 11 keys – good thing I know where all the keys are from memory, our new keyboard should be in soon – but this sucks!!!


  591. didn’t she call jessee on of those days? seems like i heard that somewhere. maybe she told him what she had done to caylee that is why he quit………………….he did nto want to know the truth and be a police office and it come back when she let it out and he would be in the middle of it


  592. I think they don’t want her there because they think she’s gonna kill them too! I wonder why Lee aint offering for her to stay with him. I guess he wants to live too.
    You think those three would call the jail to see if she wants visitors. I’m sure she could have called them to cancel instead of having them drive all that way. Maybe they don’t want her because they’re afraid they’ll kill her. who knows with this crazy family.


  593. Kay, I think your right John boy…LOL


  594. I don’t think he quit because he may have known what happened to Caylee – I think that would be a better reason (for a crazy person) for him to stay on the force. You know – get the inside scoop, people may question you a little less, be able to set the aauthorities off course if they get too close. I think he may have been given the ‘option’ to resign, rather than firing him if you know what I mean.


  595. nads- realy good possibility. when they found out that he even knew this idiot much less had a thing with her they probably wanted to distance his as far away as they could from the police dept.
    you know lee does not talk to the press at all anymore…i did hear one reporter saying that she was talking with him thru text messaging and it was very limited as to what he would say. i think he know what his crazy a– sister done with this baby that he loved so much………


  596. What I cannot connect…is if Caylee was in danger, why not have just told PD that in the 1st place? Why not just tell them, hey I cannot tell you who has her because they might hurt her…why go thru all of the BS? Not only that…why would this “kidnapper” not make a list of demands…drug deal gone south…uh, let me tell ya something…they would have not took the child they would have KILLED the child. I also think that there is not enough press about the REAL story behind Casey’s motives…the issues between Cindy and Casey. Why does this all revolve around her friends and club goers? I am trying to piece together what mystery is behind all of the “real” news behind this case and why everyone is so tight lipped about everything. I do not believe they are doing so because they are building a case against Casey. I know that if they were doing that we would see more action by the police…more details. Isn’t the media there to shake the guilty party? Seeing the news would not put Casey into panic mode and confess before she faces a higher charge? All I know is this story is not making any sense from ANY standpoint….from the cops…from the grandparents…from mom, just what the hell is going on with all of this??


  597. christina-
    i agree. there is somethign going on that we’re not being told about. there is 1 pc of the puzzle that is missing here and when that pc is found it will all fall into place. in my mind f she is alive the only way she would not have been noticed is if she is in another country. take mexico for example. she probablywol dnot have been notice really in certain parts of mexico by the folks there. that was told to me by one of my customers. he is from mexico and he toldme of a town there that no one would think a thing about a child apprearing there with someone that had been there forever…..that just come to my mind because of them mention earlier that her contact seems to be with the latino men so much


  598. If she was scared that someone was going to hurt Caylee – she could have gone to the police discreetly. (I think someone already mentioned that here) Why not call them, or have Cindy or george call them, tell them what happened, and tell them this needs to remain VERY quiet to protect Caylee. The cops would not have announced to the world that Caylee was missing if she was in danger. They would hve swarmed the kidnappers like white on rice so quickly their heads would spin, and Caylee would be home right now.


  599. Yeah because guess what, if they were all in fear that Caylee would be harmed….would they not have harmed her simply from being in police custody? Not only that way would grandpa make threats against someone they are sooooooo scared of? Telling someone over TV airwaves they are being watched is the SAME exact thing as the police stating it. It does not make one difference who it comes from. If George has that info than the police can hold him as well for obstruction of justice. See, that is why I am curious about the police dept’s involvement in this….if it were me and u….the average shmoe…the whole family would be sitting plate glass! This is BS….! Why not throw the grandparents in jail….maybe that will shake their a$$e$ into talking about CASEY and her involvement. Do u think they want to sit in jail? This bounty hunter is actually a HEADLINE hunter….and his a$$ is going to get slammed by John Q. Public and also the media as soon as she is released. I have a feeling tho she may not be released…look right now, they promised Monday….now they are saying Tuesday. Maybe the cops are stalling….maybe the phone companies are in on it…trying to keep her behind bars….all it takes is a phone call….”Uh Mrs. Anthony, it may take us up to 2 days to get out there for the installation” or “Mrs. Anthony, the wires in your house need to be updated…that may take 3 days and $150 to do because you do not have the protection plan with us” Hmmm….if I were an independant phone company CEO, I would let that little biznitch sit her lil pale crusty butt right on that 2 inch mattress intentionally and LAUGH about it everytime the Anthony’s would call to check the status of their order…LOL! MAN I AM BAD!!


  600. Christina You are hilarious!


  601. LOL – ah Christina … so funny!!
    Hey, do you think that the Anthony’s may just not get that phoneline put in if they don’t want herhome so badly???? That would be interesting, and funny!
    Where is the extended family, still no word, odd. If one ofmy kids was missing, not only would mymom, dad and sisters be out there 24/7 looking for him, but so would my aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents (hell, my 98 year old great grandmother would be out there!), as well as all of my friends. We would rip Canada up looking for them, then we would moveonto the next country and we would never stop. Nothing could stop my family from finding my children, and I would do the same for any one of them. It makes me wonder what they have done to alienate their family, because it sure seems like that. And it must be bad, because families will put up with a lot before deserting each other.


  602. I would love to see the look on Casey’s face when her attorney walked in and said – bail is posted, but uh, no one wants to put a phone line in for you, sorry. LOL


  603. LOL,Nads…..that sure would be funny.


  604. I have been sitting in our backyard, watching the boys run through the sprinkler, playing with the dog and eating freezies, and I can’t understand how this happened. How couldsomeone ever harm a child. No one ever said being a mom would be easy- it’s not, but one look at their faces, hearing one giggle makes it so worth the work. If she really didn’t want to be a mom, or wasn’t ready, put that baby up for adoption. There are a lot of families out there that would do anything to have loved that little girl.
    SOrry – I just don’t know how you could look your baby in the face and murder them, or let them have an accident and then bury them in a shallow grave where no one could ever find them.


  605. LOL….thank you ladies…thank you. *Bowing* lemmie tell ya I could go on with this hooker. I so desperately want to be enraged @ the Anthony’s and yet I am confused at their tactics. I want to be angry at them for letting Casey just blatently outright lie about everything while they KNOW that little girl is not amongst the living….what I want to know is why….why did the story change from the beginning…..like the Dr. on Nancy Grace stated…”at first they were going amongst the right track of reporting a crime…and then they did a complete 180!” Now would this all indicate that the Anthony’s are hiding crucial intel? Why…and I mean WHY would the police not question Cindy on her change of heart in the matter? Casey did not talk with her parents MANY time and refused visits….so how did the grandparents get wind to change their tune towards the media and police?? Or have they only changed their tune to the media? Did they take the carseat out of the car to do decomp tests on it? Did they inspect Amy her friends car? If so…why has all of this not been made public? Have you realized the media and police keep going around in circles with this story and all of the “BREAKING NEWS” everyday is the same damn thing…! Why are they leaving us in the dark for us to draw our own conclusions? Could it be George Anthony holds info on the Sheriffs Dept that could cause an outright investigation if Casey is charged and they know George would let it come to light if they decided to go thru with a charge of murder? Could we see Casey get away with this because of what George knows privately in the Sheriffs Dept?? Police and upper officials stealing drug money….sex scandels….lies….forgery….what…what is the cover-up Orlando PD does not want public? Anyone else thinking what I am thinking?


  606. First I heard of a missing car seat? Anyone else? Hadn’t even really thought much about it. Just where is this car seat if the police haven’t found it and they’ve checked consignment shops, etc. and it hasn’t turned up. Points to the same two directions, either the car seat went with the babysitter/nanny OR it could be with little Caylee, wherever her little body is. Would a car seat sink??? Hey, it would be better than having to make your own cement blocks.

    I thought Padilla hadn’t been in touch with the family? Or so his preliminary comments stated such, but we saw him talking to Lee. I did hear the report that the family has ok’d one of Padilla’s men to stay in the house if Casey returns home. So, maybe he was talking to Lee about that.

    OK, so let’s look at the case in the other, more hopeful but bizarre and less likely way….Caylee was kidnapped or given to someone either as collateral or to pay a debt, etc. What if the cops do know this. What if all the talk about Casey not being cooperative is really just a ploy. Maybe the canceled visits are all just a way to show the “kidnappers” that Casey isn’t talking. What if all the talk from the grandparents believing everything Casey says just goes along with the game. What if the cadaver dog alerts, etc. are all made up OR as I mentioned before, they could be a bluff to get Casey to confess. I highly doubt it, pretty sophisticated bluff….BUT I’ve seen detectives use bluffs that would knock your socks off and most times the person will fall right for them…a pure shot in the dark by a detective can get a person talking real fast.

    Nothing about this case makes sense. Part of me, as I’ve done before is on the fence….hoping that anything is possible just in my maternal need for this little girl to be alive. The other part of me can’t get past most of the evidence that has been collected. But I also know that sometimes what we hear isn’t always so, and LE is always way further ahead in the game then what we can tell from the outside. But again, things in this case make so little sense that it really could turn out to be what Casey says it is, a kidnapping or some sort of exchange. Isn’t it the least bit possible that this is all an act and behind the scenes someone is looking for the missing link, as in the nanny or some other figure?

    This is why I think it’s important to let Padilla do what he says he wants to do. Whether it’s to further his career or to publicize his up and coming show…..it really doesn’t matter if the end result is helpful or successful. If there really is someone out there with Caylee AND her car seat, he’s the guy you want on the job….he knows the underground, he’s got sources and connections all over the place. The media keeps saying that they can’t figure out why he would want to bail someone out when it’s obvious his job is to haul the bad guys in….but look at it this way, maybe…JUST maybe if there really is some 3rd party out there, he can surely haul them in or atleast contact them to make a deal. If there isn’t, what harm has it done, I always thought she’d be better at helping this case if she were not in jail because she’s going to relax, she’s going to see reminders of Caylee and she might just say or do something incriminating.


  607. I meant to add this about Padilla’s need for spotlight..he admits it…called himself a media-ho. But is he any different than some of the people on the panels of these shows we watch….they all have some sort of book, etc that by them being on the shows allow them to publicize. He’s said he’d forfeit the reward if he found Caylee….so what the heck, atleast someone’s doing something. I’ve yet to see a formal search with real grids and everything! The only investigations we’ve heard in the search department are being done by private citizens. I would think they’d be out searching for her body or evidence of such.


  608. You could be absolutely right Andrea. there is so much we don’t know – and I have faith in the authorities. They would only act in Caylee’s best interests, whatever that may be.


  609. hey ladies. can someone give me a quick fill in on this padilla guy so i don’t have to read tooo much? i took a break from the news so i could sleep better (kiddie molestings/murder affect me tremendously) and i guess the saying is correct- miss a day, miss a lot.

    angela- i’m loving joey buttafuoco for george. they kinda have the same shape and obnoxious facial expressions. and i have decided that i’ll settle for lauren london playing me 🙂


  610. good morning,
    well did any of you catch the cameo apperance bu the scum bag attorney last night on greta.? he makes me sick…still daying that when this comes to light everyone will understand cayce need for silence in the matter…..
    that is BULL CRAP and i’m tired of hearing it.
    tell us where the baby is so someone can go get her….
    tell this stupid bounty hunter the same thing she told the stupid attorney…let him go get her, he’s to afraid of anyone….
    i just dont understand why the police are not activly searching for this baby…does not make any sense.
    when little trenton went missing they were every where…and his mom had killed herself…left no answers at all….this is the same thing we have her…except cayce is still alive….
    i just dont understand…………….something BIG is missing fromthis case…REALLY BIG……..they are not telling anyone……….


  611. If she gets out THAT’S IT…..outta my way people, I’mheadin’ South! Crusty butt little douche bag better RUNNNNNNNN…..even if I go into labor, it will be WORTH IT!


