Dana Laskowski murder 8/31/2001 Puyallup, WA *Emily Lauenborg pled guilty, sentenced to 6 1/2 years in prison

Dana Laskowski

Emily Lauenborg Wickman has served her sentence and has been released.

Find-A-Grave: Dana E. Laskowski
Teen pleads not guilty to killing mother of triplets
Teen denies killing woman
Teenager given 6-year term for strangling woman (almost to the bottom)
‘Killer Instinct’ Recap: Dana Laskowski: Who Murdered Her?

Betrayed: Strangled by Love
Killer Instinct: Stranglehold
Unusual Suspects: No Mercy


Emily Lauenborg #867073
WCCW-CCU – E-311
9601 Bujaciach Rd. N.W.
Gig Harbor, Washington 98332-8300
(She has been released)

30 Responses

  1. Also, Amandas mom was a very good mom and she was doted on by all; her mom is now raising her kids and she is still working at a strip club. Amana is the best liar I know


  2. i just saw the program about Dana’s murder on Investigative ID and am stunned, shocked and angry about that light sentence. what in the world is that? how could this be? you know Emily Lauenborg is a sociopath and will kill again, I have no doubt. I jsut don’t get it. She is free.


  3. If someone murdered my daughter and was released from jail so early, I would thank the God for this gift. I would add her to my bucket list exactly as she did. With the intention of never being caught. Then I’d go take care of this myself. I couldn’t live on this earth, knowing the monster that killed my daughter was enjoying living.

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  4. She should’ve been sentenced to death for this I’m sorry to say. She didn’t give a shit that she killed a mother of 3 that took her in and was nice and friendly to her. She was glad she did it. If I was the judge at her trial id have stood at the window to ensure the needle went into her arm. She’s a disgusting excuse for a human being and justice was my served.

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    • I agree with you Gina and with everyone else’s comments. I wish I knew why the girl only received 6 years for committing such a gruesome crime.

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  5. i know the family. and it makes me so mad that they made the dad look so bad. he really did love her. and her three kids miss her so much.. and it makes me soooo mad that the stupid girl got away with it.


    • I found a wedding announcement on line from 2009 from the same Washington City. It looks like Emily’s new surname is now Wickman. Does anyone know if this IS the same person? How could you marry someone who has killed somebody else? So she gets to go on with her merry life. How nice! No justice!


    • I think Dana might have been a babysitter for me when she was a teenager do you know her maiden name I can’t find it anywhere and did she have a sister?
      Thank you


  6. What a horrible story. This is what I found:
    Love continues

    Emily Lauenborg and Darren Wickman repeated their wedding vows Sept. 27 on Camano Island, with Pastor Dan Sailer officiating. Their parents are Joyce and David Lauenborg of Puyallup, and Paula and Daniel Wickman of Camano. Angie Hamilton was matron of honor, and Douglas Wickman was best man. Ring bearer was Avrey Hamilton, and flower girls were Sierra and Savannah Wickman.

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  7. I found the article above on http://www.scnews.com dated September 29, 2009


  8. Did anybody else notice that the #2 thing on her bucket list was “Sherm”?
    Sherm is street lingo for smoking PCP! (Originally Nat Sherman cigarettes were dipped in PCP and smoked).
    Well, now that she’s out I suppose she can get right on that..

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  9. how exactly did Emily strangle Dana? did anyone know? did she use her hands or arms or something? I just can’t imagine a 17 year old is strong enough to strangle someone


    • Emily was a weight lifter and wrestler. She may have been high on PCP. She twisted Dana’s arm behind her back, forced her face down onto the sofa and strangled her. Dana’s niece either assisted or at least watched. She bragged about killing her to friends.Then she wore a blouse of Dana’s to her funeral as if it was a trophy. She is pure evil scum!

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    • A 17 year old isn’t a child, physically she’s a full grown woman. My daughter’s were all their exact height’s and weight’s as they are now, as 29, 32 and 36 year old women/ They were crazy strong at 17, from all the physical activity they did, but their Daddy saw them, and probably still sees them as his little angel’s. I think that men don’t realize how strong most are.Especially if those men were born before the 1960’s. We were told not to act stronger than boy’s, because they found it unfeminine, and that was like a death sentence or a ticket to “old maidom”, but by the 1980’s thing’s had changed. It was ok to eat burger’s and fries, arm wrestle your boyfriend, and all his buddies, win, and he’d be proud!
      Oh, and the show said she’d been thought to have been strangled by a scarf


  10. Wow – I thought she was nice. I was just working with her.


    • Yeah, that’s what Dana thought too, until Emily strangled her to death, so she could steal money and jewelry to get her drug fix and leaving Dana’s children without a mother. Emily should be in jail, not free to have her own children, after her horrendous criminal actions. Any misfortune that comes her way won’t be soon enough.

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  11. This is why I don’t trust teens, they can act so innocent, like a lost child, and then do something horrid to someone who has offered them love and support. Sociopath’s are really good at gaining sympathy, and this waste of space probably was the same way in prison. 6 years for stealing someone’s life? I hope that she come’s upon someone just like her, when she least expect’s it. Life has a way of giving back what’s given, and if she ever has a daughter, and that daughter find’s thing’s like this, I hope she run’s, changes her name and never look’s back.This is upsetting and wrong on so many levels!

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  12. The ID show just aired and I was shocked to see the 6.5 year sentence for one girl and nothing for the other. I guess I wasn’t the only person that thought it was odd. I feel so sorry for the three children left without a mom and for her family members. .
    I know people that get a longer sentence for having pot or drinking and driving. I will never understand the justice system. As far has all the why’s and if’s in this case…. we may never know but God will sort it all out….it’s not up to me to judge anyone.

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  13. Isn’t this the killer? I just saw the TV show tonight and was just curious as I’d not heard of this case before. Only 5.5 years for murder and leaving three children without their mother? Now THAT is a crime. Are we now providing the murderer with a free education?


    Emily Suzanne Lauenborg Wickman, right?

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  14. WAS THIS JUDGE ON CRACK? SHE WILL MURDER AGAIN MORON! Hopefully it wont be YOUR family..Judge, what in the hell were you thinking?????????????????????????
    I don’t care if someone is on drugs and that’s why they killed, THEY KILLED! if you kill you should be killed

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  15. How can you take a life and get 6.5 years? Does anyone think she will be an angel now that she’s served time? There is something wrong with a person that takes another persons life. Not in a crime of passion or war or self defense, but becUse she’s jealous? That person should be killed

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Milton Street, the brother of the former mayor of Philadelphia, was given 12 years for tax evasion. So taking a life is only half as bad as not paying Uncle Sam? This girl shouldn’t walk among us she shouldn’t be allowed to hear children and watch them grow up and get married. Dana didn’t get to see hers. If we would make the punishment fit the crime i guarantee the crime rate goes down. In a cut and dry case there’s nothing wrong with an eye for an eye. Or better yet find an island that we can just put people like this on. We air drop food and supplies and let them murder each other for it


  17. No one deserves this. I would like to say I am shocked by the sentence, but being from Washington state I am not surprised. Washington state is so lax on sentences it’s disgusting. I found Darren Wickman the supposed husband of Emily on facebook but it looks like he has moved on with someone else. I cannot find any info. on Emily, her family or Aba Kopf for that matter. I would be interested to know where this sociopath is now, it is very scary she is out there somewhere.

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  18. This is insane. If I didn’t have a kid of my own to raise, I’m another freakishly strong bitch who’s worked in nut houses with criminals like her for over 20 years. I have a reputation for being tough. Now I would love to get my hands on someone who’s in need of a good serving of justice!


  19. How do you only get 6 1/2 yrs for killing some one what rotten prosecutors for giving her a plea deal what a bunch of crock…she will get hers one day for “you get what you give” so be very careful Emily for you will get yours one day….justice will find you.

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  20. So I’m the pos that married her. Emily can truly be two different people. The one that I loved and the one that committed this crime. I’m glad I have moved on. She is truly a sick person. She got such a light sentence because there was little physical evidence to convict her. There is no reason for you people to be nameing my nieces and family members in your comments. They don’t even know what she did.


  21. OMG! You have got to be kidding me! Six years? For a murderer? How unsatisfying for Dana’s family.


  22. I wish I knew where this bitch Emily lives. I’d love to catch her and beat her within an inch of her pathetic little life. I’m a very strong woman so I have no doubt in my mind that I could thrash the sick little wench. 6 years is an injustice. That damn judge needs his head examined. The bitch should be rotting in jail and getting her a** whooped everyday by the other inmates. I just HOPE and PRAY for Dana’s family that they one day can find peace. May Dana and the good man above watch over them.

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