  612. now angela, don’t be so hasty…we can’t have little maggie born on the side of I-75……….
    this is really beginning to try me very bad……….i just dont understand why she is so calm and can’t just tell wha tis going on. if she so sold the baby ok..that is fine just tell someone…WHAT SHE DID WITH HER………..i can beliver her when she says that she does not knwo where she is but tell us how you got to that point…what did you do with her……….it is driving me crazy…………my husband told me this morning that he was going to ban me from the tv cause i woke up at 530 and said got to go check on my baby. he is so right that is all i think about


  613. Hehehehe@ Angela!! Hey did u call into Nancy last night?? You had the exact same question another caller had about the car seat. You know, I have called and called that show and MAN I cannot get thru!!!!


  614. i have wondered where her clothes were, car seat any toddler foods etc………i guess the nanny took everything with her tht she was gonna need………..you know that little sweet pea looked a little upset in the piture of her in the car seat. look at it and those little baby eyes…..maybe that was when casey was bundling her up for the babysitter to take her. you know she did not report this for 30 days that woman (if there is a nanny) could have taken her to argentina then and no one would have know to look for her she was not missing at that time


  615. You know, I would almost halfway believe that mom sold her or someone took her away and mom actually did not know where she dropped her off because she was drunk and on drugs and cannot remember one thing from the next. I would almost halfway believe that…however I do not believe that the “babysitter” would have called and told her not to “say anything” to the cops or she would harm Caylee. If it had not been for decomposition in the vehicle….I would believe it. I have always been curious on the car seat because we obviously see the has an Eddie Bauer car seat she is sitting in the photo’s with. Soooo, last night they stated they would not go public with the DNA/evidence until the trial….what I do not understand it…why? Would you not want the publics cultivated opinions and idealistic individuals to help you solve a crime? John Q. Public usually is the entity that helps solve a majority of crimes. I am not sure why this little snaggle-tooth fat head gets treated like she is above the law! “Lets release her so she can go home have a meal and confess to the bounty hunter!” What a crock! Uh any of this ring Robert Downey Jr-ish to you all??


  616. I may be “spitballing” here….but do you think this could have anything to do with the fact she is a 22 year old female who actually turn some of the detectives heads….and maybe they feel they should go easy on her? If it were some blob with rollers and body funk with wrinkles and 2 sets of love handles….do you think they would be treating that mom with this much caution? I cannot help but think there is another motive to the special treatment. I call getting down to business “Swift Justice” and I have yet to see this……


  617. has anyone seen anything this morning? i have not heard a word. all the news is on the hurricane in fl right now.
    hey did you catch greta last night with that fathead attorney on there. he said there was 1 charge he was not familiar with …hell of an attorney right…………my step son got locked up a few months back for some stuff that he had done 3 yrs ago when he was strung out pretty bad. we went down to the pokie to see about getting him out and he had already made bail (we were not going to get him out) and we were waiting to pick him up and take him home andwe waited about 3 hrs when they fianllytold us that he had a charge against him for a bad check from 2 yrs ago and that he could not leave until he appeared befor a judge and a court date was set for that. he stayed another 7 days n there until he saw the judge. maybe she has something else inthere that they are gonna hold her for. and of course it is possible that they have the dna back and are not saying anything becuause f the double jeopard thing. want to make sure the charges they have will STICK…and like greta said if it was domposistion in the car and not caylee’s WHO THE HELLS WAS IT


  618. I think that “secret” one has to do with a psyc evaluation. The bounty said last night on nancy g. that that was one of the stipulations. I think he slipped that out. cuz he tried to pass by that comment.

    I don’t think if was a kidnapping thats hush,hush. the FBI would have gotten her out by now. Although would love to beleive she’s still alive.


  619. That little girl’s mom has crazy eyes


  620. I agree tex buller, you know…..how can you smile knowing you daughter is dead/kidnapped….hmmm, sick little scum-lapping $hit-bag…!


  621. Why aren’t they charging her for homicide/murder? I know that they have DNA results back, why haven’t they moved forward, if indeed, it points to her guilt. Wonder, if it doesn’t?

    I’m going to throw this bone out there, I won’t say where I received this…I don’t really know exactly how reliable it is…BUT what if she did something, like stole something from the wrong person. I think she was stripping or prostituting…would explain the ability to have money but without any trail of such. She got into a situation where she was able to steal money, drugs, something and Caylee was taken or given by Casey, in lieu of repayment.

    We already know that she stole from her parents, a friend and probably others. Either that makes her out to be the type of person to steal from a stranger without realizing the obvious consequence OR she was stealing from them to help get Caylee back.

    I know, it’s hard to get past the cadaver dogs. Those alerts are the only thing keeping me compelled to believe that she has done something horrific to her child or allowed her to die by accident and not report it.

    But, if that information and evidence is so high priority, why aren’t there more charges? The only way I’ll totally go that way in thought, is if they bring charges of murder against her before she’s out on bond.

    If she is released, I think that will be quite telling to how much of a case the police have.

    AND if this turns out to be the case, and perhaps Caylee is somewhere with someone, a month or so, isn’t too long to keep a child out of the public’s eyes and you best believe Padilla will be the best one to track this person down.

    We don’t know what Casey could have gotten involved in, if anything at all. But watching and listening and seeing type of people she was around, really makes it easy for her to find some trouble to get into.

    JMO, as always


  622. Casey is a regurgitated vaginal blood fart just like her mother. If caylee is alive and found I hope NO ONE in the family gets her.


  623. casey probaly sold caylee for drugs. human trafficing is still at large in the us


  624. I heard the bounty hunter stating that he doesn’t need to tell the police anything, so basically to whoever has Cayle, return the child to him, and they can walk away scott free with the $225,000 reward.

    Although it all seems like a win/win for everyone….kidnapper gets away free, and makes nearly a quarter of a million dollars, Casey is returned to her *ahem* family, and the bounty hunter gets a whole lot of publicity…..I still feel Padilla is going way out on a limb thinking poor Caylee has actually been kidnapped.

    I guess self promotion is better than no promotion.


  625. Has there been any new news about Casey being released? I missed Greta last night, so what is the deal here? I have a feeling that we are all going to wake up onemorning and I find out she was released in the middle of night. I find it a little curious that if they believe this is a kidnapping(haha) there sure are a lot of stipulations. What had they said about the car seat on Nancy last night?


  626. thay cant release in the middle of the night.. She is to be released today with armed guards watching her 24/7


  627. Andrea – I think you are totally right about how telling it will be of the case against Casey if she is released.


  628. they said the carseat has not been recovered


  629. One missing piece to the whole pie…….that’s right, the car seat. Why have the not asked what she did with the car seat…..since when would the babysitter really need to leave?


  630. does caylee have a dad and where is he in all this?


  631. You know, why have they not when thru the woods “scouring” for the child…search teams where we SEE it on the news? Just like they stated on FOX VID there is NO ONE searching the site by the airport or ANY place where she was pinged. Why…?? If they want to produce a body….why not be out there?? Also, can someone call TEXAS EQUUISEARCH??? Maybe I could send them in an email……why is it bloggers and small groups of people like you and I searching and not the COPS!!!!


  632. The cops are searching I went by the airport and the house and I was asked what I was doing I said “trying to find caylee” they told me to stop, leave and its non of my concern. WTF fine the mr police fu*ktard have fun all by yourself cause we all know your doing a great job (not)


  633. i’m with abou tthe searching….through all this NO ONE has done any sort of searches….NO ONE other thatn the bloggers….does not make any sense to me….that is the big pc that i think is missing…why are they not searching for her body. i’m beginning to think that maybe they know she is not dead and are waiting for the right time to punce on who ever has her….why else would everyone be so so upset that this buger head from tx came here to help search for her. are they afraid that he will find her????? ans really make the cops look like idiots…..i just don’t understand the searching part…….


  634. Christina….maybe we can all send an email to Equuisearch. They are a well known professional group that have the means to search far better than even LE.

    I heard that the police had been searching in that area near the airport, the spot where Casey’s cell pinged, but if that were the case, why did it take the average joe to come across clothing, shoes, etc. I know, it’s a widespread area and I’m not usually the type to question LE because as we all know, they know more than we ever will. But actions speak louder than words and they don’t seem to be doing much from what we can see.

    I think that the average joe has an advantage over LE because we can look at the whole scope of things and have a meeting of the minds with larger groups of people, whereas, they tend to be in a group of 10 and follow only those leads they think are plausible when we all know that until the case is finalized, all leads should be plausible and they just don’t have the manpower that larger groups of average joes have. 🙂


  635. FoxNews just reported that Casey will probably not be released today because the paperwork, bond posting, etc. will not be completed until too late in the day today. So, it seems pretty likely that she won’t be released until tomorrow.

    SCUMBAG! I’m still hoping the cops can charge her with something else to keep her in jail. As far as I’m concerned, she can rot in jail forever.


  636. And I hate to bring this up again, but remember Richard Ricci…everyone just knew he had done something with Elizabeth Smart. While he may have not been such a great person, he certainly had nothing to do with the case…but yet, he died in jail with all eyes on him….and allowing all the other leads and possibilities to pass them by. This is a superb example of why ANYTHING is possible.


  637. I betcha LE is scrambling to get those charges together…let’s see what happens. This will be a telling factor in this case.

    I do know that it has been verified that the family has the landline in place , absent of voicemail or any other obstruction, for the monitoring system.


  638. candi,
    you went by the airport area. when was this. last night on greta they showed an area and ther was no one even remote area as far as you could see


  639. I don’t know what piece the car seat plays in this, but it could be nothing at all. There seem to still be a lot of things missing of Caylee’s still, and the car seat may be with these. If someone wanted to kidnap Caylee, do you think they would goto the trouble of unistalling and reinstalling a car seat for her????? Anyone can go and buy a car seat and no one would even blink. And a nanny would probably have her own carseat for Caylee to make things easier. I know I have an extra car seat for car pooling to preschool.

    if the family knows that Caylee has been kidnapped, then how come they haven’t at least said where and when exactly this took place. A kidnapping that had no involvement from Casey would happen in seconds, there would be no time to think.

    And why is the deal with Casey being out partying not playing a bigger role here. If Caylee was kidnapped, and Casey was doing everything she could to find her – SHE WOULD NOT BE OUT PARTYING. Do they really expect us to believe that the cops would become suspicious of some nobody from Florida suddenly not acting like ho? How would not partying tip anyone off. And how can she even smile? How can she not be screaming and yelling at everyone that sees her to find her baby? If she is calm because she knows who has Caylee, then she let them have her. Even if I knew who had my child, I would be hysterical.


  640. i guess it is possible for this scenario to have happened…
    she wanted to party so she took caylee to a sitter (?)and told her she would be back maybe the next day and then she wnet and partied (3 days we’re sure of) andthen when she decided to go back the sitter had taken the baby and left becauwe she did not think her mom cared enough about her to show back up the next day to get her child and she took her and ran to keep her from cayce…..


  641. like aug 4th I was on my way to St augustine, so i made a detuor


  642. this pysic evaluation is only because of one thing. they are afraid that she will do the same thing that little trenton mom’s did. take it to he grave with her……..that is why she is in isolation at the jail…that and to keep other inmates from KILLING HER because she harmed a child


  643. Andrea I agree!!! Yes ma’am and I sent Texas Eqqusearch and email just 10 minutes ago….keep em flowing ladies here is the owners email address… tim.miller@texasequusearch.org I know he may be getting an overwhelming dump in his email box…but the more the better and I have been told he is tottaly dedicated to finding missing children. He created the company because of his missing daughter Laura whos body was eventually found (I do believe). Maybe…..just maybe that is why her release is getting soooo mucked up….maybe they have stuff and they are building it up so they can go full murder charge. Did anyone hear about the secret meeting Cindy Anthony had with the Sheriff’s Dept? Orlando’s Channel 6 stated it was SO private…..the Sheriff’s Dept had her hide the vehicle in the POLICE IMPOUND! When Cindy was leaving and Investigator came out to the vehicle and pulled it up for Cindy….and then gave her a hug! Hmmm…..I wonder what’s cookin’? I wonder if the reason they agreed to have Padilla’s guy in the house is that they are scared od Casey…….. Hmmmmm


  644. Is it true that Padilla does not have to surrender vital information in the case to the police should he have any? I find that REALLY hard to believe. He may not have to share speculation or things he is looking into, but any evidence, confessions etc. I would think he would be obligated to share.


  645. Let’s explore the possibility of Caylee’s ‘kidnapping/abduction’ scenario and put the reasonable common sense to it. Let’s say, Casey is a drug user or/and drug dealer. Why drug user/dealer? Just my assumption: 22-year young woman, school-drop-out, no job, no profession, parties/drinking/boys/child without father…stays with parents eats their ‘bread and butter’…kind of low-life product of society which fits the drug-user/dealers profile. By the way, during phone conversation with Casey, her brother Lee said: ‘I know your last year was rough’. I’m wondering, what happens last year? But this is another story to investigate…On June 16 afternoon, Casey is driving to her drug dealer, left Caylee there as she done that many times before. How she paid for babysitting service? Possibly by selling drugs. When she came back to pick her up – she’s not there: a) drug-dealer told her that she own them more money and not until payment made – she cannot see Caylee or b) nobody there and place is empty. Possible scenario? Yes. What to do next? She panics and made all these phone calls…Nobody answered. She realized: she cannot come back home without baby (her Mom would kill her!). She moved to Tony and acts like nothing happens. She needs time to collect money. Buy/sell more drugs, steal from friends, Mom’s credit cards. (This theory could be valid if we would know for sure when money was stolen and how they’ve been spend). So, let’s continue…The story about the shovel. How this could fit into ‘kidnapping’ scenario? Casey needs to stay out from mom’s house. But she needs something from the house. What? Money and possibly hidden drugs. How do we know that she didn’t hid anything in her own backyard? Is it possible? Yes! Problem is that storage is locked and she needs to borrow the shovel from the neighbor. Therefore, she backed and parked her car ‘unusual way’ so neighbor cannot see what she’s doing/digging-out. Possible so far? Yes. Let’s see how 2 cans with gas fits ‘kidnapping’ scenario. On June 23, (I think it was on June 23 not June 21-22 because of the weekends and she avoids to see Mom), she get back to house because she needs something else. I honestly believe that she broke the storage lock NOT for the reason to steal these can’s with gas. Maybe she needs the shovel again…maybe something else was hidden in storage…gas was just a convenience. She came back next day, when Mom is not home. But dad is there and we know what happens after….The only one interesting point is that these cans are EMPTY!!!! 2 cans of gas in 1 day! Does she used them to store something inside? Did anyone check these cans after she returned them back?…I’ll continue with my ‘kidnapping’ theory in another mail…


  646. Did they only send out dog that sniff for dead bodies or did they get regular search dog looking for the scent of caylee ?


  647. Candi,

    To my knowledge, cadavar dogs are mostly used to look for dead bodies. But there are some dogs that use their smelling sense to look for living people (like bloodhounds and such), such as escaped prisoners, missing persons, etc. They can use anything that has the scent of the person and see if they can pick up on the trail. It is amazing to watch them. I saw a documentary on them a while back and would love to see it in action.


  648. If Casey was a drug dealer/user, someone around her would know or at least suspect something, and this would have come out already I believe.
    Also, as crazy as Cindy is – do we really believe that she would let her strung out daughter take Caylee away for a month? I believe that Cindy is covering now, but I am not so sure that she would have let Caylee be in that situation, especially since she was the primary care giver prior to this. And Caylee looks like she was (I hope still is) very healthy, clean, well clothed etc. Don’t get me wrong here – I still say she is in on this now – I just can’t see her allowing Casey to take her away if that were the case.


  649. Why arent they using them then?? I know you dont have that answer but i still wanted to ask


  650. rachel, go on …i’m reading and thinking at same time too


  651. their family has too many skeletons in their closet and family secrets don’t last long. Casey is crazy and so is her mother, ya know like mother like daughter.


  652. mylifeofcrime, I added you on myspace in candy rayne


  653. What sort of training would an officer like Jesse Grund have to go through down there to become an officer? I am asking because here in Canada, our mounties go through a 4 month training depo. They live at depo, visiting their families occasionaly, are put through rigorous physical and mental evaluations, training and testing. They are told what to wear, eat, when to wake up, how to fold their clothes etc. They do this for many reasons – but mypoint is that if someone did not want to be a mountie, they wouldn’t complete depo. By the time they are done they aremembers for life. (I know because I have close family members on the force.) my thoughts here are that if this is similiar to training down there, why would jesse Grund ever just resign after putting that much time and effort into becoming a police officer? It makes me think more and more that this was a forced resignation, and that there is a lot more to his story. Whether this has anything to do with Caylee or not,I don’tknow. Just thinking.


  654. On NG last night they had a gentlemen on late…7:45 ish, named Wyatt Locke, he said they were searching around the woods and found clothes, and two back packs. One was blue, the other was pink with a flower on it. It contained ladies clothes and kid clothes…..


  655. the police were called and the search team left the area so police could gather up the stuff.


  656. bonie,
    how are you feeling now? better i hope

    note from blog owner
    Yes, I am. Thanks! I go back to the doctor on Thursday to find out when my next surgery is. Hopefully then it will all be over!


  657. If this does belong to Caylee and Casey – why would Casey dump her own stuff?


  658. Not sure, if she did something to Caylee, maybe it had evidence on it


  659. they were talking to this guy and said that they officials DID accept the items they had found, and this one guy was yelling at them for contaminating evidence…well hell, at least they found something. i understand that you can contaminate evidence but they did not yell at cindy for doing laundry.and yes i’m sure the did contaminate something i the area but at least they were out there looking..more than the police are doing !!!!!they just did not wantto admit that some internet bloggers are doing more to find the baby than the police dept. if the fbi was called in why are they not doing anything more. there is more to finding this precious little girl than a paper trail…..


  660. Did the police think the evidence would not be contaminated after being there for up to 2 months (with or without someone finding it) ???????????????
    Why did it take a citizen to find something???


  661. we should start our own serch party f… wating for the police , if we all go out there we can get it done im sure


  662. i think it was cindy taht sid during the bond hearing that casey and caylee never left home without their abckpacks. and for some reason i’m thinking that caylee’s was ink with a bunny rabbit on it. but she said that casey wore one so caylee would wear one. maybe i dreamed that also…..all i do is dream about this precioous baby out there somewhere. she may be with the good lord right now but you can bet your bippie that she will lead the investigators to her demise…..eventually


  663. then we all can hang thier whole family or burn them at the steak


  664. they showed a black women’s top with white trim. It looked like a work out shirt/bra I have, and a yellow sandal with a flower on it. Maybe someone who is close to Casey can identify the shoe…or maybe someone may have seen her wearing it? Or maybe this is nothing…just thought it was interesting.


  665. were was this?


  666. Candi –

    This is where I found photos of the backpacks/tank top/shoe that KJ mentioned – http://media.myfoxorlando.com/photogalleries/081608caylee-evidence/indexGallery.htm

    I just wanted to say hello – I’m new here!
    I have enjoyed reading everyones theories and humor!
    A while back someone mentioned that you shouldn’t be making light of this horrible situation, but nothing is as worse as Casey lying about her little girl!

    Rock on web detectives, rock on!!


  667. Thanks for the link Abby, altho that top kinda looks like it belongs to a man


  668. Thanks for the link Abby!

    I don’t know about you ladies, but my hooker boots are packed. I think i am coming from the most northern location, so let me know where I need to pick everyone up – and let’s kick some ass! I know how you ladies like your pizza, so by the time I get down there it she be perfectly decayed!!


  669. and on my fubar page we get amber alerts and caylee was on there just so let yall know


  670. should not she – sorry


  671. By the way, the picture of her in her car seat…she is looking up and to the side…indicating someone in the back of the vehicle…in which this pic was taken not too long before she went “missing”.


  672. im in st augustine and im ready with you nads


  673. the amber alert was issued july 18th


  674. My ‘kidnapping’ theory continue…On June 27, Casey left her car unattended without intention to return. Car (without gas but mechanically OK) was droved back from pawn by her parents. Now, Mom traced Casey and brought her back home and all these 911 phone calls happens…And here where ‘kidnapping’ scenario starts falling apart. Casey admits to 911 operator that it was ‘stupid’ of her to investigate ‘kidnapping’ of her baby for 31 days by herself. I’m repeat: she said it was ‘stupid’. So, why she changed her mind and not talking to police and not helping them to find the ‘kidnappers’ after she admits she was ‘stupid’? Because: a) she afraid that something else bigger than missing child will be found out! What else can be bigger than loosing your own child for 22 year old woman? DRUGS, PROSTITUTION, the dark-side of her life that she’s afraid to expose more than anything else. And here where I believe the key is. By finding-out who the TRUE Casey is and who were involved in her ‘other-side’ life – we’ll open the mystery of missing Caylee. Casey parents support Caylee with toys, food, cloth and everything else…They love her more than Casey did. They care about her. However, their huge mistake is in denial of see the true Casey. They did ‘close eyes’ on Casey behavior. I’m sure that Casey knows how to manipulate Mom and Dad. She lies-lies-and more lies about everything: jobs, friends, money, evening activities, vacations and much more…I think her brother knows much more about Casey’s dark-side than her parents do. For him she’s not the ‘sweetheart’. He said: ‘you’re not going to put me through as you did with Mom in last weeks. I’m not going to take this BS’ (something in this respect). OR b) Caylee is dead (accidentally or not) and Casey knows that now she’s free to party, drinks, drugs…whatever she wants and dreams about….

    Personally, I wish the ‘kidnapping’ scenario is true because it has more chances for Caylee be alive, somewhere. It’s absolutely heartbreaking for everyone (including her grandparents) to think otherwise…One way or another, I have no excuse and/or forgiveness for ‘sweetheart’ Casey. Not on this earth.


  675. I am with ya NADS! I gotta dig out my hooka boots and find the fishnets…oh yeah, and maybe I will bring a shovel just for good measure…I have to borrow it from my neighbor tho….


  676. LOL Christina – we definately need a shovel – I think Donna said she can steal some gas cans from her dad!


  677. Hehehe, and I can go ahead and get rid of some bamboo before I leave because I keep stepping on it……


  678. I kinda thought that the black tank top looked like it would too be big for Casey or a “size 5”. Might have just been the angle of the photo, though.

    I need a pair of hooker boots as well, but my calfs are too fat. 🙂


  679. lmao


  680. This one has a diffret pic of caylee a better close up


  681. Interesting that they still have June 9th as her last scene date on the missing kids link from Candi. I wonder when this was first posted?
    Not that it matters, we all know something tragic has happened and Casey either figuratively or literally has blood on her hands.

    Sorry if this has already been brought up, but they DO have the DNA evidence from the trunk, they just are not releasing anything to the public, right?
    I ask because a friend of mine did a DNA swab test last month to rule out a half-sibling of hers and it took less than a week to process. Of course this was a “simple” swab test and not the same as hair, etc. which may take a longer time. I just thought it was odd that a “regular” citizen can get back results that quick. Just a thought.


  682. Is that what size that skinny hooka wears? Man, I guess crack does do a body good….!


  683. Here is a crazy thought – what if Caylee really was kidnapped? What if Caylee really was kidnapped, and Casey (being the sociopath she is) – just didn’t care? what if she just shrugged her shoulders and thought good riddance? It is pretty far out there I know – but this family is fricken NUTS.


  684. IT was issued julyy 18th


  685. LOL – you know Christina, i may need to get me some crack!


  686. @2:38 am


  687. L@@K @ What the UK is saying about Casey staying….now do we have the wrong info….or do they, because I am under the assumption she has not made it out because there is still some paperwork-details to hash out…..UK is saying this…look closely.

    (Casey Anthony was supposed to be released from jail on Tuesday but recent announcements have stated that she will still be in prison as the prosecutors couldn’t collect enough information about Caylee’s disappearance. The little girl has been missing for at least 3 months and she is only 3 years old.

    Tony Padilla, a bailbondsman, came all the way from California to Orlando to pay Casey’s $500,000 bond. He stated that her release wasn’t sure to be on Tuesday yet even though he filled all the documents by 9 a.m.

    As the papers seemed to have been incorrectly filled, the 22-year-old woman will just have to spend another night behind bars in Orange County, Fla. Prosecutors say that Casey is a “person of interest” in Caylee’s missing so they have to keep her until they find new information to track down the 3-year-old.)

    Uh ok……sooooo they can “hold” her until they get new info?? What??


  688. only if they released new evidence to the court official


  689. Ummmmm, sounds a little like they haven’t done enough research. 3 months? – not quite.


  690. but when shes out padilla pland on i gues” living” with casey to get info


  691. Heheheh NADS…..lets smoke some together…I need to lose oh about 40 lbs!


  692. it cant be 3 month its not the end of september


  693. nm brain fart


  694. Yea Christina, a size 5 (I wore that last at age 14 and never to be worn again) is what they are saying she is, or at least that is what some of the clothes they pulled from her room is. AND, supposedly the same size of whatever clothing they discovered in the backpack.

    I can’t wait for the Anthony’s to be slapped with a huge fine for Crazy Casey for taking up the valuable time & efforts of LE!

    So, how many of you have purchased your Publix gift cards? You know they will need some more groceries once the booty hunter (LOVE that name) moves in.


  695. That is strange tho….can they keep you if you are not cooperative with PD? I mean can they file a motion to deny bail on the charge of “obstruction of justice” why have they not done that?


  696. these days cops can pretty much do whatever they want, they all back eachothers asse up


  697. Baez will most likely file for a “speedy trial”, if he hasn’t already…and then try and use the loophole that if they charge her and convict her of something that eventually leads and is connected to a murder, the double jeopary precedence comes in. I am not at all sure how that works in Florida, but I did hear mention of it. One thing though, that’s something Baez should have done by now IF he knows what evidence there is. Which if it is back, has to be released to him. So, there’s another telling that perhaps the police don’t have what they hoped for to bring about more charges.


  698. jeopardy…sorry


  699. Ladies, I do have the gas cans! The boots, and the shovel.
    I got them back from the officer that tried to detain me when I was peeing in my driveway. I told him to go away and started throwing these items at him. When back up arrived ofcourse I said these items are not mine and I don’t know what they are talking about. I than said this is not my driveway or my house and no sir that is not my dog.


  700. Excuse me ladies, that was not tex bullers comment. Tex B is my insane husband. He chaned by post name.


  701. LOL he is almost as funny as you are Donna 🙂


  702. This bites major hooka a$$cheek….oh I am sooooo teed off about this I could just take her and snatch her bald! What in the world….I know what they need to do… they need to get additional resouces outside of the PD and do some not so “kosher” investigations. Then find another litigation party to sue on behalf of the City of Orlando or actually the USA- AKA John Q. Public (you and me) for MENTAL ANGUISH AND LOSS OF TIME ON JOB!


  703. LOL…. Christina, I’m sure my Company will get in on that.
    They’d like me show up more.

    Lavonna, he aint no where near as funny..LOL


  704. LOL Donna……I am hoping to send this one to my higher ups….and I need mental health benefits to kick in here very soon b-4 I decide to drive down to Florida and stick a twinkie in her cornhole…sorry….there goes that anger again…


  705. I’ve emailed the director of Texas Equusearch and I suggest that we all email him, not spam him mind you, but just a request. You can’t report a missing child on that site unless you are the family or the LE agency.



  706. WHAT


  707. Sorry I did not get to finish, i was saying what is texas gonna do?


  708. Sorry ladies – I was out getting the crack (hehe), I locked my kids in their rooms and had a little ‘me’ time – my neighbours are also getting a little angry about all the unrinating going on my driveway – and they keep insisting this dog is mine – I’ve never seen him before (not sure why he keeps coming in my house and my kids have named him…) – my husband hid our gas cans (jerk) – and my kids ate the pizza in my trunk when I finally let them out. ugh… what a day!

    Donna, he is pretty funny isn’t he?? – but you are right – they are NEVER as funny as we are!!!!


  709. I may be blind or just missing it…what does LE stand for? Sorry =(


  710. Sorry ladies – I was out getting the crack (hehe) – i locked my kids in their rooms and had a little ‘me’ time – my neighbours are also getting upset with the amount of urinating going on in my drive way – and the keep insisting this dog is mine (not sure why he keeps coming in my house and my kids have named him…) – my husband hid our gas cans (jerk) – and my kids ate the pizza in my trunk when I finally let them out – not to mention no one is willing to lend me another shovel – ugh … what a day!

    Donna – he is pretty funny – but they are NEVER as funny as we are!


  711. sorry – posted twice – had to stop the kids from having a sword fight – oops


  712. little elf ears? I have no idea what le means
    Donna, you’re right but I did say ‘almost”


  713. LOL Nad, on your way to FL. pick me up on the I95 ramp I’ll find out the exit. I’ll be wearing war paint , pj’s and hooka boots (in-mate orange). You’ll know me by the gas cans and shovel. Also I’ll have rage in my eyes.


  714. LOL – nto sure I can drive while laughing this hard!!!


  715. Just put the car on “auto pilot” you’ll do fine.


  716. Thanks Andrea for the email – I will send one out as soon as these brats (said lovingly!!) are asleep.


  717. LOL


  718. i was actually thinking of letting my 5 year old take a few shifts at the wheel…. gotta grow up sometime!


  719. How are your kids coming with their “arts and crafts”?? Mine are almost done. THey do great work!


  720. As long as you are putting her under the wheel and not in the trunk


  721. I agee they really should start earning their keep.


  722. LOL-Lavonna, their not old enough for the trunk yet. That’s for 7 or 8 year olds.


  723. LOL – arts and crafts are going great – had to take a time out to bandage blisters – but they are really making some progress now. Guess that pizza was all the fuel they needed!


  724. Don’t worry about the pizza, mine’s still in he trunk. My kids don’t go our side on their “breaks” they’re to tired.


  725. I have Zanieda supervising them. SHe really does work for free.


  726. LE = Law Enforcement


  727. Ahh haa! Thanks Andrea you have solved a deep question for me.


  728. Thanks Andrea, now I can stop referring to them as the
    poe poe


  729. Donna – That is perfect because I was going to ask if I could leave my kids at your place with her when I get there!!!


  730. Oh you know you can. I asked her and she sad “si no problemo”. She’ll be waiting with me on I95 don’t worry she has car seats for the little ones.


  731. lol J.p.’s myspace is now private and has not been on there since the 8th of aug.


  732. oh and if she says she’s not thee “zanieda fernandez gonzolez” just appease her because she really is sticking to that story. I find we get along better when I don’t mention it.



    Casey: Hello Mother, Hello Father….greetings from camp, Marijuana, coke is gooood…crack is better…I’m so “F’D” up I can’t even write this letter!”

    Thank you….

    Casey AKA “Tha Hooka-Ho” Anthony


  734. LOL, christina…. she could sing ” cuz I got high” to pass the time too.


  735. OMG shes gonna be relesed at 8:30 am tomorrow


  736. LOL – oh man Christina!


  737. hopfully, LE…LOL will be there to re-arrest her. That would be awesome!


  738. armed guards will be around her 24/7


  739. They just said armed guards will be around her 24/7.
    and close surveillance


  740. sorry my cat is on my computer


  741. HAHAHA!!! Wouldn’t it be piss-pants funny if they released her and then turned around and said “Just Kidding” and re-arrested her….LOLOLOLOL!!! OMG TOO FUNNY….And the detective comes up to her and gay-ly says “and you thought you were goin’ somewhere” EVIL LAUGH!!!!

    note from blog owner

    OK, I LOVE this idea!


  742. ROFLMAOPMS….poe poe?


  743. hell ya it would, and they can do that too thats what even funnier


  744. Andrea, now you have to tell me what ROF AND PMS means.
    Poe-Poe short for the police.


  745. rolling on the floor laughting my ass off ….you got me at pms th


  746. Look I’m 38 I’m happy to know the lingo that I do….which consists of LOL. which I’m doing.


  747. mabe PMS is pissing my shorts?


  748. haha


  749. or pissing my seat.


  750. i have pms and im ready to beat the friggin crap out of casey


  751. or I think this is it pissing my self??? or pooping my self. Andrea where’d ya go. I need to know this.


  752. ill feed her to my cat

    note from blog owner

    Are you trying to kill your cat?? 🙂


  753. LOL Candi….ME TOO!!!!!


  754. F a gun PMS is way more deadly


  755. YEA, theres days I could destroy with my bare hands. I’m still trying to blow people up with my eyes tho, for some reason I feel like I have that gift.


  756. LOL- pretty sure it is pissing my self!
    I say rearrest her. That would be great!


  757. I’ll feed her to my BAMBOO TREES!!!


  758. I want to go to the Jail and have a sign that says “BAD MOTHER” and a bucket full of rotten eggs to throw at casey!


  759. I’ll go I want to throw my sons rotten shitty diapers at her.
    and some harsh words.


  760. LOL Donna – when you get the hang of it – let me know – I could add that to my list of achievments.


  761. I say re-arrest her and then take her to the BFI in back and make her pick out her frikken night’s dinner..!


  762. I’ll feed her to my dog…oops thats not my dog.


  763. lol me too


  764. I hate this if she did hurt caylee and did not want her why not put her up for adoption? Im positive alot of people would love to have caylee as thier daughter


  765. Nads, I’ll figure it out sooner or later. I just don’t like the looks or the questions I get. Haven’t people ever seen someone trying to master a skill.


  766. LOL@ DONNA!!!! HAHAHA! Yeah and I can find some cat poop and we could fling it at er’…lol


  767. hell then she could of afforded to pay off her crack debt


  768. LOL, christina……. just don’t tell anyone you have a cat.


  769. I’ll bring my non exsisting dogs poop too!. I’ll dig up my dead hampster anikan and throw him at her too. If he didn’t eat his brother capt. jack I’d dig him up also.


  770. Candi – it’sfunny you say that because last night my 3 year old asked me when we are bringing his sister home. I’m thinking this kid has gotten WAY TOO MUCH SUN because he doesn’t have a sister, when he brings me to the computer and shows me a picture of Caylee. My husband and I have been talking about adoption for a while now (I am no longer able to have children), and he thought we were adopting Caylee. It broke my heart to see how excited he was, and to know deep in my heart that this little girl isn’t alive.


  771. And just some info for you ladies – you would be surprised at how much crack you can get for a kid – at least from my dealer! Oh – I’m going to hell….


  772. Hey Nads, silly rabit “crack is for kids”. no more trix


  773. LOL – silly rabbit.


  774. You know NADS, my little girl (adoptive) she is almost 3 pointed out a picture of Caylee on the internet and I told her….that is Caylee…she is missing, then she said “CAAAILEEE” and pointed at the tv…it was weird because right after that Nancy Grace came on and the fiest thing showed….you got it Caylee. I appreciate Nancy and Greta’s continuous coverage…I wonder where Nancy was the other night…maybe she is investigating!


  775. I think she was in court
    there was a case aginst her


  776. I have always had dreams of finding a lost little girl that looks similar like caylee. I have been having these dreams since I was 20 and im 26 now


  777. Has anyone noted on the hot pink hand/ankle cuffs Casey seems to be pictured in? Since when do they come in “fashionable” colors??

    I am sure Cindy and George would have adopted Caylee in a heartbeat and they probably argued about that topic many times. May have even been the fight the neighbor supposedly heard. Didn’t Cindy mention something like Casey had several chances to give up Caylee if she didn’t want to be a mother at her age?
    Casey probably loved being pregnant with all the attention on her, then the baby came and at almost 3 years of the attention no longer being on Casey, she couldn’t take it anymore. Her lies were all coming to a head and she wanted to hurt her own parents in the worse possible way of getting rid of their grandchild.
    I’m sure some of you have already had that theory, but I felt I needed to add something because I have been lurking here and there for a week and you all have me obsessed. I just had to contribute!

    Have a great evening!


  778. Well hopefully it is like Disney World where dreams can come true!


  779. Cindy and george probaly helped hurt caylee


  780. watching cnn right now


  781. Abby – tell your family we are sorry for your obsession!!! JJ!


  782. PMS – Pissing MeSelf


  783. Pardon me – that should be Pissing MySelf. Oops, my Irish is showing. LOL


  784. Good one Abby…..

    In A Robin Leach Tone: “Hot pink is the inmate manicle color of choice this year of 2008, and don’t forget that child murders are also the fall fashion list…please wont you join me next time on Lifestyles of The Coked up and Delusional”


  785. We are all consumed with this case…..family…we have them? ?????????????? LOL


  786. Yes Candi….we all have that feeling swirling in our heads that George and Cindy definitely had SOMETHING to do with Caylee’s disappearance.


  787. Hey Donna, check out the funny Robin Leach quirp!


  788. ahh family is consumed as well


  789. LOL christian.

    Andrea- (in a leprechaun voice) me iiiiirish to!


  790. we should just hang the whole family if they dont fess up REAL SOON


  791. Christina – what would we do without you???!!


  792. um christian should be Christina….ROTHFLMAOPMS


  793. What is the attire to go to a hanging. I’m in for that. oooh I hope its hooker boots.


  794. I definately think this needs to END NOW. I am not sure that I will be sane for much longer if this continues.


  795. hooker boots shovels and gas cans for good mesures lol


  796. Hehe….I am not sure, but we might not have hooka lingo ya know. There is so much more I could say about that pimp stick I could go on and on…..


  797. Well, I’m in luck. I just happen to have all of those.


  798. lol@pimp stick


  799. By the way, I am writting the rest of my entree’s in a leprechaun voice, so please read as such.


  800. What happened to the days of hanging? Hooker boots would be perfect.


  801. can we put a W on her shirt for whore?


  802. Yeah but with our luck it would be like a scene out of practical magic and the little witch would snap the noose….


  803. Thank you Candi…I am here all evening and I only do encore’s for cash! lol


  804. If these psychics were real then the would be like “yes Caylee is alive” or “yes Caylee is dead” “here is where she is “. but nooo…even to their not getting paid they are getting one better..Exposure. Maybe we need Mrs. Brown on the case


  805. Oh yeah, I truly believe “The Body Hunters” are actually “Headline Hunters” as well as Padilla. Look, it took BLOGGERS like you and me….to go out and find an ounce of evidence that the “psychics” could not even sniff out with cadaver dogs…! Flowers my white round a$$!!


  806. I wonder if Martha stewart brought the design out for the hop pink cuffs


  807. OK, so I have this really cool idea, but I am not sure how to go about it. Remember when Steve Fossett flew the airplane into the desert and no one has heard from him since? I worked for mturk, with others in a collaborative effort, trying to find wreckage of his plane using satellite images via Google Earth.

    So, maybe we can find images from June/July timeline and area and search those satellite images for anything. The only trouble is I don’t know if there will be updated images and it will take some work to find images from earlier this year to compare to the ones from June to July to see any differences. What do you guys think? The only trouble is, I don’t know how mturk went about doing it. I’ll have to do some research. I’ll check around Google Earth for any info.


  808. sound good


  809. Gonna head home ladies….I will either b on tonight or tomorrow….pls lets join Nancy or Greta tonight and see if they are playing games with that little hooker…..good point to think of, God works in mysterious ways and it just so happens that Fay hit Florida SMACK DAB in Orlando….maybe somethings will “come up” ya never know….


  810. Like the idea Andrea….I will help u when I get home…or tomorrow at work where I can goof around…lol, but I will help I have some areas I may be able to gain more intel from….


  811. Love the idea Andrea – what can it hurt right?? I’ll see what I can find after the kids are in bed.


  812. anyone here anything new?


  813. Where did you guys hear she will be released tomorrowmorning at 8:30?


  814. on ng and fox news all day


  815. And the las time jp chatt loged into his myspace was on caylee’s birthday……………………….


  816. GAS CAN??? And the police dismiss it? OK, maybe it means nothing, but with all the crap about gas cans, you’d think they’d see if there were any latents on it.


  817. We need to pin point the days the flurry of calls happened, and we need to find out her address and where the car backed up and the road or main roads that lead to the airport And where she went shopping, any landfill in the area and look for industrial areas. at that point in time we need to search through the data or satellite not only of her house but then figure out the rate of speed a person would drive, calculate the distance of of time that it would take to reach each area, we should then go back find satellite imagery of those areas in the specific time fame if possible infrared photography or imagery should be used as this will even show a dying body in a trunk. follow these paths/routs to different destinations and you will look for a heat signature that will be in the hi red (for flame i.e burning of body) to a dull red or light blue witch will show an indication of a burning object or body that is slowly cooling..


  818. Do a research of satellite imagery available other than google earth. infrared would be best because you can track even peoples walking paths and if she burned a body I guarantee you gasoline WILL show up on infrared.

    This is coming from my fiance who served in the military


  819. I need a min. of 6 max to 12 people that are willing to work in a collaborative effort try and determine specific time lines/events/resources and or physical evaluation of evidence. we will need to work together and independently with daily communications as to our findings.
    by working together we can accomplish what an incompetent police force cannot do. PS. Do you smell cover up?

    Contact me at ask_candi@hotmail.com


  820. what we will be doing is in accordance to what a strategic military reconnaissance and execution of mission would do.


  821. ok Candi – whew girl – so I can help in whatever way I can – have no idea how to go about most of the stuff you are talking about! – but I can give you the timeline I have. Let me know exactly what you need and if I have it or can do it, consider it done.


  822. and Andrea – why wouldn’t they at least take the gas can in? They also talked about the chance that Casey would talk to Padilla and I feel torn here. Why would she talk to HIM if she won’t talk to anyone else? Then again, if he is going to be living there (is that confirmed?) he has the opportunity to heara lot of things that no one else would. What do you think here?


  823. good morning………..
    ok , i caught nacny alst night and i seen a flash on the screen tht was never mentioned again by the show or on greta. i was wonder if anyone else seen this too.
    it read 3 crediable sightings of caylee……….i kept watching to see what they said but it was never mentioned


  824. Kay they were talking last week about the credible sightings but I haven’t heard anymore either.. But if they are so credible then why hasn’t there be anymore mentioned about it?


  825. lavonna,
    that is what i though and ws surprised to see it on there again last night. just wondered if i was seeing things because i am so hopeful that she is alive ……..but my heart tells me that she is not………


  826. I missed that – but it seems like something they would talk about if the flashed it on the screen, doesn’t it?


  827. Did they say where these sightings took place?


  828. no i just seen it on the bottom of the screen…and i kept sitting in front of the tv to see what they said and they never mentioned it at all. i seen it on there 2 times and my husband seen it also…who knows might have been a typo from earlier edition.
    also i read this morning that on monday night some one called cayce a punk on ng i seen that but can’t remember who it was. they were doing the telecaset out in fron of the home and after the telecast cindy went out there and reamed them a new one for calling her a punk on national t.v……………………….


  829. Thing we need to find out… Where did casey go “shopping” if at all. How long was her father on the force? why were 7 of his cases dismissed? Has her mother covered for her before on ANYTHING. find out who her dads partners,departments, and workers were when he was on the force. and if there are any landfills,junkyards, and sewer systems around where casey “last” had Caylee.


  830. Kay – that’s interesting. And funny that Cindy reamed them a new one for calling her a punk – the truth hurts hey?

    Candi – where did you find that George had 7 cases dismissed?


  831. Is there anything on the news about her being released right now? Thought that was happening soon……


  832. i have heard that papa was a detective and then i heard he was just a depty sheriff in oh. that was back in the 80’s i think. i heard a reportere ask him about his days as a deputy sheriff and he did not correct him at all.


  833. nads,
    i have not been able to find anything at all on it this am. NOT ONE WORD………….


  834. I heard about it I could be misinformned not sure


  835. just seen video but not sure if it was from yesterday or today but the bondsman did not arrive at the jail with the $50,000 so they are sure it will be tomorrow befor she gets out. not that could have been video from yesterday. it is the 1st thing i have seen on wesh.com about it since yesterday am.


  836. british news is slow lmao


  837. I thought it was 500,000??


  838. it is but they only have to pay 10%


  839. hmmm – I forget what show I saw this on last night (Greta?) – someone had said that the bondsman would probably report this morning that there have been some more hold ups and then just go back home. I know he was just speculating – but it sure seems to look like it is going in that direction. If she isn’t out by today – then I have doubts about when she will be out. Seems like it is taking an awfully long time.


  840. thats retarded. lol i think I posted my thing on every friggin blog in the internet… my e-mail is going CRAZY!!


  841. Hey ladies! Gooooood mornin’ I have an idea and I just emailed Candi on it….take a look

    I am all up for help, in fact I was thinking about setting up an nationwide organizational company that aids the PD or public in search for missing children. I would get friends involved from all over because it should not just be where I am @ but a coordinated effort everywhere. I would like everyone’s emails to maybe make a network of people that are involved because we are all so passionate about finding children…..and of course choking the person responsible….what do you guys say??!! We can make a website or myspace page and just do investigations. You know if I were to come up with a DBA (doing business as) we would have the rights to get involved as far as the media and the PD!

    My email addressed (mark em ladies)
    crcarlton@tmhs.org (MAIN EMAIL)


  842. Sorry it’s been a few days and you all might have already talked about this, but about this carseat. If caylee would have been left in her carseat and died I’m thinking there would be bodily fluids collected in that seat. I know as a young child when I once fell asleep in the car and my parents pulled into the driveway, even though they opened all the windows and left the doors open (while they were doing things outside near the car) it was still warm enough outside that I awoke with a nosebleed. This being said, I’m sure that the carseat isn’t something she would want to leave behind.
    On the other hand, it does also leave open the fact that this car seat could have been given to someone that would have had her in their car. So, if casey did give, or sell her to someone maybe this person(s) have the carseat.
    As far as this clown bounty hunter….I think most people have his number. I told my husband last night I don’t think he really ever wanted to bail her out. Just make it look like he did, knowing there would be some type of snag with the process. This way he is getting all of his free TV time and never having to put up the bond. That’s just my thinking on him. I don’t like him and how dare he try to get his 15 minutes of fame at this little girls expense!
    Just one more thing….as far as granny having a hissy fit over her daughter being called a punk?? OMG what in the hell should we call her?? She lies, won’t tell police what they need to know in order to help her, isn’t honest with her own family, steals from family and friends, and god only knows what she has done to her child…..oh wait that’s right according to granny we should refer to casey as “Mother of the year”! Congrats casey on your award as “mother of the year” now bend over so we can give it to you. Oh, hey granny……maybe you should be given “granny of the year”! In that case bend over next to your daughter.


  843. I wish they would have told more on the credible witnesses. Cindy got mad because someone called Casey a punk? Well, I would like to add to that (in case Cindy reads this) Casey is a partying whore who cares for no one but herself and if you (Cindy) would have taught her some respect for herself and others when she was little she wouldn’t be putting everyone through this crap.
    She is a punk, whore , unfit mother, and a liar!!!!!!!!


  844. I am all for it Christina!
    Here’s my email:


  845. i am def. in and my fiance ac provide his military knowledge for mission execution


  846. How could I have forgotten “SHE IS ALSO A THIEF”
    Punk azz whore needs to be put in general population instead of going home..


  847. My email is lavonhls@aol.com


  848. Thanks Nads! I have a buddy that manages websites and I am going to pitch this to him!


  849. we need to retrieve the case/investigation file copies


  850. Thanks Lavonna!


  851. Christina – That sounds great – if there is anything I can do to help you get it going, let me know.

    Candi – how would we get these?


  852. we should aid the public I believe George had pd friend that are covering for him as well in this case , and sometime the pd is just plain lazy


  853. the court house, they cannot withhold that info I forgot the word its called but if they withhold that info they will be in LOTS of trouble


  854. like freedome of information law orsomething like that


  855. Thanks Nads! I have always wanted to do something about issues that were important….we are all very smart people and have great theories and ideas!


  856. And I know they got George’s and Cindy’s computer but does anyone know if Casey had one or just used theirs


  857. I haven’t had a chance to check out much in the satellite imagery department, but I’ll do some today. My 2yr has a cold and had me up a lot through the night so I’m not sure how much I will accomplish.

    Here’s my email address, I use this one for all my Sleuthing Hobby…LOL



  858. retreving e-mails to and from her would be good to


  859. try seeing if they have infrared satellite imagery


  860. Got it Andrea!


  861. I agree Christina, we all are very smart people and extremely passionate about the cause. Alone, we don’t have much of a chance at making a difference in cases like this – but together we could actually accomplish something. And hey, it’s way too late to break up the Beat Down Gang!


  862. Beat Down Gang I love it!


  863. amazing new secret feature in both Google Earth and Google Maps: two new satellite modes which let you see heat maps and believe it or not, literally inside buildings… yes, Google have added both X-ray and infrared thermal imagery!


  864. Candi – I believe they only had the one computer in the house – I am not sure Cindy and George would be very forthcoming if Casey had her own computer.


  865. damn its not ready yet


  866. I got your e-mail, is mylifeofcrime on yet?


  867. I wonder if she used the computer at all,


  868. I am not sure but I would like her to get involved….she has so much to offer!


  869. Hey ladies!!! Casey did not make bail again….l@@k @ Fox News!

    The mother of missing Orlando toddler Caylee Anthony must spend yet another night in the slammer, FOX News has learned.

    Though Casey Anthony has reportedly been close to getting out of jail all week thanks to a well-known bail bondsman, she won’t be released on Wednesday because of more problems with paperwork.

    Tony Padilla flew in from Sacramento, Calif., to Florida over the weekend to deliver Anthony’s hefty $500,000 bond. He was reportedly going to hand over the money by dinnertime Tuesday, securing a Wednesday release for the 22-year-old mother.


  870. Hahahaha! Pimp Stick stays another night in the slammer! Way to go whomever is handling the paperwork! I would burn the $hit right in front of her and say “Ooopsie” sorry biznitch!!!


  871. Yay!!! Woo Hoo.. Still think they should put her in general population!


  872. I agree Lavonna….I soooo agree!


  873. She will do us a lot better if she does stay in jail then she wont be able to destroy evidence that probably has not been found yet.


  874. do we get to beat her with a “pimp stick” lol I will go buy a 2×4 and paint “bitch” on it and hit her with muh bitch board


  875. finally an update fBondsmen failed to get Casey Anthony out of jail for a second day in a row, citing issues with paperwork.

    The 22-year-old mother of missing toddler Caylee Marie Anthony will spend at least one more night in jail.

    If bail is posted tonight, jail officials say that the soonest she could be released is at 8:30 a.m. Thursday because of the home-confinement hold.

    In addition to the efforts of the bondsmen, Leonard Padilla, a California bounty hunter, has been in Orlando since Sunday, trying to get Anthony out of jail.

    Related links
    Complete coverage of missing Caylee Marie Anthony She has had no visitors other than her legal team and has not made any phone calls, according to jail records. Another bounty hunter, Rob Dick, is joining Padilla’s efforts to get Anthony released.

    or today:


  876. My comment is on the carseat. One (I) would think that if this child was left in her carseat, unattended, in a car, in the hot florida sun for any amount of time and passes away, there would be some type of bodily fluid involved. I know from past experience as a child that even if you are left sleeping in a car with windows and doors open you can at the very least get a nosebleed. Now, if this were the case and something like this happened…..would you leave the carseat in the car to be found????
    However, on the other hand it also opens the door that casey COULD have given the carseat to the person(s) that she gave (or sold) the child to. Let’s face it the police MUST be asking about this item as Caylee has been photographed in it.
    As far as this joker from Cali….I think we all know that he’s in it for nothing other then the coverage. He doesn’t give a flying crap about this child, if he did he would leave casey right where she’s at and let the police do their job. The police are still doing their jobs aren’t they??? Sometimes it’s hard to tell as we don’t hear much from them.
    Ohhh that’s another point…..I heard the other night on one of the shows (NG or Gretta) that the police as of right now CAN listen in on her calls and even her time and conversations with her lawyer. If this is the case, then have they been doing this and if not WHY??
    Just one more thing…..as far as granny getting angry about her daughter being called a “punk”. What in the world should we refer to someone who….lies, doesn’t help police help her, steals, and god only knows what she has done to that child. Ohhh that’s right, according to granny we should refer to casey as “Mother of the year”! Well, as long as we are doing that…..why not make granny “granny of the year” and give them both an award??? SHame, shame on that CNN reporter for getting it wrong!! Casey and granny….we are sorry that this has happened and to show you how sorry we are we would like to offer you this 6ft solid gold award…….now bend over, and grab your ankles so we can give it to you.


  877. there are 3 myspaces for caylee


  878. I added the Myspace of Casey is guilty 🙂
    Gatorsfan, 6ft solid gold award? funny


  879. =) I cannot wait until they add me!


  880. she is online and should aprove soon there are more picture of caylee there


  881. Christina when she adds us if you don’t mind I will add you to mine?


  882. Hi everyone, you all have been busy!

    You mean to tell me with all the money Crazy Punk “borrowed” from Cindy, she didn’t buy herself a freaking laptop? She would have needed it to keep up with her MySpace so either she had one of her own, or used her parents.
    Would a warrant be needed specifically for a computer, or is that covered with a warrant for the items IN a residence? I think it needs to be asked for specifically.
    As Nads mentioned, I’m also not so sure C & G would be forthcoming about letting their computer or comp Casey had. She probably has some great Mapquest hits on there!


  883. wheres her myspace i tried a search


  884. cindy and george just handed thierc computers over stating “if you think it will help”


  885. Ladies I can get together a bigger team of investigative “hounds” and take a bigger look @ this. Not only that, if I had time @ work I would seriously head down to Florida. I don’t have enough PTO @ work to do that…..but damn how I would if I had it!!! If this case is not solved in another few weeks….I just may have to play hookie!!! *hooker hookie* lol


  886. we will be albe to do what cops fail at


  887. I live in florida myself


  888. Candi, she used to have a myspace acct, but her brother Lee changed it into a website dedicated to Caylee. Then Cindy did the same with hers and so did Lee. Well, I think because they received soooo many threats from folks…he made one main acct, and put on the headline…”if I don’t know u, I wont add you”. Cindy’s is not longer avail and niether is Casey’s……wimps!


  889. oh wow, good to know Candi.

    And we all know Cindy has called her daughter worse things than a Punk.

    What’s with all the wrong paperwork so she can’t be released? Like Parilla is in this for the sake of Caylee.
    He’s a punk, too!


  890. Alright ABBY time to donate that email address!!!


  891. OK, OK. 🙂


    Only a little more butter and Crisco, and I have squeezed the hooka boots on!


  892. Thanks ABBY! I will email ya mine!!


  893. I see the sun’s shining and the hooker’s still on lock down. It’s a beautiful day. I knew she wouldn’t be out today. The bounty hunter said yesterday on NG that he was having problems “with Florida Bounty Laws” which his nephew has to work out. About those “3 sightings” they were from the anthonys, once again people are calling the anthonys with their sightings and not the LE…LOL Le still makes me giggle.
    I also heard the bounty say “they only release people on bonds” between 1-3 only. So I doubt she’ll be out at 8:30


  894. Maybe tropical storm Fay can whip her size 5 a$$ around a bit and beat the truth out of her.


  895. I’m sorry to mention this but I had a friend once who would let his ex-gf use NADS to remove the hair on his back and arms.
    So everytime NADS leaves a comment, all I see in my mind is a big hairy back.

    I’m sure you aren’t like that NADS, but with a name like that you have to be careful when chatting with a group of smart a$$’s! 🙂


  896. damn i hate this storm


  897. the need to do interigation on her as extensive as they do to the P.O.W


  898. Oh, ladies. I am exhausted from this case. I posted once yesterday, then got busy all day. By the time I got back on there were like 100 more posts! I can’t keep up anymore, and besides, this case is beyond ridiculous. I am so mad at everyone involved. You KNOW they have the DNA results back…but they aren’t charging her with murder, which tells me that they are either negative or inconclusive. So, they continue to hold her just because they CAN, and that is stupid to me. I believe she killed Caylee…but the geniuses obviously can’t prove it, or they would have a murder charge on her by now. Her family is nauseating, her lawyer utterly vomitus, the bail bondsman is just on a booty mission, and Casey is a media whore. Everyone involved is an absolute imbicile. All of the lies disgust me, and I’m tired. Everything that is being said has been said before, there is nothing new. So…I’m signing off now. Going to have a baby and leave the Anthony circus behind. Thanks for the laughs, ladies! Have fun!!!!


  899. now they say possible release tomorrow (havent we heard tat for the past few days) dosen’t she have a trial/hearing or something tomorrow as well?


  900. She does have a trial hearing tomorrow.


  901. Good luck Angela, is was nice reading your posts!


  902. they propbaly wont release her then either


  903. Yes Candi! Her “arraignment” is on Thursday….this is possibly the time LE may slap her with more charges making it impossible for her to make bail. One of the main issues are the bonds companies all over Florida are throwing a “fit” this Padilla guy in on their “turf” and Florida actually has a law on that. So they are trying to get this guy out of Florida because no bonds company in Florida wants Casey out!!! LOLLOLOLOL! The spooge mop may not get out @ all!!! WOOO HOOO!


  904. Guys…I have a Myspace Page

    Add me….. http://www.myspace.com/tigger1976


  905. added*


  906. Thank you…thank you….


  907. Boy, it is silent here….. lol


  908. did anyone see this ??


  909. dang the thing wont post


  910. I have been trying to work (my boss came back) so I can’t stay long 🙂 Nothing new ??????


  911. ORLANDO, Fla. — Casey Anthony remained in jail, Wednesday afternoon, despite promises from a celebrity bounty hunter that he would free the young mother. Leonard Padilla arrived in Orlando with promises of freeing Casey by Monday.

    Padilla said he is making sure that all the proper protocols be followed for the out-of-state bond transfer. Right now, the Texas Department of Insurance is contacting Florida’s lead agency that handles bonds to make sure procedurally every piece of documentation is in place and that they have what they need when a locally licensed bailbond agent goes to post Casey’s bond.

    Padilla said for the first time in his career, he has received threats for just trying to do his job. Some of those threats are so serious, he called the FBI to get them involved.

    Some of the less severe threats have been from competing agencies threatening that if he does not follow everything by the book, he will be arrested.

    Padilla says the transferring of the bond is critical. Until he sure every rule has been followed correctly, he says he will not post the bond until the out oof state transfer is approved.

    He’s hoping to get everything cleared up so he can post the bond today

    Casey Anthony, mother of missing 3-year-old Caylee Anthony, remains behind bars in the Orange County jail on a $500,000 bond.

    Tony Padilla is the nephew of Bounty Hunter Leonard Padilla who is licensed in Texas. The Padilla’s flew from California to Florida Sunday to post Anthony’s bond and will get assistance from a bondsman licensed in Florida.

    Once Anthony is bonded out she will be driven home by the bail bondsmen and a bounty hunter. A member of Leonard Padilla Bounty Hunters’ staff will be moving into the Anthony home and staying with Casey who will be fitted with an ankle monitoring device.

    Casey’s parents, Cindy and George, scheduled a video visitation with their daughter at 9 a.m. Thursday. Her brother, Lee, has scheduled a visit on Saturday at noon.


  912. OOOOhhh how I wish I was the one to move in….I would would dump itching powder on her toilet paper and nasty crabs in her bed…(I would find them somehow….) I would watch her itch and scratch all over the house…and then I would throw tacs in her hooker boots…after that I would lock a skunk in her damn closet…then, I would buy a bottle of hair thinner and place it in her Prell….

    I would make that hooka wanna go back to sing-sing!


  913. I want to b**th slap her at least 5 times, then put her in a headlock take her to the ground and pound her face til she talks.


  914. Im trying to get some gas money to drive te 35miles to the jail and I want to throw rotten eggs at her and hold my “bad mother” sign up


  915. but im broke as hell, I dont even have a bed lol sleeping on the floor sux


  916. Hey….Lavonna, scream at her “Talk you punk hooka….talk”


  917. lol


  918. I just called cnn aske a Q. they called back put me on hold then hung up. I guess my Infrared question is too complex for them to answer


  919. that seems like the media is in on it as well i wouldent doubt if the media was partyin with dumb casey


  920. Knowing my mouth when I get worked up it will be worse than “talk you punk hooka. talk” more like…… ‘you beep beep beep b**th, what are you smoking then before she could answer I would bi*th slap her again and then closed fist punch her. Heck, I might even kick her in the head if I have time..


  921. That is funny Candi


  922. i called thir newsroom and left a nasty message


  923. LOL that is so cool!!!!!!!!!


  924. Ladies, it is 5:23 here and time for me to lock the door, count my money and go home. I hope to hear news when I get back on here later if I can get my child off computer, may have to make her do dishes to earn her time 😉

    See ya’ll later


  925. LOL@ Lavonna and Candi…!!! Ask CNN just WTF they are smokin’


  926. WOW – I missed a lot today! So she isn’t out yet hunh, save that sign Candi, we can start a fund for ‘gas’ money for you! forget that, I’ll buy you the eggs, gas and a bed if you promise to take pictures for us! (Don’t worry if they lock you up, I hear Padilla will get you out for a piece of ass! gross…..)
    Abby – my name is Nadine, but my smart ass husband has called me Nads forever, as well as my smart ass friends! Guess some jokes never get old, they especially like if we play a game and they can call me Gonads for the evening. They also enjoy buying me NADS hair removing cream – I need new friends!!
    wondering – do you guys use facebook? My family uses it so that is where I am,have never used My Space. Is it worth it??


  927. I said “what is my question too complex for you so you teas me by calling ,put me on hold then hang up” then I left my phone number and said”call me if you find some one that has the balls to answer my question”


  928. CNN sucks – you are probably just too smart for them Candi, try not to scare them too much LOL


  929. LOL – Candi you are awesome!


  930. i dont like face book they dont have my home town in it or the city I live in so i dont get andy choices, myspace is free too id say free is worth it



    Bounty Hunter Says Casey Anthony’s Bond Is Being Posted Now
    Investigation Discovery just spoke with Bounty Hunter Leonard Padilla, who said that his team is in route to the Orange County jail to bail out Casey Anthony, mother of missing 2-year-old, Caylee Anthony.

    “We are on our way to post the bond,” Padilla said. “We finally got final approval and everything.”

    While Padilla expects the bond to go through, he is uncertain as to when Casey will be released.

    “The bond goes to the window and the jail takes their time in processing it because they have to verify it,” Padilla said. “I don’t know how the jail works here, so I don’t know if it is going to be today. They usually have a window the following day but I don’t know what it is because we are from out of town.”

    According to Padilla he has met with Casey’s parents, George and Cindy Anthony, on two separate occasions and they are supportive of his efforts to get her released.

    “They are with us 100 percent on getting her out,” Padilla said. She is going to go home and at that time let’s hope that she will speak with her parents.”

    Padilla said he has no plans of questioning Casey himself, however he did say that his associates will be with her at all times.

    “We have people there for security because there have been a lot of threats against her and we don’t want to be responsible for her getting killed,” Padilla said, adding, “Threats are standard. If I don’t get 10 threats a week people aren’t paying attention to me.”

    In regards to the difficulties Padilla has had with the surety company in Florida, he had this to say:

    “The competitors here in Florida are a bunch of dimwits. They didn’t bail her out and they can’t figure out why someone came from California came to do it. They’re just idiots. They say, ‘don’t bail her out or we’ll kill you, you son of a b****.’ They want to try to put us out of business.”


  932. Angela – if you read this again – good luck with that little girl, and keep those hooker boots ready!


  933. WTF?? Candi – you ready for this hun???


  934. thats lame how can he clame she will “tell him” when hes not even gonna talk to her.


  935. hell ya im ready im in st augustine


  936. what size of bed would you prefer?? hehe


  937. The more I think about everything, the more I think the grandparents are up to it to their eyeballs.

    Consider that Casey supposedly spent $40,000 in credit card charges. But on the 24th George goes to the trouble of reporting the *gas* missing. That *same* day, George sees Casey and magically finds the gas cans *in the trunk.* This stinks of an alabi. “See, I opened the trunk and there was no body in there!” He just didn’t want to be so obvious. I now don’t believe Casey even took the gas. There would be no point. I think it’s made up by George. Better to be called a theif than a murderer. And what better way to backup your story than leave a paper trail by reporting it.

    Same thing with Cindy. During the first 911 call she HAD NOT found Casey and *MAGICALLY* the same day, she finds her and discovers Caylee missing before the police then calls 911 again. In the 911 call she yells to George that “Zanny took Caylee.” That’s a very chummy way to refer to someone you’ve never met. And she now says Casey talked about her for years. I don’t believe that at all. I think whatever Casey knows, they all know. It’s the only way all these stories make any since.


  938. family secrects!!! im so pissed


  939. i;ll be back ladies I have to cook and clean up quick before my man comes home for work.


  940. Candi.. You are the bomb! love the way you told them if they had enough balls.. Haha..


  941. Candi, I am going to add you to Myspace as well (if you don’t mind) then I gotta go finish supper 🙂


  942. im at myspace.com/candycane840


  943. Hey…..

    We shall call her ***CANDI-BALLS***

    Cause u have balls made of…..uh, Candy!


  944. Ladies…for now…good night, hope to catch u on later…do not forget to watch Nancy Grace……oki doki…



  945. Hi, I’ve been following this case, some what as everyone else here! I just wanted to share my thoughts. Please forgive me for my spelling and stuff. I don’t consider my self to be psychic however I do get visions and thoughts out of the blue and dreams that come true very often, however I yet to dream the lotto numbers no matter how hard I try so whatever……. ok ladies here it goes….
    Casey was sleeping over at Anthony’s apartment that night. Caylee was there, she put her to bed on the couch in the living room with a stuffed bunny, they had some colored pills in a bag perhaps extacy or something blue and light green, they took them and stayed up late other people were there but left becuase of work….. she seemed very loving to them as they left, they (Casey and Anthony) went to his bedroom and took a different type of pill eventually fell asleep, Caylee woke up early in the morning casey was sleeping the door was closed, she was hungry and ate a couple of light green candies she found on the high counter by the kitchen. That’s it. In another dream I see caylee in the beach with white sand and grass close to the sand and water, there is a dark brown horse and she’s trying to get to the horse. But the horse is upset and she is asking me to pick her up and take her to him, I’m trying to reach her but i cant because the waves are too high, then an asian man scares me and I wake up. geez that was really scary though. Thanks to who ever takes the time to read my post!


  946. I love that Christina!! :i have BIG candy balls to smack Cacey with” or since shes a hooka I should thell her to lick’em


  947. LOL Candi – be careful what you ask a ho to do!!!
    Joy&Jay – you know, I don’t believe in pyschics or premonitions, or any such thing – but you have raised a VERY interesting thought here. What if she did OD on the ho’s drugs? I take a lot of medication (thanks to my heart) – and I am always terrified that one of the boys will get into it, we lock it up because of this fear, but my 3 year old wouldn’t think twice about eating a pill on the counter (come on here – the kid eats lady bugs!). I could definately see Casey not wanting anyone to know how Caylee died if that was the case. Girls, what do you think here? Was there ever a toxicology report done on Casey when she was arrested, I am sure if she was using, it wasn’t the first or the last time. I think this may make a lot more sense to me here……


  948. Was Tony’s apartment ever searched???? if she was spending so much time there – there must be something there worth looking twice at.


  949. The balibond guy and the bountyhunter will not have access to casey they said.


  950. i saw that – so what the hell???????
    Did you see when they had some guy on the phone and he was talking about her car? He was saying how Casey had made the statement that the car had broken down. However, the towing company and impound lot do no repair or refuel vehicles in their posession. So – then how could George have driven the car out of the impound lot if it had actually broken down as Casey said. We all know what happened – but that seems like pretty solid evidence there to a cover up or a sign of guilt.


  951. Candi – did you notice they mentioned your method of tracking where she could have been based on timelines and cell phone pings etc. and the speed she would be traveling at to help provide more clues. I think they stole your idea – before you know it CNN will be reporting ‘their’ brilliant plan to use infrared imaging!!!!


  952. bastards you all know I said that before they did . you all gom my back right?! they should be reading our posts


  953. good morning-
    looks like today is the day..she’s getting out fr sure. the bond has been paid………..
    thought it was interesting that wesh tv.com had a survey question.
    should cayce anthony be released.
    yes-493 votes
    no-2862 votes.
    i bet the 493 were all from granny & papa and padilla……..
    i cant believe they are letting her out………..
    i know one thing if it were me i would be rotting in jail…the only reason this has happened is because of the press


  954. I think casey should be made to sleep in caylee’s room. Maybe being surrounded by all her struff will make her finally break down and tell the truth…. though I doubt it.


  955. sorry… I meant stuff … not struff


  956. KMAYHEW-
    that sounds liek a really good plan. maybe some of those stuff animals she has will start talking to her.i am cuorius to see just what will happen once she has to actually live in that house and not be able to leave it. tht will work on a sane person after a couple of days. i can’t imagine what she will do once she has to stay in the same house knowing that someone is watching her every move.


  957. I didn’t want her to get out of jail either. But now she’s not going to be able to blow her brother lee off anymore. Maybe he can finally get some info out of her for once.


  958. i have 2 brothers….if my child was missing, they wouldn’t hesitate to beat the truth out of anyone.


  959. I know this is late Nads…but LOL @ HO Drugs…..LOL!!!


  960. they just announced on cnn that the tramp is out (it’s 10:34 a.m. eastern time). this is bullshit. excuse me, but i’m just so mad i have nothing else to say right now.

    there’s no reason for her to tell where her daughter is now. caylee’s gonna be another trenton duckett.


  961. SHE’S OUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!


  962. It is starting to feel like this is over, like they are never going to find that little girl and Casey will be laughing to her grave. When did it become so easy to get away with murdering a baby?


  963. Brianna, that’s my thought as well. I know that everyone was pissed that some were worried about her hurting herself. However, what if officials get close to the truth…what’s to stop her from taking her life so that we never find out?? She’s not going to talk now! This line of “well some people just don’t like to talk to law inforcement” is bullshit! She has had a ton of others that she could have talked to. I wouldn’t care who I had to talk to, I would just want my child to be found. Crap, even if she did kill the child or the child died somehow…wouldn’t she want a decent burrial?? I know this is gross, but given the storm that’s over Florida right now…I would be so worried that if I burried someone they might get washed up and displaced due to the storm. I just worry about two things…#1 she kills herself so we never know the truth, and #2 that these morons mess up the investigation and she can’t be charged! I guess we will just have to wait and see.




  965. Christina – I am so ready.


  966. Christina, want to do me a big favor?


  967. hi im up now but caight in the eye or fay


  968. How’s it looking down there Candi??


  969. its not riining anymore we are in the eye of it but the marsh is flooded from lastnight


  970. raining*


  971. I will Nads, what would ya like???!!!


  972. I was hoping you might be able to email me any big updates this weekend – we are having a family bbq – and checking my email is as good as it will get for a few days. I can’t seem to leave this alone- and I figured you’re about as crazy as me!!!! Hope it’s not too much to ask…


  973. Not at all I can sure do that…!!! I will be watching out foe new hooka news…!!!


  974. Thanks!!
    I think the world is on hooka watch right now!


  975. They have video on Fox with that jizz-bucket walking out of jail and almost getting lynched by the media..!!! Go media…ger her!


  976. hah – I saw it and LAUGHED! i would have beat her with my microphone. I think the residents of Florida should stand outside her home chanting MURDERER until she breaks.


  977. OOOOhhhh…..I agreee…..I could not agree more!!! In fact, we could hire Weird Al Yankovich to write us a song about her…..

    “Casey oh Casey, you just wanted to do some ‘snortin’, Casey oh Casey theres a thing called abortion…..Casey oh Casey you only wanted to party, Casey oh Casey you live your life so sorry, Casey oh Casey your such a frikken hooker, Casey oh Casey I want to flick a booger…at you..(pause) Casey oh Casey I hope I’m not sounding pushy…Casey oh Casey I want to punch you in the pu$$y”

    LOL!!!! Anyone like?? I know it is graphic, but I feel evil today….as far as Casey goes ya know…


  978. This made me laugh! –

    “Shortly after Casey arrived at home, a Domino’s Pizza delivery driver arrived to drop off a medium MeatsaPizza, according to the driver. It’s not clear who ordered the pizza, but it’s an interesting note.”

    I saw this on http://www.wftv.com/news/17253396/detail.html


  979. That is funny Christina.. I was singing it in my head while reading 🙂


  980. Thank you Lavonna! You know Abby, I can only imagine the reason they ordered any pizza if they did, is to help Casey test the “rotting pizza theory”……you know her attorney told her to prepair and this is how she goes about it, dadgum pizza ordering jizz-trap


  981. lol@pizza


  982. I wonder if they gave him a decent tip or if the booty hunter paid for it.


  983. LOL – very creative song writing Christina!
    She seriously ordered pizza – you would think after smelling ‘rotting pizza’ one would never want to eat the stuff again. Like really – she couldn’t order chinese or something????
    It is almost like they are laughing in our faces…..


  984. i wish i was the one that had the great idea to order that for em “last meal”


  985. ha – there probably wasn’t a tip cause she needs to save money for her crack.


  986. LOL Candi – how appropriate that would be!


  987. I love the post Christina, I commented on it too 🙂


  988. If I was not caught in Fay i would so “egg”her house but with rotton pizzas


  989. I love how channel 9 got right up in her face “casey did you kill Caylee” *classic* I have never seen a reporter get that close to any criminal, casey’s bodyguards suck monkey ball for cool aid points on sundays for raffle tickets


  990. Look @ what the news said

    A pretrial hearing was set for Nov. 5 and a trial date for Nov. 17.



  991. thats just the court systems, they can pretty much do what they want, and it suck because we want JUSTICE for Caylee NOW not later


  992. Love the song!! Don’t feel bad about feeling evil….I think we all feel like that today. I just can’t believe she is out. Wouldn’t it be nice if someone just pulled up in a car and this little girl walked out!!
    I have to agree that I too think they have the DNA back, and it’s either negative or just didn’t prove anything. Getting back to the question could someone have this child??
    This bounty hunter has been making a big deal about this reward for her return. I wonder if any consideration has been given to the fact that maybe the family was in finacial hardship and this was all a set up?? I know, that one’s far out there. It was just a thought.
    As for the pizza…I think that was just done to get the media talking about it. I mean if your child was let out of jail in a situation like this….wouldn’t you have made a big deal out of it?? Most mothers would have been up all night and morning cooking for her and the numerous visitors that she will have. I hope that she has pissed enough people off that no one will want to come see her.


  993. LOL Candi…..yeah that was classic, I hope that put a spike right thru her little hooka heart….if she has one


  994. I’m glad the trial isn’t until November – remember if they do not have evidence enough to also charge her with murder before then, she can never face charges relating to this case as per double jeopardy. I say the later the better, make sure she gets what she deserves, not a 5 year sentence for neglect.


  995. I just read that on FoxNews.com that Casey whispered to baez as they were walking out, ‘I’m innocent’ – are you kidding me???


  996. I do agree with Nads – this give them (us) a longer time to collect more evidence to pin her with more than neglect.

    So, who here things her fancy new ankle bracelet is hot pink?

    Someone earlier mentioned making Casey sleep in Caylee’s room. Right on, I second that! Make Caylee come to her in her dreams and drive her into a confession.


  997. Definately hot pink – how else could she wear it and be a fashionable hooker????


  998. I think with as callous as this little twit is, her lil ho brain has no remorse and she is just going to ride it out until her trial and get away scott-free because they do not have a body and she knows it!


  999. I hate to say this (only because I don’t want it to be true) – but I think Christina is right here. I don’t think Casey will ever tell us the truth about what happened. I think (hope) that she may do something to tip LE off to something, but I don’t think that she would even admit it if there was a videotape of what she did. Nothing will phase her, nothing – and that is what scares me the most.
    I also read a statment Baez made today about ‘the Anthony’s spending time together as a family and enjoying the moment’. WTF????? I thought Caylee was a part of that family, or have they forgotten about her already? Enjoying the moment? It would be a cold day in hell when I would enjoy a single moment not knowing where my child was.


  1000. See Nads….the Anthony’s already live like she is dead…..just by that being said by that tub ‘o lard Baez….


  1001. And how can she even eat? I wouldn’t be able to even think about eating, I wouldn’t be able to sleep, I WOULD NOT STOP until my baby was home. I don’t care if I had to goto the ends of the earth until the day I died, I would. Nobody on this planet isstupid enough to even think about touching my children, because let me tell you somthing, I would hide a body good – and it would be theirs.


  1002. They do don’t they?


  1003. Remember when the Anthony’s were ALLL about getting Caylee back and telling the Sheriffs Dept to get off their A$$. Well WHAT THE HELL are the Anthony’s doing ordering a pizza to help Casey with her case….when “obviously” the should be “searching for Caylee” Hmmm, something stinks again and it ain’t a Meatsa Pizza…. that frikken miserable drug induced bag of poop….


  1004. Hey Nads/Candi/Ladies…join us on the link mylifeofcrime posted!! woo hoo


  1005. Unfortunately the slut is out but hopefully not for long. lets all hope the CSI or who ever are getting enough evidence to convict her of more serious stuff. does anyone know what website it is to see the tatoo she got on her foot , the beautiful Life one? Can’t seem to find it anywhere.And has J P Chatt been checked out and his parents in Puerto Rico????


  1006. according to the local news there in Orlando the pizza was sent by a blogger with a note that said something like “with love and decomp”. Ok….who sent the pizza…lol!


  1007. Actually the brother ordered the pizza but think it was a terrible move on his part.I can’t believe that idiot bounty hunter with his stupid toothpick in his mouth said a week from today he will have answers from her he is a dumbass.


  1008. that said it was a prank, great to who ever did that


  1009. ***From wftv.com****


    Casey’s homecoming from jail got even more bizarre Thursday when a pizza deliveryman showed up at the Anthony home (raw video). It’s a twist of irony since the Anthony family said it was really an old pizza that made the trunk of Casey’s car smell like a dead body. (Related: “Rotten Pizza Theory” To Be Tested In New Experiments)

    Pizza delivery
    Raw Video

    The Anthony family even threatened to spray down reporters with a hose Thursday morning. Cindy Anthony picked up the hose, gave it to her son and started cussing at reporters.

    After weeks of reaching out to the media and doing repeated interviews, the family is now lashing out at reporters. Casey Anthony is free on bond and you would think her family would be in good spirits.

    “Take the f****** hose to them,” she told Lee Anthony.

    Cindy wanted her son Lee to spray reporters waiting for Casey to arrive home with a water hose.

    “You guys need to back up,” Lee told reporters, refusing to answer questions about his sister’s release from jail.

    His parents were not talking either.

    Not long after Casey got home, a Domino’s Pizza deliveryman showed up with a medium MeatsaPizza, the same kind of pizza her family says Casey left in her car that caused it to smell like a dead body.

    “When you woke up today, did you ever think you would be in the middle of the biggest story in America?” WFTV reporter Steve Barrett asked the deliveryman.

    “No, sir, I didn’t,” he said.

    Eyewitness News learned late Thursday afternoon, the pizza was sent to the house from some folks behind an online blog. The pizza was sent with the message, “With love and decomp.”


  1010. OMG, I couldn’t find the link to this blog. I had to search for the old blog and then click on the link for this one. I cleaned my cache and deleted all offline and online files. Silly me!! I was having withdrawals. Been off a couple days due to sickly children (poooor babies) and now I feel like I’m getting it. But just wanted to peep in and say “hello”. Can you believe she’s out??? I really thought charges would have come forth….either they are busy building the case or they have nothing.


  1011. Andrea, hope your kids are doing better. By the way were on another blog now. scroll up and see the link that Bonnie posted.


  1012. Hopeless in Daytona,
    Did anyone see Cindy putting out signs to stay off the grounds. When asked about the news that Casey is going back to jail she said to the media if you people would have been out looking for my granddaughter she would be with us now!!!!! What is going on with the grandmother? I know now why Casey lies like she dose, grandma lies just as bad as the daughter. Why is the family not out looking for her and saying please give us a granddaughter back. I know I have said this before but the family is not showing that they care much about finding this child. It’s like they want everyone else to find her. I wish we all could find her and give her a home that has love in it. I can’t wait until the bail bondsmen puts her back in jail where she belongs, and grandma too.
    Thank’s Linda


  1013. I think most people would agree with you, Linda.
    The Anthony’s are blaming everybody, except the ONE who knows where Caylee is, and what really happened to her.

    What bothers me is how LYING comes so naturally to the Anthony family. At first, I thought it was just Casey — but now, it’s so clear that the whole family is like that.

    At this point, let’s say Caylee’s death (and I do believe she’s dead) was an accident — who would really believe it?
    I know I wouldn’t — because of all the countless lies that’s been told.

    Casey’s demeanor through this entire ordeal is what’s most disturbing — regardless of what happened to that child… whether or not it was a kidnapping, accidental or intentional death… she shows no emotion!! NOTHING for her child. Who could just sit there with that stone cold look on their face??? I don’t know anyone who could do that!
    She’s so disconnected from reality. It’s scarey.

    And there’s the grandparents —— how truly dumb are they?!?!
    Maybe it’s natural to want to believe in your child, not want to think the worst — and with everything that’s unfolding infront of them — these people are still not operating on ANY rationale and common sense!

    It’s like they are Casey’s puppets — and they are happy and content being her puppets … and they expect the PUBLIC to be puppets, as well????

    This is what I think is going to happen ——- IF they do ever find the body — the Anthonys will claim that ‘Casey is being framed’, or some craziness like that, because they REFUSE to see the truth & accept the truth.

    They’re all nuts!


  1014. You are so right, they don’t want to believe that Casey could do anything like that, It’s been going on all her life. We see it for what it is, because it’s out there for us to look at and read everyday. we all know that she did something to that child.
    Have you seen anywhere that Americas most wanted has been interested in this case, and other family’s that have family members missing. I think this is why everyone is so up set is that the family is doing nothing to help with getting little Caylee back, all they want to do is lie. I still think they need to look at that grandmother more closely she is up to her eyeballs in this too.




  1016. Nice and usefull post, thanks, this is one for my bookmarks!


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